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Forked from mohandere/wp-auto-installer.js
Created July 21, 2023 14:22
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Wordpress auto installer script PHP
Script Name: WP Auto Installer
Author: Mohan Dere
Version: 1.0
Description : This script install new wordpress setup, create database with tables with content & run search replace database for new urls.
Last Update: 13 Mar 15
$(window).load(function() {
if( $('#stagging-installer__wrap').length ){
console.log('Importer script ready');
var $response = $('#response');
var $error = $('#error');
var $installer__wrap = $('#stagging-installer__wrap');
var reqParm = {
'action' : 'begin_stagging_creation',
'wp_project_id' : $installer__wrap.attr('data-wp_project_id'),
'installer_process' : 'create_db'
$.post( ajaxurl, reqParm, function(data) {
data = $.parseJSON(data);
if ( data.db == "error etablishing connection" ) {
$'<p style="margin-bottom:0px;">&bull; Error Establishing a Database Connection.</p>');
} else{
$('.progress-bar').animate({width: "16.5%"});
// Fire Step
// We dowload WordPress
$response.html("<p>WordPress Download in Progress ...</p>");
reqParm.installer_process = 'download_wp';
$.post(ajaxurl, reqParm, function() {
// Let's unzip WordPress
function unzip_wp() {
$response.html("<p>Decompressing Files...</p>" );
$('.progress-bar').animate({width: "33%"});
reqParm.installer_process = 'unzip_wp';
$.post(ajaxurl, reqParm, function(data) {
// Let's create the wp-config.php file
function wp_config() {
$response.html("<p>File Creation for wp-config...</p>");
$('.progress-bar').animate({width: "49.5%"});
reqParm.installer_process = 'wp_config';
$.post(ajaxurl, reqParm, function(data) {
// CDatabase
function update_wp() {
$response.html("<p>Database Updatation in Progress...</p>");
$('.progress-bar').animate({width: "66%"});
reqParm.installer_process = 'update_wp';
$.post(ajaxurl, reqParm, function(data) {
// Plugin
function srdb_db() {
$response.html("<p>Replacing Database in Progress...</p>");
$('.progress-bar').animate({width: "82.5%"});
reqParm.installer_process = 'srdb_db';
$.post(ajaxurl, reqParm, function(data) {
// Remove the archive
function install_success() {
$('.progress-bar').animate({width: "100%"});
reqParm.installer_process = 'install_success';
$.post(ajaxurl, reqParm, function(data) {
var data = $.parseJSON(data);
$('#please-wait-loader').html("<p>Successful installation completed</p>");
$response.html('<p><a href="'+data.stagging_url+'" target="_blank">Visit Staggig Site</a></p>');
Script Name: WP Auto Installer
Author: Mohan Dere
Version: 1.0
Description : This script install new wordpress setup, create database with tables with content & run search replace database for new urls.
Last Update: 13 Mar 15
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'importer_load_scripts' );
function importer_load_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'importer_script', CPM_PLUGIN_URI . '/wp-auto-installer/script.js', array('jquery') );
if ( ! function_exists( '_' ) ) {
function _( $str ) {
echo $str;
function sanit( $str ) {
return addcslashes( str_replace( array( ';', "\n" ), '', $str ), '\\' );
* Get all details requird
function wpqi_get_required_imp( $wp_project_id = 0 ){
global $project;
$project = get_post( $wp_project_id );
$project_name_key = $project->post_title;
$imp = array();
$imp[ 'DB_NAME' ] = str_replace('-', '_', $project_name_key );
$imp[ 'DB_USER' ] = 'root';
$imp[ 'DB_PASSWORD' ] = '';
$imp[ 'DB_HOST' ] = 'localhost';
$imp[ 'DB_CHARSET' ] = 'utf-8';
$imp[ 'TABLE_PREFIX' ] = 'wp_';
$imp[ 'INSTALLATION_FOLDER' ] = str_replace('-', '.', $project_name_key );
$imp[ 'SITE_TITLE' ] = $project_name_key;
$imp[ 'WP_USER' ] = 'admin';
$imp[ 'WP_PASS' ] = str_replace('-', '.', $project_name_key );
$imp[ 'USER_EMAIL' ] = get_the_author_meta( 'user_email', $project->post_author );
return $imp;
function wpqi_get_source_directory_path( $source_directory = '' ){
$server_root_dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$directory_path = $server_root_dir . '/' . $source_directory;
if( file_exists( $directory_path ) ){
return $directory_path;
return '';
//$wpDir = ABSPATH;
function wpqi_get_destination_directory_path( $destination_directory = '' ){
$server_root_dir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'];
$directory_path = $server_root_dir . '/' . $destination_directory;
if( file_exists( $directory_path ) ){
return $directory_path;
mkdir( $directory_path );
// We set the good writing rights
chmod( $directory_path , 0755 );
//$wpDir = ABSPATH;
return $directory_path;
* Take a serialised array and unserialise it replacing elements as needed and
* unserialising any subordinate arrays and performing the replace on those too.
