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Last active July 7, 2020 17:48
each_cons from Ruby in Swift as a function on Sequence
extension Collection {
func eachConsecutive(_ size: Int) -> Array<SubSequence> {
let droppedIndices = indices.dropFirst(size - 1)
return zip(indices, droppedIndices)
.map { return self[$0...$1] }
extension Sequence {
typealias Pair = (Element, Element)
// you can do zip(self, self.dropFirst), but this slightly
// more complex version will work for single pass sequences as well
func eachPair() -> AnySequence<Pair> {
var iterator = self.makeIterator()
guard var previous = else { return AnySequence([]) }
return AnySequence({ () -> AnyIterator<Pair> in
return AnyIterator({
guard let next = else { return nil }
defer { previous = next }
return (previous, next)
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