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Created September 30, 2015 04:32
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Pheonix config with modal keys
// This is my configuration for Phoenix <>,
// a super-lightweight OS X window manager that can be configured and
// scripted through Javascript.
var mNone = [],
mCmd = ['cmd'],
mShift = ['shift'],
nudgePixels = 10,
padding = 0,
previousSizes = {};
// Remembers hotkey bindings.
var keys = [];
function bind(key, mods, callback) {
keys.push(api.bind(key, mods, callback));
// ############################################################################
// Modal activation
// ############################################################################
// Modal activator
// This hotkey enables/disables all other hotkeys.
var active = false;
api.bind('ä', ['cmd'], function() {
if (!active) {
} else {
// These keys end Phoenix mode.
bind('escape', [], function() {
bind('return', [], function() {
// ############################################################################
// Bindings
// ############################################################################
// ### General key configurations
// Space toggles the focussed between full screen and its initial size and position.
bind( 'space', mNone, function() {
// Center window.
bind( 'c', mNone, cycleCalls(
[0.22, 0.025, 0.56, 0.95],
[0.1, 0, 0.8, 1]
// The cursor keys together with cmd make any window occupy any
// half of the screen.
bind( 'right', mCmd, cycleCalls(
[0.5, 0, 0.5, 1],
[0.75, 0, 0.25, 1]
bind( 'left', mCmd, cycleCalls(
[0, 0, 0.5, 1],
[0, 0, 0.25, 1]
bind( 'down', mCmd, function() {
Window.focusedWindow().toGrid(0, 0.7, 1, 0.3);
bind( 'up', mCmd, function() {
Window.focusedWindow().toGrid(0, 0, 1, 0.3);
// The cursor keys move the focussed window.
bind( 'up', mNone, function() {
Window.focusedWindow().nudgeUp( 5 );
bind( 'right', mNone, function() {
Window.focusedWindow().nudgeRight( 5 );
bind( 'down', mNone, function() {
Window.focusedWindow().nudgeDown( 5 );
bind( 'left', mNone, function() {
Window.focusedWindow().nudgeLeft( 5 );
// <SHIFT> + cursor keys grows/shrinks the focussed window.
bind( 'right', mShift, function() {
bind( 'left', mShift, function() {
bind( 'up', mShift, function() {
bind( 'down', mShift, function() {
// ############################################################################
// Bindings for specific apps
// ############################################################################
bind( '1', mNone, function() {
var forklift = App.findByTitle('ForkLift').firstWindow();
if (forklift) {
forklift.toGrid(0.15, 0.1, 0.6, 0.7);
// Chrome Devtools
// When checking HTML/JS in Chrome I want to have my browsing window to the
// East and my Chrome devtools window to the W, the latter not quite on full
// height.
bind( 'd', mNone, function() {
var chrome = App.findByTitle('Google Chrome'),
browseWindow = chrome.findWindowNotMatchingTitle('^Developer Tools -'),
devToolsWindow = chrome.findWindowMatchingTitle('^Developer Tools -');
api.alert( 'Chrome Dev Tools Layout', 0.25 );
if ( browseWindow ) {
if ( devToolsWindow ) {
devToolsWindow.toGrid( 0, 0, 0.5, 1 );
// ############################################################################
// Helpers
// ############################################################################
// Cycle args for the function, if called repeatedly
// cycleCalls(fn, [ [args1...], [args2...], ... ])
var lastCall = null;
function cycleCalls(fn, argsList) {
var argIndex = 0, identifier = {};
return function () {
if (lastCall !== identifier || ++argIndex >= argsList.length) {
argIndex = 0;
lastCall = identifier;
fn.apply(this, argsList[argIndex]);
// Disables all remembered keys.
function disableKeys() {
active = false;
_(keys).each(function(key) {
api.alert("done", 0.5);
// Enables all remembered keys.
function enableKeys() {
active = true;
_(keys).each(function(key) {
api.alert("Phoenix", 0.5);
// ### Helper methods `Window`
// #### Window#toGrid()
// This method can be used to push a window to a certain position and size on
// the screen by using four floats instead of pixel sizes. Examples:
// // Window position: top-left; width: 25%, height: 50%
// someWindow.toGrid( 0, 0, 0.25, 0.5 );
// // Window position: 30% top, 20% left; width: 50%, height: 35%
// someWindow.toGrid( 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.35 );
// The window will be automatically focussed. Returns the window instance.
function windowToGrid(window, x, y, width, height) {
var screen = window.screen().frameWithoutDockOrMenu();
x: Math.round( x * screen.width ) + padding + screen.x,
y: Math.round( y * screen.height ) + padding + screen.y,
width: Math.round( width * screen.width ) - ( 2 * padding ),
height: Math.round( height * screen.height ) - ( 2 * padding )
return window;
function toGrid(x, y, width, height) {
windowToGrid(Window.focusedWindow(), x, y, width, height);
Window.prototype.toGrid = function(x, y, width, height) {
windowToGrid(this, x, y, width, height);
// Convenience method, doing exactly what it says. Returns the window
// instance.
Window.prototype.toFullScreen = function() {
return this.toGrid( 0, 0, 1, 1 );
// Convenience method, pushing the window to the top half of the screen.
