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Testes de qualidade de dados

Este documento é um espelho das especificações para testes de validação de dados em Darwin Core definidos pelo TDWG em As especificações foram extraídas do link anterior por um processo automatizado permitindo acompanhar a evolução e a proposição de novas especificações, quando disponíveis. Atualmente, quatro tipos de testes foram sugeridos:

  • Validation: indica teste do tipo de validação dos dados;

  • Amendment: teste que propõem mudanças e/ou melhoria dos dados;

  • Issue: teste que aponta problemas com o dado informado e necessita de intervenção do usuário para determinar se o dado é adequado para uso;

  • Measure: teste de sumarização dos testes anteriores (por exemplo, quantos testes do tipo Validation apresentaram algum problema)

O vocabulário completo para os termos utilizados neste documento pode ser encontrado no link a seguir: tdwg/bdq#152 (comment)

ID oficial do teste: 0493bcfb-652e-4d17-815b-b0cce0742fbe

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: countryCode

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:countryCode a valid ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the dwc:countryCode was EMPTY; COMPLIANT if dwc:countryCode can be unambiguously interpreted as a valid ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country code; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "ISO 3166 Country Codes" {[]} {ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 Country Code search []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Locations outside of a jurisdiction covered by a country code should not have a value in the field dwc:countryCode. This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 1: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COUNTRYCODE_STANDARD.
testID countryCode Response.status Response.result Response.comment
1_3 GL RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is a valid ISO (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes) value
1_4 GRL RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is NOT a valid ISO (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes) value
1_5 XX RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is NOT a valid ISO (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes) value
1_6 Austria RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is NOT a valid ISO (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes) value
1_7 US RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc countryCode is a valid ISO (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes) value
1_8 CL RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc countryCode is a valid ISO (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes) value
1_9 AR RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc countryCode is a valid ISO (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes) value
1_10 MX RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc countryCode is a valid ISO (ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 country codes) value
1_11 MX EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: 69b2efdc-6269-45a4-aecb-4cb99c2ae134

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: country

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:country occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:country was EMPTY; COMPLIANT if value of dwc:country is a place type equivalent to "nation" by the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)" {[]}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Non-country information such "high seas" will fail this test. Multiple values in the dwc:country field (whether to signify on a border or in a list of possibilities) will fail this test. Locations outside of a jurisdiction covered by a country code should not have a value in the field dwc:countryCode. This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 2: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COUNTRY_FOUND.
testID country Response.status Response.result Response.comment
2_3 Eswatini RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is a valid country name according to The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (2021-03-30).
2_4 Swaziland RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT Eswatini is the preferred name according to The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (2021-03-30).
2_5 Yugoslavia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Yugoslavia is the preferred name according to The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (2021-03-30).
2_6 Congo RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT Congo could be Republic of the Congo or Democratic Republic of the Congo.
2_7 United States Minor Outlying Islands RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT "United States Minor Outlying Islands" is not a valid COUNTRY in The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (2021-03-30).
2_8 México RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is a valid country name according to The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (2021-03-30).
2_9 México EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: eaad41c5-1d46-4917-a08b-4fd1d7ff5c0f

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: phylum

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:phylum occur at rank of Phylum in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:phylum is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:phylum was found as a value at the rank of Phylum by the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The purpose of this test is to check whether the value is a name that is a result of a nomenclatural act at this rank. This excludes unpublished names, misspellings and vernacular names. It is expected that the test will designate the source authority against to check. The same test might return distinct results when using distinct source authorities.

Tabela 3: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_PHYLUM_FOUND.
testID phylum Response.status Response.result Response.comment
3_2 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:phylum consists of white space
3_3 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:phylum does not have an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority
3_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:phylum does not have an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority
3_5 Tracheophyta RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:phylum has an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority. uses Trachyophyta for the Phylum including ferns
3_6 Trachyophyta RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:phylum does not have an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority.
3_7 Chareophyta RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:phylum does not have an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority.
3_8 Charophyta RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:phylum has an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority.
3_9 Chordata RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:phylum has an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority
3_10 chordate RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:phylumdoes not have an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority.
3_11 dwc:phylum RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:phylumdoes not have an equivalent at the rank of Phylum in the bdq:sourceAuthority.
3_12 AnyPhylum EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: 3cfe9ab4-79f8-4afd-8da5-723183ef16a3

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: occurrenceID

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:occurrenceID occur in bdq:SourceAuthority?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:occurrenceID is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:occurrenceID follows a format commonly associated with globally unique identifiers (GUIDs); otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 4: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_OCCURRENCEID_STANDARD.
testID occurrenceID Response.status Response.result Response.comment
4_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID conforms to GUID structure
4_2 42 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID does not conform to GUID structure
4_3 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID does not conform to GUID structure
4_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID does not conform to a GUID structure
4_5 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:occurrenceID is EMPTY or missing
4_7 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID does not conform to a GUID structure

ID oficial do teste: 8f1e6e58-544b-4365-a569-fb781341644e

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: minimumDepthInMeters,maximumDepthInMeters

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:minimumDepthInMeters a number that is less than or equal to the value of dwc:maximumDepthInMeters?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:minimumDepthInMeters or dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is EMPTY, or if either are interpretable as not zero or a positive number; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is less than or equal to the value of dwc:maximumDepthInMeters; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 5: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_MINDEPTH_LESSTHAN_MAXDEPTH.
testID minimumDepthInMeters maximumDepthInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
5_2 0 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumDepthInMeters = dwc:maximumDepthInMeters
5_3 1 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:minimumDepthInMeters > dwc:maximumDepthInMeters
5_4 -1 -1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The values of dwc:minimumDepthInMeters or dwc:maximumDepthInMeters are not zero or a positive number
5_5 1200 1200 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumDepthInMeters = dwc:maximumDepthInMeters
5_6 100 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is EMPTY
5_7 x 1200 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is EMPTY
5_8 1200 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is EMPTY
5_9 1200 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is EMPTY
5_10 100 50 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:minimumDepthInMeters > maximumDepthInMeters

ID oficial do teste: 39bb2280-1215-447b-9221-fd13bc990641

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Identification

Termos (colunas) testados: dateIdentified

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:dateIdentified to a valid ISO date.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:dateIdentified is EMPTY; AMENDED if the value of dwc:dateIdentified was not a properly formatted ISO 8601-1 date but was unambiguous and was altered to be a valid ISO 8601-1 date; otherwise NOT_AMENDED. bdq:sourceAuthority = "ISO 8601-1:2019" {[]}

Código fonte de exemplo:

Notas: We reference Wikipedia for the ISO standard because the standard documents are not free.

Tabela 6: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_DATEIDENTIFIED_STANDARDIZED.
testID dateIdentified Response.status Response.result Response.comment
6_3 X NOT_AMENDED dwc:dateIdentified contains an uninterpretable value
6_4 10-28 NOT_AMENDED dwc:dateIdentified contains an ambiguous value
6_5 2021-28-10 AMENDED {"dwc:dateIdentified":"2021-10-28"} dwc:dateIdentified assuming dwc:year, dwc:day and dwc:month
6_6 21-10-28 NOT_AMENDED dwc:dateIdentified contains ambiguous values. It could be dd-mm-yy or yy-mm-dd
6_7 2021/10/28 AMENDED {"dwc:dateIdentified":"2021-10-28"} dwc:dateIdentified contains an interpretable value
6_8 2021/04/03 AMENDED {"dwc:dateIdentified":"2021-04-03"} dwc:dateIdentified contains an unambiguous values (at least by Paul :)

ID oficial do teste: 3667556d-d8f5-454c-922b-af8af38f613c

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: family

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:family occur at rank of Family in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:family is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:family was found as a value at the rank of Family by the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The purpose of this test is to check whether the value is a name that is a result of a nomenclatural act at this rank. This excludes unpublished names, misspellings and vernacular names. It is expected that the test will designate the source authority against to check. The same test might return distinct results when using distinct source authorities.

Tabela 7: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_FAMILY_FOUND.
testID family Response.status Response.result Response.comment
7_1 anyfamily EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was unavailable or unreachable
7_3 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:family is EMPTY or white space
7_4 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:family does not have an equivalent at the rank of Family in the bdq:sourceAuthority, string serializations of null are not empty.
7_5 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:family does not have an equivalent at the rank of Family in the bdq:sourceAuthority
7_6 Agaricaceae RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT bdq:family has an equivalent at the rank of Family in the bdq:sourceAuthority
7_7 Agaricacae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:family does not have an equivalent at the rank of Family in the Parameterized Source Authority
7_8 Macropodidae RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT bdq:family has an equivalent at the rank of Family in the bdq:sourceAuthority
7_9 kangaroos RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:family does not have an equivalent at the rank of Family in the Parameterized Source Authority
7_10 Macropods RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:family does not have an equivalent at the rank of Family in the Parameterized Source Authority
7_11 dwc:family RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:family does not have an equivalent at the rank of Family in the bdq:sourceAuthority

ID oficial do teste: 0949110d-c06b-450e-9649-7c1374d940d1

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLongitude

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:decimalLongitude a number between -180 and 180 inclusive?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:decimalLongitude is EMPTY or the value is not a number; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:decimalLongitude is between -180 and 180 degrees, inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 8: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DECIMALLONGITUDE_INRANGE.
testID decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
8_3 X INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude does not contain a numerical value
8_4 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is in range
8_5 0.0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is in range
8_6 121.0534 W INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude is NOT a number
8_7 181.0554 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude >180
8_8 -189.5674 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude <-180
8_9 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is in range
8_10 -94.4805934 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is in range

ID oficial do teste: 3c2590c7-af8a-4eb4-af57-5f73ba9d1f8e

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude

Descrição: Propose amendment to the values of dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude from information in the verbatim coordinates terms.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if either dwc:decimalLatitude or dwc:decimalLongitude were not EMPTY, or either dwc:verbatimLatitude and dwc:verbatimLongitude, or dwc:verbatimCoordinates were not unambiguously interpretable into valid coordinates; FILLED_IN the values of dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude if unambiguous values can be interpreted from dwc:verbatimCoordinates or dwc:verbatimLatitude and dwc:verbatimLongitude, plus dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem and dwc:verbatimSRS; otherwise NOT_AMENDED

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 9: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_COORDINATES_FROM_VERBATIM.
testID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
9_2 -23.712 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatutide is not EMPTY
9_3 139.923 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude is not EMPTY
9_4 -23.712 139.923 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatutide and dwc:decimalLongitude are not EMPTY
9_5 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:verbatimLatitude and dwc:verbatimLongitude and dwc:verbatimCoordinates were not interpretable into coordinates as decimal degrees
9_6 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:verbatimLatitude and dwc:verbatimLongitude were not interpretable into coordinates as decimal degrees
9_7 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:verbatimCoordinates were not interpretable into coordinates as decimal degrees
9_8 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:verbatimCoordinates were not interpretable into coordinates as decimal degrees
9_9 NOT_AMENDED dwc:verbatimCoordinateSystem is EMPTY
9_10 NOT_AMENDED dwc:verbatimCoordinateSRS is EMPTY
9_11 NOT_AMENDED dwc:verbatimSRS contains an uninterpretable value
9_12 NOT_AMENDED dwc:verbatimLongitude is EMPTY
9_13 FILLED_IN {"dwc:decimalLatitude":"-23.712","dwc:decimalLongitude":"139.923","dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326"} Input fields contain interpretable values
9_14 FILLED_IN {"dwc:decimalLatitude":"-23.712","dwc:decimalLongitude":"139.923","dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326"} Input fields contain interpretable values
9_15 FILLED_IN {"dwc:decimalLatitude":"-23.712","dwc:decimalLongitude":"139.923","dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326"} Input fields contain interpretable values

ID oficial do teste: f51e15a6-a67d-4729-9c28-3766299d2985

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:eventDate?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc v3.0.0 DwCEventDQ.validationEventdateNotEmpty()

Notas: Not available

Tabela 10: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_EVENTDATE_NOTEMPTY.
testID eventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
10_2 1964-11-01T10:00-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_3 1949-09-15T12:34 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_4 1949-09-16T12:34 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_5 1949-12-09T12:34 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_6 1963-03-08T14:07-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_7 1963-03-08T14:07 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_8 1963-03-08T14 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_9 1963-03-08T14:67-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_10 1963-03-08T14:07Z RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_11 1963-03-08T4 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_12 1963-03-08T14:0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_13 1963-03-08T14:07 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_14 1963-03-08 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_15 1963-03 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_16 1963 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_17 1962-11-01T10:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_18 1964-11-01T10:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_19 1963-11-01T10:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_20 63 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_21 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_22 1949-01-01 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_24 x RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY
10_25 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventdate is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 3cff4dc4-72e9-4abe-9bf3-8a30f1618432

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:eventDate entirely with the Parameter Range?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is EMPTY or if the value of dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601-1 date; COMPLIANT if the range of dwc:eventDate is entirely within the range bdq:earliestValidDate to bdq:latestValidDate, inclusive, otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:earliestValidDate default ="1582-11-15",bdq:latestValidDate default = current year

Código fonte de exemplo: FilteredPush event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.validationEventdateInrange()

Notas: This test provides for a default earliest date, which is 1582-11-15 by convention. That date was chosen because ISO 8601-1 asserts that "the use of proleptic Gregorian calendar dates prior are not allowed in ISO 8601-1 without prior agreement of the parties exchanging data", and Darwin Core does not comment on this. Different calendars have been used at different times in different places, and the transcription of an original date in one calendar into dwc:eventDate, where a Gregorian Calendar is assumed, may or may not have been done with the correct translation of the date, and metadata may or not be present to even identify such records. Given the complexity, and ongoing nature of transitions between calendars, we do not advocate using this test for quality assurance by selecting a transition date and using it as a threshold.

Tabela 11: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_EVENTDATE_INRANGE.
testID eventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
11_2 1962-11-01T10:00-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_3 1964-11-01T10:00-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_4 1949-09-15T12:34 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_5 1949-09-16T12:34 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_6 1949-12-09T12:34 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_7 1949-01-15T12:34/1949-01-20T17:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_8 1963-03-08T14:07-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_9 1963-03-08T14:07 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_10 1963-03-08T14 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_11 1963-03-08 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_12 1963-03 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is IN_RANGE
11_14 2300-11-01T10:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is NOT_IN_RANGE
11_15 0032-11-01T10:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is NOT_IN_RANGE
11_16 1963-03-08T14:67-0600 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601 date
11_17 0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601 date
11_18 1963-03-08T4 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601 date
11_19 1963-03-08T14:0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601 date
11_20 63 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601 date
11_21 0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601 date
11_23 null INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not interpretable as a valid ISO date

ID oficial do teste: 3136236e-04b6-49ea-8b34-a65f25e3aba1

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: license

Descrição: Does the value of dcterms:license occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dcterms:license is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of the term dcterms:license is in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Creative Commons" {[]} {Creative Commons licenses []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The license at the record level might be derived from the license of the data set from which the record is retrieved. This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 12: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_LICENSE_STANDARD.
testID license Response.status Response.result Response.comment
12_1 CC BY RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dcterms:license matches a term in bdq:sourceAuthority
12_2 GPL RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dcterms:license does not match a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
12_3 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dcterms:license does not match a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
12_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dcterms:license does not match a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
12_5 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dcterms:license is EMPTY or missing
12_6 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dcterms:license is EMPTY or missing
12_7 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dcterms:license does not match a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
12_8 Anylicence EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable

ID oficial do teste: 0bb8297d-8f8a-42d2-80c1-558f29efe798

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: minimumElevationInMeters

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:minimumElevationInMeters within the Parameter range?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is EMPTY or the value is not a number; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is within the range of bdq:minimumValidElevationInMeters to bdq:maximumValidElevationInMeters inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:minimumValidElevationInMeters default = "-430",bdq:maximumValidElevationInMeters default = "8850"

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: We have rounded up the Parameter values. We are aware of sub-ice elevations in Antarctica to -3,500m and possible sampling in the atmosphere above the elevation of the top of Mt Everest that would fail this test but we support the odd false positive.

Tabela 13: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_MINELEVATION_INRANGE.
testID minimumElevationInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
13_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is EMPTY"
13_2 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is IN_RANGE
13_3 1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is IN_RANGE
13_4 -500 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is NOT_IN_RANGE (<-430)
13_5 8860 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is NOT_IN_RANGE (>8850)
13_6 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is EMPTY"
13_7 null INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is not a NUMBER
13_8 [non-prininting characters] INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is not a NUMBER

ID oficial do teste: 58486cb6-1114-4a8a-ba1e-bd89cfe887e9

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: higherGeographyID,higherGeography,continent,country,countryCode,stateProvince,county,municipality,waterBody,island,islandGroup,locality,locationID,verbatimLocality,decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude,verbatimCoordinates,verbatimLatitude,verbatimLongitude,footprintWKT

Descrição: Is there a value in any of the Darwin Core spatial terms that could specify a location?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if at least one term needed to determine the location of the entity exists and is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Only fails if all of the relevant fields of the Darwin Core Location class are EMPTY or do not exist. Relevant Darwin Core fields include dwc:locationID, dwc:higherGeographyID, dwc:higherGeography, dwc:continent, dwc:waterBody, dwc:islandGroup, dwc:island, dwc:country, dwc:countryCode, dwc:stateProvince, dwc:county, dwc:municipality, dwc:locality, dwc:verbatimLocality, dwc:decimalLatitude, dwc:decimalLongitude, dwc:verbatimCoordinates, dwc:verbatimLatitude, dwc:verbatimLongitude, dwc:footprintWKT. Elevation and/or depth alone are deemed insufficient to meaningfully locate a position on the earth.

