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Last active July 13, 2018 00:11
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Simple Falcon testing example
import falcon
import falcon.testing as testing
QUOTE = (u"\nI've always been more interested in\n"
u'the future than in the past.\n'
u' ~ Grace Hopper\n\n')
class ThingsResource(object):
def on_get(self, req, resp):
"""Handles GET requests"""
resp.body = QUOTE
class TestThings(testing.TestBase):
def before(self):
things = ThingsResource()
# TestBase provides an instance of falcon.API to use along
# with simulate_request (see below).
self.api.add_route('/things', things)
def test_grace(self):
# TestBase provides a method to simulate a WSGI request without
# having to stand up an actual server. The decode option tells
# simulate_request to convert the raw WSGI response into a
# Unicode string.
body = self.simulate_request('/things', decode='utf-8')
# TestBase provides an instance of StartResponseMock that captures
# the data passed to WSGI's start_response callback. This includes
# the status code and headers returned by the Falcon app.
self.assertEqual(self.srmock.status, falcon.HTTP_200)
self.assertEqual(body, QUOTE)
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I am sorry! I found in the source code that I can pass method kwarg to simulate_request.

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