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Created June 25, 2013 00:35
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FM Group -- network draw
Konwertuje plik z opisem drzewa współpracowników FM Group[1] (plik *.csv; patrz: +datafile+)
do języka dot[2].
(declaim (optimize (speed 3) (compilation-speed 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
;;; Parametry programu
;; Stała wskazująca plik *.csv z danymi
(defparameter +drzewo-filename+ "drzewko aktualne.csv")
;; Czas na zapoznanie się z biznesem oraz kolory bazujące na tym parametrze
(defparameter +startup-time+ 14)
(defparameter +newbie-colour+ "\"\#41924B\"")
(defparameter +nonactive-colour+ "\"\#FF3333\"")
;; Kolory poziomów . Po dodaniu kolorów przejściowych:
(defparameter +3-colour+ "\"\#D8D8C0\"")
(defparameter +6-colour+ "\"\#A9AD98\"")
(defparameter +9-colour+ "\"\#7A8370\"")
(defparameter +12-colour+ "\"\#AC8442\"")
(defparameter +15-colour+ "\"\#DF8615\"")
(defparameter +18-colour+ "\"\#EB660A\"")
(defparameter +21-colour+ "\"\#F84600\"")
;;; Obliczanie ilości dni od wejścia danej osoby do struktury.
;(defconstant month-sums (nreverse (maplist #'(lambda(x) (apply #'+ x)) (nreverse '(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)))))
(defconstant month-sums #(0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334 365))
(defconstant yzero 1990)
(defparameter curr-d 0)
(defparameter curr-m 0)
(defparameter curr-y 0)
(defun leap? (y)
(and (zerop (mod y 4))
(or (zerop (mod y 400))
(not (zerop (mod y 100))))))
(defun month->num (m y)
(+ (svref month-sums (- m 1))
(if (and (> m 2) (leap? y)) 1 0)))
(defun year-days (y)
(if (leap? y) 366 365))
(defun year->num (y)
(let ((d 0))
(if (>= y yzero)
(dotimes (i (- y yzero) d)
(incf d (year-days (+ yzero i))))
(dotimes (i (- yzero y) (- d))
(incf d (year-days (+ y i)))))))
(defun date->num (d m y)
(+ (- d 1) (month->num m y) (year->num y) (- 21)))
(defun days-since (d1 m1 y1 d2 m2 y2)
(- (date->num d2 m2 y2) (date->num d1 m1 y1)))
;;; Konwersja stringa do liczby
(defmacro num (x)
`(read-from-string ,x :junk-allowed t))
;;; Struktura przechowująca informacje o drzewie
(defstruct (node
;; Funkcja wyświetlająca
(:print-function (lambda (n stream depth)
(declare (ignore depth))
;; Imie Telefon Obrót Zarobek
;; | Nieaktywny ID | Obrót wł. | Zarobek na swoich
;; | | Mail | Data | | Próg| | Balans zarobków
(format stream "\"~A\" [~% ~Alabel = \"{~A~A ~A ~A | ~A ~A | ~,2F (+~,2F) b:~,2F | ~D% ~,2Fzl (~,2Fzl) b:~,2F}\"~%];~%
\"~A\" -> \"~A\" [ label = \"(~D)~A\"]~%;"
(node-id n) ; "PL000000" [
(cond ((and (node-nieakt n) (> (node-days n) +startup-time+))
(format nil "color = ~A~% penwidth = 2~% "+nonactive-colour+))
((node-nieakt n)
(format nil "color = ~A~% penwidth = 2~% " +newbie-colour+))
((> (node-obrgr n) 30000)
(format nil "color = ~A~% style = filled~%" +21-colour+))
((> (node-obrgr n) 20400)
(format nil "color = ~A~% style = filled~%" +18-colour+))
((> (node-obrgr n) 12000)
(format nil "color = ~A~% style = filled~%" +15-colour+))
((> (node-obrgr n) 7200)
(format nil "color = ~A~% style = filled~%" +12-colour+))
((> (node-obrgr n) 3600)
(format nil "color = ~A~% style = filled~%" +9-colour+))
((> (node-obrgr n) 1200)
(format nil "color = ~A~% style = filled~%" +6-colour+))
((> (node-obrgr n) 300)
(format nil "color = ~A~% style = filled~%" +3-colour+))
(node-imie n) ; Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz Jr.