Tabela 14: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_LOCATION_NOTEMPTY.
testID higherGeographyID continent country countryCode stateProvince waterBody island islandGroup locationID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude footprintWKT Response.status Response.result Response.comment
14_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT All location fields are EMPTY.
14_2 null null null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Some location field have content
14_3 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY as there is a value in dwc:locationID
14_6 Southern Ocean RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_7 Antipodes Islands RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_8 Robinson Crusoe Island RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_9 Eswatini RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_10 Swaziland RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_11 Yugoslavia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_16 Austria RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_17 POLYGON ((10 20, 11 20, 11 21, 10 21, 10 20)) RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY: the one-degree bounding box with opposite corners at longitude=10, latitude=20 and longitude=11, latitude=21
14_18 San Isidro X RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_20 0.0 0.0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_21 41.0554 N 121.0534 W RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_22 121.0534 181.0554 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_23 -99.2314 -189.5674 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_24 -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_25 CL -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_26 AR Rio Negro -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_27 AR Neuquén -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_28 México MX 18.835941 -94.4805934 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_29 -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_30 41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY
14_31 -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Location not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: bd385eeb-44a2-464b-a503-7abe407ef904

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: type

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dc:type using the DCMI type vocabulary.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the value of dc:type is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dc:type if it can be unambiguously interpreted as a value in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority is "Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)" {[]} {DCMI Type Vocabulary" []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 15: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_DCTYPE_STANDARDIZED.
testID type Response.status Response.result Response.comment
15_2 Event EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable
15_3 null NOT_AMENDED dc:type contains an uninterpretable value
15_4 X NOT_AMENDED dc:type contains an uninterpretable value
15_5 evnt AMENDED {"dc:type":"Event"} dc:type contains an interpretable value
15_6 image AMENDED {"dc:type":"StillImage"} dc:type contains an interpretable value

ID oficial do teste: 6ce2b2b4-6afe-4d13-82a0-390d31ade01c

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: country

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:country?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:country is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: geo_ref_qc DwCGeoRefDQ.validationCountryNotEmpty

Notas: Country is expected to be empty if material comes from the high seas, or from those portions of Antartica outside of any sovereign nation.

Tabela 16: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COUNTRY_NOTEMPTY.
testID country Response.status Response.result Response.comment
16_2 Eswatini RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is not EMPTY
16_3 Swaziland RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is not EMPTY
16_4 Yugoslavia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is not EMPTY
16_5 Congo RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is not EMPTY
16_6 United States Minor Outlying Islands RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is not EMPTY
16_7 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is not EMPTY, string serializations of null are not empty.

ID oficial do teste: 620749b9-7d9c-4890-97d2-be3d1cde6da8

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude,geodeticDatum,coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,coordinatePrecision

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:geodeticDatum and potentially to dwc:decimalLatitude and/or dwc:decimalLongitude based on a conversion between coordinate reference systems.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:decimalLatitude is EMPTY or does not have a valid value, or dwc:decimalLongitude is EMPTY or does not have a valid value, or dwc:geodeticDatum is EMPTY or does not contain an interpretable value; AMENDED if the values of dwc:decimalLatitude, dwc:decimalLongitude and dwc:geodeticDatum are changed based on a conversion between the coordinate reference systems as specified by dwc:geodeticDatum and bdq:targetCRS, and, if dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters was an interpretable value, the uncertainty from the conversion is added to it, and the value of dwc:coordinatePrecision is provided from the conversion result; otherwise NOT_AMENDED. bdq:targetCRS default = "EPSG:4326" {[]} {EPSG Endpoint for translations []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This test relates only to EPSG codes applying to coordinate reference systems where the coordinate system is EPSG:6422 (Ellipsoidal 2D CS. Axes: latitude, longitude. Orientations: north, east. UoM: degree), or EPSG:6423 (Ellipsoidal 3D CS. Axes: latitude, longitude, ellipsoidal height. Orientations: north, east, up. UoM: degree, degree, metre.). Any amendment has implications for dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters and dwc:coordinatePrecision. If the dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is EMPTY or is not interpretable, this amendment should not provide a dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters. If the dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is not EMPTY and is valid, this amendment should add the uncertainty contributed by the conversion to the value of dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters. The amended dwc:coordinatePrecision should be the precision of coordinates as provided after the conversion, ideally this should be 0.0000001, reflecting the seven digits of precision required to reverse a coordinate transformation without loss of information at the scale of one meter. If dwc:geodeticDatum specifies the same CRS for dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude as bdq:targetCRS (e.g., if dwc:geodeticDatum has either the value "WGS84" or "EPSG:4326" and the bdq:targetCRS is "EPSG:4326"), then the coordinates are assumed to be in the target CRS and the Response.status is NOT_AMENDED.

Tabela 17: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_COORDINATES_CONVERTED.
testID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude geodeticDatum coordinateUncertaintyInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
17_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude, dwc:decimalLongitude, dwc:geodeticDatum are EMPTY
17_2 139.923 GDA94 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is EMPTY
17_3 -23.721 GDA94 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude is EMPTY
17_4 -23.712 139.923 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:geodeticDatum is EMPTY
17_5 -23.712 139.923 GDX93 NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum does not have a match in bdq:sourceAuthority
17_6 -23.712 139.923 AGD66 AMENDED {"dwc:decimalLatitude":"-23.7105001","dwc:decimalLongitude":"139.924185","dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters":"","dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326","dwc:coordinatePrecision":"6"} Input fields contain interpretable values: xform using ""
17_7 -93.712 139.923 GDA94 NOT_AMENDED dwc:decimalLatitude was out of range
17_8 x 139.923 GDA94 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitide contains uninterpretable value
17_9 -23.712 139.923 GDA94 50 AMENDED {"dwc:decimalLatitude":"--23.7119864","dwc:decimalLongitude":"139.9230077","dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters":"50","dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326","dwc:coordinatePrecision":"7"} Input fields contain interpretable values: Xform from
17_10 null 139.923 GDA94 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET Input fields contain interpretable values
17_11 -10.671867 150.207555 EPSG:5546 AMENDED {"dwc:decimalLatitude":"-10.671867","dwc:decimalLongitude":"150.207555","dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters":"","dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326","dwc:coordinatePrecision":""} Input fields contain interpretable values: Xform from

ID oficial do teste: 3f335517-f442-4b98-b149-1e87ff16de45

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: scientificName

Descrição: Is there a match of the contents of dwc:scientificName with bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:scientificName is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if there is a match of the contents of dwc:scientificName with the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The purpose of this test is to detect errors in the scientific name but is dependent on the abilities of the parsing of the bdq:sourceAuthority. For research users of biodiversity data doing quality assurance, VALIDATION_TAXON_UNAMBIGUOUS (4c09f127-737b-4686-82a0-7c8e30841590) handles their needs, but for curators of data sets doing quality control, this test provides a specific subset of targeted data cleaning, making it a valuable test to include for the quality control case.

Tabela 18: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_SCIENTIFICNAME_FOUND.
testID scientificName Response.status Response.result Response.comment
18_1 Eucalyptus gunnii EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable
18_3 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName was not found in bdq:sourceAuthority
18_4 Eucalyptus camaldulensis RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName found in bdq:sourceAuthority
18_5 Capulus intort RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName was not found in bdq:sourceAuthority
18_6 x RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName was not found in bdq:sourceAuthority

ID oficial do teste: c486546c-e6e5-48a7-b286-eba7f5ca56c4

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: occurrenceID

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:occurrenceID?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:occurrenceID is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 19: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_OCCURRENCEID_NOTEMPTY.
testID occurrenceID Response.status Response.result Response.comment
19_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID conforms to GUID structure
19_4 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID is not EMPTY
19_5 --- RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID is not EMPTY
19_6 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceID is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: fec5ffe6-3958-4312-82d9-ebcca0efb350

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: countryCode

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:countryCode if it can be interpreted as an ISO country code.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISTITES_NOT_MET if the value of dwc:countryCode is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:countryCode if it can be unambiguously interpreted from bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority default = "ISO 3166 Country Codes" {[]} {ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 Country Code search []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 20: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_COUNTRYCODE_STANDARDIZED.
testID countryCode Response.status Response.result Response.comment
20_1 004 EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable
20_3 Australia AMENDED {"dwc:countryCode":"AU"} dwc:countryCode contains an interpretable value
20_4 Aust. NOT_AMENDED dwc:countryCode contains an ambiguous value
20_5 x NOT_AMENDED dwc:countryCode contains an uninterpretable value
20_7 null NOT_AMENDED dwc:countryCode contains an uninterpretable value

ID oficial do teste: c09ecbf9-34e3-4f3e-b74a-8796af15e59f

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: year

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:year?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:year is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc v3.0.0 DwCEventDQ.validationYearNotEmpty()

Notas: Not available

Tabela 21: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_YEAR_NOTEMPTY.
testID year Response.status Response.result Response.comment
21_3 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY
21_4 194x RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY
21_5 1952 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY
21_6 9999 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY
21_7 1599 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY
21_8 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY
21_10 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY, string serializations of null are not empty

ID oficial do teste: adb27d29-9f0d-4d52-b760-a77ba57a69c9

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: countryCode,decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude

Descrição: Do the geographic coordinates fall on or within the boundaries of the territory given in dwc:countryCode or its Exclusive Economic Zone?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if one or more of dwc:decimalLatitude, dwc:decimalLongitude, or dwc:countryCode are EMPTY or invalid; COMPLIANT if the geographic coordinates fall on or within the boundary defined by the union of the boundary of the country from dwc:countryCode plus it's Exclusive Economic Zone as found in the bdq:sourceAuthority, if any, plus an exterior buffer given by bdq:spatialBufferInMeters; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "ADM1 boundaries UNION with Exclusive Economic Zones" {[] spatial UNION []},bdq:spatialBufferInMeters default = "3000"

Código fonte de exemplo:

Notas: dwc:coordinatePrecicision and dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters (if present) imply a potential displacement of the provided coordinates. These two terms can be considered spatial buffers. Likewise, country polygons cannot be 100% accurate at all scales (Dooley 2005), so a spatial buffer of the country boundaries is justified. Taking the spatial buffers into account does however greatly complicate both the logic and the implementation of such tests. The same applies to potential conversion of the Spatial Reference System (SRS) of dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude to the SRS used in the bdq:sourceAuthority.

Tabela 22: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COORDINATES_COUNTRYCODE_CONSISTENT.
testID countryCode decimalLatitude decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
22_1 AU -30.0 130.0 EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable
22_3 GL INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude EMPTY
22_4 GRL INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude EMPTY
22_6 0.0 0.0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:countryCode is EMPTY
22_7 CL -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT Coordinates are in Argentina, not Chile
22_8 AR -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Coordinates match dwc:countryCode
22_9 MX 18.835941 -94.4805934 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Coordinates match dwc:countryCode
22_10 MX null -94.4805934 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is not a valid numeric value
22_11 MX -94.4805934 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is EMPTY
22_12 MX 18.835941 x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude is not a valid numeric value

ID oficial do teste: b9c184ce-a859-410c-9d12-71a338200380

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude

Descrição: Does the marine/non-marine biome of a taxon from the bdq:sourceAuthority match the biome at the location given by the coordinates?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if either bdq:taxonomyIsMarine or bdq:geospatialLand are not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:dcientificName was EMPTY or the marine/non-marine status of the taxon is not interpretable from bdq:taxonomyIsMarine or the values of dwc:decimalLatitude or dwc:decimalLongitude are EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the taxon marine/non-marine status from bdq:taxonomyIsMarine matches the marine/non-marine status of dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude on the boundaries given by bdq:geospatialLand plus an exterior buffer given by bdq:spatialBufferInMeters; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:taxonIsMarine default = "World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS") {[]} {Web service []},{bdq:geospatialLand default = The spatial union of "NaturalEarth 10m-physical-vectors for Land" [] and "NaturalEarth Minor Islands" []},bdq:spatialBufferInMeters default = "3000"

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: dwc:coordinatePrecicision and dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters (if present) imply a potential displacement of the provided coordinates. These two terms can be considered spatial buffers. Likewise, country polygons cannot be 100% accurate at all scales (Dooley 2005), so a spatial buffer of the country boundaries is justified. Taking the spatial buffers into account does however greatly complicate both the logic and the implementation of such tests. The same applies to potential conversion of the Spatial Reference System (SRS) of dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude to the SRS used in the bdq:sourceAuthority.

Tabela 23: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COORDINATES_TERRESTRIALMARINE.
testID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
23_1 EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable
23_3 0 0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificName is EMPTY
23_4 0.0 0.0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificName is EMPTY
23_5 0.0 0.0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificName is EMPTY
23_6 0.0 0.0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The terrestrial/marine status of the value of dwc:scientificName is not intrerpretable from bdq:sourceAuthority[taxonomyismarine]
23_7 0.0 0.0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET The terrestrial/marine status of the value of dwc:scientificName is not intrerpretable from bdq:sourceAuthority[taxonomyismarine]
23_8 -42.8747 147.6489 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is terrestrial and coordinates are on land
23_9 41.0554 N 121.0534 W INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude cannot be interpreted as a number
23_10 -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT The species is marine and the location is an inland lake.
23_11 41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is terrestrial but coordinates are marine
23_12 -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The species is freshwater aquatic and the coordinates fall in a lake and thus COMPLIANT

ID oficial do teste: 710fe118-17e1-440f-b428-88ba3f547d6d

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: year,month,day,startDayOfYear,endDayOfYear

Descrição: Propose amendment to values in any of dwc:year, dwc:month, dwc:day, dwc:startDayOfYear or dwc:endDayOfYear from the content of dwc:eventDate.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is EMPTY or contains an invalid value according to ISO 8601-1; FILLED_IN (1) dwc:day from dwc:eventDate if dwc:day is EMPTY and dwc:eventDate has a precision of a day or finer and is within a single day, (2) dwc:month from dwc:eventDate if dwc:month is EMPTY and dwc:eventDate has a precision of a single month or finer and is within a single month, (3) dwc:year from dwc:eventDate if dwc:year is EMPTY and dwc:eventDate has a precision of a single year or finer and is within a single year, (4) dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear if they are EMPTY and dwc:eventDate has a precision of a day or better; otherwise NOT_AMENDED.

Código fonte de exemplo: FilteredPush event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.amendmentEventFromEventdate() unit test in DwcEventDQTest

Notas: Only fields that are empty will be have changes proposed, and only if dwc:eventDate has a valid ISO 8601-1 date. The dwc:eventDate is the canonical form of the event date (it is the first trusted form). If event date does not contain a range, dwc:startDayOfYear = dwc:endDayOfYear. Time (as compared to date) is not deemed a CORE component. Note, see sequencing tests section of standards document, run this amendment after any other amendment which may affect dwc:eventDate

Tabela 24: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_EVENT_FROM_EVENTDATE.
testID year month day Response.status Response.result Response.comment
24_2 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET eventDate contains an uninterpretable value
24_3 2023 NOT_AMENDED No amendments possible
24_4 2023 FILLED_IN {"dwc:startDayOfYear":"26","dwc:month":"1","dwc:day":"26","dwc:endDayOfYear":"26"} dwc:month, dwc:day, dwc:startDayOfyear and dwc:endDayOfYear filled in from dwc:eventDate
24_5 2023 1 26 FILLED_IN {"dwc:startDayOfYear":"26","dwc:endDayOfYear":"26"} dwc:startDayOfyear and dwc:endDayOfYear filled in from dwc:eventDate
24_6 FILLED_IN {"dwc:startDayOfYear":"60","dwc:endDayOfYear":"132"} filled in dwc:startDayOfYear and endDayOfYear. Dwc:eventDate spans more than one day, month and year
24_7 FILLED_IN {"dwc:year":"2007","dwc:month":"3"} dwc:eventDate contains interpretable values, assuming we treat dwc:eventDate as year-month
24_8 2021 FILLED_IN {"dwc:startDayOfYear":"302","dwc:month":"10","dwc:day":"29","dwc:endDayOfYear":"302"} dwc:eventDate contains an interpretable value
24_9 FILLED_IN {"dwc:startDayOfYear":"15","dwc:year":"2021","dwc:endDayOfYear":"33"} Provided dwc:eventDate [2021-01-15/2021-02-02] represents a range of more than one day or has precision coarser than a day, can't fill in day.|Provided dwc:eventDate [2021-01-15/2021-02-02] spans more than one month, can't fill in dwc:month.|Added year [2021] from start month of eventDate [2021-01-15/2021-02-02].|Added startDayOfYear [15] from start day of eventDate [2021-01-15/2021-02-02].|Added endDayOfYear [33] from end day of eventDate [2021-01-15/2021-02-02].

ID oficial do teste: f2b4a50a-6b2f-4930-b9df-da87b6a21082

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude

Descrição: Propose amendment of the signs of dwc:decimalLatitude and/or dwc:decimalLongitude to align the location with the dwc:countryCode.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if any of dwc:decimalLatitude or dwc:decimalLongitude or dwc:countryCode are EMPTY; AMENDED dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude if the coordinates were transposed or one or more of the signs of the coordinates were reversed to align the location with dwc:countryCode; otherwise NOT_AMENDED

Código fonte de exemplo:

Notas: The dwc:geodeticDatum is not necessary for this test. The maximum positional shift between any geographic coordinate reference system and WGS84 is less than 6 km, so any hemisphere test that relies on a country code for consistency would not be affected by the potential shift. The prior VALIDATION for this test is VALIDATION_COORDINATE_COUNTRYCODE_CONSISTENT (adb27d29-9f0d-4d52-b760-a77ba57a69c9).

