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Last active August 18, 2019 01:52
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Neovim plugins

Enable CodeLens in coc.nvim

You'll also need to enable the code lens feature in coc (:CocConfig):

"codeLens.enable": true


Create a channel to communicate with NeoVim and its plugins
For example, you can execute a script from the plugin using


More information about the above script

Debugging Coc.nvim


  let g:coc_node_args = ['--nolazy', '--inspect-brk=6045']

to your .vimrc and use Google Chrome extension to open it automatically. (more information)


Coc.vim is an equivalent of vscode package and dedicated for writing NeoVim plugins.

How to create a sign?

It seems like there's already an abtraction layer for that purpose in coc.vim.

What's about vscode diagnostic? There is a lot of examples uses vscode's diagnostics. I've found one.

How to create a virtual text?

Call this in neovim

:call nvim_buf_set_virtual_text(0, 0, 3, [["foo"]], {})

In vscode, there is thing called CodeLens, which uses to highlight things.
Example of import-cost CodeLens

Hot reload for NeoVim plugin?

It's still up in the air about how to do that. Theoretically, we can use this function to clear all the stale modules and reload them.

Update: neovim-client hot reloads thing if the flag { dev: true } is passed.

Debugging Neovim-client

In the readme files, it states that we can pass an env variable to debug using node-inspector

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