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Created July 30, 2013 01:51
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  • Save kg4sgp/6109555 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kg4sgp/6109555 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// Arduino RTTY Modulator
// Uses Fast PWM to produce ~8kHz 8bit audio
#include "baudot.h"
#include "pwmsine.h"
// Yeah, I really need to get rid of these globals.
// Thats next on the to-do list
unsigned int sampleRate = 31250;
unsigned int tableSize = sizeof(sine)/sizeof(char);
unsigned int pstn = 0;
int sign = -1;
unsigned int change = 0;
unsigned int count = 0;
int fmark = 870;
int fspac = 700;
int baud = 45;
int bits = 8;
char lsbf = 0;
String msg;
unsigned char bitPstn = 0;
int bytePstn = 0;
unsigned char tx = 0;
unsigned char charbuf = 0;
unsigned char shiftToNum = 0;
unsigned char justshifted = 0;
// compute values for tones.
unsigned int dmark = (unsigned int)((2*(long)tableSize*(long)fmark)/((long)sampleRate));
unsigned int dspac = (unsigned int)((2*(long)tableSize*(long)fspac)/((long)sampleRate));
int msgSize;
unsigned int sampPerSymb = (unsigned int)(sampleRate/baud);
String delim = ":";
String nl = "\n";
void setup() {
// stop interrupts for setup
// setup pins for output
pinMode(3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
// setup counter 2 for fast PWM output on pin 3 (arduino)
TCCR2A = _BV(COM2B1) | _BV(WGM21) | _BV(WGM20);
TCCR2B = _BV(CS20);
// begin serial communication
// re-enable interrupts
int getgps(){
TIMSK2 |= (0 << TOIE2);
// GPS Data
String time = "";
String longitude = "";
String NS = "";
String latitude = "";
String EW = "";
String altitude = "";
String aUnits = "";
// intialize Finite State Machine
int go = 0;
char buffer[16] = { 0 };
int state = 0;
int commaCount = 0;
while(go != 1){
if (Serial.available()) {
buffer[15] =;
if(buffer[15] == ',') commaCount++;
// reset FSM on new data frame
if(buffer[15] == '$') {
commaCount = 0;
state = 0;
// Finite State Machine
if (state == 0) {
if (buffer[10] == '$'){
if (buffer[11] == 'G' && buffer [12] == 'P' &&
buffer[13] == 'G' && buffer[14] == 'G' && buffer [15] == 'A'){
state = 1;
} else if (state == 1){
// Grab time info
// If this is the second comma in the last element of the buffer array
if (buffer[15] == ',' && commaCount == 2){
for(int i = 14; i >= 0; i--){
// copy the data, counting down until a comma is reached
if (buffer[i] == ',') break;
time = String(buffer[i]) + time;
//next state
state = 2;
} else if (state == 2) {
// Grab latitude
if (buffer[15] == ',' && commaCount == 3){
for(int i = 14; i >= 0; i--){
if (buffer[i] == ',') break;
latitude = String(buffer[i]) + latitude;
state = 3;
} else if (state == 3) {
// Grab N or S reading
if (buffer[15] == ',' && commaCount == 4){
NS = String(buffer[14]);
state = 4;
} else if (state == 4) {
// Grab longitude
if (buffer[15] == ',' && commaCount == 5){
for(int i = 14; i >= 0; i--){
if (buffer[i] == ',') break;
longitude = String(buffer[i]) + longitude;
state = 5;
} else if (state == 5) {
// Grab E or W reading
if (buffer[15] == ',' && commaCount == 6){
EW = String(buffer[14]) + EW;
state = 6;
} else if (state == 6) {
// Grab altitude
if (buffer[15] == ',' && commaCount == 10){
for(int i = 14; i >= 0; i--){
if (buffer[i] == ',') break;
altitude = String(buffer[i]) + altitude;
state = 7;
} else if (state == 7) {
// Grab altitude units
if (buffer[15] == ',' && commaCount == 11){
aUnits = String(buffer[14]) + aUnits;
state = 8;
} else if (state == 8) {
msg = "W8UPD-1:";
msg += latitude;
msg += delim;
msg += longitude;
msg += delim;
msg += time;
msg += nl;
int msgSize = msg.length();
return 1;
for(int i = 0; i <16; i++){
buffer[i] = buffer[i+1];
TIMSK2 |= (1 << TOIE2);
char calcAmp(){
pstn += change;
// if the position rolls off, change sign and start where you left off
if(pstn >= tableSize) {
pstn = pstn%tableSize;
sign *= -1;
// return the pwm value
return (char)(128+(sign*sine[pstn]));
// sets the character buffer, the current character being sent
void setCbuff(){
int i = 0;
// Note: the <<2)+3 is how we put the start and stop bits in
// the baudot table is MSB on right in the form 000xxxxx
// so when we shift two and add three it becomes 0xxxxx11 which is
// exactly the form we need for one start bit and two stop bits when read
// from left to right
// try to find a match of the current character in baudot
for(i = 0; i < (sizeof(baudot_letters)/sizeof(char)); i++){
// look in letters
if(msg[bytePstn] == baudot_letters[i]) {
// if coming from numbers, send shift to letters
if(shiftToNum == 1){
shiftToNum = 0;
charbuf = ((baudot[31])<<2)+3;
justshifted = 1;
} else {
charbuf = ((baudot[i])<<2)+3;
//look in numbers
if(msg[bytePstn] != ' ' && msg[bytePstn] != 10
&& msg[bytePstn] == baudot_figures[i]) {
if(shiftToNum == 0){
shiftToNum = 1;
charbuf = ((baudot[30])<<2)+3;
justshifted = 1;
} else {
charbuf = ((baudot[i])<<2)+3;
void setSymb(char mve){
// if its a 1 set change to dmark other wise set change to dspace
if((charbuf&(0x01<<mve))>>mve) {
change = dmark;
} else {
change = dspac;
// int main
void loop() {
if(tx == 0){
tx = 1;
// This interrupt run on every sample (7128.5 times a second)
// though it should be every 7128.5 the sample rate had to be set differently
// to produce the correct baud rate and frequencies (that agree with the math)
// Why?! I'm going to figure that one out
ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) {
if (tx == 0) return;
// if we've played enough samples for the symbol were transmitting, get next symbol
if (count >= sampPerSymb){
count = 0;
// if were at the end of the character return to the begining of a
// character and grab the next one
if(bitPstn > (bits-1)) {
bitPstn = 0;
// dont increment bytePstn if were transmitting a shift-to character
if(justshifted != 1) {
} else {
justshifted = 0;
// if were at the end of the message, return to the begining
if (bytePstn > (msgSize-2)){
tx = 0;
// clear variables used here
bitPstn = 0;
bytePstn = 0;
count = 0;
unsigned char mve = 0;
// endianness thing
if (lsbf != 1) {
// MSB first
mve = (bits-1)-bitPstn;
} else {
// LSB first
mve = bitPstn;
// get if 0 or 1 that were transmitting
// set PWM duty cycle
OCR2B = calcAmp();
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