* @param string $from String we're looking to replace.
* @param string $to What we want it to be replaced with
* @param array $data Used to pass any subordinate arrays back to in.
* @param bool $serialised Does the array passed via $data need serialising.
* @return array The original array with all elements replaced as needed.
function recursive_unserialize_replace( $from = '', $to = '', $data = '', $serialised = false ) {
// some unseriliased data cannot be re-serialised eg. SimpleXMLElements
try {
if ( is_string( $data ) && ( $unserialized = @unserialize( $data ) ) !== false ) {
$data = recursive_unserialize_replace( $from, $to, $unserialized, true );
elseif ( is_array( $data ) ) {
$_tmp = array( );
foreach ( $data as $key => $value ) {
$_tmp[ $key ] = recursive_unserialize_replace( $from, $to, $value, false );
$data = $_tmp;
unset( $_tmp );
else {
if ( is_string( $data ) )
$data = str_replace( $from, $to, $data );
if ( $serialised )
return serialize( $data );
} catch( Exception $error ) {
return $data;
* The main loop triggered in step 5. Up here to keep it out of the way of the
* HTML. This walks every table in the db that was selected in step 3 and then
* walks every row and column replacing all occurences of a string with another.
* We split large tables into 50,000 row blocks when dealing with them to save
* on memmory consumption.
* @param mysql $connection The db connection object
* @param string $search What we want to replace
* @param string $replace What we want to replace it with.
* @param array $tables The tables we want to look at.
* @return array Collection of information gathered during the run.
function icit_srdb_replacer( $connection, $search = '', $replace = '', $tables = array( ) ) {
$report = array( 'tables' => 0,
'rows' => 0,
'change' => 0,
'updates' => 0,
'start' => microtime( ),
'end' => microtime( ),
'errors' => array( ),
if ( is_array( $tables ) && ! empty( $tables ) ) {
foreach( $tables as $table ) {
$report[ 'tables' ]++;
$columns = array( );
// Get a list of columns in this table
$fields = mysql_query( 'DESCRIBE ' . $table, $connection );
while( $column = mysql_fetch_array( $fields ) )
$columns[ $column[ 'Field' ] ] = $column[ 'Key' ] == 'PRI' ? true : false;
// Count the number of rows we have in the table if large we'll split into blocks, This is a mod from Simon Wheatley
$row_count = mysql_query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $table, $connection );
$rows_result = mysql_fetch_array( $row_count );
$row_count = $rows_result[ 0 ];
if ( $row_count == 0 )
$page_size = 50000;
$pages = ceil( $row_count / $page_size );
for( $page = 0; $page < $pages; $page++ ) {
$current_row = 0;
$start = $page * $page_size;
$end = $start + $page_size;
// Grab the content of the table
$data = mysql_query( sprintf( 'SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT %d, %d', $table, $start, $end ), $connection );
if ( ! $data )
$report[ 'errors' ][] = mysql_error( );
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array( $data ) ) {
$report[ 'rows' ]++; // Increment the row counter
$update_sql = array( );
$where_sql = array( );
$upd = false;
foreach( $columns as $column => $primary_key ) {
$edited_data = $data_to_fix = $row[ $column ];
// Run a search replace on the data that'll respect the serialisation.
