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Falcon ASGI+WebSocket Interface Proposal (By Example)
# See also:
# *
# *
import falcon.asgi
class SomeResource:
# Get a paginated list of events via a regular HTTP request.
# For small-scale, all-in-one apps, it may make sense to support
# both a regular HTTP interface and one based on WebSocket
# side-by-side in the same deployment. However, these two
# interaction models have very different performance characteristics,
# and so larger scale-out deployments may wish to specifically
# designate instance groups for one type of traffic vs. the
# other (although the actual applications may still be capable
# of handling both modes).
async def on_get(self, req: Request, account_id: str):
# Push event stream to client. Note that the framework will pass
# parameters defined in the URI template as with HTTP method
# responders.
async def on_websocket(self, req: Request, ws: WebSocket, account_id: str):
# The HTTP request used to initiate the WebSocket handshake can be
# examined as needed.
some_header_value = req.get_header('Some-Header')
# Reject it?
if some_condition:
# If close() is called before accept() the code kwarg is
# ignored, if present, and the server returns a 403
# HTTP response without upgrading the connection.
await ws.close()
# Examine subprotocols advertised by the client. Here let's just
# assume we only support wamp, so if the client doesn't advertise
# it we reject the connection.
if 'wamp' not in ws.subprotocols:
# If close() is not called explicitly, the framework will
# take care of it automatically with the default code (1000).
# If, after examining the connection info, you would like to accept
# it, simply call accept() as follows:
await ws.accept(subprotocol='wamp')
except WebSocketDisconnected:
# Simply start sending messages to the client if this is an event
# feed endpoint.
while True:
event = await my_next_event()
# Send an instance of str as a WebSocket TEXT (0x01) payload
await ws.send_text(event)
# Send an instance of bytes, bytearray, or memoryview as a
# WebSocket BINARY (0x02) payload.
await ws.send_data(event)
# Or if you want it to be serialized to JSON (by default; can
# be customized via app.ws_options.media_handlers):
await ws.send_media(event) # Defaults to WebSocketPayloadType.TEXT
except WebSocketDisconnected:
# Do any necessary cleanup, then bail out
# ...or loop like this to implement a simple request-response protocol
while True:
# Use this if you expect a WebSocket TEXT (0x01) payload,
# decoded from UTF-8 to a Unicode string.
payload_str = await ws.receive_text()
# Or if you are expecting a WebSocket BINARY (0x02) payload,
# in which case you will end up with a byte string result:
payload_bytes = await ws.receive_data()
# Or if you want to get a serialized media object (defaults to
# JSON deserialization of text payloads, and MessagePack
# deserialization for BINARY payloads, but this can be
# customized via app.ws_options.media_handlers).
media_object = await ws.receive_media()
except WebSocketDisconnected:
# Do any necessary cleanup, then bail out
except TypeError:
# The received message payload was not of the expected
# type (e.g., got BINARY when TEXT was expected).
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# The default media deserializer uses the json standard
# library, so you might see this error raised as well.
# At any time, you may decide to close the websocket. If the
# socket is already closed, this call does nothing (it will
# not raise an error.)
if we_are_so_done_with_this_conversation():
await ws.close(code=1000)
# Here we are sending as a binary (0x02) payload type, which
# will go find the handler configured for that (defaults to
# MessagePack which assumes you've also installed that
# package, but this can be customized as mentioned above.')
await ws.send_media(
{'event': 'message'},
except WebSocketDisconnected:
# Do any necessary cleanup, then bail out. If ws.close() was
# not already called by the app, the framework will take
# care of it.
# NOTE: If you do not handle this exception, it will be
# bubbled up to a default error handler that simply
# logs the message as a warning and then closes the
# server side of the connection. This handler can be
# overwritten as with any other error handler for the app.
# NOTE: If the error handler accepts an 'ws' kwarg, the framework
# will pass in the falcon.asgi.WebSocket instance.
# ...or run a couple of different loops in parallel to support
# independent bidirectional message streams.
messages = collections.deque()
async def sink():
while True:
message = await ws.receive_text()
except falcon.WebSocketDisconnected:
sink_task = falcon.create_task(sink())
while not sink_task.done():
while ws.ready and not messages and not sink_task.done():
await asyncio.sleep(0)
await ws.send_text(messages.popleft())
except falcon.WebSocketDisconnected:
await sink_task
except asyncio.CancelledError:
class SomeMiddleware:
async def process_request_ws(self, req: Request):
# This will be called for the HTTP request that initiates the
# WebSocket handshake before routing.
async def process_resource_ws(self, req: Request, resource, params):
# This will be called for the HTTP request that initiates the
# WebSocket handshake after routing (if a route matches the
# request).
app = falcon.asgi.App(middleware=SomeMiddleware())
app.add_route('/{account_id}/messages', SomeResource())
# Let's say we want to use a faster JSON library. You could also use this
# pattern to add serialization support for custom types that aren't
# normally JSON-serializable out of the box.
class RapidJSONHandler(
def serialize(self, media: object) -> str:
return rapidjson.dumps(media, ensure_ascii=False)
# The raw TEXT payload will be passed as a Unicode string
def deserialize(self, payload: str) -> object:
return rapidjson.loads(payload)
# And/or for binary mode we want to use Protocol Buffers:
class ProtocolBuffersHandler(
def serialize(self, media: message_pb2.Message) -> Union[bytes, bytearray, memoryview]:
return media.SerializeToString()
# The raw BINARY payload will be passed as a byte string
def deserialize(self, payload: bytes) -> message_pb2.Message:
message = message_pb2.Message()
return message.ParseFromString(payload)
# Expected to (de)serialize from/to str
json_handler = RapidJSONHandler()
app.ws_options.media_handlers[falcon.WebSocketPayloadType.TEXT] = json_handler
# Expected to (de)serialize from/to bytes, bytearray, or memoryview
protobuf_handler = ProtocolBuffersHandler()
app.ws_options.media_handlers[falcon.WebSocketPayloadType.BINARY] = protobuf_handler
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CaselIT commented Jun 22, 2020

I prefer the explicit one, but I think that we could support both quite easly

async def send(self, obj):
  if isinstance(obj, str):
    return self._sent_text(obj)
  if isinstance(obj, (byte, ...)):
    return self._send_binary(obj)
  raise TypeError(...)

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vytas7 commented Jun 22, 2020

No strong opinion here, but I also prefer the explicit send_s.
But I'm not opposed to providing convenience shims in the spirit of Response.body (text, but understands bytes too).

Talking of the response interface. Might it be worth renaming send_binary to send_data? OTOH "binary" better reflects the WebSocket binary payload type...

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kgriffs commented Jun 24, 2020

Might it be worth renaming send_binary to send_data?

I've been going back and forth on this in my would be more consistent with the rest of the framework to go with "data" and so perhaps that is better after all.

I prefer the explicit one

In my mind, one of the benefits of the explicit approach is that we can do more checking and raise an error sooner rather than later if someone accidentally uses the wrong data or frame type. If that is something we want to encourage, then adding the additional convenience methods may not be a good idea after all?

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kgriffs commented Jul 14, 2020

OK everyone, please take another look at the gist... I went ahead and modified the interface to be more consistent with other parts of the Falcon framework, namely using *_data instead of *_binary. Also, I'm thinking we will stick with explicit send/receive for now.

Feedback is welcome.

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kgriffs commented Jul 14, 2020

I should also mention that I am testing a prototype of this in my fork...hope to have something to show and tell soon!

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kgriffs commented Jul 20, 2020

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kgriffs commented Nov 24, 2020

PR has been merged! Next pre-release will include WS support. Please help test! falconry/falcon#1741

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kgriffs commented Dec 1, 2020

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