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Last active May 20, 2023 03:55
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server log from Valheim server
INFO - Setting uid:gid of valheim to 0:0
INFO - Setting timezone Etc/UTC
INFO - Setting up syslogd - logging to stdout
2023-05-20 03:45:33,680 INFO Included extra file "/usr/local/etc/supervisor/conf.d/syslog.conf" during parsing
2023-05-20 03:45:33,680 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
2023-05-20 03:45:33,691 INFO RPC interface 'supervisor' initialized
2023-05-20 03:45:33,691 INFO supervisord started with pid 1
2023-05-20 03:45:34,696 INFO spawned: 'syslogd' with pid 23
2023-05-20 03:45:34,700 INFO spawned: 'crond' with pid 24
2023-05-20 03:45:34,704 INFO spawned: 'valheim-bootstrap' with pid 25
May 20 03:45:34 syslogd started: BusyBox v1.34.1
2023-05-20 03:45:34,710 INFO success: valheim-bootstrap entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 0 seconds (startsecs)
May 20 03:45:34 cron[24]: (CRON) INFO (pidfile fd = 3)
May 20 03:45:34 cron[24]: (CRON) INFO (Skipping @reboot jobs -- not system startup)
May 20 03:45:34 supervisord: valheim-bootstrap DEBUG - [25] - Running commit f9611ab34e245ee4459857c5243626a677d76468
May 20 03:45:34 supervisord: valheim-bootstrap DEBUG - [25] - Creating cron to do world backups using schedule 0 * * * *
May 20 03:45:34 supervisord: valheim-bootstrap DEBUG - [25] - Creating cron to check for updates using schedule */15 * * * *
May 20 03:45:34 supervisord: valheim-bootstrap DEBUG - [25] - Creating cron to restart valheim-server using schedule 0 5 * * *
May 20 03:45:34 crontab[32]: (root) REPLACE (root)
2023-05-20 03:45:34,966 INFO spawned: 'valheim-updater' with pid 35
May 20 03:45:34 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [35] - Running Valheim Server updater as user valheim uid 0
May 20 03:45:34 supervisord: valheim-updater INFO - Found existing PID file - checking process
2023-05-20 03:45:34,983 INFO exited: valheim-updater (exit status 1; not expected)
May 20 03:45:34 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [35] - Sending SIGUSR1 to PID 35
May 20 03:45:34 supervisord: valheim-updater FATAL - Process with PID 35 already running - exiting
2023-05-20 03:45:35,985 INFO success: syslogd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-05-20 03:45:35,985 INFO success: crond entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
2023-05-20 03:45:35,988 INFO spawned: 'valheim-updater' with pid 41
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [41] - Running Valheim Server updater as user valheim uid 0
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater INFO - Found existing PID file - checking process
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [41] - Sending SIGUSR1 to PID 35
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater INFO - Removing stale PID file and starting run
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater INFO - Releasing PID file /var/run/valheim/
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [41] - Kernel: Linux cb690869ed40 5.15.0-71-generic #78-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 18 09:00:29 UTC 2023 x86_64 GNU/Linux
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [41] - Found CPU with 2400.000 MHz
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [41] - Memory total/free/available: 3900984/1522140/3373148
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater ERROR - 3.72 GiB is not enough memory - read
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [41] - Storage configuration:
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater overlay 98G 19G 75G 21% /
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 98G 19G 75G 21% /config
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater overlay / overlay rw,relatime,lowerdir=/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/BI6MMSUDX66L66VY3BLB5DYZGS:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/UIJG76OCLXKQZFBC6W6DYQUMCG:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/LBA2HV2TKWA677YG6EIBYA3VEX:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/NIVYI6UCCYJI2G24FSZ7JD7BUL:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/NCNKVYXSS4PWQOPIHNNMIJ5H4N:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/VC65V3LD2JXZLHUWJEFMYZSAIM:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/VBZTRIXFJK6IQSUNTJP4WWTO7U:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/l/JX33RZ7KS5XRG6CPLCITCN6EHO,upperdir=/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e33bec9fa5cca7fce0a8e091094e831ee4f93d68bad01795ca3fbcc958426119/diff,workdir=/var/lib/docker/overlay2/e33bec9fa5cca7fce0a8e091094e831ee4f93d68bad01795ca3fbcc958426119/work 0 0
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv /config ext4 rw,relatime 0 0
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv /opt/valheim ext4 rw,relatime 0 0
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [41] - Valheim updater was just started - skipping connected players check
May 20 03:45:36 supervisord: valheim-updater INFO - Downloading/updating/validating Valheim server from Steam
2023-05-20 03:45:37,353 INFO success: valheim-updater entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
May 20 03:45:37 supervisord: valheim-bootstrap valheim-updater: started
2023-05-20 03:45:37,636 INFO spawned: 'valheim-backup' with pid 91
May 20 03:45:37 supervisord: valheim-backup INFO - Found existing pid file - checking process
May 20 03:45:37 supervisord: valheim-backup DEBUG - [91] - Sending SIGUSR1 to PID 82
May 20 03:45:37 supervisord: valheim-backup INFO - Removing stale PID file and starting run
May 20 03:45:37 supervisord: valheim-backup INFO - Releasing PID file /var/run/valheim/
May 20 03:45:37 supervisord: valheim-backup INFO - Backing up Valheim server worlds to /config/backups/
May 20 03:45:37 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/ (stored 0%)
May 20 03:45:37 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST_backup_auto-20230519093123.db
May 20 03:45:38 supervisord: valheim-updater Redirecting stderr to '/home/valheim/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
May 20 03:45:38 supervisord: valheim-updater [ 0%] Checking for available updates...