$edited_data = recursive_unserialize_replace( $search, $replace, $data_to_fix );
// Something was changed
if ( $edited_data != $data_to_fix ) {
$report[ 'change' ]++;
$update_sql[] = $column . ' = "' . mysql_real_escape_string( $edited_data ) . '"';
$upd = true;
if ( $primary_key )
$where_sql[] = $column . ' = "' . mysql_real_escape_string( $data_to_fix ) . '"';
if ( $upd && ! empty( $where_sql ) ) {
$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . implode( ', ', $update_sql ) . ' WHERE ' . implode( ' AND ', array_filter( $where_sql ) );
$result = mysql_query( $sql, $connection );
if ( ! $result )
$report[ 'errors' ][] = mysql_error( );
$report[ 'updates' ]++;
} elseif ( $upd ) {
$report[ 'errors' ][] = sprintf( '"%s" has no primary key, manual change needed on row %s.', $table, $current_row );
$report[ 'end' ] = microtime( );
return $report;
function get_replacewith_url( $installation_folder = '') {
$replacement_url = 'http';
if( @$_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on" ){
$replacement_url .= "s";
$replacement_url .= "://";
if( $_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] != "80" ){
$replacement_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] .'/'. $installation_folder;
} else {
$replacement_url .= $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] .'/'. $installation_folder;
return $replacement_url;
function get_siteurl_option_from_db( $host,$u,$p,$n ){
$connection = @mysql_connect( $host, $u, $p );
@mysql_select_db( $n, $connection );
$result = mysql_query( 'SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE `option_id` =1', $connection );
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
return $row['option_value'];
add_action( 'wp_ajax_begin_stagging_creation', 'begin_stagging_creation_callback' );
function begin_stagging_creation_callback() {
$req_imp = wpqi_get_required_imp( $_POST['wp_project_id'] );
$source_dir_path = wpqi_get_source_directory_path( '' );
$destination_dir_path = wpqi_get_destination_directory_path( $req_imp['INSTALLATION_FOLDER'] );
switch( $_POST['installer_process'] ) {
case "create_db" :
$data = array();
try {
$dsn = "mysql:host=".$req_imp['DB_HOST'];
$pdo = new PDO( $dsn, $req_imp['DB_USER'], $req_imp['DB_PASSWORD'] );
//Creation of user "user_name"
$sql = "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS ". $req_imp['DB_NAME'] .";
CREATE USER '".$req_imp['DB_USER']."'@'" .$req_imp['DB_HOST']. "' IDENTIFIED BY '". $req_imp['DB_PASSWORD'] ."';
GRANT ALL ON '" .$req_imp['DB_NAME']. "'.* TO '". $req_imp['DB_USER'] ."'@'" .$req_imp['DB_HOST']. "';
or die( print_r($pdo->errorInfo(), true) );
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$data['db'] = "error etablishing connection";
// We send the response
echo json_encode( $data );
case "download_wp" :
$data = array();
// Get WordPress language
//$language = substr( $req_imp['language'], 0, 6 );
//define( 'WP_API_CORE' , '' );
// Get WordPress data
//$wp = json_decode( file_get_contents( WP_API_CORE . $language ) )->offers[0];
/* We download the latest version of WordPress
/*if ( ! file_exists( WPQI_CACHE_CORE_PATH . 'wordpress-' . $wp->version . '-' . $language . '.zip' ) ) {
file_put_contents( WPQI_CACHE_CORE_PATH . 'wordpress-' . $wp->version . '-' . $language . '.zip', file_get_contents( $wp->download ) );
if( $source_dir_path ){
//chmod( $source_dir_path , 0777 );
file_put_contents( $destination_dir_path . '/', file_get_contents( $source_dir_path ) );
case "unzip_wp" :
$data = array();
$zip = new ZipArchive;
// We verify if we can use the archive
if ( $zip->open( $destination_dir_path . '/' ) === true ) {
// Let's unzip
$zip->extractTo( $destination_dir_path );
chmod( $destination_dir_path , 0777 );
chmod( $destination_dir_path . '/' , 0777 );
