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Forked from oneamitj/
Created February 22, 2023 01:52
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Lambda Function to use as authentication provider with user management from Secret Manager for Transfer Family.
# This code is part of Transfer Family Tutorial:
# Full zip with CloudFormation code mentioned on that tutorial:
# My step wise spinning up SFTP in Transfer Family with username and password:
import os
import json
import boto3
import base64
from ipaddress import ip_network, ip_address
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
def lambda_handler(event, context):
# Get the required parameters
required_param_list = ["serverId", "username", "protocol", "sourceIp"]
for parameter in required_param_list:
if parameter not in event:
print("Incoming " + parameter + " missing - Unexpected")
return {}
input_serverId = event["serverId"]
input_username = event["username"]
input_protocol = event["protocol"]
input_sourceIp = event["sourceIp"]
input_password = event.get("password", "")
print("ServerId: {}, Username: {}, Protocol: {}, SourceIp: {}"
.format(input_serverId, input_username, input_protocol, input_sourceIp))
# Check for password and set authentication type appropriately. No password means SSH auth
print("Start User Authentication Flow")
if input_password != "":
print("Using PASSWORD authentication")
authentication_type = "PASSWORD"
if input_protocol == 'FTP' or input_protocol == 'FTPS':
print("Empty password not allowed for FTP/S")
return {}
print("Using SSH authentication")
authentication_type = "SSH"
# Retrieve our user details from the secret. For all key-value pairs stored in SecretManager,
# checking the protocol-specified secret first, then use generic ones.
# e.g. If SFTPPassword and Password both exists, will be using SFTPPassword for authentication
secret = get_secret(input_serverId + "/" + input_username)
if secret is not None:
secret_dict = json.loads(secret)
# Run our password checks
user_authenticated = authenticate_user(authentication_type, secret_dict, input_password, input_protocol)
# Run sourceIp checks
ip_match = check_ipaddress(secret_dict, input_sourceIp, input_protocol)
if user_authenticated and ip_match:
print("User authenticated, calling build_response with: " + authentication_type)
return build_response(secret_dict, authentication_type, input_protocol)
print("User failed authentication return empty response")
return {}
# Otherwise something went wrong. Most likely the object name is not there
print("Secrets Manager exception thrown - Returning empty response")
# Return an empty data response meaning the user was not authenticated
return {}
def lookup(secret_dict, key, input_protocol):
if input_protocol + key in secret_dict:
print("Found protocol-specified {}".format(key))
return secret_dict[input_protocol + key]
return secret_dict.get(key, None)
def check_ipaddress(secret_dict, input_sourceIp, input_protocol):
accepted_ip_network = lookup(secret_dict, "AcceptedIpNetwork", input_protocol)
if not accepted_ip_network:
# No IP provided so skip checks
print("No IP range provided - Skip IP check")
return True
net = ip_network(accepted_ip_network)
if ip_address(input_sourceIp) in net:
print("Source IP address match")
return True
print("Source IP address not in range")
return False
def authenticate_user(auth_type, secret_dict, input_password, input_protocol):
# Function returns True if: auth_type is password and passwords match or auth_type is SSH. Otherwise returns False
if auth_type == "SSH":
# Place for additional checks in future
print("Skip password check as SSH login request")
return True
# auth_type could only be SSH or PASSWORD
# Retrieve the password from the secret if exists
password = lookup(secret_dict, "Password", input_protocol)
if not password:
print("Unable to authenticate user - No field match in Secret for password")
return False
if input_password == password:
return True
print("Unable to authenticate user - Incoming password does not match stored")
return False
# Build out our response data for an authenticated response
def build_response(secret_dict, auth_type, input_protocol):
response_data = {}
# Check for each key value pair. These are required so set to empty string if missing
role = lookup(secret_dict, "Role", input_protocol)
if role:
response_data["Role"] = role
print("No field match for role - Set empty string in response")
response_data["Role"] = ""
# These are optional so ignore if not present
policy = lookup(secret_dict, "Policy", input_protocol)
if policy:
response_data["Policy"] = policy
# External Auth providers support chroot and virtual folder assignments so we'll check for that
home_directory_details = lookup(secret_dict, "HomeDirectoryDetails", input_protocol)
if home_directory_details:
print("HomeDirectoryDetails found - Applying setting for virtual folders - "
"Note: Cannot be used in conjunction with key: HomeDirectory")
response_data["HomeDirectoryDetails"] = home_directory_details
# If we have a virtual folder setup then we also need to set HomeDirectoryType to "Logical"
print("Setting HomeDirectoryType to LOGICAL")
response_data["HomeDirectoryType"] = "LOGICAL"
# Note that HomeDirectory and HomeDirectoryDetails / Logical mode
# can't be used together but we're not checking for this
home_directory = lookup(secret_dict, "HomeDirectory", input_protocol)
if home_directory:
print("HomeDirectory found - Note: Cannot be used in conjunction with key: HomeDirectoryDetails")
response_data["HomeDirectory"] = home_directory
if auth_type == "SSH":
public_key = lookup(secret_dict, "PublicKey", input_protocol)
if public_key:
response_data["PublicKeys"] = [public_key]
# SSH Auth Flow - We don't have keys so we can't help
print("Unable to authenticate user - No public keys found")
return {}
return response_data
def get_secret(id):
region = os.environ["SecretsManagerRegion"]
print("Secrets Manager Region: " + region)
print("Secret Name: " + id)
# Create a Secrets Manager client
client = boto3.session.Session().client(service_name="secretsmanager", region_name=region)
resp = client.get_secret_value(SecretId=id)
# Decrypts secret using the associated KMS CMK.
# Depending on whether the secret is a string or binary, one of these fields will be populated.
if "SecretString" in resp:
print("Found Secret String")
return resp["SecretString"]
print("Found Binary Secret")
return base64.b64decode(resp["SecretBinary"])
except ClientError as err:
print("Error Talking to SecretsManager: " + err.response["Error"]["Code"] + ", Message: " +
return None
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