Tabela 25: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_COORDINATES_TRANSPOSED.
testID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
25_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude, dwc:decimalLongitude and dwc:countryCode are EMPTY
25_2 12.5 70 AMENDED {"dwc:decimalLongitude":"-70.0"} dwc:decimalLongitude sign reversed to align with dwc:countryCode Aruba
25_3 25.46 135.87 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:countryCode is EMPTY
25_4 25.46 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude is EMPTY
25_5 135.87 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is EMPTY
25_6 25.46 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude and dwc:countryCode are EMPTY
25_7 25.46 135.87 NOT_AMENDED dwc:countryCode is uninterpretable
25_8 25.46 185.87 NOT_AMENDED dwc:decimalLongitude is out of range
25_9 x 135.87 NOT_AMENDED dwc:decimalLatitude contains an uninterpretable value
25_10 25.46 135.87 NOT_AMENDED dwc:countryCode is EMPTY
25_11 25.46 135.87 AMENDED {"dwc:decimalLatitude":"-25.46"} Input fields contain interpretable values

ID oficial do teste: c5658b83-4471-4f57-9d94-bf7d0a96900c

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: minimumDepthInMeters,maximumDepthInMeters

Descrição: Propose amendments of the values of dwc:minimumDepthInMeters and/or dwc:maximumDepthInMeters if they can be interpreted from dwc:verbatimDepth.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:verbatimDepth is EMPTY or the value is not unambiguously interpretable or dwc:minimumDepthInMeters and dwc:maximumDepthInMeters are not EMPTY; FILLED_IN the value of dwc:minimumDepthInMeters and/or dwc:maximumDepthInMeters if they could be unambiguously determined from dwc:verbatimDepth; otherwise NOT_AMENDED

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: If the dwc:verbatimDepth has a single value rather than a range, the minimum and maximum values should be amended with the same value.

Tabela 26: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_MINDEPTH-MAXDEPTH_FROM_VERBATIM.
testID minimumDepthInMeters maximumDepthInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
26_2 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:verbatimDepth does not conatin an interpretable value
26_3 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:verbatimDepth contains an uninterpretable value. "x" is ambiguous as either "10" or "No" or "unknown"
26_4 25 100 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET Output fields are not EMPTY
26_5 11 NOT_AMENDED Input and output fields are conflicting
26_6 11 NOT_AMENDED Input and output fields are conflicting
26_7 11 FILLED_IN {"dwc:minimumDepthInMeters":"10"} dwc:verbatimDepth contains an interpretable value
26_8 FILLED_IN {"dwc:maximumDepthInMeters":"3.048","dwc:minimumDepthInMeters":"3.048"} dwc:verbatimDepth contains interpretable value
26_9 FILLED_IN {"dwc:maximumDepthInMeters":"100","dwc:minimumDepthInMeters":"10"} dwc:verbatimDepth contains interpretable value
26_10 FILLED_IN {"dwc:maximumDepthInMeters":"34.9","dwc:minimumDepthInMeters":"25.8"} dwc:verbatimDepth contains interpretable values

ID oficial do teste: f18a470b-3fe1-4aae-9c65-a6d3db6b550c

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: stateProvince,decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude

Descrição: Do the geographic coordinates fall on or within the boundary from the bdq:sourceAuthority for the given dwc:stateProvince or within the distance given by bdq:spatialBufferInMeters outside that boundary?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority was not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the values of dwc:decimalLatitude, dwc:decimalLongitude, or dwc:stateProvince are EMPTY or invalid; COMPLIANT if the geographic coordinates fall on or within the boundary from the bdq:sourceAuthority for the given dwc:stateProvince (after coordinate reference system transformations, if any, have been accounted for), or within the distance given by bdq:spatialBufferInMeters outside that boundary; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT. bdq:sourceAuthority default = "ADM1 boundaries" {[]},bdq:spatialBufferInMeters default = "3000"

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The geographic determination service is expected to return a list of names of first-level administrative divisions for geometries that the geographic point falls on or within, including a 3 km buffer around the administrative geometry. A match on any of those names should constitute a consistency, and dwc:countryCode should not be needed to make this determination, that is, this test does not attempt to disambiguate potential duplicate first-level administrative division names. The level of buffering may be related to the scale of the underlying GIS layer being used. At a global scale, typical map scales used for borders and coastal areas are either 1:3M or 1:1M (Dooley 2005, Chapter 4). Horizontal accuracy at those scales is around 1.5-2.5km and 0.5-0.85 km respectively (Chapman & Wieczorek 2020).

Tabela 27: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COORDINATES_STATEPROVINCE_CONSISTENT.
testID stateProvince decimalLatitude decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
27_1 EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable
27_3 San Isidro INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude, dwc:decimalLongitude and dwc:geodeticDatum are EMPTY
27_4 0 0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:stateProvince is EMPTY
27_5 X 0 0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:stateProvince is EMPTY
27_6 0 0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:stateProvince is EMPTY
27_7 0 0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:stateProvince is EMPTY
27_8 0.0 0.0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:stateProvince is EMPTY
27_9 Tasmania -42.85 x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude is not an interpretable
27_10 Tasmania -42.85 -147.645 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Input fields contain interpretable values
27_11 Rio Negro -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT Input fields contain interpretable values
27_12 Taswegion -42.85 -147.645 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:stateProvince is not a valid value
27_13 Neuquén -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT Input fields contain interpretable values but coordinates don't match dwc:stateProvince

ID oficial do teste: 431467d6-9b4b-48fa-a197-cd5379f5e889

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: scientificNameID

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:scientificNameID if it can be unambiguously resolved from bdq:sourceAuthority using the available taxon terms.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:scientificNameID is not EMPTY or if all of dwc:scientificName, dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet, dwc:scientificNameAuthorship, and dwc:cultivarEpithet are EMPTY, FILLED_IN the value of dwc:scientificNameID for an unambiguously resolved single taxon record in the bdq:sourceAuthority through (1) the value of dwc:scientificName or (2) if dwc:scientificName is EMPTY through values of the terms dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet, dwc:scientificNameAuthorship and dwc:cultivarEpithet, or (3) if ambiguity produced by multiple matches in (1) or (2) can be disambiguated to a single Taxon using the values of dwc:subtribe, dwc:tribe, dwc:subgenus, dwc:genus, dwc:subfamily, dwc:family, dwc:superfamily, dwc:order, dwc:class, dwc:phylum, dwc:kingdom, dwc:higherClassification, dwc:taxonID, dwc:acceptedNameUsageID, dwc:originalNameUsageID, dwc:taxonConceptID, dwc:taxonomicRank, and dwc:vernacularName; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Return a result with no value and a Result.status of NOT_AMENDED with a Response.comment of ambiguous if the information provided does not resolve to a unique result (e.g. if homonyms exist and there is insufficient information in the provided data, for example using the lowest ranking taxa in conjunction with dwc:dwc:scientificNameAuthorship, to resolve them). When referencing a GBIF taxon by GBIF's identifier for that taxon, use the the pseudo-namespace "gbif:" and the form "gbif:{integer}" as the value for dwc:scientificNameID.

Tabela 28: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_SCIENTIFICNAMEID_FROM_TAXON.
testID scientificNameID Response.status Response.result Response.comment
28_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificName, dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet, dwc:scientificNameAuthorship, and dwc:cultivarEpithet are EMPTY
28_2 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET All relevant taxon fields are EMPTY
28_6 EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority unavailable
28_7 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":""} dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in WoRMS, exact match on name and authorship. Resolvable at
28_8 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":""} dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in WoRMS, exact match on name and partial match on authorship. Resolvable at
28_9 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":""} dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in WoRMS, exact match on name and match on authorship with common abbreviation. Resolvable at
28_10 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":""} dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in WoRMS, unique fuzzy match on name and exact match on authorship. Resolvable at
28_11 NOT_AMENDED dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambiguous as could be either a lichen or a gastropod.
28_12 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":""} dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:scientificNameAuthorship="Adanson, 1763" identifying the taxon as a lichen
28_13 NOT_AMENDED dwc:scientificName is ambiguous. The "cam" specific epithet could refer to Eucalyptus cambageana, Eucalyptus cameronii, Eucalyptus camfieldii, Eucalyptus campanulata, Eucalyptus campaspe or Eucalyptus camphora
28_14 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":""} dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:scientificNameAuthorship="Jeffreys, 1867" identifying the taxon as a gastropod
28_15 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":""} dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:kingdom=Animalia" identifying the taxon as a gastropod
28_16 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":"gbif:2602041"} dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:class=Lecanoromycetes" identifying the taxon as a lichen.
28_17 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":"gbif:4365662"} dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in GBIF Backbone, exact match on name and authorship. Resolvable at
28_18 NOT_AMENDED dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in GBIF, unique fuzzy match on name (Triplex Rosaria) and exact match on authorship.
28_19 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":"gbif:2300979"} dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:scientificNameAuthorship="Jeffreys, 1867" identifying the taxon as a gastropod
28_20 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificNameID":"gbif:2602041"} dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:scientificNameAuthorship="Adans., 1763" identifying the taxon as a lichen

ID oficial do teste: ac2b7648-d5f9-48ca-9b07-8ad5879a2536

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: basisOfRecord

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:basisOfRecord?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:basisOfRecord is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 29: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_BASISOFRECORD_NOTEMPTY.
testID basisOfRecord Response.status Response.result Response.comment
29_1 PreservedSpecimen RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord is not EMPTY
29_2 PreservedSpec RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord is not EMPTY
29_3 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord is not EMPTY
29_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord is not EMPTY
29_6 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord is not EMPTY
29_7 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord is EMPTY or Missing
29_8 dwc:basisOfRecord RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 7e0c0418-fe16-4a39-98bd-80e19d95b9d1

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: geodeticDatum

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:geodeticDatum occur as a valid geographic CRS, Datum or ellipsoid in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available, INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:geodeticDatum is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:geodeticDatum is (1) "not recorded" or (2) a valid geographic EPSG code for a CRS, Datum, or ellipsoid; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority = "EPSG" {[]} {API for EPSG codes []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Darwin Core recommends best practice is to a controlled vocabulary. Chapman and Wieczorek (2020) recommend the use the EPSG code for the Coordinate Reference System as the controlled vocabulary, if known. If the EPSG code is not known, use the value "not recorded". This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters. Chapman and Wieczorek (2020) recommend best practice is to use EPSG geographic CRS or Datum codes ( as a controlled vocabulary. Ideally, amend to the EPSG code for the geographic coordinate reference system (CRS), if known. Otherwise use the EPSG code for the geodetic datum, if known. Otherwise use the EPSG code of the ellipsoid, if known. If none of these is known, use the explicit value "not recorded". The reference vocabularies of values for geodetic datums and ellipsoids needs to be made available should map alternative representations of dwc:geodeticDatum strings to EPSG codes, such as "WGS84", "WGS_84", "WGS:84", "WGS 84" all with standard value "epsg:4326".

Tabela 30: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_GEODETICDATUM_STANDARD.
testID geodeticDatum Response.status Response.result Response.comment
30_1 GDA94 EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority is unavailable
30_3 x RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum doesn't match values in bdq:sourceAuthority
30_4 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum doesn't match values in bdq:sourceAuthority
30_5 UTM RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum doesn't match values in bdq:sourceAuthority
30_6 WGS84 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum matches an unambiguous alphanumeric CRS or datum code value in bdq:sourceAuthority
30_7 EPSG:4326 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum matches an unambiguous alphanumeric CRS or datum code value in bdq:sourceAuthority
30_8 6326 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum matches an unambiguous alphanumeric CRS or datum code value in bdq:sourceAuthority
30_9 7030 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum doesn't match values in bdq:sourceAuthority, 1730 (EPSG:1730) is an ellipsoid not a datum
30_10 EPSG:23032 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum matches an unambiguous alphanumeric CRS or datum code value in bdq:sourceAuthority
30_11 ED50 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum matches an unambiguous alphanumeric CRS or datum code value in bdq:sourceAuthority
30_12 International 1924 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum doesn't match values in bdq:sourceAuthority. International 1924 is an Ellipsoid not a Datum
30_13 4326 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum matches an unambiguous alphanumeric CRS or datum code value in bdq:sourceAuthority

ID oficial do teste: 0345b325-836d-4235-96d0-3b5caf150fc0

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: geodeticDatum

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:geodeticDatum using bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority was not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:geodeticDatum is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:geodeticDatum if it could be unambiguously interpreted as a value in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority = "EPSG" {[]} {dwc:geodeticDatum vocabulary []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Chapman and Wieczorek (2020) recommend best practice is to use EPSG codes ( as a controlled vocabulary. Ideally, amend to the EPSG code for the geographic coordinate reference system (CRS), if known. Otherwise use the EPSG code for the geodetic datum, if known. Otherwise use the EPSG code of the ellipsoid, if known. If none of these is known, use the explicit value "not recorded". The reference vocabularies of values for geodetic datums and ellipsoids needs to be made available should map alternative representations of dwc:geodeticDatum strings to EPSG codes, such as "WGS84", "WGS_84", "WGS:84", "WGS 84" all with standard value "epsg:4326".

Tabela 31: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_GEODETICDATUM_STANDARDIZED.
testID geodeticDatum Response.status Response.result Response.comment
31_1 AnyDatum EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority unavailable
31_3 null NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum contains an uninterpretable value
31_4 x NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum contains an uninterpretable value
31_5 WGS8 NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum contains an ambiguous value
31_6 WGS84 AMENDED {"dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326"} dwc:geodeticDatum contains a valid code in the bdq:sourceAuthority
31_7 EPSG:4326 NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum contains a valid code in the bdq:sourceAuthority

ID oficial do teste: 718dfc3c-cb52-4fca-b8e2-0e722f375da7

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate

Descrição: Propose amendment of the value of dwc:eventDate to a valid ISO date.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is EMPTY; AMENDED if the value of dwc:eventDate was not a properly formatted ISO 8601-1 date but was unambiguous, and was altered to be a valid ISO 8601-1 date; otherwise NOT_AMENDED

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.amendmentEventdateStandardized() A minimal set of unit tests is in DwCEventDQTestDefinitions unit tests for the underlying verbatim date extraction code are in DateUtilsTest and DateUtilsTest

Notas: The intent of the amended range is to capture the original uncertainty where possible. As in the example, we amend "1999-11" instead of "1999-11-01/1999-11-31". An AMBIGUOUS response is possible.

Tabela 32: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_EVENTDATE_STANDARDIZED.
testID eventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
32_2 null NOT_AMENDED dwc:eventDate contains an uninterpretable value
32_3 X NOT_AMENDED dwc:eventDate contains an uninterpretable value
32_4 10-28 NOT_AMENDED dwc:eventDate contains an ambiguous value
32_5 2021-28-10 AMENDED {"dwc:eventDate":"2021-10-28"} dwc:eventDate contains an interpretable value. Assuming year-day-month input format
32_6 21-10-28 NOT_AMENDED dwc:eventDate contains an ambiguous value for year.
32_7 2021/10/28 AMENDED {"dwc:eventDate":"2021-10-28"} dwc:eventDate contains an interpretable value

ID oficial do teste: b23110e7-1be7-444a-a677-cdee0cf4330c

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: country,countryCode

Descrição: Does the ISO country code determined from the value of dwc:country equal the value of dwc:countryCode?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if either of the terms dwc:country or dwc:countryCode are EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of the country code determined from the value of dwc:country from the bdq:sourceAuthority is equal to the value of dwc:countryCode; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "ISO 3166 Country Codes" {[]} {ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 Country Code search []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The country code determination service should be able to match the name of a country in the original language. This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 33: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COUNTRY_COUNTRYCODE_CONSISTENT.
testID country countryCode Response.status Response.result Response.comment
33_2 Austria AUS EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority unavailable
33_3 Eswatini INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:countryCode is EMPTY
33_4 Swaziland INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:countryCode is EMPTY
33_7 United States Minor Outlying Islands US RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:country does not match dwc:countryCode
33_8 Australia USA RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:country does not match dwc:countryCode
33_9 México MX RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country matches dwc:countryCode
33_10 Australia AU RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country matches dwc:countryCode

ID oficial do teste: 07c28ace-561a-476e-a9b9-3d5ad6e35933

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: basisOfRecord

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:basisOfRecord using bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:basisOfRecord is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:basisOfRecord if it could be unambiguously interpreted as a value in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core basisOfRecord" {[]} {dwc:basisOfRecord vocabulary []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The term dwc:basisOfRecord has the comment "Recommended best practice is to use the standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes." The list of these values can be determined by searching for rows with status="recommended" and rdf_type="". For tests against a dwc:Occurrence record, the set of valid terms is more limited and embodied in the resource found at, which contains both preferred labels and alternate labels from which to standardize values.

Tabela 34: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_BASISOFRECORD_STANDARDIZED.
testID basisOfRecord Response.status Response.result Response.comment
34_3 X NOT_AMENDED dwc:basisOfRecord contains uninterpretable value
34_4 Pres.spec AMENDED {"dwc:basisOfRecord":"PreservedSpecimen"} dwc:basisOfRecord contains interpretable value
34_5 Human obs AMENDED {"dwc:basisOfRecord":"HumanObservation"} dwc:basisOfRecord contains interpretable value
34_6 FossilSpecimen NOT_AMENDED dwc:basisOfRecord contains match in bdq:sourceAuthority so NOT_AMENDED
34_7 Machine EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority unavailable

ID oficial do teste: 4f2bf8fd-fc5c-493f-a44c-e7b16153c803

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:eventDate a valid ISO date?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:eventDate is a valid ISO 8601-1 date; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.validationEventdateStandard()

Notas: This test should also pick up issues such as 29 Feb in a non leap year.

