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Last active October 4, 2021 20:50
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Toggl → Timewarrior import extension
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Toggl → Timewarrior import extension
© 2016 Paul Natsuo Kishimoto <>
Licensed under the GNU GPL v3 or later.
Implements a Timewarrior extension (see to import data from Toggl
1. Download or clone to ~/.timewarrior/extensions/, make executable.
2. Identify your Toggle API token from, and set
the Timewarrior configuration variable toggle.api_token:
$ timew config toggl.api_token ab1c2345defa67b8c9de0f123abc45d6
3. (Optional) Set the workspace ID. If you have only one Toggl workspace, will import from that workspace by default. If you have more
than one:
a. Visit
b. Next to the workspace from which you wish to import, click "… > Settings"
c. Note the URL: The
number 1234567 is the workspace ID.
d. Set the Timewarrior configuration variable toggle.workspace_id:
$ timew config toggl.workspace_id 1234567
4. Import:
$ timew toggl_import :debug
Wrote 64 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
Wrote 114 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
Wrote 17 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
Wrote 32 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
Wrote 3 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
Wrote 32 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
Wrote 27 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
Wrote 46 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
Wrote 17 entries to /home/username/.timewarrior/data/
- Imported entries have the following tags:
- The Toggl entry description. If the entry ends with ' uuid:' and then a
UUID (such as reported by task <filter> _uuids), then this portion of the
description is truncated, and a separate tag 'uuid:<UUID>' is added.
- Any Toggl tags.
- The Toggl project name, with the prefix 'project:'.
- All Toggl time entries from the creation date of the workspace are imported.
- The extension respects the Toggle API rate limit of 1 request per second per
IP ( Since the
Toggl Reports API paginates at 50 time entries per response, the extension
will take about 2 seconds per every 100 entries imported.
- Times are converted to UTC.
- If :debug is given, each entry is tagged with the Toggl entry ID, with the
prefix 'toggl_id:'.
from datetime import datetime, timezone
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import requests
DEBUG = False
def get_entries(ws_id, since, projects):
"""Retrieve the detailed report of all tasks."""
# Required parameters for the Toggle Reports API
params = {
'page': 0,
'workspace_id': ws_id,
'since': since,
# Number of pages of entries to read
max_pages = sys.maxsize
# Number of entries to read
total_count = None
# Imported entries
imported = {}
while params['page'] < max_pages:
params['page'] += 1 # Page numbering starts at 1
result = toggl('GET', url='',
result = result.json() # Raises an exception on any error
# Determine the number of pages to retrieve
if total_count is None:
# First request. Divide the total_count by the page size to get
# the number of pages of results
total_count = result['total_count']
max_pages = total_count // result['per_page'] + 1
assert total_count == result['total_count'], (
'Number of results changed during import.')
# Import individual entries
for entry in result['data']:
item = TogglEntry(entry, projects)
# Store in lists by month
if item.month not in imported:
imported[item.month] = [item]
return imported
def get_projects(ws_id):
"""Retrieve project names."""
projects = {}
for project in toggl('GET', 'workspaces/%d/projects' % ws_id).json():
projects[project['id']] = project['name']
print('Retrieved %d projects:\n%s' % (len(projects), projects))
return projects
def timewarrior_extension_input():
"""Extract the configuration settings."""
# Copied from timew/ext/
header = True
config = dict()
body = ''
for line in sys.stdin:
if header:
if line == '\n':
header = False
fields = line.strip().split(': ', 2)
if len(fields) == 2:
config[fields[0]] = fields[1]
config[fields[0]] = ''
body += line
return config, body
def ratelimited(maxPerSecond):
"""Decorator for a rate-limited function.
minInterval = 1.0 / float(maxPerSecond)
def decorate(func):
lastTimeCalled = [0.0]