unlink( $destination_dir_path . '/' ); // We remove WordPress folder
case "wp_config" :
$data = array();
/* Let's create the wp-config file
// We retrieve each line as an array
$config_file = file( $destination_dir_path . '/wp-config-sample.php' );
// We change the data
$key = 0;
foreach ( $config_file as &$line ) {
if ( '$table_prefix =' == substr( $line, 0, 16 ) ) {
$line = '$table_prefix = \'' . sanit( $req_imp[ 'TABLE_PREFIX' ] ) . "';\r\n";
if ( ! preg_match( '/^define\(\'([A-Z_]+)\',([ ]+)/', $line, $match ) ) {
$constant = $match[1];
switch ( $constant ) {
case 'DB_NAME' :
$line = "define('DB_NAME', '" . sanit( $req_imp[ 'DB_NAME' ] ) . "');\r\n";
case 'DB_USER' :
$line = "define('DB_USER', '" . sanit( $req_imp['DB_USER'] ) . "');\r\n";
case 'DB_PASSWORD' :
$line = "define('DB_PASSWORD', '" . sanit( $req_imp['DB_PASSWORD'] ) . "');\r\n";
case 'DB_HOST' :
$line = "define('DB_HOST', '" . sanit( $req_imp['DB_HOST'] ) . "');\r\n";
case 'WPLANG' :
$line = "define('WPLANG', '" . sanit( $req_imp['INSTALLATION_LANGUAGE'] ) . "');\r\n";
unset( $line );
$handle = fopen( $destination_dir_path . '/wp-config.php', 'w' );
foreach ( $config_file as $line ) {
fwrite( $handle, $line );
fclose( $handle );
// We set the good rights to the wp-config file
chmod( $destination_dir_path . '/wp-config.php', 0666 );
case "update_wp" :
$data = array();
$connection = mysql_connect($req_imp['DB_HOST'], $req_imp['DB_USER'], $req_imp['DB_PASSWORD'] ) or $data['connection_error'] = mysql_error();
mysql_query("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ".$req_imp[ 'DB_NAME' ] ) or $data['drop_db_error'] = mysql_error();
mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE ".$req_imp[ 'DB_NAME' ] ) or $data['create_table_error'] = mysql_error();
mysql_select_db( $req_imp[ 'DB_NAME' ] ) or $data['select_db'] = mysql_error();
//check for sql file and use that name.
$sql_files = glob( $destination_dir_path . '/*.sql' );
if( !empty( $sql_files ) ){
$sql_file = $sql_files[0];
SplitSQL( $sql_file, $delimiter = ';');
echo json_encode( $data );
echo json_encode( $sql_files );
case "srdb_db" :
$data = array();
$connection = mysql_connect( $req_imp['DB_HOST'], $req_imp['DB_USER'], $req_imp['DB_PASSWORD'] ) or $data['connection_error'] = mysql_error();
mysql_select_db( $req_imp[ 'DB_NAME' ] ) or $data['select_db'] = mysql_error();
//loop to show all the tables and fields
$loop = mysql_query("SHOW tables FROM ".$req_imp['DB_NAME'] ) or $data['show_tables'] = mysql_error();
$tables = array( );
while( $table = mysql_fetch_array( $loop ) ){
array_push( $tables, $table[0] );
$search = get_siteurl_option_from_db( $req_imp['DB_HOST'], $req_imp['DB_USER'], $req_imp['DB_PASSWORD'], $req_imp['DB_NAME'] );
$replace = get_replacewith_url( $req_imp['INSTALLATION_FOLDER'] );
icit_srdb_replacer( $connection, $search, $replace, $tables );
echo json_encode( $data );
case "install_success" :
$data = array();
$stagging_url = get_siteurl_option_from_db( $req_imp['DB_HOST'], $req_imp['DB_USER'], $req_imp['DB_PASSWORD'], $req_imp['DB_NAME'] );
$data['stagging_url'] = $stagging_url;
echo json_encode($data);
wp_die(); // this is required to terminate immediately and return a proper response
function SplitSQL($file, $delimiter = ';')
if (is_file($file) === true)
$file = fopen($file, 'r');
if (is_resource($file) === true)
$query = array();
while (feof($file) === false)
$query[] = fgets($file);
if (preg_match('~' . preg_quote($delimiter, '~') . '\s*$~iS', end($query)) === 1)
$query = trim(implode('', $query));
if (mysql_query($query) === false)
echo '<p>ERROR: <blockquote> ' . $query . '</blockquote></p>' . "\n";
while (ob_get_level() > 0)
if (is_string($query) === true)
$query = array();
return fclose($file);
return false;
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