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Created June 27, 2024 23:27
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extension Button {
init(asyncAction: @escaping () async throws -> Void, loading: Binding<Bool>? = nil, error: Binding<Error?>? = nil, label: () -> Label) {
self.init(action: {
Task(tracking: loading, error: error) {
try await asyncAction()
}, label: label)
struct ErrorHandler: ViewModifier {
let error: Binding<Error?>
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
let nsError = (error.wrappedValue as NSError?)
return content
nsError?.localizedFailureReason ?? "An error occurred",
isPresented: Binding(get: { error.wrappedValue != nil }, set: { _ in error.wrappedValue = nil }),
actions: {
Button("OK", action: {})
message: { Text(nsError?.localizedDescription ?? "") }
extension View {
func displayError(_ error: Binding<Error?>) -> some View {
if error.wrappedValue is CancellationError { self }
else { self.modifier(ErrorHandler(error: error)) }
struct LoadingModifier: ViewModifier {
var isLoading: Bool
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.overlay {
ZStack {
if isLoading {
extension View {
func isLoading(_ isLoading: Bool) -> some View {
.modifier(LoadingModifier(isLoading: isLoading))
extension Task {
init(tracking isLoading: Binding<Bool>?, error: Binding<Error?>?, _ task: @MainActor @escaping () async throws -> Void) where Failure == any Error, Success == Void {
self.init(operation: { @MainActor in
do {
isLoading?.wrappedValue = true
defer { isLoading?.wrappedValue = false }
return try await task()
} catch let err {
error?.wrappedValue = err
Button(asyncAction: createBoard, loading: $isLoading, error: $error) {
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