Tabela 35: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_EVENTDATE_STANDARD.
testID eventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
35_2 1962-11-01T10:00-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_3 1949-09-15T12:34 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_4 1949-01-15T12:34/1949-01-20T17:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_5 1963-03-08T14:07-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_6 1963-03-08T14 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_7 1963-03-08T14:67-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate doesnot contain a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_8 1963-03-08T14:07Z RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_9 1963-03-08T4 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate does not contain a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_10 1963-03-08T14:0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate does not contain a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_11 1963-03-08 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_12 1963-03 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_13 1963 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate contains a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_14 63 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate does not contain a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_15 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate does not contain a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
35_16 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate does not contain a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date

ID oficial do teste: 5618f083-d55a-4ac2-92b5-b9fb227b832f

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate,day,month,year,startDayOfYear,endDayOfYear

Descrição: Are the values in dwc:eventDate consistent with the values in dwc:year, dwc:month, dwc:day, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is EMPTY, or all of dwc:year, dwc:month, dwc:day, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are EMPTY; COMPLIANT if all of the following conditions are met (1) dwc:year is EMPTY or dwc:eventDate has a precision of one year or finer and and is within a single year and the provided value of dwc:year matches the year expressed in dwc:eventDate, and (2) dwc:month is EMPTY or dwc:eventDate has a precision of one month or finer and is within a single month and the provided value in dwc:month matches the month represented by dwc:eventDate, and (3) dwc:day is EMPTY or dwc:eventDate has a precision of a day or less and is within a single day and the provided value in dwc:day matches the day represented by dwc:eventDate, and (4) dwc:startDayOfYear is empty or dwc:eventDate has a precision of one day or finer and the provided value in dwc:startDayOfYear matches the start day of the year of the range represented by dwc:eventDate, and (5) dwc:endDayOfYear is empty or dwc:eventDate has a precision of one day or finer and the provided value in dwc:endDayOfYear matches the end day of the year of the range represented by dwc:eventDate; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT.

Código fonte de exemplo: minimal set of unit tests at

Notas: This test does not take a position on whether the value in dwc:eventDate, or the values in the atomic terms are correct, it simply points out the presence of inconsistencies. For this test, dwc:eventTime is explicitly ignored. It may be useful to consider an additional test that does evaluate dwc:eventTime and dwc:eventDate. In that case, but not in this test, if the time is present in both dwc:eventDate and dwc:eventTime, and it is inconsistent, it may indicate an error in the dwc:eventDate, thus making it a problem that someone needs to evaluate. This test will only assert consistency if the data are both internally consistent and are compliant with the term definitions, for example dwc:day, by its definition, can only be the day of an dwc:eventDate that has a precision of a day or better and is not a range that spans more than a single day. A dwc:day that was internally consistent with the first day of the year (that is, 1) of an dwc:eventDate that only had precision to a year would be consistent internally, but not consistent with the Darwin Core term definitions, and would not return COMPLIANT from this test.

Tabela 36: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_EVENT_CONSISTENT.
testID eventDate day month year startDayOfYear endDayOfYear Response.status Response.result Response.comment
36_2 1962-11-01T10:00-0600 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are EMPTY
36_3 1964-11-01T10:00-0600 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are EMPTY
36_6 1949-09-15T12:34 15 9 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day, dwc:month and dwc:year match dwc:eventDate
36_7 1949-09-16T12:34 15 9 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day does not match dwc:eventDate
36_8 1949-09-15T12:34 9 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:month and dwc:year match dwc:eventDate
36_9 1949-12-09T12:34 9 12 1948 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:year does not match dwc:eventDate
36_10 1949-01-15T12:34/1949-01-20T17:00 15 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear match dwc:eventDate
36_11 1949-01-15T12:34/1949-01-20T17:00 15 21 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:endDayOfYear does not match dwc:eventDate
36_12 1949-09-15T12:34 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year matches dwc:eventDate
36_13 1949-09-16T12:34 16 8 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:month does not match dwc:eventDate
36_14 1949-09-16T12:34 16 9 1948 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:year does not match dwc:eventDate
36_15 1981-01-03 3 1 1981 3 3 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate, dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are consistent
36_16 1981-01 1 1981 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate, dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are consistent
36_17 1981-01 1981 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate, dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are consistent
36_18 1981-01/1981-12 1981 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate, dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are consistent
36_19 1981-01-01/1981-12-31 1981 1 365 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate, dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are consistent
36_20 1980/1981 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are EMPTY
36_21 1981-01-10/1981-01-15 1 1980 10 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate doesn't match dwc:year
36_22 1981-12-30/1982-01-03 364 3 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate, dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are consistent
36_23 1981-01 1 1981 1 31 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:endDayOfYear is populated for a date with a precision less than a day
36_24 1981-01 2 1980 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:month is inconsistent with dwc:eventDate
36_25 1981 1 1 1981 1 365 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day and dwc:month do not match dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear
36_26 1981-01/1981-12 1981 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is consistent with dwc:eventDate
36_27 1981-01-01/1981-12-31 1 1 1981 1 365 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day and dwc:month do not match dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear
36_28 1981-01-01/1981-12-31 1981 1 366 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:endDayOfYear does not match dwc:eventDate. 1981 is not a leap year, so "366" is not compliant.
36_29 1980/1981 1980 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:year does not match dwc:eventDate
36_30 1980-01-10/1980-01-15 10 1 1980 10 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day does not match dwc:eventDate
36_31 1981-12-30/1982-01-03 1981 364 3 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:year does not match dwc:eventDate
36_32 1981-12-30/1982-01-03 1981 3 364 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear do not match dwc:eventDate

ID oficial do teste: 2d638c8b-4c62-44a0-a14d-fa147bf9823d

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: minimumElevationInMeters,maximumElevationInMeters

Descrição: Propose amendment(s) to the values of dwc:minimumElevationInMeters and/or dwc:maximumElevationInMeters if they can be interpreted from dwc:verbatimElevation.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:verbatimElevation is EMPTY or dwc:minimumElevationInMeters and/or dwc:maximumElevationInMeters are not EMPTY; FILLED_IN the values of dwc:minimumElevationInMeters and/or dwc:maximumElevationInMeters that could be unambiguously interpreted from dwc:verbatimElevation; otherwise NOT_AMENDED"

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: If the field dwc:verbatimElevation has a single value rather than a range, the minimum and maximum values should be amended with the same value.

Tabela 37: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_MINELEVATION-MAXELEVATION_FROM_VERBATIM.
testID minimumElevationInMeters maximumElevationInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
37_1 25 100 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:verbatimElevation is EMPTY
37_2 25 100 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumElevationInMeters and dwc:maximumElevationInMeters are not EMPTY
37_3 11 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is not EMPTY
37_4 110 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:maximumElevationInMeters is not EMPTY
37_5 11 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is not EMPTY
37_6 FILLED_IN {"dwc:minimumElevationInMeters":"3.048","dwc:maximumElevationInMeters":"3.048"} dwc:verbatimElevation contains an interpretable value
37_7 NOT_AMENDED dwc:verbatimElevation contains ambiguous values (feet or meters or cms?)
37_8 NOT_AMENDED dwc:verbatimElevation contains ambiguous values
37_9 FILLED_IN {"dwc:minimumElevationInMeters":"10","dwc:maximumElevationInMeters":"100"} dwc:verbatimElevation contains an interpretable value
37_10 FILLED_IN {"dwc:minimumElevationInMeters":"356","dwc:maximumElevationInMeters":"369"} dwc:verbatimElevation contains an interpretable value
37_11 FILLED_IN {"dwc:minimumElevationInMeters":"5905.5","dwc:maximumElevationInMeters":"5905.5"} dwc:verbatimElevation contains an interpretable value as is assumed to be in feet

ID oficial do teste: 66269bdd-9271-4e76-b25c-7ab81eebe1d8

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Identification

Termos (colunas) testados: dateIdentified

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:dateIdentified a valid ISO date?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:dateIdentified is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:dateIdentified contains a valid ISO 8601-1 date; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc DwCOtherDateDQ.validationDateidentifiedStandard()

Notas: Not available

Tabela 38: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DATEIDENTIFIED_STANDARD.
testID dateIdentified Response.status Response.result Response.comment
38_2 1963-03-08X14:07-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_3 1963-03-08T14:07 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_4 1963-03-08T14 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_5 1963-03-08T14:67-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_6 1963-03-08T14:07Z RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_7 1963-03-08T4 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_8 1963-03-08T14:0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_9 1963-03-08 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_10 1963-03 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_11 1963 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_12 63 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_13 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
38_14 2021_06_03T24:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date. 24 no longer allowed in the hours position.
38_15 X RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date

ID oficial do teste: 4c09f127-737b-4686-82a0-7c8e30841590

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: taxonID,scientificName,scientificNameID,acceptedNameUsageID,originalNameUsageID,taxonConceptID,higherClassification,kingdom,phylum,class,order,superfamily,family,subfamily,tribe,subtribe,genus,genericName,subgenus,infragenericEpithet,specificEpithet,infraspecificEpithet,cultivarEpithet,vernacularName,scientificNameAuthorship,taxonRank

Descrição: Can the taxon be unambiguously resolved from bdq:sourceAuthority using the available taxon terms?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if all of dwc:scientificNameID, dwc:scientificName, dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet, dwc:scientificNameAuthorship, dwc:cultivarEpithet are EMPTY; COMPLIANT if (1) dwc:scientificNameID references a single taxon record in the bdq:sourceAuthority, or (2) dwc:scientificNameID is empty and dwc:scientificName references a single taxon record in the bdq:sourceAuthority, or (3) if dwc:scientificName and dwc:scientificNameID are EMPTY and if a combination of the values of the terms dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet, dwc:cultivarEpithet, dwc:taxonRank, and dwc:scientificNameAuthorship can be unambiguously resolved to a unique taxon in the bdq:sourceAuthority, or (4) if ambiguity produced by multiple matches in (2) or (3) can be disambiguated to a unique Taxon using the values of dwc:tribe, dwc:subtribe, dwc:subgenus, dwc:genus, dwc:subfamily, dwc:family, dwc:superfamily, dwc:order, dwc:class, dwc:phylum, dwc:kingdom, dwc:higherClassification, dwc:taxonID, dwc:acceptedNameUsageID, dwc:originalNameUsageID, dwc:taxonConceptID and dwc:vernacularName; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: There are any number of potential controlled vocabularies that might be used for this test, including local vocabularies and taxon specific vocabularies. If dwc:scientificNameID is empty, use dwc:scientificName and dwc:CultivarEpithet to search for a unique taxon. If dwc:scientificName is empty, check with the terms that form atomic parts of it (dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet, dwc:taxonRank, dwc:scientificNameAuthorship), and if more than one match is found, use the remaining terms to try to disambiguate to a single Taxon record. The terms dwc:subgenus, dwc:genus, dwc:family, dwc:order, dwc:class, dwc:phylum, dwc:kingdom, dwc:higherClassification, dwc:scientificNameID,, dwc:acceptedNameUsageID, dwc:originalNameUsageID, dwc:taxonConceptID should not be used to make a match if dwc:scientificNameID and dwc:scientificName or dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet, dwc:taxonRank, dwc:scientificNameAuthorship are empty. Note that test VALIDATION_SCIENTIFICNAME_FOUND (4c09f127-737b-4686-82a0-7c8e30841590) is a more specific test for a subset of Information Elements from this test.

Tabela 39: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_TAXON_UNAMBIGUOUS.
testID taxonID scientificName kingdom phylum class family genus genericName specificEpithet cultivarEpithet scientificNameAuthorship taxonRank Response.status Response.result Response.comment
39_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET All relevant fields are empty
39_2 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonID references a single taxon record in the bdq:sourceAuthority
39_3 Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck, 1822) Animalia Mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck, 1822) EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority unavailable
39_4 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:taxonID contains an uninterpretable value
39_5 Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck, 1822) Animalia Mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck, 1822) RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in WoRMS, exact match on name and authorship.
39_6 Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck) Animalia Mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck) RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in WoRMS, exact match on name and partial match on authorship.
39_7 Chicoreus palmarosae (L., 1822) Animalia Mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Chicoreus palmarosae (L., 1822) RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName matched to unique taxon record in WoRMS, exact match on name and match on authorship with common abbreviation.
39_8 Triplex rosaria Perry, 1811 Animalia mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Triplex rosarium Perry, 1811 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName matched taxon record in WoRMS - (Triplex rosaria Perry, 1811)
39_9 Graphis RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambiguous as could be either a lichen or a gastropod.
39_10 Graphis Adans., 1763 Adans., 1763 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:scientificNameAuthorship="Adanson, 1863" identifying the taxon as a lichen
39_11 Graphis Jeffreys, 1867 Jeffreys, 1867 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:scientificNameAuthorship="Jeffreys, 1867" identifying the taxon as a gastropod
39_12 Graphis Animalia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:kingdom=Animalia" identifying the taxon as a gastropod
39_13 Graphis Lecanoromycetes RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName="Graphis" is ambigous but can be disambiguated to a single taxon by the value in dwc:class=Lecanoromycetes" identifying the taxon as a lichen.
39_14 Solanum centrale 'Desert tang' cultivar RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is EMPTY, but an unambiguous taxon can be identified through the combination of dwc: genus, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:taxonRank and dwc:cultivarEpithet.
39_15 Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck, 1822) Animalia Mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck, 1822) RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName matched to taxon record in GBIF Backbone, exact match on name and authorship.
39_16 Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck) Animalia Mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Chicoreus palmarosae (Lamarck) RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName matched to taxon record in GBIF Backbone, exact match on name and partial match on authorship.
39_17 Chicoreus palmarosae (L., 1822) Animalia Mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Chicoreus palmarosae (L., 1822) RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName matched to taxon record in GBIF Backbone, exact match on name and match on authorship with common abbreviation.
39_18 Triplex rosarium Perry, 1811 Animalia mollusca Gastropoda Muricidae Chicoreus Triplex rosarium Perry, 1811 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName did not match taxon record in GBIF Backbone (default source authority)

ID oficial do teste: f01fb3f9-2f7e-418b-9f51-adf50f202aea

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: scientificName

Descrição: Propose an amendment to the value of dwc:scientificName using the dwc:scientificNameID value from bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:scientificNameID is EMPTY, the value of dwc:scientificNameID is ambiguous or dwc:scientificName was not EMPTY; FILLED_IN the value of dwc:scientificName if the value of scientificNameID could be unambiguously interpreted as a value in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The value of dwc:scientificNameID is unambiguous if dwc:scientificNameID references a single taxon record in the bdq:sourceAuthority. When referencing a GBIF taxon by GBIF's identifier for that taxon, use the the pseudo-namespace "gbif:" and the form "gbif:{integer}" as the value for dwc:scientificNameID. Implementors can be aware of the current GBIF api endpoint that can replace the pseduo-namespace gbif: when looking up the dwc:scientificNameID (taxonID in the gbif document), e.g. s/gbif:/https:\/\/\/v1\/species\// will transform the value taxonID=gbif:8102122 to the resolvable endpoint The pseudo-namespace "gbif:" is recommended by GBIF to reference GBIF taxon records. Where resolvable persistent identifiers exist for dwc:scientificNameID values, they should be used in full, but implementors will need to support at least the "gbif:" pseudo-namespace.

Tabela 40: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_SCIENTIFICNAME_FROM_SCIENTIFICNAMEID.
testID scientificName Response.status Response.result Response.comment
40_1 FILLED_IN {"dwc:scientificName":"Harpullia pendula F.Muell."} dwc:scientificNameID contains an interpretable value
40_2 NOT_AMENDED dwc:scientificNameID does not contain an interpretable value
40_3 EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority is unavailable
40_4 NOT_AMENDED dwc:scientificNameID does not contain an interpretable value
40_5 Harpullia pendula F.Muell. INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificNameID is EMPTY
40_6 NOT_AMENDED dwc:scientificNameID is uninterpretable
40_7 Eucalyptus citriodora INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
40_8 Eucalyptus INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
40_9 null INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 13d5a10e-188e-40fd-a22c-dbaa87b91df2

Tipo de teste: Issue

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: dataGeneralizations

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:dataGeneralizations?

Especificação: POTENTIAL_ISSUE if dwc:dataGeneralizations is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_ISSUE

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This is not specific to spatial data, any value in the dwc:dataGeneralizations field will cause this flag to be raised, but the primary use case is expected to be that dwc:dataGeneralizations demonstrates obfuscated locations.

Tabela 41: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste ISSUE_DATAGENERALIZATIONS_NOTEMPTY.
testID dataGeneralizations Response.status Response.result Response.comment
41_1 placed on quarter degree grid RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:dataGeneralizations is not EMPTY
41_2 blah RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:dataGeneralizations is not EMPTY
41_3 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:dataGeneralizations is not EMPTY
41_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:dataGeneralizations is not EMPTY
41_5 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_ISSUE dwc:dataGeneralizations is EMPTY
41_6 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_ISSUE dwc:dataGeneralizations is EMPTY or Missing
41_7 null RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:dataGeneralizations is not EMPTY
41_8 dwc:dataGeneralizations RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:dataGeneralizations is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 8c5fe9c9-4ba9-49ef-b15a-9ccd0424e6ae

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: countryCode,decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:countryCode if dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude fall within a boundary from the bdq:countryShapes that is attributable to a single valid country code.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:countryShapes is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if either dwc:decimalLatitude or dwc:decimalLongitude is EMPTY or uninterpretable, or if dwc:countryCode is NOT_EMPTY; FILLED_IN dwc:countryCode if dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude fall within a boundary from the bdq:countryShapes that is attributable to a single valid country code; otherwise NOT_AMENDED. bdq:sourceAuthority default = "ADM1 boundaries spatial UNION with Exclusive Economic Zones" {[] spatial UNION []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This amendment simply fills dwc:countryCode from a lookup of dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude. dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters and dwc:coordinatePrecicision (if present) imply a buffer around the provided coordinates. Likewise, country polygons cannot be 100% accurate at all scales (Dooley 2005), so a spatial buffer of the country boundaries is also justified. Taking spatial buffers into account does however greatly complicate the logic and the implementation of this and related tests. In this test, a detection of multiple country codes by sampling within the buffer while possible, is not considered.