(if (node-nieakt n) (format nil " (~D dni)" (node-days n)) "")
(if (node-mail n) (format nil " | ~A " (node-mail n)) "")
; |
(if (node-tel n) (format nil "| ~A" (node-tel n)) "")
(node-id n) ; PL000000
(subseq (format nil "~A"(node-wst n)) 2) ; 2010-01-01
(node-obrgr n) ; 0.00
(node-obrwl n) ; (+0.00)
(node-bal n)
(truncate (node-pro n)) ; 0%
(if (> (node-obrwl n) 34.42) (node-zar n) 0.00)
; 0.00zl
(if (> (node-obrwl n) 34.42) (node-zarwl n) 0.00)
; (0.00zl)"
(node-balzar n)
(node-parid n)
(node-id n)
(node-childrentotal n)
(if (or (eql (node-par n) nil) (equalp (node-parzar n) 0.00) (< (node-obrwl (node-par n)) 43.42))
(format nil "\\n~,2Fzl"(node-parzar n)))))))
;; Zawartość struktury
(id "") ; ID w systemie
(imie "") ; Imię i nazwisko
(mail "") ; Podany adres email
(tel nil) ; Podany nr telefonu
(obrwl 0.00) ; Obrót własny
(obrgr 0.00) ; Obrót grupy (suma)
(pro 0.00) ; Osiągnięty próg
(bal 0) ; Współczynnik zrównoważenia drzewa
(balzar 0) ; Współczynnik zrównoważenia zarobków
(zar 0.00) ; Zarobek
(zarwl 0.00) ; Zarobek osobisty
(parzar 0.00) ; Zarobek osoby wyżej z danej grupy
(wst "2010-01-01") ; Data wstąpienia
(nieakt nil) ; Miesięcy nieaktywny
(days 0) ; Dni w strukturze
(children nil) ; Osoby niżej w strukturze.
(childrentotal 0) ; Całkowita ilość osób niżej
(par nil) ; Osoba wyżej w strukturze.
(parid "")) ; ID osoby wyżej w strukturze
;;; Zamiana polskich znaków na miedzynarodowe odpowiedniki (zażółć gęślą jaźń -> zazolc gesla jazn),
;;; gdyz powoduja problemy z graphviz.
(defun unpolish (mystr)
(dolist (chg '((#\ż #\z) (#\ó #\o) (#\ł #\l) (#\ć #\c) (#\ę #\e) (#\ś #\s) (#\ą #\a) (#\ź #\z) (#\ń #\n)
(#\Ż #\Z) (#\Ó #\O) (#\Ł #\L) (#\Ć #\C) (#\Ę #\E) (#\Ś #\S) (#\Ą #\A) (#\Ź #\Z) (#\Ń #\N)))
(setf mystr (substitute (second chg) (first chg) mystr)))
;;; Zamiana znaku @ na \@ w adresie mailowym
(defun unmail (x)
(let ((p (position #\@ x)))
(if p (format nil "~A\@~A"
(subseq x 0 p)
(subseq x (+ p 1))))))
;;; Funkcje dzielenia napisu na tokeny.
(defun constituent (c) (lambda (x) (and (graphic-char-p x) (not (char= x c)))))
(defun tokens (str test &key (start 0))
(let ((p1 (position-if test str :start start)))
(if p1
(let ((p2 (position-if #'(lambda (c) (not (funcall test c))) str :start p1)))
(subseq str p1 p2)
(if p2 (tokens str test :start p2) nil)))
;;; Dodawanie osoby do drzewa
(defparameter root nil)
(defparameter curr nil)
(defun addn (new obj)
(cond ((not obj) (setf root new) (setf curr root))
((not (string= (node-id obj) (node-parid new)))
(addn new (node-par obj)))
(t (setf (node-par new) obj)
(push new (node-children obj))
(setf curr new))))
(defun sqr (x) (* x x))
(defun A (lst)
(/ (apply #'+ lst)
(length lst)))
(defun sigma (lst)
(sqrt (- (/ (apply #'+ (mapcar #'sqr lst)) (length lst)) (sqr (A lst)))))
(defun calc-bal (lst)
"Wyznaczanie współczynnika balansu. Autor wzoru: Radek Łazarz"
(- 1 (/ (atan (* (+ 2 (exp (- (apply #'+ lst)))) (/ (sigma lst) (A lst)))) (/ PI 2))))
;;; DFS
(defun dfs (x)
(if x (progn
(if (node-par x) (setf (node-parzar x) (* 0.01 (node-obrgr x) (- (node-pro (node-par x)) (node-pro x)))))
(setf (node-zarwl x) (* 0.01 (node-pro x) (node-obrwl x)))
(setf (node-zar x) (node-zarwl x))
(setf (node-childrentotal x) 1)
(let ((chldnumlst nil) (chldzarlst nil))
(dolist (ch (node-children x))
(multiple-value-bind (chldzar chldtot) (dfs ch)
(setf (node-zar x) (+ (node-zar x) chldzar))