def rateLimitedFunction(*args, **kargs):
elapsed = time.clock() - lastTimeCalled[0]
leftToWait = minInterval - elapsed
if leftToWait > 0:
ret = func(*args, **kargs)
lastTimeCalled[0] = time.clock()
return ret
return rateLimitedFunction
return decorate
def select_workspace(config):
"""Determine the workspace ID."""
# List workspaces available through this API key
workspaces = {ws['id']: ws for ws in toggl('GET', 'workspaces').json()}
ws_id = config.get('toggl.workspace_id', None)
if ws_id is None:
# No workspace IP supplied in configuration
assert len(workspaces) == 1, ('Cannot determine which workspace to '
'import from.')
ws_id, ws = list(workspaces.items())[0]
# Raises IndexError if the configuration is incorrect
ws = workspaces[ws_id]
return ws_id, ws
def toggl(method, path=None, **kwargs):
"""Make a request to the TOGGL API.
Heavily modified from:
if path is not None:
kwargs['url'] = TOGGL_API_URL + '/' + path
# Use the session cookie, if it exists
kwargs['cookies'] = TOGGL_SESSION_COOKIE
kwargs['auth'] = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(TOGGL_API_TOKEN, 'api_token')
# Set the user_agent
if 'params' not in kwargs:
kwargs['params'] = dict()
'user_agent': '',
return requests.request(method, **kwargs)
class TogglEntry:
"""A Toggle time tracking entity.
This class mostly provides for one-way translation: the constructor
understands JSON data from the Toggl API describing a time entry; and the
string representation of the object is a line suitable for a Timewarrior
data file.
desc_re = re.compile('(.*?)(?: uuid:([0-9a-f-]{36}))?$')
time_map = str.maketrans({':': None})
time_fmt_in = '%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S%z'
time_fmt_out = '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ'
def __init__(self, data, projects):
self._data = data
desc, uuid = self.desc_re.match(data['description']).groups()
self.description = desc
self.uuid = uuid = data['id']
self.project = projects.get(data['pid'])
# Translate times into UTC
# NB timewarrior currently (1.0.0 beta) does not understand ISO
# formatted datetimes, or those with non-'Z' time zone specifiers,
# in the data files
self._start = datetime.strptime(data['start'].translate(self.time_map),
self._end = datetime.strptime(data['end'].translate(self.time_map),
self.month = self._start.strftime('%Y-%m')
def __str__(self):
result = [
'"%s"' % self.description,
result.extend(['"%s"' % tag for tag in self._data['tags']])
if self.project is not None:
result.append('"project:%s"' % self.project)
if self.uuid is not None:
result.append('"uuid:%s"' % self.uuid)
result.append('toggl_id:%s' %
return ' '.join(result) + '\n'
def write_entries(month, entries):
line_re = re.compile('toggl_id:([0-9]+)')
print(month, '\n'.join(map(str, entries)), sep='\n\n', end='\n\n')
# Filename for output
fn = os.path.join(configuration['temp.db'], 'data', '' % month)
with open(fn, 'a+') as f:
# Read through file to determine Toggle entries that have already
# been imported
existing_ids = set()
for line in f:
except AttributeError:
print('Month %s has existing ids: %s' % (month, existing_ids))
written = 0
skipped = 0
for e in entries:
if in existing_ids:
skipped += 1
written += 1
print('Wrote %d, skipped %d existing entries in %s' %
(written, skipped, fn))
if __name__ == '__main__':
configuration, _ = timewarrior_extension_input()
DEBUG = configuration.get('debug') in ['on', 1, '1', 'yes', 'y', 'true']
# Open the toggl session
TOGGL_API_TOKEN = configuration['toggl.api_token']
TOGGL_SESSION_COOKIE = toggl('POST', 'sessions').cookies
workspace_id, workspace = select_workspace(configuration)
projects = get_projects(workspace_id)
# The key 'at' of the current workspace gives its creation time;
# use this as the start date for requests
all_entries = get_entries(workspace_id, workspace['at'].split('T')[0],
for month, entries in sorted(all_entries.items()):
write_entries(month, entries)
# Close the session
toggl('DELETE', 'sessions')
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I added casting to int of workspace ID to get it to work. Maybe Toggl changed their API a bit? My changes:

Line 135: for project in toggl('GET', 'workspaces/%d/projects' % int(ws_id)).json():
Line 201: ws = workspaces[int(ws_id)]

Super ugly fix, but hey, it works :)

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