Tabela 42: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_COUNTRYCODE_FROM_COORDINATES.
testID countryCode decimalLatitude decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
42_1 -25.23 135.43 EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority not available
42_2 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are EMPTY
42_3 AX -25.23 135.43 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY
42_4 -25.23 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is EMPTY
42_5 145.0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is EMPTY
42_6 -25.23 185.43 NOT_AMENDED dwc:decimalLongitude is out of range
42_7 -38.280937 72.047790 NOT_AMENDED Coordinates do not fall in the boundary of any country
42_8 null -42.280937 145.047790 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY
42_9 x 135.87 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude contains an uninterpretable value
42_10 -25.23 x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLongitude contains an uninterpretable value
42_11 -25.23 135.43 FILLED_IN {"dwc:countryCode":"AU"} dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude contain interpretable values
42_12 -41.195924 -71.253562 FILLED_IN {"dwc:countryCode":"AR"} dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude contain interpretable values

ID oficial do teste: 96667a0a-ae59-446a-bbb0-b7f2b0ca6cf5

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: occurrenceStatus

Descrição: Propose an amendment of the value of dwc:occurrenceStatus to the default parameter value if dwc:occurrenceStatus, dwc:individualCount and dwc:organismQuantity are empty.

Especificação: FILLED_IN the value of dwc:occurrenceStatus using the Parameter value if dwc:occurrence.Status, dwc:individualCount and dwc:organismQuantity are EMPTY; otherwise NOT_AMENDED dwc:occurrenceStatus default = "present"

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 43: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_OCCURRENCESTATUS_ASSUMEDDEFAULT.
testID occurrenceStatus Response.status Response.result Response.comment
43_1 FILLED_IN {"dwc:occurrenceStatus":"present"} dwc:occurrenceStatus is EMPTY; assumed "present"
43_2 X NOT_AMENDED dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY
43_3 null NOT_AMENDED dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY
43_4 absent NOT_AMENDED dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: dc8aae4b-134f-4d75-8a71-c4186239178e

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Identification

Termos (colunas) testados: dateIdentified

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:dateIdentified within Parameter ranges and either overlap or is later than dwc:eventDate?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if (1) dwc:dateIdentified is EMPTY, or (2) dwc:dateIdentified contains an invalid value according to ISO 8601-1, or (3) bdq:includeEventDate=true and dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601-1 date; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:dateIdentified is between bdq:earliestValidDate and bdq:latestValidDate inclusive and either (1) dwc:eventDate is EMPTY or bdq:includeEventDate=false, or (2) if dwc:eventDate is a valid ISO 8601-1 date and dwc:dateIdentified overlaps or is later than the dwc:eventDate; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority = "ISO 8601-1:2019" {[]},bdq:earliestValidDate default="1753-01-01",bdq:latestValidDate default=[current day],bdq:includeEventDate default=true

Código fonte de exemplo:

Notas: There may be valid identifications prior to Linnaeus, but this test will flag these under the default value of bdq:earliestValidDate, as for most biodiversity data, pre-linnaean identification dates are likely to be errors. If a parameter is not set, then the default is 1753-01-01. This test will, by design, flag as problematic cases (such as LTER plots and marine mammal sightings) where a known individual organism is identified by a specialist and then subsequently observed without new taxonomic identifications being made.

Tabela 44: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DATEIDENTIFIED_INRANGE.
testID dateIdentified Response.status Response.result Response.comment
44_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:dateIdentified is EMPTY or Missing
44_2 1963-03-08T14:07-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_3 1963-03-08T14:07-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_4 1963-03-08T14:07-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified before dwc:eventDate
44_6 X INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:dateIdentified is invalid
44_7 1963-03-08T14:07-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_8 1963-03-08T14:07 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_9 1963-03-08T14:67-0600 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601 date
44_10 1963-03-08T14:07Z RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_11 1963-03-08T4 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601 date
44_12 1963-03-08T14:0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601 date
44_13 1963-03-08T14:07 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_14 1963-03-08 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_15 1963-03 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_16 1963 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_17 1963 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_18 1963 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified before dwc:eventDate
44_19 1963 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:dateIdentified is in range
44_20 63 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601 date
44_21 0 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:dateIdentified is not a valid ISO 8601 date
44_22 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:dateIdentified is EMPTY or Missing
44_23 2021_06_03T24:00 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is EMPTY.

ID oficial do teste: 2cd6884e-3d14-4476-94f7-1191cfff309b

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: class

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:class occur at rank of Class in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:class is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:class was found as a value at the rank of Class in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The purpose of this test is to check whether the value is a name that is a result of a nomenclatural act at this rank. This excludes unpublished names, misspellings and vernacular names. It is expected that the test will designate the source authority against to check. The same test might return distinct results when using distinct source authorities.

Tabela 45: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_CLASS_FOUND.
testID class Response.status Response.result Response.comment
45_2 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:class does not have an equivalent at the rank of Class in the bdq:sourceAuthority
45_3 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:class does not have an equivalent at the rank of Class in the bdq:sourceAuthority
45_4 Insecta RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:class has an equivalent at the rank of Class in the bdq:sourceAuthority
45_5 Insetca RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:class does not have an equivalent at the rank of Class in the paramaterized bdq:sourceAuthority
45_6 Magnoliopsida RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:class has an equivalent at the rank of Class in the parameterized bdq:sourceAuthority
45_7 Magnoleopsida RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:class does not have an equivalent at the rank of Class in the parameterized bdq:sourceAuthority.
45_8 Magnoliophyta RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:class does not have an equivalent at the rank of Class in the bdq:sourceAuthority. Magnoliophyta is a Phylum - not a Class
45_9 herps RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:class does not have an equivalent at the rank of Class in the bdq:sourceAuthority
45_10 Dicotyledoneae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:class does not have an equivalent at the rank of Class in the bdq:sourceAuthority. Parameterized Source Authority has Dicotyledonae instead of Magnoliopsida
45_11 Dicotyledonae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:class not have an equivalent at the rank of Class in the bdq:sourceAuthority
45_12 AnyClass EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET the bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable

ID oficial do teste: 239ec40e-a729-4a8e-ba69-e0bf03ac1c44

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: geodeticDatum

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:geodeticDatum?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:geodeticDatum is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 46: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_GEODETICDATUM_NOTEMPTY.
testID geodeticDatum Response.status Response.result Response.comment
46_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum is EMPTY.
46_3 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum is NOT EMPTY
46_4 WGS84 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum is NOT EMPTY
46_5 ED50 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum is NOT EMPTY
46_6 International 1924 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum is NOT EMPTY
46_7 4326 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum is NOT EMPTY
46_8 X RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:geodeticDatum is NOT EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: b6ecda2a-ce36-437a-b515-3ae94948fe83

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLatitude

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:decimalLatitude a number between -90 and 90 inclusive?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:decimalLatitude is EMPTY or the value is not interpretable as a number; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:decimalLatitude is between -90 and 90, inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 47: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DECIMALLATITUDE_INRANGE.
testID decimalLatitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
47_2 null INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is not interpretable as a number
47_3 0.0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude is in RANGE
47_4 41.0554 N INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is not interpretable as a number
47_5 121.0534 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude is in not in RANGE
47_6 -99.2314 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude is in not in RANGE
47_7 -41.0525925872862 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude is in RANGE
47_8 18.835941 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude is in RANGE
47_9 41.0525925872862 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude is in RANGE

ID oficial do teste: 125b5493-052d-4a0d-a3e1-ed5bf792689e

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: kingdom

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:kingdom occur at rank of Kingdom in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:kingdom is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:kingdom was found as a value at the rank of kingdom by the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The purpose of this test is to check whether the value is a name that is a result of a nomenclatural act at this rank. This excludes unpublished names, misspellings and vernacular names. It is expected that the test will designate the source authority against to check. The same test might return distinct results when using distinct source authorities.

Tabela 48: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_KINGDOM_FOUND.
testID kingdom Response.status Response.result Response.comment
48_2 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom does not have an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the bdq:sourceAuthority
48_3 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom does not have an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the bdq:sourceAuthority
48_5 Animalia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom has an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the bdq:sourceAuthority
48_6 Metazoa RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom does not strictly have an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the Parameterized Source Authority (Metazoa is synonym of Animalia)
48_7 Metazoo RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom does not have an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the bdq:sourceAuthority
48_8 animals RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom does not have an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the bdq:sourceAuthority. This may be fixed using fuzzy matching at the AMENDMENT stage
48_9 Fungi RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom has an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the bdq:sourceAuthority
48_10 fungus RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom does not have an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the bdq:sourceAuthority
48_11 dwc:kingdom RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:kingdom does not have an equivalent at the rank of Kingdom in the bdq:sourceAuthority
48_12 AnyKindom EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET the bdq:sourceAuthority was unavailable or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: 7c4b9498-a8d9-4ebb-85f1-9f200c788595

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: scientificName

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:scientificName?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 49: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_SCIENTIFICNAME_NOTEMPTY.
testID scientificName Response.status Response.result Response.comment
49_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is EMPTY
49_2 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is EMPTY
49_3 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
49_4 --- RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
49_5 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
49_6 Hakea decurrens ssp. Physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
49_7 Hakea RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
49_8 Hakea decurrens RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
49_9 Hakea decurrens subsp. physocarpa W.R.Barker RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY
49_10 dwc:scientificName RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 81cc974d-43cc-4c0f-a5e0-afa23b455aa3

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: order

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:order occur at rank of Order in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:order is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:order was found as a value at the rank of Order by the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The purpose of this test is to check whether the value is a name that is a result of a nomenclatural act at this rank. This excludes unpublished names, misspellings and vernacular names. It is expected that the test will designate the source authority against to check. The same test might return distinct results when using distinct source authorities.

Tabela 50: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_ORDER_FOUND.
testID order Response.status Response.result Response.comment
50_3 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:order does not have an equivalent at the rank of Order in the bdq:sourceAuthority
50_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:order does not have an equivalent at the rank of Order in the bdq:sourceAuthority
50_5 Myrtales RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:order has an equivalent at the rank of Order in the bdq:sourceAuthority
50_6 Lepidoptera RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:order has an equivalent at the rank of Order in the bdq:sourceAuthority
50_7 Nymphalidae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:order does not have an equivalent at the rank of Order in the bdq:sourceAuthority. Nymphalidae is a family, not an order
50_8 butterflies RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:order does not have an equivalent at the rank of Order in the bdq:sourceAuthority
50_9 dwc:order RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:order does not have an equivalent at the rank of Order in the bdq:sourceAuthority
50_10 AnyOrder EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET the bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: ad0c8855-de69-4843-a80c-a5387d20fbc8

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: year

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:year within the Parameter range?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:year is not present, or is EMPTY or cannot be interpreted as an integer; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:year is within the range bdq:earliestValidDate to bdq:latestValidDate inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:earliestValidDate="1582",bdq:latestValidDate=current year

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.validationYearInrange() unit test

Notas: The results of this test are time-dependent. Next year is not valid now. Next year it will be. This test provides the option to designate lower and upper limits to the year. The upper limit, if not provided, should default to the year when the test is run. This test provides for a default earliest date (year), of 1582 by convention. That value was chosen because ISO 8601-1 asserts that "the use of proleptic Gregorian calendar dates prior are not allowed in ISO 8601-1 without prior agreement of the parties exchanging data", and Darwin Core provides no such prior agreement.

Tabela 51: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_YEAR_INRANGE.
testID year Response.status Response.result Response.comment
51_2 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is in RANGE
51_3 194x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:year is not an interpretable as an integer
51_4 1952 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is in RANGE
51_5 9999 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:year is not in RANGE. The value in year has not yet come to pass.
51_6 1599 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is in RANGE 1585-present. This result assumes the bdq:earliestDate default value of 1585
51_7 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:year is not in RANGE. This result assumes the bdq:earliestDate default value of 1600.
51_8 XXXX INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:year is not an interpretable as an integer
51_9 2000 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is in RANGE
51_10 1900 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is in RANGE
51_11 null INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:year is not an interpretable as an integer

ID oficial do teste: 6d0a0c10-5e4a-4759-b448-88932f399812

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:eventDate from the content of dwc:verbatimEventDate.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY or the value of dwc:verbatimEventDate is EMPTY or not unambiguously interpretable as an ISO 8601-1 date; FILLED_IN the value of dwc:eventDate if an unambiguous ISO 8601-1 date was interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate; otherwise NOT_AMENDED

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.amendmentEventdateFromVerbatim() For a minimum set of unit tests see: DwcEventDQTest, see also unit tests for underlying implementation in DateUtilsTest and DateUtilsTest

Notas: If the proposed eventDate is prior to 1918-02-14, the Response.comment will include a note that the "verbatimDate was assumed to be in the Gregorian calendar". When running the test, the original precision, e.g. year=1980, month=1 should be retained, e.g. dwc:eventDate should become 1980-01, not 1980-01-01/1980-01-31.

Tabela 52: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_EVENTDATE_FROM_VERBATIM.
testID eventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
52_1 2021_10_29 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY
52_3 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:verbatimEventDate is cannot be interpreted as a valid ISO 8601 date
52_5 null INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY
52_6 1980 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY
52_7 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"2021-10-29"} dwc:verbatimEventDate contains an interpretable value (assuming some external lookup thesauri)
52_8 NOT_AMENDED dwc:verbatimEventDate is ambiguous - could be either 3rd April or 4th March
52_9 NOT_AMENDED dwc:verbatimEventDate cannot be unabiguously interpreted as a valid ISO date
52_10 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1981-05-18"} dwc:verbatimEventDate with Roman numerals as used in some disciplines (suggested by Paul Morris)
52_11 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1996-11"} dwc:verbatimEventDate with Roman numerals as used in some disciplines (suggested by Paul Morris). From Vernet example
52_12 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1932-10-06"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate with period separators [found in the wild in VertNet data]
52_13 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1932-10-15"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate with period separators in soviet/post-soviet form
52_14 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1932-03-05"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate in yyyy mm dd format with Chinese characters for year, month, and day included.
52_15 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1932-08-31"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate in dd Month yyyy form
52_16 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1932-12"} dwc:eventDate interpreted as yyyy-mm from dwc:verbatimEventDate in dd MMM yyyy form with XX interpreted as a no-data placeholder for day
52_17 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1932-06-05"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate in dd month yyyy form for localization da_DK
52_18 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"2000-02-09/2000-03-10"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate in form with Roman numeral months [found in the wild in VertNet data]
52_19 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1987-08"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate in MMM. yyyy form for localization en_US [found in the wild in VertNet data]
52_20 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1885-07-11"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate in dd-mm-yyyy form with Roman numeral months [found in the wild in MCZ data]
52_21 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1980-01-01/1989-12-31"} dwc:eventDate interpreted from dwc:verbatimEventDate expressed as a decade [found in the wild in VertNet data]

ID oficial do teste: 1bf0e210-6792-4128-b8cc-ab6828aa4871

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude

Descrição: Are the values of either dwc:decimalLatitude or dwc:decimalLongitude numbers that are not equal to 0?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:decimalLatitude is EMPTY or is not interpretable as a number, or dwc:decimalLongitude is EMPTY or is not interpretable as a number; COMPLIANT if either the value of dwc:decimalLatitude is not = 0 or the value of dwc:decimalLongitude is not = 0; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: A record with 0.0 is interpreted as the string "0"

Tabela 53: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COORDINATES_NOTZERO.
testID decimalLatitude decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
53_2 null 140.45 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude is not interpretable
53_3 0 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are zero
53_4 0.0 0.0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are zero
53_5 41.0554 N 121.0534 W INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are not numeric
53_6 21.0534 81.0554 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are not zero
53_7 -99.2314 -189.5674 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are not zero
53_8 -41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are not zero
53_9 18.835941 -94.4805934 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are not zero
53_10 41.0525925872862 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are not zero
53_11 0 -71.5310546742521 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is not zero
53_12 -41.0525925872862 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatitude is not zero

ID oficial do teste: 41267642-60ff-4116-90eb-499fee2cd83f

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate,year,month,day,startDayOfYear,endDayOfYear,verbatimEventDate

Descrição: Is there a value in any of the terms dwc:eventDate, dwc:year, dwc:month, dwc:day, dwc:startDayOfYear, dwc:endDayOfYear, dwc:verbatimEventDate?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if any of dwc:eventDate, dwc:year, dwc:month, dwc:day, dwc:startDayOfYear, dwc:endDayOfYear, dwc:verbatimEventDate are NOT EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT.

Código fonte de exemplo: Unit test at

Notas: Only fails if all of the relevant fields of the Darwin Core Event class are EMPTY or do not exist. Relevant Darwin Core fields include dwc:eventDate, dwc:verbatimEventDate, dwc:year, dwc:month, dwc:day, dwc:startDayOfYear, dwc:endDayOfYear. The terms dwc:eventID (if populated may or may not point to temporal information accessible to user of the data) and dwc:eventTime (uses of dwc:eventTime are rare and put it out of scope of the CORE tests) are not included.

