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Last active June 5, 2021 22:26
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Convert media using Don Melton's Other Video Transcoding
# hw-convert-media
This script will create batch files to convert media using Don Melton's Other Video Transcoding project.
This script examines all .mkv files located in a specified directory to determine appropriate transcoding options based around Don Melton's Other Video Transcoding project(see links).
Once examined, .cmd files will be generated for each file for later processing.
hw-convert-media.ps1 -mode [mode]
Sets the script options based on what kind of output is desired.
hw-convert-media.ps1 -help
Displays help for script options.
Author : Copyright 2020 - K. Austin Newman
Version : 2.5.0
Date : 06/05/2021
Inputs to this script file
- mode [default,hevc,testing,testsuite,customdir]
Creates a cmd file with same name as input file.
# Define arguments
[Parameter( Mandatory = $false )]
[ValidateSet( "default","qsv","testing","testsuite","customdir" )]
# Define user vars
$dirWorkflowRoot = "workflows"
$dirWorkflowName = "transcoding"
$optionSet = $mode
# Define Functions
function findDriveLetterForVolume {
param ($volumeName)
try {
$drvData = get-volume -FileSystemLabel "$volumeName" -ErrorAction Stop
$script:strRootVol = $drvData.DriveLetter
catch {
Write-warning "Volume $volumeName not available"
exit 1
function buildAndVerifyWorkingDirectories {
$script:dirWorkFlow = "$strRootVol`:\$dirWorkflowRoot\$dirWorkflowName"
if ( $mode -ne "testsuite" ) {
$script:dirReady = "$dirWorkFlow\ready"
else {
$script:dirReady = "C:\Users\kris\Documents\test-suite"
if ( $mode -ne "testsuite" ) {
$script:dirOutbox = "$dirWorkFlow\outbox"
else {
$script:dirOutbox = "$dirTesting"
$script:dirManual = "$dirWorkFlow\manual"
$script:dirLogs = "$dirWorkFlow\encodingLogs"
$script:dirArchive = "$dirOutbox\archive"
$script:dirQueue = "$dirWorkFlow\queue"
$script:dirTesting = "$dirWorkFlow\testing"
$script:dirOverrides = "$dirWorkFlow\overrides"
if ( $mode -ne "testing" -AND $mode -ne "testsuite" ) {
$script:engine = "other-transcode"
else {
$script:engine = "beta-other-transcode"
$aPaths = $dirWorkFlow,$dirReady,$dirOutbox,$dirManual,$dirLogs,$dirArchive,$dirQueue,$dirTesting,$dirOverrides
foreach ( $dir in $aPaths ) {
If (!( Test-Path "$dir" )) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $dir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
function verifyAllToolRequirements {
$aTools = "ruby","beta-other-transcode","ffmpeg","mpv","ffprobe","remux","mkvmerge","jq","mkvpropedit","filebot"
foreach ( $tool in $aTools ) {
if ( $null -eq ( Get-Command "$tool" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue )) {
Write-warning -Message "Executable not in path: $tool"
$strExit = $true
if ( $strExit -eq $true ) {
Write-warning "Exiting due to previous errors"
exit 1
Function Get-Folder($initialDirectory="") {
$foldername = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog
$foldername.Description = "Select a folder"
$foldername.rootfolder = "MyComputer"
$foldername.SelectedPath = $initialDirectory
if($foldername.ShowDialog() -eq "OK")
$folder += $foldername.SelectedPath
return $folder
# Begin Processing
## Define immutable vars
$dirStartingLoc = Get-Location
$strTVRegEx = "([sS]([0-9]{2,}|[X]{2,})[eE]([0-9]{2,}|[Y]{2,}))"
## Verify all paths and tools
findDriveLetterForVolume "data"
### Define variables
#### Defaults
switch ( $optionset ) {
qsv {
$strVidOpts = "--decode all --qsv-device 1 --qsv"
$strAudOpts = "--all-eac3 --keep-ac3-stereo --add-audio all --pass-dts"
$strTargets = "--target 2160p=16000 --target 1080p=8000 --target 720p=4000 --target 480p=2000"
$strSafeOpts = "--max-muxing-queue-size 1024"
