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data {
int N; // number of rows
int T; // number of inidvidual-choice sets/task combinations
int I; // number of Individuals
int P; // number of covariates
vector<lower = 0, upper = 1>[N] choice; // binary indicator for choice
matrix[N, P] X; // product attributes
int task[T]; // index for tasks
int task_individual[T]; // index for individual
int start[T]; // the starting observation for each task
int end[T]; // the ending observation for each task
parameters {
vector[P] beta; // hypermeans of the part-worths
vector<lower = 0>[P] tau; // diagonal of the part-worth covariance matrix
matrix[I, P] z; // individual random effects (unscaled)
cholesky_factor_corr[P] L_Omega; // the cholesky factor of the correlation matrix of tastes/part-worths
transformed parameters {
// here we use the reparameterization discussed on slide 30
matrix[I, P] beta_individual = rep_matrix(beta', I) + z*diag_pre_multiply(tau, L_Omega);;
model {
// create a temporary holding vector
vector[N] log_prob;
// priors on the parameters
tau ~ normal(0, .5);
beta ~ normal(0, .5);
to_vector(z) ~ normal(0, 1);
L_Omega ~ lkj_corr_cholesky(4);
// log probabilities of each choice in the dataset
for(t in 1:T) {
log_prob[start[t]:end[t]] = log(softmax(X[start[t]:end[t]]*beta_individual[task_individual[t]]'));
// use the likelihood derivation on slide 29
target += log_prob' * choice;
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