Tabela 54: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_EVENT_TEMPORAL_NOTEMPTY.
testID eventDate year month day startDayOfYear endDayOfYear verbatimEventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
54_2 1962-11-01T10:00-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY
54_3 1964-11-01T10:00-0600 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY
54_4 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is not EMPTY
54_5 32 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is not EMPTY
54_6 x RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is not EMPTY
54_7 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY
54_8 194x RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year is not EMPTY
54_9 1949 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day and dwc:year are not EMPTY
54_10 1952 2 30 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day, dwc:month and dwc:year are not EMPTY
54_11 1952 2 x RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day, dwc:month and dwc:year are not EMPTY
54_12 1949-09-15T12:34 1949 9 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year and dwc:evendate are not EMPTY
54_13 1949-09-16T12:34 1949 9 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year and dwc:evendate are not EMPTY
54_14 1949-09-15T12:34 1949 9 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:month, dwc:year and dwc:evendate are not EMPTY
54_15 1949-12-09T12:34 9/12/1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:evendate and dwc:verbatimEventDate are not EMPTY
54_16 9/15/1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:verbatimEventDate is not EMPTY
54_17 15 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are not EMPTY
54_18 0 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are not EMPTY
54_19 x 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are not EMPTY
54_20 1949-01-15T12:34/1949-01-20T17:00 15 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:eventDate, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are not EMPTY
54_21 1949 1 15 15 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are not EMPTY
54_22 1949 9 15 15 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day, dwc:month, dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are not EMPTY
54_23 10 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day and dwc:month are not EMPTY
54_24 10 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:month is not EMPTY
54_25 v RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:month is not EMPTY
54_26 2004 366 366 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear are not EMPTY
54_27 2021-06-03T24:00 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:verbatimEventDate is not EMPTY
54_28 1949-01-15T12:34/ RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:verbatimEventDate is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: cdaabb0d-a863-49d0-bc0f-738d771acba5

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: type

Descrição: Does the value in dc:type occur as a value in the DCMI type vocabulary?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the value of dc:type is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dc:type is found in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority is "Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI)" {[]} {DCMI Type Vocabulary" []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 55: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DCTYPE_STANDARD.
testID type Response.status Response.result Response.comment
55_1 Event RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dc:type matches a term in DCMI Vocabulary
55_2 StillerImage RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dc:type does not match terms in DCMI Vocabulary
55_3 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dc:type does not match terms in DCMI Vocabulary
55_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dc:type does not match terms in DCMI Vocabulary
55_7 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dc:type does not match terms in DCMI Vocabulary
55_8 AnyType EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority not available or unreachable
55_9 dc:type RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dc:type does not match terms in DCMI Vocabulary

ID oficial do teste: 3892f432-ddd0-4a0a-b713-f2e2ecbd879d

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:eventDate from values in dwc:year, dwc:month and dwc:day.

Especificação: _INTERNAL PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY or dwc:year is EMPTY or is not interpretable as a valid year; FILLED_IN the value of dwc:eventDate if an ISO 8601-1 date was interpreted from the values in dwc:year, dwc:month and dwc:day; otherwise NOT_AMENDED.

Código fonte de exemplo: unit tests at

Notas: An attempt to populate dwc:eventDate from dwc:verbatimEventDate and from dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear should be made before this test is run. If dwc:year and dwc:day are present and interpretable, but dwc:month is not supplied or is not interpretable, then just the year should be given as the proposed amendment. This test assumes that that dwc:year, dwc:month, dwc:day are in a Gregorian calendar, and that only those three pieces of information are needed to produce a dwc:eventDate (explicitly in ISO 8601-1 format, and thus using the Gregorian calendar). When running the test, the original precision, e.g. dwc:year=1980, dwc:month=1 should be retained, e.g. dwc:eventDate should become 1980-01, not 1980-01-01/1980-01-3.

Tabela 56: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_EVENTDATE_FROM_YEARMONTHDAY.
testID eventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
56_1 2021-10-29 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY
56_3 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:year is an uninterpretable value
56_4 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"2021-10"} dwc:year and dwc:month are interpretable values
56_5 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"2021-10-29"} dwc:year, dwc:month and dwc:day are interpretable values
56_6 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"2021"} dwc:year and dwc:day are interpretable values but as dwc:month is missing we resolve only to dwc:year
56_7 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"2021-10-29"} dwc:year and dwc:day in range and dwc:month is interpretable as an integer between 1-12.
56_8 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:year is uninterpretable
56_9 NOT_AMENDED dwc:year is uninterpretable
56_10 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"2021"} dwc:year is an interpretable value

ID oficial do teste: acc8dff2-d8d1-483a-946d-65a02a452700

Tipo de teste: Issue

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: establishmentMeans

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:establishmentMeans?

Especificação: POTENTIAL_ISSUE if dwc:establishmentMeans is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_ISSUE

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 57: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste ISSUE_ESTABLISHMENTMEANS_NOTEMPTY.
testID establishmentMeans Response.status Response.result Response.comment
57_1 native RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:establishmentMeans is not EMPTY
57_2 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:establishmentMeans is not EMPTY
57_3 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:establishmentMeans is not EMPTY
57_4 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_ISSUE dwc:establishmentMeans is EMPTY
57_5 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_ISSUE dwc:establishmentMeans is EMPTY
57_6 null RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:establishmentMeans is not EMPTY
57_7 cultivated specimen RUN_HAS_RESULT POTENTIAL_ISSUE dwc:establishmentMeans is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 9beb9442-d942-4f42-8b6a-fcea01ee086a

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLongitude

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:decimalLongitude?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:decimalLongitude is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 58: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DECIMALLONGITUDE_NOTEMPTY.
testID decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
58_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is EMPTY
58_2 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is EMPTY
58_3 0.0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is not EMPTY
58_4 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is not EMPTY
58_5 121.0534 W RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is not EMPTY
58_6 181.0554 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is not EMPTY
58_7 -189.5674 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLongitude is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 853b79a2-b314-44a2-ae46-34a1e7ed85e4

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: countryCode

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:countryCode?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: geo_ref_qc DwCGeoRefDQ,validationCountrycodeNotempty()

Notas: Not available

Tabela 59: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COUNTRYCODE_NOTEMPTY.
testID countryCode Response.status Response.result Response.comment
59_2 GL RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY
59_3 GRL RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY
59_4 XX RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY
59_5 Australia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY
59_6 US RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY
59_7 MX RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY
59_8 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:countryCode is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 15f78619-811a-4c6f-997a-a4c7888ad849

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: license

Descrição: Is there a value in dcterms:license?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dcterms:license is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The license at the record level might be derived from the license of the data set from which the record is retrieved

Tabela 60: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_LICENSE_NOTEMPTY.
testID license Response.status Response.result Response.comment
60_1 CC0 1.0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dcterms:license is not EMPTY
60_2 corrosive commons RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dcterms:license is not EMPTY
60_3 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dcterms:license is not EMPTY
60_4 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dcterms:license is EMPTY
60_5 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dcterms:license is EMPTY or missing
60_6 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dcterms:license is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 17f03f1f-f74d-40c0-8071-2927cfc9487b

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: scientificName,genericName,specificEpithet,infraspecificEpithet

Descrição: Is the polynomial represented in dwc:scientificName consistent with the equivalent values in dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:scientificName is EMPTY, or all of dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet and dwc:infraspecificEpithet are EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the polynomial, as represented in dwc:scientificName, is consistent with NOT_EMPTY values of dwc:genericName, dwc:specificEpithet, dwc:infraspecificEpithet; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT.

Código fonte de exemplo:

Notas: If dwc:specificEpithet is populated then this test expects that the value dwc:specificEpithet is the name of the second or species epithet of the scientificName. If dwc:genericName is populated, this test expects that the value of dwc:genus is the first word of the value of dwc:scientificName. If dwc:specificEpithet is populated then this test expects that the value dwc:specificEpithet is the name of the first or species epithet of the scientificName. If dwc:infraspecificEpithet is populated, then this test expects that the value of dwc:infraspecificEpithet is the name of the lowest or terminal infraspecific epithet of the scientificName, excluding any rank designation.

Tabela 61: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_POLYNOMIAL_CONSISTENT.
testID scientificName genericName specificEpithet infraspecificEpithet Response.status Response.result Response.comment
61_2 Hakea decurrens physocarpa INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:scientificName is EMPTY
61_3 Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa decurrens physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is consistent with atomic parts (dwc:genus, dwc:specificEpithet and dwc:infraspecificEpithet)
61_4 Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa Hakea decurrens physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is consistent with atomic parts (dwc:genus, dwc:specificEpithet and dwc:infraspecificEpithet)
61_5 Hakea decurrens physocarpa decurrens physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is consistent with atomic parts (dwc:genus, dwc:specificEpithet and dwc:infraspecificEpithet)
61_6 Hakea decurrens subsp. physocarpa W.R.Barker Hakea decurrens physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is consistent with atomic parts (dwc:genus, dwc:specificEpithet and dwc:infraspecificEpithet)
61_7 Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa Hakea physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is consistent with not empty values in dwc:genus and dwc:infraspecificEpithet; dwc:specificEpithet is empty.
61_8 Hakea decurrens ssp. ? physocarpa Hakea decurrens RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is consistent with not empty values in dwc:genus and dwc:infraspecificEpithet; dwc:specificEpithet is empty.
61_9 Hakea decurrens ssp. Aff. physocarpa Hakea decurrens RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is inconsistent with atomic parts (dwc:genus, dwc:specificEpithet and dwc:infraspecificEpithet)
61_10 Hakea decurrens Hakea decurrens physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is inconsistent with atomic parts (dwc:genus, dwc:specificEpithet and dwc:infraspecificEpithet)
61_11 Hakea decurrens subsp. physocarpa W.R.Barker Hakea decurrens RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is consistent with dwc:genus and dwc:specificEpithet; dwc:infraspecificEpithet is empty.
61_12 Hakea decurrens Hakea RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is consistent with dwc:genus; dwc:specificEpithet and dwc:infraspecificEpithet are both empty.
61_13 Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa W.R.Barker Hakea pyhsocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is inconsistent with dwc:infraspecificEpithet
61_14 Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa Hakea physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is inconsistent with dwc:specificEpithet
61_15 Hakea decurrens Hakea physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificName is inconsistent with dwc:specificEpithet

ID oficial do teste: 7498ca76-c4d4-42e2-8103-acacccbdffa7

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: geodeticDatum,coordinateUncertaintyInMeters,decimalLatitude,decimalLongitude

Descrição: Propose amendment to dwc:geodeticDatum using the value of bdq:defaultGeodeticDatum if dwc:geodeticDatum is empty. If dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is not empty and there are not empty values for dwc:latitude and dwc:longitude, amend dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters by adding a maximum datum shift.

Especificação: If dwc:geodeticDatum is EMPTY, fill in the value of dwc:geodeticDatum with the value of bdq:defaultGeodeticDatum, report FILLED_IN and, if dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters, dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude are NOT_EMPTY, amend the value of dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters by adding the maximum datum shift between the specified bdq:defaultGeodeticDatum and any other datum at the provided dwc:decimalLatitude and dwc:decimalLongitude and instead report AMENDED; otherwise NOT_AMENDED. bdq:defaultGeodeticDatum = "EPSG:4326" {[]}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: If the dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is EMPTY, not interpretable, or not valid, this amendment should not provide a dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters. If the dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is not EMPTY and is valid, this amendment should add to the dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters the uncertainty contributed by the maximum datum shift at the given coordinates. Since different systems have differing requirements for what the default datum should be, it is left unspecified, but should match whatever the target datum is in AMENDMENT_COORDINATES_CONVERTED (620749b9-7d9c-4890-97d2-be3d1cde6da8). After the amendment is performed, the dwc:geodeticDatum field should be the assumed default datum as parameterized. An example implementation to determine the uncertainty added by asserting a default datum (datum shift) where a known datum is not declared can be found in in the source code for the Georeferencing Calculator (Wieczorek & Wieczorek 2021). Included in the source code is a 5-degree grid of datum shifts from an unknown datum to WGS84.

Tabela 62: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_GEODETICDATUM_ASSUMEDDEFAULT.
testID geodeticDatum coordinateUncertaintyInMeters decimalLatitude decimalLongitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
62_1 FILLED_IN {"dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326"} dwc:geodeticDatum is EMPTY so FILLED_IN with the default value
62_2 WGS84 NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum contains and interpretable value
62_3 x NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum contains an uninterpretable value
62_4 null NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum contains an uninterpretable value
62_5 GDA 50 -30.123 130.321 NOT_AMENDED dwc:geodeticDatum is not EMPTY
62_6 -30.00 130.00 FILLED_IN {"dwc:geodeticDatum":"EPSG:4326"} dwc:godeticDatum is EMPTY so filled with default

ID oficial do teste: 374b091a-fc90-4791-91e5-c1557c649169

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: type

Descrição: Is there a value in dc:type?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dc:type is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 63: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DCTYPE_NOTEMPTY.
testID type Response.status Response.result Response.comment
63_1 StillImage RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dc:type is not EMPTY
63_2 StillerImage RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dc:type is not EMPTY
63_3 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dc:type is not EMPTY
63_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dc:type is not EMPTY
63_6 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dc:type is EMPTY or missing
63_7 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dc:type is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 42408a00-bf71-4892-a399-4325e2bc1fb8

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: basisOfRecord

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:basisOfRecord occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:basisOfRecord is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:basisOfRecord is valid using the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core basisOfRecord" {[]}{dwc:basisOfRecord vocabulary []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The term dwc:basisOfRecord has the comment "Recommended best practice is to use the standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes." The list of these values can be determined by searching for rows with status="recommended" and rdf_type="". For tests against a dwc:Occurrence record, the set of valid terms is more limited and embodied in the resource found at This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 64: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_BASISOFRECORD_STANDARD.
testID basisOfRecord Response.status Response.result Response.comment
64_1 Preserved Specimen EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority is not available
64_2 Preserved Specimen RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord matches a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes
64_3 Fossil Specimen RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord matches a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes
64_4 Human Observation RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord matches a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes
64_5 Taxon RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord matches a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes
64_6 Specimen RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord does not exactly match a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes
64_7 preserved specimen RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord does not match a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes. Incorrect capitalization
64_8 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord does not match a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes
64_9 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord does not match a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes
64_10 present RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority service is not available, try again later
64_13 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:basisOfRecord does not match a standard label of one of the Darwin Core classes

ID oficial do teste: 06851339-843f-4a43-8422-4e61b9a00e75

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: taxonID,scientificNameID,acceptedNameUsageID,parentNameUsageID,originalNameUsageID,taxonConceptID,scientificName,higherClassification,kingdom,phylum,class,order,superfamily,family,subfamily,tribe,subtribe,genus,genericName,subgenus,infragenericEpithet,specificEpithet,infraspecificEpithet,vernacularName,cultivarEpithet

Descrição: Is there a value in any of the terms needed to determine that the taxon exists?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if at least one term needed to determine the taxon of the entity exists and is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This tests for records that have no taxonomic (NAME) information. If there is any value for any of the Information Elements, this may be useful information. See example.

Tabela 65: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_TAXON_NOTEMPTY.
testID taxonID scientificNameID acceptedNameUsageID scientificName Response.status Response.result Response.comment
65_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT All input fields are empty or missing
65_2 Eucalyptus gunnii RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT at least enough terms exist that identify that an entity exists
65_3 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT at least enough terms exist that identify that an entity exists
65_4 XVF456 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT at least enough terms exist that identify that an entity exists
65_5 Fred RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT at least enough terms exist that identify that an entity exists
65_6 taxonID RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT at least enough terms exist that identify that an entity exists
65_7 taxonID RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT at least enough terms exist that identify that an entity exists

ID oficial do teste: 04b2c8f3-c71b-4e95-8e43-f70374c5fb92

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: minimumDepthInMeters

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:minimumDepthInMeters within the Parameter range?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is EMPTY, or the value is not interpretable as number greater than or equal to zero; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is within the range of bdq:minimumValidDepthInMeters to bdq:maximumValidDepthInMeters inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:minimumValidDepthInMeters default="0",bdq:maximumValidDepthInMeters default="11000"

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest known point in Earth's oceans at 10,994 meters. We have rounded up bdq:maximumValidDepthInMeters.

Tabela 66: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_MINDEPTH_INRANGE.
testID minimumDepthInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
66_2 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is in range
66_3 1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is in range
66_4 12000 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is not in range
66_5 null INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is not interpretable as zero or positive value
66_6 -100 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumDepthInMeters is not interpretable as zero or positive value

ID oficial do teste: d708526b-6561-438e-aa1a-82cd80b06396

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: minimumElevationInMeters,maximumElevationInMeters

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:minimumElevationInMeters a number less than or equal to the value of dwc:maximumElevationInMeters?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:maximumlevationInMeters or dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is EMPTY, or if either is not a number; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is a number less than or equal to the value of the number dwc:maximumElevationInMeters, otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 67: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_MINELEVATION_LESSTHAN_MAXELEVATION.
testID minimumElevationInMeters maximumElevationInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
67_2 x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is not a numeric value
67_3 0 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is equal to dwc: maximumElevationInMeters
67_4 1 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is greater than dwc: maximumElevationInMeters
67_5 -500 -500 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is equal to dwc: maximumElevationInMeters
67_6 8860 8860 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is equal to dwc: maximumElevationInMeters
67_7 -500 500 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:minimumElevationInMeters is less than dwc: maximumElevationInMeters

ID oficial do teste: c6adf2ea-3051-4498-97f4-4b2f8a105f57

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: coordinateUncertaintyInMeters

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters a number between 1 and 20,037,509?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters can be interpreted as a number between 1 and 20037509 inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The upper limit is one half the equatorial circumference of the earth.

Tabela 68: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COORDINATEUNCERTAINTY_INRANGE.
testID coordinateUncertaintyInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
68_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is EMPTY
68_2 x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is a positive integer value
68_3 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is out of range
68_4 -1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is out of range
68_5 20037510 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is out of range
68_6 1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is in range
68_7 20037509 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is in range
68_8 999999999 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters is greater than allowable range

ID oficial do teste: c971fe3f-84c1-4636-9f44-b1ec31fd63c7

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: maximumElevationInMeters

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:maximumElevationInMeters of a single record within a valid range

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:maximumElevationInMeters is EMPTY or the value cannot be interpreted as a number; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:maximumElevationInMeters is within the range of bdq:minimumValidElevationInMeters to bdq:maximumValidElevationInMeters inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:minimumValidElevationInMeters default = "-430",bdq:maximumValidElevationInMeters default = "8850"

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: We have rounded up the Parameter values. We are aware of sub-ice elevations in Antarctica to -3,500m and possible sampling in the atmosphere above the elevation of the top of Mt Everest that would fail this test but we support the odd false positive.

