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Created May 21, 2017 19:18
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# Author: Naveenkumar Ramaraju #
# Hidden Decision Trees #
# Based on article: #
# Date: Feb-18-2017 #
# File version - 1 #
# pyhton - version: 3.6 #
from math import log
import time
start = time.time()
# This method updates the dictionaries based on given ID, pv and word
def update_pvs(word, pv, id, word_count_dict, word_pv_dict, min_pv_dict, max_pv_dict, ids_dict):
if word in word_count_dict:
word_count_dict[word] += 1
word_pv_dict[word] += pv
if min_pv_dict[word] > pv:
min_pv_dict[word] = pv
if max_pv_dict[word] < pv:
max_pv_dict[word] = pv
word_count_dict[word] = 1
word_pv_dict[word] = pv
min_pv_dict[word] = pv
max_pv_dict[word] = pv
ids_dict[word] = [id]
# dictionaries to hold count of each key words, their page views, and the ids of the article in which used.
List = dict()
list_pv = dict()
list_pv_max = dict()
list_pv_min = dict()
list_id = dict()
articleTitle = list() # Lists to hold article id wise title name and pv
articlepv = list()
sum_pv = 0
ID = 0
in_file = open("HDT-data3.txt", "r")
for line in in_file:
if ID == 0: # excluding first line as it is header
ID += 1
line = line.lower()
aux = line.split('\t') # Indexes will have: 0 - Title, 1 - URL, 2 - data and 3 - page views
url = aux[1]
pv = log(1 + int(aux[3]))
if "/blogs/" in url:
type = "BLOG"
type = "OTHER"
# #--- clean article titles, remove stop words
title = aux[0]
title = " " + title + " " # adding space at the ends to treat stop words at start, mid and end alike
title = title.replace('"', ' ')
title = title.replace('?', ' ? ')
title = title.replace(':', ' ')
title = title.replace('.', ' ')
title = title.replace('(', ' ')
title = title.replace(')', ' ')
title = title.replace(',', ' ')
title = title.replace(' a ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' the ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' for ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' in ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' and ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' or ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' is ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' in ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' are ', ' ')
title = title.replace(' of ', ' ')
title = title.strip()
title = ' '.join(title.split()) # replacing multiple spaces with one
#break down article title into keyword tokens
aux2 = title.split(' ')
num_words = len(aux2)
for index in range(num_words):
word = aux2[index].strip()
word = word + '\t' + 'N/A' + '\t' + type
update_pvs(word, pv, ID - 1, List,list_pv, list_pv_min, list_pv_max, list_id) # updating single words
if (num_words - 1) > index:
word = aux2[index] + '\t' + aux2[index+1] + '\t' + type
update_pvs(word, pv, ID - 1, List, list_pv, list_pv_min, list_pv_max, list_id) # updating bigrams
sum_pv += pv
ID += 1
nArticles = ID - 1 # -1 as the increments were done post loop
avg_pv = sum_pv/nArticles
articleFlag = ["BAD" for n in range(nArticles)]
nidx = 0
nidx_Good = 0
OUT = open('hdt-out2.txt','w')
OUT2 = open('hdt-reasons.txt','w')
for idx in List:
n = List[idx]
Avg = list_pv[idx]/n
Min = list_pv_min[idx]
Max = list_pv_max[idx]
idlist = list_id[idx]
nidx += 1
# below values are chosen based on heuristics and experimenting
if ((n > 3) and (n < 8) and (Min > 6.9) and (Avg > 7.6)) or \
((n >= 8) and (n < 16) & (Min > 6.7) and (Avg > 7.4)) or \
((n >= 16) and (n < 200) & (Min > 6.1) and (Avg > 7.2)):
OUT.write(idx + '\t' + str(n) + '\t' + str(Avg) + '\t' + str(Min) + '\t' + str(Max) + '\t' + str(idlist) + '\n')
nidx_Good += 1
for ID in idlist:
pv = articlepv[ID]
OUT2.write(title + '\t' + str(pv) + '\t' + idx + '\t' + str(n) + '\t' + str(Avg) + '\t' + str(Min) + '\t' + str(Max) + '\n')
articleFlag[ID] = "GOOD"
# Computing results based on Threshold values
pv_threshold = 7.1
pv1 = 0
pv2 = 0
n1 = 0
n2 = 0
m1 = 0
m2 = 0
FalsePositive = 0
FalseNegative = 0
for ID in range(nArticles):
pv = articlepv[ID]
if articleFlag[ID] is "GOOD":
n1 += 1
pv1 += pv
if pv < pv_threshold:
FalsePositive += 1
n2 += 1
pv2 += pv
if pv > pv_threshold:
FalseNegative += 1
if pv > pv_threshold:
m1 += 1
m2 += 1
# Printing results
avg_pv1 = pv1/n1
avg_pv2 = pv2/n2
errorRate = (FalsePositive + FalseNegative)/nArticles
aggregationFactor = (nidx/nidx_Good)/(nArticles/n1)
print ("Average pv: " + str(avg_pv))
print ("Number of articles marked as good: ", n1, " (real number is ", m1,")", sep = "" )
print ("Number of articles marked as bad: ", n2, " (real number is ", m2,")", sep = "")
print ("Avg pv: articles marked as good:", avg_pv1)
print ("Avg pv: articles marked as bad:",avg_pv2)
print ("Number of false positive:",FalsePositive,"(bad marked as good)")
print ("Number of false negative:", FalseNegative, "(good marked as bad)")
print ("Number of articles:", nArticles)
print ("Error Rate: ", errorRate)
print ("Number of feature values: ", nidx, " (marked as good: ", nidx_Good,")", sep = "")
print ("Aggregation factor:", aggregationFactor)
print("Execution time: " + str(time.time() - start) +"s")
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