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Created November 29, 2010 07:22
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jQuery plugin to display an animated image sequence.
//By David Keegan
$.fn.flipbook = function(options){
options = $.extend({
'start': 0, //start frame
'end': 100, //end frame, must be greater then start
'step': 1, //number of frames to step over while animating
'mobileStep': 3, //number of frames to step over when on a mobile device
'fps': 15, //frames per second, this will be adjusted correctly for step>1
'loop': false, //loop the animation
//the image path, uses %d to designate where the frame number goes.
//%#d can be used to specify padding
'images': ''
}, options);
var animatingAttr = 'flipbook_animating';
//if we are on a mobile webbrowser use the mobile step for better playback
var is_mobile = (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('mobile')>=0);
function clamp(value, min){
if(value < min){
return min;
return value;
function padFrame(frame, padding){
var frameString = frame+'';
var delta = padding-frameString.length;
for(var i=0; i<delta; ++i){
frameString = '0'+frameString;
return frameString;
return this.each(function(){
var $image = $(this);
//check if the image is already animating
if($image.attr(animatingAttr) === 'true'){
//find image parts
var images = $image.attr('images')||options.images;
var imagesMatch = images.match(/([^%]*)%(\d?)d(.*)/);
if(imagesMatch === null){
console.error('"'+images+'" does not conform to images convention, it should be like "frame.%d.jpg" or "frame.%4d.jpg"');
var imagesFrontString = imagesMatch[1];
var framePadding = 0;
var imagesEndString = imagesMatch[2];
//if frame padding is specified
if(imagesMatch.length === 4){
framePadding = parseInt(imagesMatch[2], 10);
imagesEndString = imagesMatch[3];
//get the rest of the values from the img or the options
var start = parseInt($image.attr('start')||options.start, 10);
var end = parseInt($image.attr('end')||options.end, 10);
if(start > end){
console.error('"start" cannot be larger then "end"');
var step = $image.attr('step')||options.step;
step = $image.attr('mobileStep')||options.mobileStep;
step = clamp(parseInt(step, 10), 1);
var fps = clamp(parseInt($image.attr('fps')||options.fps, 10), 1);
var loop = $image.attr('loop')||options.loop;
if(loop === 'true'){
loop = true;
}else if(loop === 'false'){
loop = false;
//calculate the hold time taking into acount frame step
var holdTime = 1000/(fps/step);
function imageName(frame){
return imagesFrontString+padFrame(frame, framePadding)+imagesEndString;
var frameNumber = start;
$image.attr('src', imageName(frameNumber));
$image.attr(animatingAttr, 'true');
//increment frameNumber and change the image
function flipImage(){
//increment the frame
frameNumber += step;
//check if we've reached the end, if we have
//and loop is true set the frame back to the start frame
if(frameNumber > end && loop){
frameNumber = start;
//if we haven't reached the end yet update
//the image and start the cycle again
if(frameNumber <= end){
//console.log('set: '+imageName(frameNumber));
$image.attr('src', imageName(frameNumber));
setTimeout(flipImage, holdTime);
//always show the last image
$image.attr('src', imageName(end));
$image.attr(animatingAttr, 'false');
//preload images
var preloadCount = start;
//check if all the image have been preloaded,
//if they have start the animation
function shouldStartAnimation(){
//console.log('pre: '+imageName(i));
preloadCount += step;
if(preloadCount >= end){
setTimeout(flipImage, holdTime);
//asynchronously preload all images,
//then start the animation
for(var i=start; i<=end; i+=step){
$('<img/>').attr('src', imageName(i)).load(shouldStartAnimation);
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oraocean commented Apr 1, 2014

Does anyone has problems on I.E? It seems even official demo page can not work on I.E

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this need image for each frame for dam flip animation WAT?


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@naveed-ahmad This plugin is for animating image sequences, not for emulating a page flip animation...

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pdayya commented Oct 6, 2014

how to show multiple animation with same image sequence ?

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zur1eel commented May 11, 2017

I'm searching the way to use this.

How do I use this?

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