// Returns the window instance.
Window.prototype.toN = function() {
return this.toGrid( 0, 0, 1, 0.5 );
// Convenience method, pushing the window to the right half of the screen.
// Returns the window instance.
Window.prototype.toE = function() {
return this.toGrid( 0.5, 0, 0.5, 1 );
// Convenience method, pushing the window to the bottom half of the screen.
// Returns the window instance.
Window.prototype.toS = function() {
return this.toGrid( 0, 0.5, 1, 0.5 );
// Convenience method, pushing the window to the left half of the screen.
// Returns the window instance.
Window.prototype.toW = function() {
return this.toGrid( 0, 0, 0.5, 1 );
// Stores the window position and size, then makes the window full screen.
// Should the window be full screen already, its original position and size
// is restored. Returns the window instance.
Window.prototype.toggleFullscreen = function() {
if ( previousSizes[ this ] ) {
this.setFrame( previousSizes[ this ] );
delete previousSizes[ this ];
else {
previousSizes[ this ] = this.frame();
return this;
// Move the currently focussed window left by [`nudgePixel`] pixels.
Window.prototype.nudgeLeft = function( factor ) {
var win = this,
frame = win.frame(),
pixels = nudgePixels * ( factor || 1 );
if (frame.x >= pixels) {
frame.x -= pixels;
} else {
frame.x = 0;
win.setFrame( frame );
// Move the currently focussed window right by [`nudgePixel`] pixels.
Window.prototype.nudgeRight = function( factor ) {
var win = this,
frame = win.frame(),
maxLeft = win.screen().frameIncludingDockAndMenu().width - frame.width,
pixels = nudgePixels * ( factor || 1 );
if (frame.x < maxLeft - pixels) {
frame.x += pixels;
} else {
frame.x = maxLeft;
win.setFrame( frame );
// Move the currently focussed window left by [`nudgePixel`] pixels.
Window.prototype.nudgeUp = function( factor ) {
var win = this,
frame = win.frame(),
pixels = nudgePixels * ( factor || 1 );
if (frame.y >= pixels) {
frame.y -= pixels;
} else {
frame.y = 0;
win.setFrame( frame );
// Move the currently focussed window right by [`nudgePixel`] pixels.
Window.prototype.nudgeDown = function( factor ) {
var win = this,
frame = win.frame(),
maxTop = win.screen().frameIncludingDockAndMenu().height - frame.height,
pixels = nudgePixels * ( factor || 1 );
if (frame.y < maxTop - pixels) {
frame.y += pixels;
} else {
frame.y = maxTop;
win.setFrame( frame );
// #### Functions for growing / shrinking the focussed window.
Window.prototype.growWidth = function() {
var win = this,
frame = win.frame(),
screenFrame = win.screen().frameIncludingDockAndMenu(),
pixels = nudgePixels * 6;
if (frame.width < screenFrame.width - pixels) {
frame.width += pixels;
} else {
frame.width = screenFrame.width;
Window.prototype.growHeight = function() {
var win = this,
frame = win.frame(),
screenFrame = win.screen().frameIncludingDockAndMenu(),
pixels = nudgePixels * 6;
if (frame.height < screenFrame.height - pixels) {
frame.height += pixels;
} else {
frame.height = screenFrame.height;
Window.prototype.shrinkWidth = function() {
var win = this,
frame = win.frame(),
screenFrame = win.screen().frameIncludingDockAndMenu(),
pixels = nudgePixels * 6;
if (frame.width >= pixels * 2) {
frame.width -= pixels;
} else {
frame.width = pixels;
Window.prototype.shrinkHeight = function() {
var win = this,
frame = win.frame(),
screenFrame = win.screen().frameWithoutDockOrMenu(),
pixels = nudgePixels * 6;
if (frame.height >= pixels * 2) {
frame.height -= pixels;
} else {
frame.height = pixels;
// ### Helper methods `App`
// Finds the window with a certain title. Expects a string, returns a window
// instance or `undefined`. If there are several windows with the same title,
// the first found instance is returned.
App.findByTitle = function( title ) {
return _( this.runningApps() ).find( function( app ) {
if ( app.title() === title ) {;
return true;
// Finds the window whose title matches a regex pattern. Expects a string
// (the pattern), returns a window instance or `undefined`. If there are
// several matching windows, the first found instance is returned.
App.prototype.findWindowMatchingTitle = function( title ) {
var regexp = new RegExp( title );
return _( this.visibleWindows() ).find( function( win ) {
return regexp.test( win.title() );
// Finds the window whose title doesn't match a regex pattern. Expects a
// string (the pattern), returns a window instance or `undefined`. If there
// are several matching windows, the first found instance is returned.
App.prototype.findWindowNotMatchingTitle = function( title ) {
var regexp = new RegExp( title );
return _( this.visibleWindows() ).find( function( win ) {
return !regexp.test( win.title() );
// Returns the first visible window of the app or `undefined`.
App.prototype.firstWindow = function() {
return this.visibleWindows()[ 0 ];
// ############################################################################
// Init
// ############################################################################
// Initially disable all hotkeys
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