Tabela 69: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_MAXELEVATION_INRANGE.
testID maximumElevationInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
69_2 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:maximumElevation is in is range
69_3 -500 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:maximumElevation is not in range, i.e. is <-430
69_4 8860 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:maximumElevation is not in range, i.e. is >8850
69_5 x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:maxElevation is not interpretable as a number

ID oficial do teste: f8f3a093-042c-47a3-971a-a482aaaf3b75

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: occurrenceStatus

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:occurrenceStatus using bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:ocurrenceStatus is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:occurrenceStatus if could be unambiguously interpreted as a value in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority = "Darwin Core occurrenceStatus" {} {dwc:occurrenceStatus vocabulary []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The original recommended controlled vocabulary for this term consisted of "present" and "absent", which are the only two appropriate terms for a Darwin Core Occurrence. This is reflected in the suggested dwc:occurrenceStatus vocabulary for this test. Other values for dwc:occurrenceStatus should only arise under circumstances that do not refer to an Occurrence.

Tabela 70: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_OCCURRENCESTATUS_STANDARDIZED.
testID occurrenceStatus Response.status Response.result Response.comment
70_1 Sighted EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority not available or unreachable
70_3 X NOT_AMENDED Input field contains uninterpretable value
70_4 1 AMENDED {"dwc:occurrenceStatus":"present"} Input field contains interpretable value. This may be pushing it a little, but I would have interpreted 1/0 as present/absent

ID oficial do teste: 7af25f1e-a4e2-4ff4-b161-d1f25a5c3e47

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: occurrenceStatus

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:occurrenceStatus occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:occurrenceStatus is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:occurrenceStatus is resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority = "Darwin Core occurrenceStatus" {} {dwc:occurrenceStatus vocabulary []}

Código fonte de exemplo:

Notas: The original recommended controlled vocabulary for this term consisted of "present" and "absent", which are the only two appropriate terms for a Darwin Core Occurrence. This is reflected in the suggested dwc:occurrenceStatus vocabulary for this test. Other values for dwc:occurrenceStatus should only arise under circumstances that do not refer to an Occurrence. This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 71: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_OCCURRENCESTATUS_STANDARD.
testID occurrenceStatus Response.status Response.result Response.comment
71_1 present RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus matches a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
71_2 sighted RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus does not match a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
71_3 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus does not match a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
71_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus does not match a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
71_5 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus does not match a term in the bdq:sourceAuthority
71_7 Sighted EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority not available or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: eb4a17f6-6bea-4cdd-93dd-d5a7e9d1eccf

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: occurrenceStatus

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:occurrenceStatus?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 72: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_OCCURRENCESTATUS_NOTEMPTY.
testID occurrenceStatus Response.status Response.result Response.comment
72_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY
72_2 000866d2-c177-4648-a200-ead4007051b9 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY
72_3 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY
72_4 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY
72_5 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is EMPTY
72_6 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is EMPTY
72_7 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY
72_8 present RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY
72_9 abs RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:occurrenceStatus is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 7d2485d5-1ba7-4f25-90cb-f4480ff1a275

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: decimalLatitude

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:decimalLatitude?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:decimalLatitude is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 73: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DECIMALLATITUDE_NOTEMPTY.
testID decimalLatitude Response.status Response.result Response.comment
73_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatiitude is EMPTY
73_2 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatiitude is not EMPTY
73_3 0.0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatiitude is not EMPTY
73_4 41.0554 N RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatiitude is not EMPTY
73_5 121.0534 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatiitude is not EMPTY
73_6 -99.2314 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatiitude is not EMPTY
73_7 x RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatiitude is not EMPTY
73_8 18.835941 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:decimalLatiitude is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 401bf207-9a55-4dff-88a5-abcd58ad97fa

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: scientificNameID

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:scientificNameID?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:scientificNameID is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 74: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_SCIENTIFICNAMEID_NOTEMPTY.
testID scientificNameID Response.status Response.result Response.comment
74_2 null RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID is not EMPTY
74_3 123 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID is not EMPTY
74_4 8fa58e08-08de-4ac1-b69c-1235340b7001 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID is not EMPTY
74_5 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID is not EMPTY
74_6 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 6eeac3ed-f691-457f-a42e-eaa9c8a71ce8

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: scientificNameID

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:scientificNameID contain a complete identifier?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:scientificNameID is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if (1) dwc:scientificNameID is a validly formed LSID, or (2) dwc:scientificNameID is a validly formed URN with at least NID and NSS present, or (3) dwc:scientificNameID is in the form scope:value, or (4) dwc:scientificNameID is a validly formed URI with host and path where path consists of more than just "/"; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: If any single bdq:sourceAuthority such as GBIF is used, a valid and complete dwc:scientificNameID based on an alternative source authority is unlikely to provide a valid match. A text or number string as a namespace indicator without a URI will be ambiguous. As an example, GBIF's backbone taxonomy dataset can be found at When referencing a GBIF taxon by GBIF's identifier for that taxon, use the the pseudo-namespace "gbif:" and the form "gbif:{integer}" as the value for dwc:scientificNameID. Note that GBIF currently uses "TaxonID" for this entity.

Tabela 75: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_SCIENTIFICNAMEID_COMPLETE.
testID scientificNameID Response.status Response.result Response.comment
75_2 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID does not contain a URI or a namespace indicator
75_3 Wallabia bicolor RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID does not contain a URI
75_4 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID contains a URI and a namespace indicator
75_5 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID contains a URI and a namespace indicator
75_6 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID contains a URI and a namespace indicator
75_7 Wallabia bicolor (Desmarest, 1804) RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID does not contain a URI
75_8 wallaby RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID does not contain a URI
75_9 Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpa RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID does not contain a URI
75_10 Geranium sp. Pale pink flowers (M.Gray 5847) Vic. Herbarium RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID does not contain a URI
75_11 dwc:scientificName RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID does not contain a URI or a namespace indicator
75_12 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:scientificNameID does not contain a URI

ID oficial do teste: f2ce7d55-5b1d-426a-b00e-6d4efe3058ec

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: genus

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:genus occur at the rank of Genus in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:genus is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:genus was found as a value at the rank of genus by the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The purpose of this test is to check whether the value is a name that is a result of a nomenclatural act at this rank. This excludes unpublished names, misspellings and vernacular names. It is expected that the test will designate the source authority against which to check. The same test might return distinct results when using distinct source authorities.

Tabela 76: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_GENUS_FOUND.
testID genus Response.status Response.result Response.comment
76_2 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:genus does not have an equivalent at the rank of Genus in the bdq:sourceAuthority
76_3 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:genus does not have an equivalent at the rank of Genus in the bdq:sourceAuthority
76_4 Egernia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:genus has an equivalent at the rank of Genus in the Parameterized Source Authority
76_5 Egernea RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:genus does not have an equivalent at the rank of Genus in the bdq:sourceAuthority. This may be fixed using fuzzy matching at the AMENDMENT stage
76_6 Scincidae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:genus does not have an equivalent at the rank of Genus in the bdq:sourceAuthority. Scincidae is an family not a genus
76_7 Wallabia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:genus has an equivalent at the rank of Genus in the bdq:sourceAuthority
76_8 skink RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:genus does not have an equivalent at the rank of Genus in the bdq:sourceAuthority
76_9 Lizard RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:genus does not have an equivalent at the rank of Genus in the Parameterized Source Authority
76_10 dwc:genus RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:genus not found in the bdq:sourceAuthority
76_11 AnyGenus EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET the bdq:sourceAuthority was not Available or was unreachable

ID oficial do teste: 2750c040-1d4a-4149-99fe-0512785f2d5f

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: kingdom,phylum,class,order,superfamily,family,subfamily,tribe,subtribe,genus

Descrição: Is the combination of higher classification taxonomic terms consistent using bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if all of the fields dwc:kingdom dwc:phylum, dwc:class, dwc:order, dwc:superfamily, dwc:family, dwc:subfamily, dwc:tribe, dwc:subtribe, dwc:genus are EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms (dwc:kingdom, dwc:phylum, dwc:class, dwc:order, dwc:superfamily, dwc:family, dwc:subfamily, dwc:tribe, dwc:subtribe, dwc:genus) are consistent with the lowest ranking matched element in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Backbone Taxonomy" {[]} {API endpoint []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: A fail condition may arise either from the taxon terms being internally inconsistent (not all of the information can be true at the same time), or from the vocabulary being incapable of resolving the combination of classification values. Additional tests could be devised against a taxonomic authority to report the distinct failure conditions. This test specifically does not consider the content of dwc:higherClassification.

Tabela 77: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_CLASSIFICATION_CONSISTENT.
testID kingdom phylum class order family genus Response.status Response.result Response.comment
77_2 Plantae Magnoliophyta RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_3 Plantae Magnoliopsida RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_4 Plantae Myrtales RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_5 Plantae Myrtaceae RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_6 Magnoliophyta Magnoliopsida RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_7 Magnoliophyta Myrtales RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_8 Magnoliophyta Myrtaceae RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_9 Magnoliopsida Myrtales RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_10 Magnoliopsida Myrtaceae RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_11 Myrtales Punica RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_12 Chordata Rhopalocera Muricidae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms cannot be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_13 Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Coleoptera Curculionidae RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms can be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_14 Plantae Arthropoda Insecta Coleoptera Curculionidae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms cannot be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_15 Animalia Magnoliophyta Insecta Coleoptera Curculionidae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms cannot be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_16 Animalia Arthropoda Magnoliopsida Coleoptera Curculionidae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms cannot be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_17 Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Myrtales Curculionidae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms cannot be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_18 Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Coleoptera Myrtaceae RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT The combination of values of higher classification taxonomic terms cannot be unambiguously resolved by the bdq:sourceAuthority
77_19 Animalia Arthropoda Insecta Coleoptera Curculionidae EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET the bdq:sourceAuthority was unavailable or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: 8d787cb5-73e2-4c39-9cd1-67c7361dc02e

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: day,month,year

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:day interpretable as a valid integer between 1 and 28 inclusive or 29, 30 or 31 given the relative month and year?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if (1) dwc:day is EMPTY, or (2) dwc:day is not interpretable as an integer, or (3) dwc:day is interpretable as an integer between 29 and 31 inclusive and dwc:month is not interpretable as an integer between 1 and 12, or (4) dwc:month is interpretable as the integer 2 and dwc:day is interpretable as the integer 29 and dwc:year is not interpretable as a valid ISO 8601-1 year; COMPLIANT if (1) the value of dwc:day is interpretable as an integer between 1 and 28 inclusive, or (2) dwc:day is interpretable as an integer between 29 and 30 and dwc:month is interpretable as an integer in the set (4,6,9,11), or (3) dwc:day is interpretable as an integer between 29 and 31 and dwc:month is interpretable as an integer in the set (1,3,5,7,8,10,12), or (4) dwc:day is interpretable as the integer 29 and dwc:month is interpretable as the integer 2 and dwc:year is interpretable as is a valid leap year (evenly divisible by 400 or (evenly divisible by 4 but not evenly divisible by 100)); otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT.

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.validationDayInrange()

Notas: This test must take into account the given month and year, if present, to account for leap years. This is part of a group of similar tests (VALIDATION_DAY_INRANGE (8d787cb5-73e2-4c39-9cd1-67c7361dc02e, #VALIDATION_STARTDAYOFYEAR_INRANGE (85803c7e-2a5a-42e1-b8d3-299a44cafc46), VALIDATION_ENDDAYOFYEAR_INRANGE9a39d88c-7eee-46df-b32a-c109f9f81fb8)).

Tabela 78: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DAY_INRANGE.
testID day month year Response.status Response.result Response.comment
78_2 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
78_3 32 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day is not in range
78_4 x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:day is not interpretable as an integer
78_7 15 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
78_8 30 2 1952 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day is not in range
78_9 x 2 1952 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:day is ambiguous
78_10 15 9 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
78_12 15 1 1949 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
78_13 15 10 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
78_17 99 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day is not in range
78_18 29 2 1952 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range. Leap year
78_19 29 2 2000 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range. Leap year
78_20 29 2 1900 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day is not in range. Not a leap year
78_21 16 9 1948 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range

ID oficial do teste: 01c6dafa-0886-4b7e-9881-2c3018c98bdc

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: month

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:month interpretable as an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:month is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:month is interpretable as an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.validationMonthStandard() Unit test in [DwcEventDQTest]{

Notas: Not available

Tabela 79: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_MONTH_STANDARD.
testID month Response.status Response.result Response.comment
79_2 null RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:month is in range
79_3 1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:month is in range
79_4 10 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:month is in range
79_5 v RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:month is ambiguous as "v" or "5"
79_6 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:month is not in range
79_7 13 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:month is not in range
79_8 99 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:month is not in range

ID oficial do teste: b129fa4d-b25b-43f7-9645-5ed4d44b357b

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: day

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:day as an integer between 1 and 31 inclusive.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:day is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:day if the value was unambiguously interpreted as an integer between 1 and 31 inclusive; otherwise NOT_AMENDED

Código fonte de exemplo: A potential minimal implementation is at: unit test at

Notas: If dwc:day contains text that may be interpreted as Roman numerals, the result will be NOT_AMENDED as this is not standard. Values such as "3rd" or "12th" can be interpreted as the integers "3" and "12". Text such as "5th Friday" is ambiguous.

Tabela 80: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_DAY_STANDARDIZED.
testID day Response.status Response.result Response.comment
80_2 ? NOT_AMENDED dwc:day is not a valid interpretable value
80_3 x NOT_AMENDED dwc:day is ambiguous, either a "X", "No data" or "10"
80_4 23rd AMENDED {"dwc:day":"23"} dwc:day is interpretable as "23"
80_5 IV NOT_AMENDED dwc:day is ambiguous, either "IV" or "4"
80_6 5th AMENDED {"dwc:day":"5"} dwc:day is interpretable as "5"

ID oficial do teste: 2e371d57-1eb3-4fe3-8a61-dff43ced50cf

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: month

Descrição: Propose an amendment to the value of dwc:month as an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:month is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:month if it was able to be unambiguously interpreted as an integer between 1 and 12 inclusive; otherwise NOT_AMENDED

Código fonte de exemplo: with unit test at Internals of recognized string values (roman numerals, month names and abbreviations in multiple languages) use a combination of event_date_qc's DateUtils.cleanMonth() (see and Joda time's month recognition)

Notas: Implementations should translate interpretable Roman numerals in the range I-XII in dwc:month as integer month values 1-12, as some natural science domains use roman numeral months to avoid language and day/month vs moth/day order. In these cases, the result will be AMENDED numeric equivalents.

Tabela 81: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_MONTH_STANDARDIZED.
testID month Response.status Response.result Response.comment
81_2 ? NOT_AMENDED dwc:month contains an uninterpretable value
81_3 X AMENDED {"dwc:month":"10"} dwc:month interpreted as roman numerals
81_4 IV AMENDED {"dwc:month":"4"} dwc:month interpreted as roman numerals
81_5 October NOT_AMENDED dwc:month contains an uninterpretable value

ID oficial do teste: 85803c7e-2a5a-42e1-b8d3-299a44cafc46

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: startDayOfYear

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:startDayOfYear an integer between 1 and 365 inclusive, or 366 if a leap year?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:startDayOfYear is EMPTY or if the value of dwc:startDayOfYear is equal to 366 and (dwc:eventDate is EMPTY or the value of dwc:eventDate cannot be interpreted to find single year or a start year in a range); COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:startDayOfYear is an integer between 1 and 365, inclusive, or if the value of dwc:startDayOfYear is 366 and the start year interpreted from dwc:eventDate is a leap year; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Unit test at

Notas: See test VALIDATION_DAY_INRANGE (8d787cb5-73e2-4c39-9cd1-67c7361dc02e). This test only asks if dwc:startDayOfYear is a valid value for the relevant year, not if it is consistent with the start day of the range specified in dwc:eventDate. In a non-leap year, the valid range is 1-365 inclusive, in a leap year 366 is also valid. This test should be run after the series of tests that assure that dwc:eventDate is populated, if possible (i.e., AMENDMENT_EVENTDATE_FROM_VERBATIM (6d0a0c10-5e4a-4759-b448-88932f399812), AMENDMENT_EVENTDATE_STANDARDIZED (718dfc3c-cb52-4fca-b8e2-0e722f375da7), and AMENDMENT_EVENT_DATE_FROM_YEARMONTHDAY (3892f432-ddd0-4a0a-b713-f2e2ecbd879d)).

Tabela 82: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_STARTDAYOFYEAR_INRANGE.
testID startDayOfYear Response.status Response.result Response.comment
82_4 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear is in range
82_5 x RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear is ambiguous, either "No data" or "10"
82_6 15 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear is in range
82_8 1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:startDayOfYear is in range
82_9 366 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:startDayOfYear is 366 and dwc:year is EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 9a39d88c-7eee-46df-b32a-c109f9f81fb8

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: endDayOfYear

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:endDayOfYear an integer between 1 and 365 inclusive, or 366 if a leap year?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:endDayOfYear is EMPTY or if the value of dwc:endDayOfYear is equal to 366 and (dwc:eventDate is EMPTY or the value of dwc:eventDate cannot be interpreted to find a single year or an end year in a range); COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:endDayOfYear is an integer between 1 and 365 inclusive, or if the value of dwc:endDayOfYear is 366 and the end year interpreted from dwc:eventDate is a leap year; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Unit test at

Notas: See test VALIDATION_DAY_INRANGE (8d787cb5-73e2-4c39-9cd1-67c7361dc02e). This test only asks if dwc:endDayOfYear is a valid value for the relevant year, not if it is consistent with the end day of the range specified in dwc:eventDate. In a non-leap year, the valid range is 1-365 inclusive, in a leap year 366 is also valid. This test should be run after the series of tests that assure that dwc:eventDate is populated, if possible (i.e., AMENDMENT_EVENTDATE_FROM_VERBATIM (6d0a0c10-5e4a-4759-b448-88932f399812), AMENDMENT_EVENTDATE_STANDARDIZED (718dfc3c-cb52-4fca-b8e2-0e722f375da7), and AMENDMENT_EVENT_DATE_FROM_YEARMONTHDAY (3892f432-ddd0-4a0a-b713-f2e2ecbd879d)).

