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Created May 1, 2015 22:58
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Brainfuck interpreter with handcrafted lenses. Catamorphism not included though :<
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, RecordWildCards #-}
import Data.Char
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Control.Applicative
Inspired from real-world Brainf**k, we want to create an interpreter of that language which will
support the following instructions (the machine memory or 'data' should behave like a potentially
infinite array of bytes, initialized to 0):
> increment the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the right).
< decrement the data pointer (to point to the next cell to the left).
+ increment (increase by one, truncate overflow: 255 + 1 = 0) the byte at the data pointer.
- decrement (decrease by one, treat as unsigned byte: 0 - 1 = 255 ) the byte at the data pointer.
. output the byte at the data pointer.
, accept one byte of input, storing its value in the byte at the data pointer.
[ if the byte at the data pointer is zero, then instead of moving the instruction pointer forward to
the next command, jump it forward to the command after the matching ] command.
] if the byte at the data pointer is nonzero, then instead of moving the instruction pointer forward
to the next command, jump it back to the command after the matching [ command.
The function will take in input...
* the program code, a string with the sequence of machine instructions,
* the program input, a string, eventually empty, that will be interpreted as an array of bytes
using each character's ASCII code and will be consumed by the , instruction
... and will return ...
* the output of the interpreted code (always as a string), produced by the . instruction.
type Commands = String
type Input = String
type Output = String
executeString :: Commands -> Input -> Maybe Output
executeString source input = exec universeZero source input
where universeZero = U{..}
left = [0, 0..]
right = [0, 0..]
cell = 0
stack = []
output = ""
data U = U { left :: [Int]
, cell :: Int
, right :: [Int]
, stack :: [String]
, output :: String
} deriving (Show)
-- I've gone lazy & a bit crazy.
type ULens' b = Functor f => (b -> f b) -> U -> f U
uLeft, uRight :: ULens' [Int]
uLeft f u = fmap (\l' -> u{left=l'}) $ f.left $ u
uRight f u = fmap (\r' -> u{right=r'}) $ f.right $ u
uCell :: ULens' Int
uCell f u = fmap (\c' -> u{cell=(c' `mod` 256)}) $ f.cell $ u
uOut :: ULens' Output
uOut f u = fmap (\o' -> u{output=o'}) $ f.output $ u
set :: ULens' a -> a -> U -> U
set lns v u = runIdentity $ lns (Identity . const v) u
over :: ULens' a -> (a -> a) -> U -> U
over lns f u = runIdentity $ lns (Identity . f) u
exec :: U -> Commands -> Input -> Maybe Output
exec u [] _ = Just . reverse . output $ u
exec u ('[':cs) is = extractLoop cs >>= withLoop
where withLoop (l,rest) | cell u == 0 = exec u rest is
| otherwise = exec u{ stack=l:stack u } cs is
exec u (']':cs) is = case stack u of
[] -> Nothing
(h:hs) | cell u == 0 -> exec u{stack=hs} cs is
| otherwise -> exec u (h++cs) is
exec u ('>':cs) is = exec u{left=c:ls, cell=r, right=rs} cs is
where U ls c (r:rs) _ _ = u
exec u ('<':cs) is = exec u{left=ls, cell=l, right=c:rs} cs is
where U (l:ls) c rs _ _ = u
exec u ('+':cs) is = exec (over uCell (+1) u) cs is
exec u ('-':cs) is = exec (over uCell (subtract 1) u) cs is
exec u ('.':cs) is = exec (over uOut ((chr.cell$ u):) u) cs is
exec u (',':cs) [] = Nothing
exec u (',':cs) (i:is) = exec (set uCell (ord i) u) cs is
extractLoop :: Commands -> Maybe (Commands, Commands)
extractLoop = go 0 ""
where go n res rest | n < 0 = Just (reverse res, rest)
go _ _ [] = Nothing
go n res (c:cs) = go (nf c) (c:res) cs
where nf ']' = n - 1
nf '[' = n + 1
nf _ = n
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