May 20 03:45:38 supervisord: valheim-updater [----] Verifying installation...
May 20 03:45:38 supervisord: valheim-updater Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1682708339
May 20 03:45:38 supervisord: valheim-updater -- type 'quit' to exit --
May 20 03:45:38 supervisord: valheim-updater Loading Steam API...OK
May 20 03:45:38 supervisord: valheim-updater
May 20 03:45:38 supervisord: valheim-updater Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...
2023-05-20 03:45:39,153 INFO success: valheim-backup entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
May 20 03:45:39 supervisord: valheim-bootstrap valheim-backup: started
2023-05-20 03:45:39,200 INFO exited: valheim-bootstrap (exit status 0; expected)
May 20 03:45:39 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 69%)
May 20 03:45:39 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST_backup_auto-20230519193127.db
May 20 03:45:40 supervisord: valheim-updater OK
May 20 03:45:40 supervisord: valheim-updater Waiting for client config...OK
May 20 03:45:40 supervisord: valheim-updater Waiting for user info...
May 20 03:45:42 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 69%)
May 20 03:45:42 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST_backup_auto-20230520030130.fwl
May 20 03:45:42 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 5%)
May 20 03:45:42 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST.db
May 20 03:45:44 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 69%)
May 20 03:45:44 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST.fwl.old
May 20 03:45:44 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 5%)
May 20 03:45:44 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST_backup_auto-20230518220129.db
May 20 03:45:46 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 69%)
May 20 03:45:46 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST_backup_auto-20230519003128.fwl
May 20 03:45:46 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 5%)
May 20 03:45:46 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST.db.old
May 20 03:45:48 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 69%)
May 20 03:45:48 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST.fwl
May 20 03:45:48 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 5%)
May 20 03:45:48 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST_backup_auto-20230519120123.fwl
May 20 03:45:48 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 5%)
May 20 03:45:48 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST_backup_auto-20230520030130.db
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater OK
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 0.20 (3146060 / 1567139531)
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 16.62 (260442095 / 1567139531)
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 38.42 (602117279 / 1567139531)
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 59.53 (932935591 / 1567139531)
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 80.69 (1264587655 / 1567139531)
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater Success! App '896660' fully installed.
