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Created May 3, 2022 19:09
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Decrypting ansible-vault files without ansible-vault
import binascii
import sys
import typing
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import ciphers, hashes, hmac, padding
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import algorithms
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.kdf.pbkdf2 import PBKDF2HMAC
def vault_parse(lines: typing.List[str]) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes]:
parts = binascii.unhexlify("".join(lines[1:])).decode("ascii").split("\n")
return (
binascii.unhexlify(parts[0]), # salt
binascii.unhexlify(parts[1]), # encrypted HMAC
binascii.unhexlify(parts[2]), # ciphertext
def vault_create_derived_key(
passwd: bytes,
salt: bytes,
key_length: int,
iv_length: int,
) -> bytes:
length=2 * key_length + iv_length,
return kdf.derive(passwd)
def vault_initialise_key_init_iv(
passwd: bytes,
salt: bytes,
) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes]:
key_length = 32 # AES256
iv_length = algorithms.AES.block_size // 8
derived_key = vault_create_derived_key(passwd, salt, key_length, iv_length)
iv = derived_key[(key_length * 2) : (key_length * 2) + iv_length]
key1 = derived_key[:key_length]
key2 = derived_key[key_length : (key_length * 2)]
return key1, key2, iv
def vault_decrypt(contents: typing.List[str], passwd: bytes) -> bytes:
Decrypts your vault token found at the parameter passed in.
The token is decrypted with ansible-vault.
Returns the unencrypted github token.
# This is very brute force
if len(contents) == 0 or contents[0] != "$ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256":
sys.exit("Cannot parse vault")
# This is the reverse of the algorithm given at
salt, encrypted_hmac, ciphertext = vault_parse(contents)
key1, key2, iv = vault_initialise_key_init_iv(passwd, salt)
# Validate ciphertext against the HMAC
hmac_o = hmac.HMAC(key2, hashes.SHA256())
# Decrypt the ciphertext using AES256+CTR
cipher = ciphers.Cipher(
decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
unpadder = padding.PKCS7(128).unpadder()
return (
unpadder.update(decryptor.update(ciphertext) + decryptor.finalize())
+ unpadder.finalize()
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kgaughan commented May 3, 2022

Note that this isn't entirely my work, and it's a bit rough and ready. It's derived from the source of Ansible itself, so should be considered subject to the same license.

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