Tabela 83: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_ENDDAYOFYEAR_INRANGE.
testID endDayOfYear Response.status Response.result Response.comment
83_3 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:endDayOfYear is in range
83_4 20 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:endDayOfYear is in range
83_5 x RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:endDayOfYear is ambiguous, either "X" or "No data" or "10"
83_6 367 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:endDayOfYear is not in range
83_7 1 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:endDayOfYear is in range
83_8 366 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:endDayOfYear is 366 and dwc:eventDate is EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: eb0a44fa-241c-4d64-98df-ad4aa837307b

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:eventDate from values in dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear.

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate was not EMPTY or any of dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear, or dwc:endDayOfYear were EMPTY or any of the values in dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear, or dwc:endDayOfYear were not independently interpretable; FILLED_IN the value of dwc:eventDate from values in dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear if the value of dwc:startDayOfYear is less than the value of dwc:endDayOfYear; otherwise NOT_AMENDED

Código fonte de exemplo: Unit Test at:

Notas: An attempt to populate dwc:eventDate from dwc:verbatimEventDate should be made before this test is run. While year=1999, startDayOfYear=123 could be validly represented as an ISO date as either 1999-123 or 1999-05-03, the latter of these two forms SHOULD be used, thus, do not simply concatenate dwc:year and dwc:startDayOfYear. This test is only for cases that fall within the one year (as given in dwc:year) and hence "dwc:startDayOfYear will always be less than dwc:endDayOfYear". [or do we just leave this as being obvious from the Expected Response.

Tabela 84: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_EVENTDATE_FROM_YEARSTARTDAYOFYEARENDDAYOFYEAR.
testID eventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
84_1 2021-10-29 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:eventDate is not EMPTY
84_5 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:year is not interpretable as a valid year
84_7 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"2021-01-05/2021-01-15"} dwc:eventDate was interpreted from dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear
84_8 FILLED_IN {"dwc:eventDate":"1901-01-15/1901-01-25"} dwc:eventDate was interpreted from dwc:year, dwc:startDayOfYear and dwc:endDayOfYear
84_9 NOT_AMENDED dwc:startDayOfYear > dwc:endDayOfyear

ID oficial do teste: dcbe5bd2-42a0-4aab-bb4d-8f148c6490f8

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Record-level

Termos (colunas) testados: license

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:license using bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; AMENDED value of dcterms:license if it could be unambiguously interpreted as a value in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED. bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Creative Commons" {[]} {Creative Commons licenses []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The license at the record level might be derived from the license of the data set from which the record is retrieved.

Tabela 85: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_LICENSE_STANDARDIZED.
testID license Response.status Response.result Response.comment
85_1 NOT_AMENDED dcterms:license EMPTY
85_2 x NOT_AMENDED dcterms:license contains uninterpretable value "x"
85_3 no license NOT_AMENDED dcterms:license contains uninterpretable value
85_4 CC0 AMENDED {"dcterms:license":""} Input field contains interpretable value
85_5 AnyLicense EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET the bdq:sourceAuthority was unavailable or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: 56b6c695-adf1-418e-95d2-da04cad7be53

Tipo de teste: Measure

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: eventDate

Descrição: What is the duration of dwc:eventDate in seconds?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:eventDate is EMPTY or if the value of dwc:eventDate is not a valid ISO 8601-1 date; otherwise RUN_HAS_RESULT with the result being the duration (sensu ISO 8601-1) expressed in the dwc:eventDate, in seconds.

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc v3.0.0 DwCEventDQ.measureEventdateDurationinseconds()

Notas: The duration of a day is 86400 seconds. Implementations should treat all days as 86400 seconds, but should include leap days (but not leap seconds) in durations that encompass them. Consumers should treat assertions about event date duration as approximations, see:

Tabela 86: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste MEASURE_EVENTDATE_DURATIONINSECONDS.
testID eventDate Response.status Response.result Response.comment
86_1 1880-05-08 RUN_HAS_RESULT 86400 dwc:eventDate duration is the number of seconds in a day
86_2 1880-05-08/10 RUN_HAS_RESULT 259200 dwc:eventDate duration is 3 days = 259,200 seconds"
86_4 95 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET NOT_REPORTED dwc:eventDate does not contain a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
86_5 X INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET NOT_REPORTED dwc:eventDate does not contain a valid ISO 8601-1:2019 date
86_6 2007-03-01T13:00:00Z/2008-05-11T15:30:00Z RUN_HAS_RESULT 37765800 dwc:eventDate precision is 37765800 seconds
86_7 2007 RUN_HAS_RESULT 31536000 dwc:eventDate represents an interval of 365 days (365 days * 86400 seconds per day = 31536000 seconds).
86_8 1980 RUN_HAS_RESULT 31622400 1980 is a leap year. dwc:eventDate represents an interval of 366 days (366 days * 86400 seconds per day = 31622400 seconds).

ID oficial do teste: 47ff73ba-0028-4f79-9ce1-ee7008d66498

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Event

Termos (colunas) testados: day

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:day an integer between 1 and 31 inclusive?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:day is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of the field dwc:day is an integer between 1 and 31 inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT.

Código fonte de exemplo: event_date_qc DwCEventDQ.validationDayStandard()

Notas: This is part of a group of similar tests (VALIDATION_DAY_INRANGE (8d787cb5-73e2-4c39-9cd1-67c7361dc02e), VALIDATION_STARTDAYOFYEAR_INRANGE (85803c7e-2a5a-42e1-b8d3-299a44cafc46), VALIDATION_ENDDAYOFYEAR_INRANGE (9a39d88c-7eee-46df-b32a-c109f9f81fb8)).

Tabela 87: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_DAY_STANDARD.
testID day Response.status Response.result Response.comment
87_2 5 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
87_3 32 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day is not in range
87_4 x RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day is ambiguous, either "No" or "10"
87_5 30 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
87_6 99 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day is not in range
87_7 29 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
87_8 2 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:day is in range
87_9 -1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:day is not in range

ID oficial do teste: 14da5b87-8304-4b2b-911d-117e3c29e890

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: taxonRank

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:taxonRank?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:taxonRank is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 88: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_TAXONRANK_NOTEMPTY.
testID taxonRank Response.status Response.result Response.comment
88_1 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank is EMPTY or missing
88_3 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank is not EMPTY
88_4 ssp. RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank is not EMPTY
88_5 genus RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank is not EMPTY
88_6 cultivar RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank is not EMPTY
88_7 anyOldTerm RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank is not EMPTY
88_8 12345 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank is not EMPTY

ID oficial do teste: 7bdb13a4-8a51-4ee5-be7f-20693fdb183e

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: taxonRank

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:taxonRank occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:taxonRank is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:taxonRank is in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT. bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Vocabulary: Taxonomic Rank" {[]} {dwc:taxonRank []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 89: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_TAXONRANK_STANDARD.
testID taxonRank Response.status Response.result Response.comment
89_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:taxonRank is EMPTY or missing
89_3 kingdom RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank has an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_4 subkingdom RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank has an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_5 superfamily RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank has an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_6 species RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank has an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_7 especie RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank does not have an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_8 sp. RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank does not have an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_9 subspecies RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank has an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_10 ssp. RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank does not have an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_11 subsp. RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank does not have an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_12 cultivar RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank has an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_13 ? RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:taxonRank does not have an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority
89_14 AnyRank EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET the bdq:sourceAuthority was unavailable or unreachable

ID oficial do teste: e39098df-ef46-464c-9aef-bcdeee2a88cb

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: taxonRank

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:taxonRank using bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:taxonRank is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:taxonRank if it can be unambiguously matched to a term in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority default = "GBIF Vocabulary: Taxonomic Rank" {[]} {dwc:taxonRank []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

Tabela 90: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste AMENDMENT_TAXONRANK_STANDARDIZED.
testID taxonRank Response.status Response.result Response.comment
90_2 sp. AMENDED {"dwc:taxonRank":"species"} dwc:taxonRank contains an interpretable value according to the bdq:sourceAuthority
90_3 sic. NOT_AMENDED dwc:taxonRank does not contain an interpretable value according to the bdq:sourceAuthority
90_4 AnyRank EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET the bdq:sourceAuthority was unavailable or unreachable
90_5 especie AMENDED {"dwc:taxonRank":"species"} dwc:taxonRank does have an equivalent in the bdq:sourceAuthority as GBIF does currently have 4 language support

ID oficial do teste: 3f1db29a-bfa5-40db-9fd1-fde020d81939

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: maximumDepthInMeters

Descrição: Is the value of dwc:maximumDepthInMeters within the Parameter range?

Especificação: INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is EMPTY or is not interpretable as a number greater than or equal to zero; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is within the range of bdq:minimumValidDepthInMeters to bdq:maximumValidDepthInMeters inclusive; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:minimumValidDepthInMeters default="0",bdq:maximumValidDepthInMeters default="11000"

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: The Challenger Deep in the Mariana Trench is the deepest known point in Earth's oceans at 10,994 meters. We have rounded up bdq:maximumValidDepthInMeters.

Tabela 91: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_MAXDEPTH_INRANGE.
testID maximumDepthInMeters Response.status Response.result Response.comment
91_1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is EMPTY.
91_2 0 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is in range
91_3 -1 INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is not in range
91_4 1200 RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is in range (<11,000)
91_5 99999 RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is not in range (>11,000)
91_6 x INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET dwc:maximumDepthInMeters is not interpretable as a number

ID oficial do teste: 4daa7986-d9b0-4dd5-ad17-2d7a771ea71a

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: stateProvince

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:stateProvince occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:stateProvince is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:stateProvince occurs as an administrative entity that is a child to at least one entity representing an ISO country-like entity in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)" {[]}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Multiple values in the dwc:stateProvince field (whether to signify on a border or in a list of possibilities) will fail this test. This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 92: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_STATEPROVINCE_FOUND.
testID stateProvince Response.status Response.result Response.comment
92_1 AnyState EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority is unavailable
92_3 Moscow Oblast RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:stateProvince found in bdq:sourceAuthority
92_4 WA RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:stateProvince found in bdq:sourceAuthority. Matches Western Australia, Washington State (US)
92_5 Florida RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:stateProvince found in bdq:sourceAuthority
92_6 Tasmanian RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:stateProvince not found in bdq:sourceAuthority
92_7 X RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:stateProvince not found in bdq:sourceAuthority

ID oficial do teste: e654f562-44f8-43fd-983b-2aaba4c6dda9

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: country,stateProvince

Descrição: Are the combination of the values of dwc:country, dwc:stateProvince consistent with the values in the bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the terms dwc:country or dwc:stateProvince are EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:stateProvince occurs as an administrative entity that is a child to the entity matching the value of dwc:country in the bdq:sourceAuthority, and the match to dwc:country is an ISO country-like entity in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)" {[]}

Código fonte de exemplo:

Notas: See table tdwg/bdq#95 (comment). A fail condition may arise from the content being internally inconsistent (not all of the information can be true at the same time), or from the vocabulary being incapable of resolving the combination of term values. This test should match despite leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

Tabela 93: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COUNTRYSTATEPROVINCE_CONSISTENT.
testID country stateProvince Response.status Response.result Response.comment
93_1 AnyCountry AnyState EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable
93_3 Argentina Rio Negro RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is consistent with dwc:stateProvince
93_4 USA Maine RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is consistent with dwc:stateProvince
93_5 Australia Florida RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:country is not consistent with dwc:stateProvince
93_6 Australia WA RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country is consistent with dwc:stateProvince
93_7 Argentina Rio RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:stateProvince is not consistent with dwc:country

ID oficial do teste: d257eb98-27cb-48e5-8d3c-ab9fca4edd11

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Location

Termos (colunas) testados: country,stateProvince

Descrição: Is the combination of the values of the terms dwc:country, dwc:stateProvince unique in the bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the terms dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the combination of values of dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are unambiguously resolved to a single result with a child-parent relationship in the bdq:sourceAuthority and the entity matching the value of dwc:country in the bdq:sourceAuthority is an ISO country-like entity in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT bdq:sourceAuthority default = "The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)" {[]}

Código fonte de exemplo:

Notas: See table tdwg/bdq#95 (comment). A fail condition may arise from the content being internally inconsistent (not all of the information can be true at the same time), or from the vocabulary being incapable of uniquely resolving the combination of term values. This test specifically does not consider the content of dwc:higherGeography.

Tabela 94: Termos testados e os resultados esperados para o teste VALIDATION_COUNTRYSTATEPROVINCE_UNAMBIGUOUS.
testID country stateProvince Response.status Response.result Response.comment
94_1 AnyCountry AnyState EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET bdq:sourceAuthority was not available or was unreachable
94_2 Australia RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are unambiguous
94_3 Argentina RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are unambiguous
94_4 Tasmania RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are unambiguous
94_5 Australia Tasmania RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are unambiguous
94_6 Argentina Rio Negro RUN_HAS_RESULT COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are unambiguous
94_7 WA RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are ambiguous. Matches Western Australia, Washington State (US)
94_8 Australia Florida RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are ambiguous
94_9 Fred RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are ambiguous
94_10 X Y RUN_HAS_RESULT NOT_COMPLIANT dwc:country and dwc:stateProvince are ambiguous

ID oficial do teste: 36ed36c9-b1a7-40b2-b5e2-0d012e772098

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: kingdom

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:kingdom?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:kingdom is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste VALIDATION_KINGDOM_NOTEMPTY ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: 49f1d386-5bed-43ae-bd43-deabf7df64fc

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: scientificNameAuthorship

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:scientificNameAuthorship?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:scientificNameAuthorship is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste VALIDATION_SCIENTIFICNAMEAUTHORSHIP_NOTEMPTY ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: ff59f77d-71e9-4eb1-aac9-8bd05c50ff70

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Taxon

Termos (colunas) testados: namePublishedInYear

Descrição: Is there a value in dwc:namePublishedInYear?

Especificação: COMPLIANT if dwc:namePublishedInYear is not EMPTY; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste VALIDATION_NAMEPUBLISHEDINYEAR_NOTEMPTY ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: 4eb48fdf-7299-4d63-9d08-246902e2857f

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: establishmentMeans

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:establishmentMeans occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:establishmentMeans is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:establishmentMeans is in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT. bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core establishmentMeans" {[]} {dwc:establishmentMeans vocabulary API []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste VALIDATION_ESTABLISHMENTMEANS_STANDARD ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: 15d15927-7a22-43f8-88d6-298f5eb45c4c

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: establishmentMeans

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:establishmentMeans using bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:establishmentMeans is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:establishmentMeans if it can be unambiguously matched to a term in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core establishmentMeans" {[]} {dwc:establishmentMeans vocabulary API []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste AMENDMENT_ESTABLISHMENTMEANS_STANDARDIZED ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: 060e7734-607d-4737-8b2c-bfa17788bf1a

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: degreeOfEstablishment

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:degreeOfEstablishment occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:degreeOfEstablishment is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:degreeOfEstablishment is in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT. bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core degreeOfEstablishment" {[]} {dwc:degreeOfEstablishment vocabulary API []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste VALIDATION_DEGREEOFESTABLISHMENT_STANDARD ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: 74ef1034-e289-4596-b5b0-cde73796697d

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: degreeOfEstablishment

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:degreeOfEstablishment using bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:degreeOfEstablishment is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:degreeOfEstablishment if it can be unambiguously matched to a term in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core degreeOfEstablishment" {[]} {dwc:degreeOfEstablishment vocabulary API []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste AMENDMENT_DEGREEOFESTABLISHMENT_STANDARDIZED ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: 5424e933-bee7-4125-839e-d8743ea69f93

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: pathway

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:pathway occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:pathway is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:pathway is in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT. bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core pathway" {[]} {dwc:pathway vocabulary API []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste VALIDATION_PATHWAY_STANDARD ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: f9205977-f145-44f5-8cb9-e3e2e35ce908

Tipo de teste: Amendment

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: pathway

Descrição: Propose amendment to the value of dwc:pathway using bdq:sourceAuthority.

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:pathway is EMPTY; AMENDED the value of dwc:pathway if it can be unambiguously matched to a term in bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_AMENDED bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core pathway" {[]} {dwc:pathway vocabulary API []}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: Not available

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste AMENDMENT_PATHWAY_STANDARDIZED ainda não está disponível.

ID oficial do teste: 4833a522-12eb-4fe0-b4cf-7f7a337a6048

Tipo de teste: Validation

Contexto dos termos testados: Occurrence

Termos (colunas) testados: typeStatus

Descrição: Does the value of dwc:typeStatus occur in bdq:sourceAuthority?

Especificação: EXTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if the bdq:sourceAuthority is not available; INTERNAL_PREREQUISITES_NOT_MET if dwc:typeStatus is EMPTY; COMPLIANT if the value of dwc:typeStatus is in the bdq:sourceAuthority; otherwise NOT_COMPLIANT. bdq:sourceAuthority default = "Darwin Core typeStatus" {[]} {dwc:typeStatus vocabulary API [(]}

Código fonte de exemplo: Not available

Notas: This test must return NOT_COMPLIANT if there is leading or trailing whitespace or there are leading or trailing non-printing characters.

* A tabela com os exemplos para o teste VALIDATION_TYPESTATUS_STANDARD ainda não está disponível.

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