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater .d..t...... ./
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater INFO - Valheim Server is already the latest version
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-updater DEBUG - [41] - Writing file to start Valheim server
2023-05-20 03:45:50,818 INFO spawned: 'valheim-server' with pid 132
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server INFO - Running Valheim Server
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server DEBUG - [132] - Server config is name: TOAST, port: 2456/udp, world: TOAST, public: 0, mod: none
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server DEBUG - [132] - Waiting for server to listen on UDP query port 2457
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server I0520 03:45:50.865527 145 main.go:76] Configuring Valheim server log filter
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server I0520 03:45:50.867235 145 main.go:96] Removing log lines starting with '(Filename:'
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server I0520 03:45:50.867261 145 main.go:89] Removing log lines matching ' '
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server I0520 03:45:50.867278 145 main.go:125] Removing invalid UTF-8 chars: true
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server I0520 03:45:50.867296 145 main.go:122] Removing empty log lines: true
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server I0520 03:45:50.867318 145 main.go:96] Removing log lines starting with 'src/steamnetworkingsockets/clientlib/steamnetworkingsockets_lowlevel.cpp'
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Mono path[0] = '/opt/valheim/server/valheim_server_Data/Managed'
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Mono config path = '/opt/valheim/server/valheim_server_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Preloaded ''
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Preloaded ''
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Initialize engine version: 2020.3.45f1 (660cd1701bd5)
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server [Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path /opt/valheim/server/valheim_server_Data/UnitySubsystems
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Forcing GfxDevice: Null
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server NullGfxDevice:
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Version: NULL 1.0 [1.0]
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Renderer: Null Device
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Vendor: Unity Technologies
May 20 03:45:50 supervisord: valheim-server Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-server - Completed reload, in 0.142 seconds
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Sprites/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 69%)
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Sprites/Mask shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-backup adding: config/worlds_local/TOAST_backup_auto-20230519220129.fwl
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-backup (deflated 5%)
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-backup INFO - Removing backups older than 3 days
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader GUI/Text Shader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-server UnloadTime: 1.293175 ms
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:51: Starting to load scene:start
May 20 03:45:51 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader UI/Default shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:52 supervisord: valheim-server Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "default" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
May 20 03:45:52 supervisord: valheim-server Couldn't create a Convex Mesh from source mesh "default" within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
May 20 03:45:55 supervisord: valheim-server DEBUG - [132] - Waiting for server to listen on UDP query port 2457
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Unlit/Color shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/VertexLit shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Autodesk Interactive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Autodesk Interactive' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'TextMeshPro/Distance Field' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Distance Field shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'TextMeshPro/Distance Field' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server Shader 'Lux Lit Particles/ Tess Bumped': fallback shader 'Lux Lit Particles/ Bumped Smoke' not found
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Lux Lit Particles/ Tess Bumped' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Lux Lit Particles/ Tess Bumped shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Lux Lit Particles/ Tess Bumped' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Standard shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended Premultiply shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Additive shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Legacy Shaders/Particles/Alpha Blended shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Distance Field (Surface) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Lux Lit Particles/ Bumped shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Standard (Specular setup) shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Standard (Specular setup)' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:56 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server UnloadTime: 12.842143 ms
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Get create world TOAST
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Using environment steamid 892970
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Using steam APPID:892970
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server [S_API] SteamAPI_Init(): Loaded local '' OK.
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 5 milliseconds to initialize
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 892970
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server [S_API FAIL] Tried to access Steam interface SteamNetworkingUtils003 before SteamAPI_Init succeeded.
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server dlmopen failed: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Server ID 90071992547409920
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Authentication:k_ESteamNetworkingAvailability_Waiting
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Steam game server initialized
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Using default prefs
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Valheim version: 0.215.2 (network version 1)
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Worldgenerator version setup:2
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Sprite shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Render threading mode:SingleThreaded
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Missing audio clip in music respawn
May 20 03:45:57 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:57: Builder started
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:58: Loaded localization file #0 - 'localization' language: 'English'
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:58: Loaded localization file #1 - 'localization_extra' language: 'English'
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:58: Sending PlayFab login request (attempt 1)
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:58: Login postponed until ID has been set.
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server The shader Hidden/Dof/DepthOfFieldHdr (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) is not supported on this platform!
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server The shader Hidden/SunShaftsComposite (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server The shader Hidden/SimpleClear (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:58: Starting music menu
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:58: UI Group status changed Menu = True
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server Unloading 17 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 137740.
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server Total: 148.115169 ms (FindLiveObjects: 10.180084 ms CreateObjectMapping: 24.637682 ms MarkObjects: 112.689880 ms DeleteObjects: 0.606517 ms)
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Mobile/Distance Field shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader Hidden/RadialCutoutShader shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'TextMeshPro/Distance Field' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server ERROR: Shader TextMeshPro/Distance Field shader is not supported on this GPU (none of subshaders/fallbacks are suitable)
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'TextMeshPro/Distance Field' - All subshaders removed
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader Did you use #pragma only_renderers and omit this platform?
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server WARNING: Shader If subshaders removal was intentional, you may have forgotten turning Fallback off?
