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Created January 17, 2022 13:40
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# Utils functions to extract features
def word2features(sent, i):
word = sent[i][0]
#postag = sent[i][1]
features = {
'bias': 1.0,
'word.lower()': word.lower(),
'word[-3:]': word[-3:],
'word[-2:]': word[-2:],
'word.isupper()': word.isupper(),
'word.istitle()': word.istitle(),
'word.isdigit()': word.isdigit(),
# 'postag': postag,
# 'postag[:2]': postag[:2],
if i > 0:
word1 = sent[i-1][0]
#postag1 = sent[i-1][1]
'-1:word.lower()': word1.lower(),
'-1:word.istitle()': word1.istitle(),
'-1:word.isupper()': word1.isupper(),
# '-1:postag': postag1,
# '-1:postag[:2]': postag1[:2],
features['BOS'] = True
if i < len(sent)-1:
word1 = sent[i+1][0]
#postag1 = sent[i+1][1]
'+1:word.lower()': word1.lower(),
'+1:word.istitle()': word1.istitle(),
'+1:word.isupper()': word1.isupper(),
# '+1:postag': postag1,
# '+1:postag[:2]': postag1[:2],
features['EOS'] = True
return features
def sent2features(sent):
return [word2features(sent, i) for i in range(len(sent))]
def sent2labels(sent):
#return [label for token, postag, label in sent]
return [label for token, label in sent]
def sent2tokens(sent):
#return [token for token, postag, label in sent]
return [token for token, label in sent]
print ("example extracted features from single word :",sent2features(train_sents[0])[0])
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