default {
$strVidOpts = "--hevc --nvenc-recommended --8-bit-vc1"
$strAudOpts = "--aac-only --add-audio all"
$strTargets = "" #"--target 2160p=8000 --target 1080p=4000 --target 720p=2000 --target 480p=1000"
$strSafeOpts = "--max-muxing-queue-size 1024"
testing {
$strVidOpts = "--hevc --nvenc-recommended --8-bit-vc1"
$strAudOpts = "--aac-only --add-audio all"
$strTargets = ""
$strSafeOpts = "--max-muxing-queue-size 1024"
testsuite {
$strVidOpts = "--hevc --nvenc-recommended --8-bit-vc1"
$strAudOpts = "--aac-only --add-audio all"
$strTargets = ""
$strSafeOpts = "--max-muxing-queue-size 1024"
customdir {
$strVidOpts = "--hevc --nvenc-recommended --8-bit-vc1"
$strAudOpts = "--aac-only --add-audio all"
$strTargets = "" #"--target 2160p=8000 --target 1080p=4000 --target 720p=2000 --target 480p=1000"
$strSafeOpts = "--max-muxing-queue-size 1024"
## Process all MKV files
if ( $optionSet = "customdir" ) {
$dirReady = Get-Folder
$fArray = Get-ChildItem -recurse $dirReady -include *.mkv -File
foreach ($element in $fArray){
Write-Output "Processing $element"
$strTheFile = $element.ToString()
$strFilename = (Get-Item $strTheFile).Basename
$strExtension = (Get-Item $strTheFile).Extension
### Run ffprobe against result
$strMI = ffprobe -i "$strTheFile" -show_format -show_streams -show_data -v quiet -print_format json=compact=1 -v quiet
### Check for overrides file and apply
$strOverrides = ""
if ( Test-Path "$dirOverrides\$strFilename.txt" ) {
$strOverrides = Get-Content $dirOverrides\$strFilename.txt
### if TV episode, set significantly lower bitrates
If ($strTheFile -match $strTVRegEx){
$strOverrides = "$strOverrides --nvenc-cq 28"
### Set Subtitle Options - Soft add all eng subtitles, find forced and mark in file
$strSubOpts = ""
$strSubInfo = ffprobe -i "$strTheFile" -select_streams s -show_streams -print_format json=compact=1 -v quiet
$intSubCount = 0
$subtrack = "$strSubInfo" | jq -r '.streams[] | .disposition | .forced'
ForEach ( $element in $subtrack ){
$strLanguage = "$strSubInfo" | jq -r ".streams[$intSubCount] | .tags | .language"
if ( "$element" -eq "1" -And "$strLanguage" -eq "eng" ){
$strSubOpts = "$strSubOpts --add-subtitle $intSubCount=forced"
elseif ( "$strLanguage" -eq "eng" ){
$strSubOpts = "$strSubOpts --add-subtitle $intSubCount"
$stroptionsLine = "$strVidOpts $strTargets $strAudOpts $strSafeOpts $strSubOpts $strOverrides"
### Write command file
$outfile = Join-Path -Path "$dirQueue" -ChildPath "$strFilename.cmd"
if ( Test-Path $outfile ) {
write-warning "$outfile already exists - Skipping"
New-Item -Path "$dirQueue" -Name "$strFilename.cmd" -Force -ItemType "file"
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "@ECHO Off"
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "$strRootVol`:"
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "cd ""$dirOutbox"""
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "call $engine $stroptionsLine ""$strTheFile"""
if ( $mode -ne "testing" -AND $mode -ne "testsuite" ) {
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "move ""$strTheFile"" ""$dirArchive"""
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "move ""$dirOutbox\$strFilename.mkv.log"" ""$dirLogs"""
If ($strTheFile -match $strTVRegEx){
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "filebot -rename ""$dirOutbox\$strFilename.mkv"" --db TheTVDB --format "".\{n} - {s00e00} - {t}"" -non-strict"
} else {
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "filebot -rename ""$dirOutbox\$strFilename.mkv"" --db TheMovieDB --format c:\bin\movies_final.groovy -non-strict"
out-file $outfile -Append -encoding OEM -inputObject "DEL ""%~f0"""
Write-Output "No files remain to be processed. Exiting..."
exit 0
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