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Created June 2, 2019 19:53
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d5 $ every 2 (rev) $ stack [
sound "hardkick bd hardkick" # n "1 2 3"
, slow 0.5 $ striate 32 $ sound "crow*10"
# hpf "600 1200"
d1 $ stack [
sound $ samples "boing1*8" (irand 5)
] + unit "c" |+| speed "4"
# room (slow 4 $ range 0 0.2 saw)
d1 $ sound "boing1*8"
# n (irand 5)
# lpf (range 100 5000 sine)
"1 2 3" :: Pattern String
-- samples
-- drums
d2 $ sound "bd*16" # pan (slow 3 $ sine)
d1 $ stack [
s "808oh*7"
, s "bass0*3"
, s "808cl*2"
--, slow 0.4 $ striate' 32 "0.15 3" $ s "baa"
, slow 3 $ s "808cy"
d3 $ every 2 (striate 32) $ s "birds"
# n (irand 3)
# speed "[1 2 4 1 ~] 3 1"
# delay 3
d1 $ s "bass*8" # speed "1 1 2 4"
:t stretch
stretch2 by =
range 0.1 by $ cat [saw, sine] + 0.02
d1 $ every 1 (# crush (irand 5)) $ striate 32 $ slow (stretch2 0.2)
$ s $ samples "birds" (run 5)
d1 $ slow (range 0.1 2 $ cat [square, sine] + 0.02)
$ s $ samples "birds" (run 5)
d3 $ stut 1 0.5 0.1 $ every 2 (0.25 <~) $ s "bd*2 [[~ lt] sn:3] lt:1 [ht mt*2]"
-- halflife siren
d1 $ slow 2 $ striate 128 $ s "ade:3" # phasr 32
d1 $ slow 1 $ striate 16 $ s "if:3*20" # lpf "<300 900>"
d1 $ sometimes (0.25 <~) $ n "[3 4 ~ 1] 3 ~ 2*4" # sound "latibro"
d1 $ stack [
jux (rev) $ s "808oh*16" # n (irand 32)
, s "bass0*4" # n (irand 3)
, s "808cp*2"
-- , slow 4 $ striate' 32 "0.1" $ s "baa" # amp 0.1
, slow 4 $ s "808cy"
d1 $ every 2 $ s "808oh*8" # n "1 2 4 1"
# crush "<16 4 2>"
# delay "0.3"
-- straeched out
d2 $ slow 2 $ striate' 3 (1/3) $ sound "breaks125"
d2 $ spread (striate' 16) "0.1 0.2" $ sound "breaks125"
d1 $ slow 1 $ striate' 32 0.1 $ sound $ samples "ciani" (run 1)
d1 $ slow 3 $ sound "ciani"
d2 $ silence
d1 $ slow 0.1
$ every 3 (rev)
$ striate 32 $ sound $ samples "future*8" (irand 15)
d3 $ every (irand 3) (rev) $ n "{c c3 [d f g] d, cc, c*8}"
# sound "feel"
# speed 0.5
# hpf "[600 900 1200]"
# crush "3 4 3"
d3 $ silence
solo 5
d5 $ sometimes (# crush 2) $ sound "gab*7"
# crush "3 2 1"
# lpf 1200
# amp 0.2
d4 $ n "0 <0 4 0 [4 4]> [2 4] [2 3]"
# sound "feel"
# speed 1.5
d1 $ every 2 (rot "<1 3 2>")
$ n "0 <0 4> [2 0] [2 3]" # sound "feel" # speed 1
d1 -- $ off 0.125 (# crush 5
$ fast 1
$ jux (rev)
$ sound "bd [<crow ~ ~ cr> sn:2] mt lt*2"
# crush "2 3 4"
d1 $ slow 32 $ jux (rev) $ striate' 32 (1/16) $ sound "bev"
-- Add an offset vowel effect
d1 -- $ off 0.25 (# vowel "<a o i>")
$ juxBy 0.4 rev
$ every 2 (rot "<1 3 2>") $ n "0 <0 4> [2 0] [2 3]" # sound "feel" # speed "1.75 2"
d1 $ off 0.25 (# vowel "<a o i>")
$ juxBy 0.4 rev $ every 2 (rot "<1 3 2>") $ n "0 <0 4> [2 0] [2 3]" # sound "feel" # speed "1.75 2"
d1 $ every 2 (0.25 <~) $ sound "bd bd sn:3 ht"
|+| unit "c" |+| speed 9
# room (slow 4 $ range 0 0.2 saw)
# squiz "<1 2.5 7>"
# sz 0.5
d1 $ sound "bd*5 e"
d2 $ s "gab*5"
d1 $ sound "bd crow" # n "3"
d1 $ sound "bd sd bd sd*2"
d2 $ sound "hh hh hh hh hh hh hh hh"
d2 $ sound "arp*30"
d5 $ sound "breath"
d3 $ sound "bd cp cp sd sd sd sd sd"
d3 $ sound "[bass2 cp]*10 [bass2 arpy]*7 future*80"
d2 $ sound "bass2/2 [sd sd sd sd]*2"
-- the comma layers patterns on top of each other
d1 $ every 3 (rev) $ sound "[cp arpy]*2 [bass2 [sn sn*2 bass2] sn]"
d1 $ whenmod 8 4 (# crush 2)
$ slow (saw + 0.01)
$ every 2 (# speed 2)
$ sound "[bd bd , sd cp sd cp, arpy arpy, odx]"
sounds = ["psr", "bd", "cp"]
mix (h:tl) = h
:t mix2
d2 $ iter 3 $ sound "bd:3 <cp, bd:2> bd:3 [cp, bd:2]"
setcps 0.6
let low = 3000
x = 0.7
-- $ stutWith 2 (0.125) ((# lpf low) . (# room x) . (# delay 3))
$ stutWith 2 (0.125*3) (stutWith 10 0.0625
(|* lpf 0.9)
. (|* gain 0.9))
$ s "~ sn:5"
# gain 1.2
# size 0.9
# lpf 10000
-- $ stutWith 2 (0.125) ((# lpf low) . (# room x) . (# delay 3))
$ stutWith 2 (0.125*3) (stutWith 20 0.0625
(|* lpf 0.9)
. (|* gain 0.9))
$ s "~ sn:5"
# gain 1.2
# size 0.9
# lpf 10000
d2 $ s "sn*4" # n "1 2"
:t (#)
:t (|>)
d2 $ silence
d1 $ slow 0.5 $ sometimes (0.25 <~)
$ every 2 (rev) (sound "<arpy:1 arpy:2 arpy:3> arpy:4*2")
# speed 0.5
d1 $ sound (every 4 (fast 4) "bd*2 [bd [sn sn*2 sn] sn]")
d1 $ foldEvery [3,4] (0.25 <~)
$ stack [sometimes (stut' 2 (0.125) (|+| speed "0"))]
:t stut'
:t program
:t whenmod
d1 $ sound "sd ~ " # gain "1.2"
-- re-striating tutorial
d1 $ slow 10 $ (striate' 64 0.1 $ s "909*8 sn:3*4 hh:2*3 [hh sn] bd:2*4")
# speed "[1 0.7 0.5] [4 5 6 7]/5"
|+| delay 0.5
|+| delaytime 0.3
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