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Created February 14, 2021 03:09
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A version of Ruby's cancan for Swift.
import Foundation
struct CanCan<Identity, Action: Equatable> {
var registry: [(String, (Identity, Any) -> [Action])] = []
mutating func register<T>(_ type: T.Type, _ block: @escaping (Identity, T) -> [Action]) {
self.registry.append((String(describing: type), { (identity: Identity, object: Any) -> [Action] in
guard let casted = object as? T else {
return []
return block(identity, casted)
func can(_ user: Identity, _ action: Action, _ subject: Any) -> Bool {
let typeName = String(describing: type(of: subject))
return registry
.filter(({ $0.0 == typeName }))
.contains(where: { name, block in
let availableActions = block(user, subject)
return availableActions.contains(action)
struct User {
var isAdmin: Bool
struct Post { }
enum Action: Equatable, CaseIterable {
case view, edit, delete
var canCan = CanCan<User, Action>()
canCan.register(Post.self, { user, post in
if user.isAdmin {
return Action.allCases
} else {
return [.view]
canCan.can(User(isAdmin: false), .view, Post()) == true
canCan.can(User(isAdmin: false), .edit, Post()) == false
canCan.can(User(isAdmin: true), .edit, Post()) == true
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