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Forked from mbostock/.block
Last active November 24, 2017 22:46
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Grouped Bar Chart
license: gpl-3.0

Micro-benchmark comparisons.

Function C JS wasm native
isnan 127731035 26757311 18648751 11137842
isNegativeZero 137401035 26617462 18651280 9574545
isPositiveZero 137041887 25894711 18551526 10941405
abs 128884982 19012529 16259751 9354543
abs2 128849348 24003069 18977630 9185482
clamp 124330932 18153364 14894711 7312985
hypot 54053792 9360199 8510633 5846753
<!DOCTYPE html>
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