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khalfella /
Created June 5, 2022 06:39 — forked from miguelmota/
Multiple accounts with Mutt E-Mail Client (gmail example)

How to set up multiple accounts with Mutt E-mail Client

Thanks to this article by Christoph Berg


Directories and files

from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
import requests
class ProxyHTTPRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
protocol_version = 'HTTP/1.1'

JIRA ticket:

In general, I think a good ticket description would include -- preferably in order:

  • What is the issue? A description of the status quo. It might go further and show us how the reporter of the ticket learned about the status quo. This is going to be helpful for those who will take the ticket later on. Any logs, commands output, or even a quoted feedback from someone else would help shed more light on the issue.

  • Why is it an issue? A statement tells us why this might not be the correct, or at least not the optimal. A simple example would be an issue that causes a service to crash, that is why it is an issue.

'use strict';
* input: array of numbers
* assumptions: input length is a power of two
* edge cases:
* - array length not power of two will cause trouble.
* ihaar() is a reverse haar function. It takes input in the form
* of an array of numbers an returns an array of numbers with the
h3. Testing notes:
- Confirmed that prometheus can scrape metrics without issues.
- Configured prometheus to scrape metrics every second. node heap size was reasonable during the test. Note, the same test caused the current version of cmon to run out of memory in less than 3 minutes.
- Metrics upload will timeout in 2 minutes and free metrics stream. This is the default value in restify, I have changed anything.
# curl --cert-type pem --cert promcert.pem --key promkey.pem -k | less
[root@d5e0c7a0-c7eb-eb52-f2ef-d0edb887cf2b ~/node-kstat]# ls test/*.js | xargs -i node {}
TAP version 13
# basic open
ok 1 should be truthy
ok 2 should be truthy
ok 3 should be truthy
ok 4 should be truthy
ok 5 should be truthy
ok 6 should be truthy
ok 7 should be truthy
[root@headnode (zeus) ~]# curl -s | egrep '# HELP'
# HELP time_metrics_available_boolean Whether time metrics were available, 0 = false, 1 = true
# HELP time_metrics_cached_boolean Whether time metrics came from cache, 0 = false, 1 = true
# HELP time_metrics_timer_seconds How long it took to gather the time metrics
# HELP time_of_day System time in seconds since epoch
# HELP arcstats_metrics_available_boolean Whether arcstats metrics were available, 0 = false, 1 = true
# HELP arcstats_metrics_cached_boolean Whether arcstats metrics came from cache, 0 = false, 1 = true
# HELP arcstats_metrics_timer_seconds How long it took to gather the arcstats metrics
# HELP arcstats_anon_evictable_data_bytes ARC anonymous evictable data
# HELP arcstats_anon_evictable_metadata_bytes ARC anonymous evictable metadata
[root@cfa81f16-ec3d-cdef-897b-f483b066ad85 ~/buckets-mdapi]# export ENGBLD_SKIP_VALIDATE_BUILD_PLATFORM=1
[root@cfa81f16-ec3d-cdef-897b-f483b066ad85 ~/buckets-mdapi]# make
cargo build --release
Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.46s
mkdir -p build/scripts
cp deps/manta-scripts/*.sh build/scripts
This build machine should not be used to build this component.
expected pkgsrc version 2019Q1

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am khalfella on github.
  • I am khalfella ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBQbvQdEwYK19-jcs0lCiip1JGwZ9KJ5OD1PhRrzvn9Dwo

To claim this, I am signing this object: