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Created May 12, 2024 22:32
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Experimental listings.csv reformat
import os
EPOCH = 1700000000
# id,station_id,commodity_id,supply,supply_bracket,buy_price,sell_price,demand,demand_bracket,collected_at
# 1,128000000,128049152,0,-1,0,81368,901,-1,1715284476
# Trade Dangerous Data Listing Format:
# Trade-Dangerous Data Listing, based on jsonl.
# line 1: dict describing the listing
# - epoch is used to reduce the size of timestamps,
# - item_ids is a list of actual item_ids, the listings refere to
# positions in this sorted list.
# lines 2+ are either a dict or a list:
# dict: starts a new station block. s=station_id relative to previous, t=modified timestamp, n=number of entries,
# list: [0] = which item in item_ids this is,
# [1] = 0 or [demand price, demand units, demand level]
# [2] = 0 or [supply price, supply units, supply level]
# level: 0 = unknown, 1 = low, 2 = med, 3 = high
listings_csv = "listings.csv"
if not os.path.exists(listings_csv):
listings_csv = "eddb/" + listings_csv
if not os.path.exists(listings_csv):
listings_csv = "data/" + listings_csv
item_csv = "Item.csv"
if not os.path.exists(item_csv):
item_csv = "data/" + item_csv
i = 0
with open(listings_csv, "rb") as infh:
first_station = int(infh.readline().split(b',')[1])
item_map = {}
with open(item_csv, "rb") as infh:
for line in infh:
item_id = line.split(b',', 2)[0]
local_id = len(item_map)
item_map[item_id] = local_id
item_id_list = list(int(i) for i in item_map.keys())
item_offset_list = list(item_id_list)
for i in range(1, len(item_id_list)):
item_offset_list[i] -= item_id_list[i - 1]
items = ",".join(f"{int(i)}" for i in item_offset_list)
def save_station(outfh, station, previous, modified, lines, items):
int_station = int(station)
rel_station = int_station - previous
return int_station
with open(listings_csv, "rb") as infh, open("Listing.tdml", "wb") as outfh:
in_lines = iter(infh)
last_station = 0
cur_station = None
station_lines = b""
max_modified = 0
line_count = None
for in_line in in_lines:
(_, station_label, item_label, s_units, s_level, s_price, d_price,
d_units, d_level, timestamp) = in_line.rstrip().split(b',')
if station_label != cur_station: # Station Changed
if cur_station:
last_station = save_station(outfh, cur_station, last_station, max_modified, station_lines, line_count)
cur_station = station_label
max_modified = EPOCH
station_lines = b""
line_count = 0
line_count += 1
station_lines += f"[{item_map[item_label]},".encode()
if s_price == b"0":
station_lines += b"0,"
price, units, level = int(s_price), int(s_units), int(s_level) + 1
station_lines += f"[{price},{units},{level}],".encode()
if d_price == b"0":
station_lines += b"0]\n"
price, units, level = int(d_price), int(d_units), int(d_level) + 1
station_lines += f"[{price},{units},{level}]]\n".encode()
max_modified = max(max_modified, int(timestamp))
if cur_station:
last_station = save_station(outfh, cur_station, last_station, max_modified, station_lines, line_count)
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