August 14, 2012 15:11
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My .bashrc (work)
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# | |
# More suitable settings for ruby when running rails apps | |
export RUBY_HEAP_MIN_SLOTS=800000 | |
export RUBY_HEAP_FREE_MIN=100000 | |
export RUBY_GC_MALLOC_LIMIT=79000000 | |
#my stuff | |
#alias git commands to use hub | |
alias git='hub' | |
alias ap='cd ~/Development/intellisource_clean/apollo' | |
alias precomp='RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake assets:precompile' | |
alias brake='bundle exec rake' | |
alias be='bundle exec' | |
alias ste='open -a "Sublime Text 2"' | |
alias sted='open -a "Sublime Text 2" .' | |
alias pcwicon='heroku console --app pcwi-production' | |
alias pcsfcon='heroku console --app pcwi-sf-production' | |
alias pcwidepprod='git push production master; heroku rake db:migrate --app pcwi-production; heroku restart --app pcwi-production' | |
alias pcwidepstag='git push staging master; heroku rake db:migrate --app pcwi-staging; heroku restart --app pcwi-staging' | |
alias pcsfdepprod='git push production master; heroku rake db:migrate --app pcwi-sf-production; heroku restart --app pcwi-sf-production' | |
alias pcsfdepstag='git push heroku master; heroku rake db:migrate --app pcwi-sf-staging; heroku restart --app pcwi-sf-staging' | |
alias h='heroku' | |
alias pcwidev='sudo cp -f /private/etc/apache2/passenger_pane_vhosts/ /private/etc/apache2/passenger_pane_vhosts/pcwi.local.vhost.conf; webrestart' | |
alias pcwitest='sudo cp -f /private/etc/apache2/passenger_pane_vhosts/pcwi.local.test /private/etc/apache2/passenger_pane_vhosts/pcwi.local.vhost.conf; webrestart' | |
alias webrestart='sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart' | |
alias showhiddenfiles='defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE; killall Finder' | |
alias hidehiddenfiles='defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE; killall Finder' | |
alias fontsm='defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2' | |
alias memcached='/usr/local/bin/memcached' | |
alias pcrp='cd ~/Development/pcwi-reports' | |
alias pcwi='cd ~/Development/pcwi' | |
alias pcsf='cd ~/Development/pcwi_sf_services' | |
alias pw='cd ~/Development/phocuswright' | |
alias gr='cd ~/Development/GRez' | |
alias pc='cd ~/Development/pcportal' | |
# alias ss='authbind --deep script/server -p 80' | |
alias con='script/console' | |
alias tlog='tail -f log/development.log' | |
alias rl='rm log/development.log' | |
alias fstart='script/ferret_server start' | |
alias fstop='script/ferret_server stop' | |
alias clog='rm log/*.*' | |
alias sshp='ssh' | |
alias sfpstart='script/sf_pusher start development' | |
alias sfpstop='script/sf_pusher stop development' | |
alias bjfstart='script/bj_factory start development' | |
alias bjfstop='script/bj_factory stop development' | |
alias dmstart='sfpstart;bjfstart' | |
alias dmstop='bjfstop;sfpstop' | |
alias bbye='fstop;clog;exit' | |
alias co='git checkout' | |
alias gb='git branch' | |
alias gaa='git add -A' | |
alias pids='ls log/*.pid' | |
alias edit='gedit' | |
alias sedit='gksu gedit' | |
alias svim='sudo vim' | |
# generate tags for project using ctags... | |
alias gentags='/usr/local/bin/ctags -R --exclude=.git --exclude=log *' | |
# deploy pc10 to production | |
# alias capprod='cap production deploy -s tag=staging-' | |
alias wakemac='sudo etherwake 00:1b:63:a6:cc:7a' | |
# vagrant stuff | |
alias vs='vagrant status' | |
alias vu='vagrant up' | |
alias vsh='vagrant ssh' | |
alias vh='vagrant halt' | |
alias vsp='vagrant suspend' | |
alias vbl='vagrant box list' | |
# git aliases from peepcode | |
alias gst='git status' | |
alias gl='git pull' | |
alias gp='git push' | |
alias gd='git diff' | |
alias gc='git commit -v' | |
alias gca='git commit -v -a' | |
alias gb='git branch' | |
alias gba='git branch -a' | |
alias gdf='git diff-files -p --color' | |
alias grestore='git checkout HEAD --' | |
alias gu='git gui &' | |
alias gk='gitk --all &' | |
alias gcq='git commit -a -m' | |
alias gsl='git stash list' | |
alias gss='git stash save' | |
alias gsp='git stash pop' | |
alias apsc='ap; script/console' | |
alias apss='ap; script/server' | |
alias bsa='bundle exec rake bootstrap:all' | |
# alias ci_portal='cd ~/workspace/smartgrid/ci_portal' | |
alias cu='bundle exec cucumber -x --tags=~@wip' | |
alias dbc='script/dbconsole' | |
alias dbd='bundle exec rake db:drop' | |
alias dbm='bundle exec rake db:migrate' | |
alias dbmr='bundle exec rake db:migrate:reset' | |
alias dbounce='IGNORE_REDIS=true bundle exec rake daemons:development:stop && rake daemons:development:start' | |
alias dbtp='bundle exec rake db:test:prepare' | |
alias dstart='IGNORE_REDIS=true bundle exec rake daemons:development:start' | |
alias dstat='IGNORE_REDIS=true bundle exec rake daemons:status' | |
alias dstop='IGNORE_REDIS=true bundle exec rake daemons:development:stop' | |
# alias elm='emacsclient `lm`' | |
# alias gco='git checkout' | |
# alias gd='git diff' | |
alias gem='ruby -e "raise \"SUDO GEM DETECTED. Unalias gem at your own risk\" if ENV[\"USER\"] == \"root\"" && gem' | |
alias gf='git remote update' | |
alias gg='git grep' | |
# alias gpf='git push github `git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD` -f' | |
alias gpr='git pull --rebase' | |
alias grom='git fetch origin; git rebase origin/master' | |
alias ll='ls -al' | |
# alias lm='find db/migrate/ -type f | tail -1' | |
# alias portal='cd ~/workspace/smartgrid/portal' | |
alias rbounce='rstop; rstart' | |
alias rsp='rspec -d --drb --require ../common/lib/testing/rspec_timing_formatters.rb --format Testing::TimedDocumentationFormatter' | |
alias rspc='rspec -d --drb --require ../common/lib/testing/rspec_timing_formatters.rb --format NyanCatFormatter' | |
alias rstart='bundle exec rake daemons:resque:start daemons:thingling:start' | |
alias rstop='bundle exec rake daemons:redis:stop daemons:thingling:stop' | |
alias rtbounce='rtstop; rtstart' | |
alias rtstart='RAILS_ENV=test rstart' | |
alias rtstop='RAILS_ENV=test rstop' | |
# alias rvm-restart='rvm_reload_flag=1 source '\''/Users/jasonn/.rvm/scripts/rvm'\''' | |
# alias rw='bundle exec resque-web ~/workspace/smartgrid/apollo/config/initializers/resque.rb' | |
# alias sc='script/console' | |
alias ss='script/server' | |
alias ssb='script/server 2>1 >> server.log &' | |
alias ssd='script/server --debug' | |
# alias sudo='sudo ' | |
# alias tbounce='IGNORE_REDIS=true RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake daemons:test:stop && RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake daemons:test:start' | |
# alias tm='bundle exec rake db:migrate; rake db:migrate:redo' | |
# alias trw='RAILS_ENV=test rw' | |
alias tstart='IGNORE_REDIS=true bundle exec rake daemons:test:start' | |
alias tstop='IGNORE_REDIS=true bundle exec rake daemons:test:stop' | |
# alias vi='vi -u /usr/share/vim/vimrc' | |
# Default to human readable figures | |
alias df='df -h' | |
alias du='du -h' | |
# Misc :) | |
# alias less='less -r' # raw control characters | |
# alias whence='type -a' # where, of a sort | |
alias grep='grep --color' # show differences in colour | |
# Some shortcuts for different directory listings | |
alias ls='ls -lhFG' # classify files in colour | |
alias la='ls -lahFG' # classify files in colour | |
alias dir='ls -FG' # wide format | |
alias ld='ls -lp | grep "/"' # dirs only | |
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting | |
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin # Add ~/bin | |
export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vim | |
# use vi mode in bash | |
set -o vi | |
# for cool less functionality | |
export LESS='-nfr' | |
export IGNORE_REDIS=true | |
# git completion | |
if [ -f `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion ]; then | |
. `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion | |
fi | |
# set prompt | |
# PS1='\u:\w $ ' | |
RED="\[\033[0;31m\]" | |
YELLOW="\[\033[0;33m\]" | |
GREEN="\[\033[0;32m\]" | |
PS1="$RED\$(date +%H:%M) \W$YELLOW \$(__git_ps1)$GREEN\$ " |
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