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Created August 19, 2014 16:24
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gulp = require 'gulp'
coffee = require 'gulp-coffee'
sass = require 'gulp-sass'
util = require 'gulp-util'
watch = require 'gulp-watch'
imagemin = require 'gulp-imagemin'
pngcrush = require 'imagemin-pngcrush'
concat = require 'gulp-concat'
compass = require 'gulp-compass'
uglify = require 'gulp-uglify'
css = require 'gulp-css'
html = require 'gulp-minify-html'
templateCache = require 'gulp-angular-templatecache'
replace = require 'gulp-replace'
# jsfiles = require './jsfiles.json'
devpath = '../../dev'
buildpath = '..'
paths =
base: devpath
src: [
dest: "#{buildpath}"
src: [
# "#{devpath}/footer.php"
# "#{devpath}/style.css"
dest: "#{buildpath}/"
# coffee:
# src: ["#{copiedpath}/coffee/**/*.coffee", "#{copiedpath}/coffee/*.coffee"]
# dest: "#{buildpath}/js"
# compass:
# src: ["#{copiedpath}/sass/**/*.scss", "#{copiedpath}/sass/*.scss"]
# dest: "#{buildpath}/css"
src: "#{devpath}/img/**"
dest: "#{buildpath}/img"
src: ["#{devpath}/css/app.css", "#{devpath}/css/mini.css"]
dest: "#{buildpath}/css/"
src: "#{devpath}/views/**"
dest: "#{buildpath}/views"
src: "#{devpath}/views/**/*.html"
dest: "#{buildpath}/views"
objTasks = {}
gulp.task 'copy', ->
for strKey, path of paths.directories.src
gulp.src "#{paths.directories.base}#{path}**"
.pipe gulp.dest "#{buildpath}#{path}"
gulp.src paths.files.src
.pipe gulp.dest paths.files.dest
gulp.task 'images', ->
gulp.src paths.images.src
.pipe imagemin(
progressive: true
svgoPlugins: [ removeViewBox: false ]
use: [ pngcrush() ]
.pipe gulp.dest paths.images.dest
gulp.task 'css', ->
console.log paths.css.src, paths.css.dest
gulp.src paths.css.src
.pipe css()
.pipe gulp.dest paths.css.dest
gulp.task 'loader', ->
jsfiles = require "#{buildpath}/jsfiles.json"
for index, path of jsfiles.development.loader
jsfiles.development.loader[index] = "#{devpath}/#{path}"
gulp.src jsfiles.development.loader
.pipe uglify()
.pipe concat 'loader.js'
.pipe gulp.dest "#{buildpath}/js/"
gulp.task 'components', ->
jsfiles = require "#{buildpath}/jsfiles.json"
for index, path of jsfiles.development.components
jsfiles.development.components[index] = "#{devpath}/#{path}"
gulp.src "#{devpath}/js/components/modernizr/modernizr.js"
.pipe uglify()
.pipe concat 'modernizr.js'
.pipe gulp.dest "#{buildpath}/js/"
gulp.src jsfiles.development.components
.pipe uglify()
.pipe concat 'components.js'
.pipe gulp.dest "#{buildpath}/js/"
gulp.task 'app', ->
jsfiles = require "#{buildpath}/jsfiles.json"
for index, path of[index] = "#{devpath}/#{path}"
.pipe replace "angular.module('anybetApp', [", "angular.module('anybetApp', [ 'templates', "
.pipe uglify()
.pipe concat 'app.js'
.pipe gulp.dest "#{buildpath}/js/"
gulp.task 'all', ->
gulp.src ["#{buildpath}/js/components.js", "#{buildpath}/js/templates.js", "#{buildpath}/js/app.js"]
.pipe uglify()
.pipe concat 'all.js'
.pipe gulp.dest "#{buildpath}/js/"
gulp.task 'templates', ->
gulp.src paths.templates.src
.pipe templateCache 'templates.js',
standalone: true
root: '/views/'
.pipe gulp.dest "#{buildpath}/js/"
# gulp.src "#{buildpath}/js/app.js"
# .pipe replace '', ''
# .pipe gulp.dest ""
gulp.task 'html', ->
gulp.src paths.html.src
.pipe html( empty: true, quotes: true )
.pipe gulp.dest paths.html.dest
gulp.task 'js', [ 'components', 'app', 'templates', 'all' ], ->
console.log 'Js Build'
gulp.task 'build-app', [ 'copy', 'css', 'js', 'html' ], ->
console.log 'App build'
gulp.task 'build-all', [ 'build-app', 'images' ], ->
console.log 'Build completed'
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