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Created June 17, 2013 19:55
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Lambert azimuthal equal area projection of the northern hemisphere, with species range color coded by country, and points for collection locations. See for relevant blog post.
#Kathryn Turner, June 17, 2013
#With extensive help from Andy South
#to create a reprojected map of the Northern Hemisphere
#color code countries for range
#and add collection sites
#in a Lambert azimuthal equal area projection, with the North Pole in the center
library(rgdal) # Commands for reprojecting the vector data.
library(rworldmap) # Recently updated mapping program.
library(rworldxtra) # Add-ons for rworldmap.
###set output
pdf("collectionMap_color.pdf", useDingbats=FALSE)
#Lambert azimuthal equal area projection
###the view of the map is centered on the North pole, but slightly offset
#using the exact location causes an error
projectionCRS <- CRS("+proj=laea +lon_0=0.001 +lat_0=89.999 +ellps=sphere")
#the ellps 'sphere' has a radius of 6370997.0m
#To determines the width of the margins for the map; the "i" designations make the map go to the edge of the plot window.
#including Antarctica causes an error, so I hope you don't need that
sPDF <- getMap()[-which(getMap()$ADMIN=='Antarctica')]
sPDF <- spTransform(sPDF, CRS=projectionCRS)
###use setLims to reproject xlim and ylim, so that we can zoom in on the map
setLims <- TRUE #FALSE back to whole world
#setLims <- FALSE
if ( !setLims )
xlim <- ylim <- NA
} else
#how this zooming works in non-intuitive, I suggest trial and error to find your numbers
xlimUnproj <- c(-52,120)
ylimUnproj <- c(10,30)
sPointsLims <- data.frame(x=xlimUnproj, y=ylimUnproj)
coordinates(sPointsLims) = c("x", "y")
#set CRS (coordinate reference system) for the points
#assuming WGS84
proj4string(sPointsLims) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
sPointsLims <- spTransform(sPointsLims, CRS=projectionCRS)
xlim <- coordinates(sPointsLims)[,"x"]
ylim <- coordinates(sPointsLims)[,"y"]
###to color code countries
#to view a list of country name formats
#setup a color code column filled with 1's
sPDF$colCode <- 1
#set codes for specified countries
sPDF$colCode[ which(sPDF$ADMIN %in% c("Canada","United States of America"))] <- 2
sPDF$colCode[ which(sPDF$ADMIN %in% c("Armenia","Azerbaijan", "Bulgaria", "Georgia",
"Greece", "Moldova", "Romania","Russia", "Turkey",
"Ukraine", "Serbia"))] <- 3
sPDF$colCode[ which(sPDF$ADMIN %in% c("Poland", "Belarus", "Italy", "Syria", "Czech Republic",
"Estonia", "Switzerland","Latvia","Lithuania",
"Slovenia", "Serbia","Austria","Belgium", "France",
"Spain", "United Kingdom", "Kazakhstan", "Turkmenistan", "China"))] <- 4
#create a color palette - note for each value not for each country
colourPalette <- c("lightgray","#F8766D","#00BFC4", "cadetblue1")
#colourPalette can be set to either a vector of colors or one of :white2Black black2White palette heat topo terrain rainbow negpos8 negpos9
mapCountryData(sPDF, nameColumnToPlot="colCode", mapTitle='Global range of C. diffusa',
colourPalette=colourPalette, borderCol ='gray24', addLegend = FALSE,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, catMethod=c(0,1,2,3,4))
#note that catMethod defines the breaks and values go in a category if they are <= upper end
#I specified 4 different colors, so catMethod = c(0,1,2,3,4)
###to plot collection locations from GPS coordinates
> head(popInv)
Latitude Longitude Pop pch
1 34.85570 -110.2360 US024 1
2 39.22427 -103.1223 US023 19
3 39.69667 -104.8076 US007 1
4 39.70283 -105.3242 US006 1
5 40.12227 -101.2803 US014 19
6 40.37191 -104.4726 US026 19
#I have three different types of collections, specified by point type (pch column in dataframe of coordinates)
#coordinates must be projected to show up on map properly
#invasive populations
popInv <- read.csv("InvPopCoord.csv")
coordinates(popInv) = c("Longitude", "Latitude")
proj4string(popInv) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
sPointsDF <- spTransform(popInv, CRS=projectionCRS)
points(sPointsDF, pch=popInv$pch, cex=1)
#native populations
popNat <- read.csv("NatPopCoord.csv")
coordinates(popNat) = c("Longitude", "Latitude")
proj4string(popNat) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
sPointsDFNat <- spTransform(popNat, CRS=projectionCRS)
points(sPointsDFNat, pch=popNat$pch, cex=1) #pch2 for triangles
###Adding things to map
#to plot latitude lines on to map
llgridlines(sPDF, easts=c(-90,-180,0,90,180), norths=seq(0,90,by=15),
plotLabels=FALSE, ndiscr=1000)
#ndiscr=number points in lines, more makes a smoother curved line
#to plot latitude and longitude labels on the map, again, coordinates must be projected
markings <- data.frame(Latitude=as.numeric(c(75,60,45,30,15,85,85)), Longitude=as.numeric(c(-45,-45,-45,-45,-45,0,180)),name=c("75", "60","45","30","15","0","180"))
coordinates(markings) = c("Longitude", "Latitude")
proj4string(markings) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
sPointsDFmark <- spTransform(markings, CRS=projectionCRS)
text(sPointsDFmark, labels = sPointsDFmark$name, cex=1)
#to plot the pole
# pole <- data.frame(x=0, y=90)
# coordinates(pole) = c("x", "y")
# proj4string(pole) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84")
# pole <- spTransform(pole, CRS=projectionCRS)
# points(pole, pch=8, cex=2, lwd=2)
#legends for point type and color code
legend("bottomleft", c("Germination trial", "Broad CG","Maternal effects CG"),
pch=c(1,19,15), bg="white", title = "Sampled populations")
legend("topright", c("Invasive", "Native","Present, status unknown"), fill=c("#F8766D","#00BFC4", "cadetblue1"),
title="Origin", bg="white")
#shameless plug !
mtext("map made using rworldmap", line=-1, side=1, adj=1, cex=0.6)
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