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EF MultipleResults with SqlParameters
public static class MultipleResultSets
public static MultipleResultSetWrapper MultipleResults(
this DbContext db,
string storedProcedure,
params SqlParameter[] parameters
return new MultipleResultSetWrapper(db, storedProcedure, parameters);
public class MultipleResultSetWrapper
private readonly DbContext db;
private readonly string storedProcedure;
private readonly SqlParameter[] parameters;
private readonly List<Func<IObjectContextAdapter, DbDataReader, IEnumerable>> resultSets
= new List<Func<IObjectContextAdapter, DbDataReader, IEnumerable>>();
public MultipleResultSetWrapper(
DbContext db,
string storedProcedure,
SqlParameter[] parameters)
this.db = db;
this.storedProcedure = storedProcedure;
this.parameters = parameters ?? Enumerable.Empty<SqlParameter>().ToArray();
public MultipleResultSetWrapper With<TResult>()
resultSets.Add((adapter, reader) => adapter
return this;
public List<IEnumerable> Execute()
var results = new List<IEnumerable>();
using (var connection = db.Database.Connection)
var command = connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = $"EXEC {storedProcedure}";
// add any parameters to command
if (parameters?.Any() == true)
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
var adapter = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db);
foreach (var resultSet in resultSets)
results.Add(resultSet(adapter, reader));
return results;
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clintonprime commented Mar 13, 2019

Thank you very much,

I had to do a bit of editing for it to work for me.

I changed the following

if (parameters?.Any() == true)

to this

if (parameters != null)
I also changed this

command.CommandText = $"EXEC {storedProcedure}";

to this

command.CommandText = "EXEC " + storedProcedure;

In case anyone needs it.

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