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Last active July 12, 2019 09:49
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bcftools make consensus with insertion

Simulates a reference and some reads. The reads have a 15bp insertion relative to the reference, and 1 SNV.

Uses standard bioinformatic tools to align the reads, call the variants, and produce a consensus sequence. The consensus should differ from the reference at exactly the single SNV, and the 15bp insertion.

To run, just call make. For more control, targets can be made in order (each step will also make its prerequisites):

  • make simulation: just make the simulated reference and reads
  • make alignment: run bwa mem to align the reads to the reference
  • make pileup: run bcftools mpileup on the simulated reads
  • make calls: run bcftools call on the pileup result
  • make filtered: run bcftools filter on the calls to consolidate overlapping indels
  • make consensus (equivalent to make all): run bcftools consensus on the calls
  • make clean: clean up all generated files

Outputs (not including various indexing files):

  • ref.fa: simulated reference sequence
  • reads.fq: simulated reference reads
  • aln.bam: reads aligned to reference
  • pileup.vcf: pileup result
  • calls.vcf: calls obtained from pileup
  • calls.bcf: filtered calls obtained from pileup
  • consensus.fa: consensus sequence

Comparing consensus.fa to ref.fa shows the 15bp insertion.

# Replace these with the full path to the executables, if necessary
# Makefile targets
all: ref.fa reads.fq aln.bam aln.bam.bai pileup.vcf filtered_calls.bcf consensus.fa
.PHONY: all
simulation: ref.fa reads.fq
.PHONY: simulation
alignment: aln.bam.bai
.PHONY: alignment
pileup: pileup.vcf
.PHONY: pileup
calls: calls.vcf
.PHONY: calls
filtered_calls: filtered_calls.bcf.csi
.PHONY: filtered_calls
consensus: all
.PHONY: consensus
.PHONY: clean
rm -f ref.fa* reads.fq aln.* calls.* filtered_calls.* pileup.* consensus.fa
# Simulate reference sequence and reads
ref.fa reads.fq:
# Index the reference
ref.fa.fai: ref.fa
$(BWA) index ref.fa 2>/dev/null
# Align reads to reference
aln.sam: ref.fa ref.fa.fai reads.fq
$(BWA) mem ref.fa reads.fq > aln.sam 2>/dev/null
# Sort the SAM file and write to BAM
aln.bam: aln.sam
$(SAMTOOLS) sort aln.sam > aln.bam 2>/dev/null
# Index the BAM
aln.bam.bai: aln.bam
$(SAMTOOLS) index aln.bam 2>/dev/null
# Pileup the reads using bcftools
pileup.vcf: aln.bam ref.fa
$(BCFTOOLS) mpileup -f ref.fa aln.bam > pileup.vcf 2>/dev/null
# Call variants from the pileup
calls.vcf: pileup.vcf
$(BCFTOOLS) call -Ov -mv pileup.vcf > calls.vcf 2>/dev/null
# Filter to merge overlapping indels and sort VCF and write as BCF
filtered_calls.bcf: calls.vcf
$(BCFTOOLS) filter -G 3 calls.vcf | $(BCFTOOLS) sort -O b -o filtered_calls.bcf 2>/dev/null
# Index the calls
filtered_calls.bcf.csi: filtered_calls.bcf
$(BCFTOOLS) index filtered_calls.bcf 2>/dev/null
# Call the consensus sequence
consensus.fa: filtered_calls.bcf filtered_calls.bcf.csi ref.fa
$(BCFTOOLS) consensus -f ref.fa filtered_calls.bcf > consensus.fa 2>/dev/null
import itertools
import random
Simulates a reference sequence and short reads to align to it.
Short reads have a small number (0-10) of random uniform mutations.
The reference sequence has a SNV and a 15bp deletion introduced,
to make it look like the sequenced sample has a SNV and a 15bp
RANDOM_SEED = 123 # change this to get different output
REFLEN = 1015 # length of the reference sequence (plus 15bp which will be deleted)
READLEN = 125 # length of a read
NREADS = 1200 # number of readss to simulate
def grouper(n, iterable):
>>> list(grouper(3, 'ABCDEFG'))
[['A', 'B', 'C'], ['D', 'E', 'F'], ['G']]
iterable = iter(iterable)
return iter(lambda: list(itertools.islice(iterable, n)), [])
def break_string(string, size=60):
Insert a newline into `string` every `size` characters
return '\n'.join(''.join(grp) for grp in grouper(size, string))
refseq = ''.join(random.choice('ACGT') for _ in range(REFLEN))
# Generate read sequences
reads = []
for _ in range(NREADS):
pos = random.randint(0, REFLEN - READLEN - 1)
seq = list(refseq[pos:(pos + READLEN)]) # list is mutable
nmuts = random.randint(0, 10)
for _ in range(nmuts):
mutpos = random.randint(0, READLEN - 1)
seq[mutpos] = random.choice(list(set('ACGT') - set(seq[mutpos])))
# Write FASTQ
with open('reads.fq', 'w') as fq:
for i, read in enumerate(reads):
# Write reference sequnce with 15 bp removed (so all reads have insertion)
# and change base at position 100
refseq = list(refseq)
refseq[99] = random.choice(list(set('ACGT') - set(refseq[99])))
refseq = ''.join(refseq)
refseq = refseq[:200] + refseq[215:]
with open('ref.fa', 'w') as ref:
ref.write('>Chr1\n{}\n'.format(break_string(refseq, 60)))
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