(setf (node-childrentotal x) (+ (node-childrentotal x) chldtot))
(push chldtot chldnumlst)
(push chldzar chldzarlst)))
(if chldnumlst (setf (node-bal x) (calc-bal chldnumlst)))
(if (> (- (node-zar x) (node-zarwl x)) 0) (setf (node-balzar x) (calc-bal chldzarlst))))
(values (node-parzar x) (node-childrentotal x)))
(values 0.0 0)))
;;; Wyświetlanie nagłówka pliku dot
(defun print-header (data godzina)
(let ((dt (tokens data (constituent #\-))))
(setf curr-y (num (first dt)))
(setf curr-m (num (second dt)))
(setf curr-d (num (third dt))))
(format t "digraph \"~A ~A\" {~%node [~% rankdir = LR~% shape = Mrecord~% fontsize = 16~%];~%
edge [~% fontsize = 20~%];~2%"
data godzina))
;;; Wyświetlanie drzewa
(defun print-tree (n)
(if n (progn
(print n)
(dolist (ch (node-children n))
(print-tree ch)))))
;;; Wyszukiwanie wzorca (algorytm KMP)
(defun pref-suf (str len)
"Obliczanie tablicy najdluzszych prefikso-sufiksow napisu.
Parametry: str - ciag wejsciowy
len - dlugosc napisu"
(do* ((j -1)
(p (make-array len :initial-element -1))
(i 1 (+ i 1)))
((<= len i) p)
(do ()
((or (< j 0)
(equalp (char str i)
(char str (+ j 1)))))
(setf j (svref p j)))
(if (equalp (char str i) (char str (+ j 1)))
(setf j (+ j 1)))
(setf (svref p i) j)))
(defun kmp (str wz)
"Wyszukiwanie wzorca (wz) w tekscie (str)."
(do* ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(j 0)
(strlen (length str))
(wzlen (length wz))
(p (pref-suf wz wzlen))
(res nil))
((<= strlen i) (nreverse res))
(do ()
((or (< j 0)
(char= (char str i)
(char wz (+ j 1)))))
(setf j (svref p j)))
(if (char= (char str i)
(char wz (+ j 1)))
(setf j (+ j 1)))
(if (equalp (+ j 1) wzlen)
(push (- i j) res)
(setf j (svref p j))))))
;;; Wyciąganie numeru telefonu ze stringa
(defmacro strconcat (str x)
`(setf ,str (concatenate 'string ,str ,x)))
(defun get-telnum (str)
(let ((out nil))
(dolist (res (kmp str "+48-"))
(strconcat out "|")
(strconcat out (subseq str res
(position-if #'(lambda(x) (not (or (digit-char-p x) (char= x #\-))))
str :start (+ 1 res)))))
(if out (subseq out 1 ))))
;;; Główna funkcja
(defun main (datafile)
(with-open-file (infile datafile)
(let ((dane_we_data (tokens (read-line infile nil) (constituent #\ ))))
(print-header (fourth dane_we_data) (subseq (fifth dane_we_data) 0 8)))
(read-line infile nil) ; Pomija linię opisową
(do ((in (read-line infile nil) (read-line infile nil))
(dt '(1990 01 22)))
((null in))
(setf in (tokens in (constituent #\;)))
(setf dt (tokens (ninth in) (constituent #\-)))
(addn (make-node
:id (subseq (second in) 0 8)
:imie (let ((desc (tokens (fourth in) (constituent #\ ))))
(format nil "~A ~A" (unpolish (first desc)) (unpolish (second desc))))
:mail (unmail (first (last (tokens (fourth in) (constituent #\ )))))
:obrwl (num (substitute #\. #\, (fifth in)))
:obrgr (num (substitute #\. #\, (sixth in)))
:pro (num (seventh in))
:wst (num (ninth in))
:nieakt (string= (tenth in) "1")
:parid (subseq (third in) 0 8)
:days (days-since (num (third dt)) (num (second dt)) (num (first dt)) curr-d curr-m curr-y)
:tel (get-telnum (fourth in)))
(dfs root)
(print-tree root)
(format t "~2%}~%")))
(main +drzewo-filename+)
(defun profiles ()
(sb-profile:profile main leap? month->num year-days year->num date->num days-since unpolish unmail constituent tokens addn dfs print-header pref-suf kmp get-telnum main))
(defun watch ()
(main +drzewo-filename+)
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