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1)
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server UnloadTime: 22.033580 ms
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:58: Using default prefs
May 20 03:45:58 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:59: isModded: False
May 20 03:45:59 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:59: Zonesystem Awake 83280
May 20 03:45:59 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:59: DungeonDB Awake 83280
May 20 03:45:59 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:59: Registering lobby
May 20 03:45:59 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:45:59: Worldgenerator version setup:2
2023-05-20 03:46:00,874 INFO success: valheim-server entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 10 seconds (startsecs)
May 20 03:46:00 supervisord: valheim-server DEBUG - [132] - Server is now listening on UDP query port 2457
May 20 03:46:00 supervisord: valheim-updater valheim-server: started
May 20 03:46:01 cron[24]: (root) RELOAD (crontabs/root)
May 20 03:46:01 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:01: Audioman already exist, destroying self
May 20 03:46:02 supervisord: valheim-server Unloading 91 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 142432.
May 20 03:46:02 supervisord: valheim-server Total: 182.941819 ms (FindLiveObjects: 9.834724 ms CreateObjectMapping: 25.696331 ms MarkObjects: 145.906200 ms DeleteObjects: 1.503734 ms)
May 20 03:46:11 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:11: Zonesystem Start 83280
May 20 03:46:12 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:12: Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_cp1
May 20 03:46:12 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:12: Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_mountaincaves
May 20 03:46:12 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:12: Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter from locations_mistlands
May 20 03:46:12 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:12: DungeonDB Start 83280
May 20 03:46:13 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:13: ZRpc timeout set to 30s
May 20 03:46:13 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:13: Load world: TOAST (TOAST)
May 20 03:46:13 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:13: Loading 459456 zdos , my id 1051452212 data version:29
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:16: Loaded 100000 dead zdos
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:16: Removed 0 OLD generated ZDOS
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:16: Loaded 10169 locations
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:16: Unloading unused assets
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server Unloading 10 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 1)
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server The shader Hidden/Dof/DepthOfFieldHdr (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) is not supported on this platform!
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server The shader Hidden/SunShaftsComposite (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server The shader Hidden/SimpleClear (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
May 20 03:46:16 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:46:16: Game server connected
May 20 03:46:18 supervisord: valheim-server Unloading 10 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1661229.
May 20 03:46:18 supervisord: valheim-server Total: 1585.261301 ms (FindLiveObjects: 216.313038 ms CreateObjectMapping: 67.112917 ms MarkObjects: 1299.506679 ms DeleteObjects: 2.327394 ms)
May 20 03:47:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:38: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connecting
May 20 03:47:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:38: New connection
May 20 03:47:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:38: Accepting connection k_EResultOK
May 20 03:47:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:38: Connecting to Steamworks.SteamNetworkingIdentity
May 20 03:47:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:38: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected
May 20 03:47:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:38: Connected
May 20 03:47:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:38: Got connection SteamID 76561198014673217
May 20 03:47:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:38: Got handshake from client 76561198014673217
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: Network version check, their:1, mine:1
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: Peer 76561198014673217 has wrong password
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: RPC_Disconnect
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: Disposing socket
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: Closing socket 76561198014673217
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: send queue size:0
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: Disposing socket
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: Socket closed by peer Steamworks.SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t
May 20 03:47:40 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:47:40: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None
May 20 03:48:07 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:07: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connecting
May 20 03:48:07 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:07: New connection
May 20 03:48:07 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:07: Accepting connection k_EResultOK
May 20 03:48:07 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:07: Connecting to Steamworks.SteamNetworkingIdentity
May 20 03:48:07 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:07: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_Connected
May 20 03:48:07 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:07: Connected
May 20 03:48:07 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:07: Got connection SteamID 76561198014673217
May 20 03:48:07 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:07: Got handshake from client 76561198014673217
May 20 03:48:10 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:10: Network version check, their:1, mine:1
May 20 03:48:10 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:10: Server: New peer connected,sending global keys
May 20 03:48:25 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:25: Got character ZDOID from Kevin : 1921561820:1
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: RPC_Disconnect
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Destroying abandoned non persistent zdo 1921561820:1 owner 1921561820
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Destroying abandoned non persistent zdo 1921561820:2 owner 1921561820
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Destroying abandoned non persistent zdo 1921561820:3 owner 1921561820
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Destroying abandoned non persistent zdo 1921561820:4 owner 1921561820
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Disposing socket
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Closing socket 76561198014673217
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: send queue size:0
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Disposing socket
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_ClosedByPeer
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Socket closed by peer Steamworks.SteamNetConnectionStatusChangedCallback_t
May 20 03:48:38 supervisord: valheim-server 05/20/2023 03:48:38: Got status changed msg k_ESteamNetworkingConnectionState_None
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