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Created April 28, 2015 18:37
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Random gist for FB chat with Web Speech
/voice whisper
/voice 67
window.chatObservers = [];
window.currentVoice = 0;
window.randomInt = new Date().getTime();
window.lastMessageNodes = {};
window.muteMe = false;
window.muteAll = false;
window.voiceMap = {
male: 1,
female: 2,
indian: 3,
grandma: 6,
japanese: 7,
troll :18,
'church-bell': 19,
autobot: 20,
transformer: 24,
joker: 33,
choir: 32,
whisper: 67,
window.replacedVoiceMap = {};
window.muteConvMap = {};
function checkMessage(convMsgs, id, isNew){
var newMsg;
if (convMsgs.lastChild.children.length == 4)
newMsg = convMsgs.lastChild.children[2].innerText;
newMsg = convMsgs.lastChild.innerText;
// Msg from me
var fromMe = false;
if (convMsgs.lastChild.className.indexOf("_1nc6") >= 0)
fromMe = true;
// Skip same
if (window.lastMessageNodes[id] == convMsgs.lastChild)
window.lastMessageNodes[id] = convMsgs.lastChild;
// CMD
var isCmd = false;
if (newMsg.trim() == "/mute" && fromMe){
isCmd = true;
window.muteConvMap[id] = true;
newMsg = "We will shutup";
if (newMsg.trim() == "/unmute" && fromMe){
isCmd = true;
delete window.muteConvMap[id];
newMsg = "We may speak again";
if (newMsg.trim() == "/muteme" && fromMe){
isCmd = true;
window.muteMe = true;
newMsg = "I will shutup";
if (newMsg.trim() == "/unmuteme" && fromMe){
isCmd = true;
window.muteMe = false;
newMsg = "I may speak again";
if (newMsg.trim() == "/muteall"){
isCmd = true;
window.muteAll = true;
newMsg = "All shut up";
if (newMsg.trim() == "/unmuteall"){
isCmd = true;
window.muteAll = false;
newMsg = "All may speak again";
if (newMsg.trim().indexOf('/voice ') == 0){
var voice = newMsg.trim().split(" ")[1];
var index;
// By number or name
if (!isNaN(voice)) {
index = parseInt(voice);
} else
index = window.voiceMap[voice];
if (window.speechSynthesis.getVoices()[index]){
window.replacedVoiceMap[id] = index;
newMsg = "I have a new voice";
} else {
newMsg = "Voice does not exist";
// Mute
if (window.muteMe && fromMe && !isCmd)
if (window.muteConvMap[id] && !isCmd)
if (window.muteAll)
if (fromMe && isNew)
// Play
var msg = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(newMsg);
msg.voice = window.speechSynthesis.getVoices()[window.replacedVoiceMap[id] || 0];
function observeSingleChat(conv, isNew){
var id = window.randomInt++;
var convMsgs = conv.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[2].children[1].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[2].children[0];
var observer = new window.WebKitMutationObserver(function(mutations) {
checkMessage(convMsgs, id);
observer.observe(convMsgs, { childList: true});
window.chatObservers.push({observer: observer, conv: conv});
// Also read last message
if (isNew)
checkMessage(convMsgs, id, isNew);
function unobserveSingleChat(conv){
window.chatObservers = window.chatObservers.filter(function(item){
if (item.conv == conv){
return false;
return true;
function observeChat(){
var fbChats = document.getElementById("ChatTabsPagelet").children[0].children[0].children[1].children;
for (var i = 0; i < fbChats.length; i++){
var index = i;
var conv = fbChats[index];
function observeChatParent(){
var fbChatsParent = document.getElementById("ChatTabsPagelet").children[0].children[1];
var observer = new window.WebKitMutationObserver(function(mutations) {
var addedNodes = mutations[0].addedNodes;
var removedNodes = mutations[0].removedNodes;
for (var i = 0; i < addedNodes.length; i++){
var conv = addedNodes[i];
observeSingleChat(conv, true);
for (var i = 0; i < removedNodes.length; i++){
var conv = addedNodes[i];
observer.observe(fbChatsParent, { childList: true});
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