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Created January 14, 2020 14:24
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#! /bin/bash
# Calculate bitrate statistics for movies
# Script courtesy of
# Requires:
# ffmpeg_bitrate_stats (
# printTable from util.bash (
# jq (
# Sample results:
set -e
# Find all 4K movies on hard drives
find /mnt/B /mnt/G /mnt/S /mnt/Z -type f -regextype egrep -iregex ".*/Downloads/Movies-4k/.*\.(mkv|mp4|ts)" -exec du -hs "{}" \; | sort -hr > 4k_files
# Calculate bitrate stats for all 4K files
# Bitrate calculation takes ~ 5 minutes per 60 GB 4K file
for i in $(< 4k_files); do echo "$i"; fname="$(echo "$i" | cut -f2)"; out_fname="rate_output/$(basename $fname).rate"; [[ -f "$out_fname" ]] && echo "Rate file already exists. Skipping." || ffmpeg_bitrate_stats -of json "$fname" > "$out_fname"; done
# Write table of bitrate stats to file
cd rate_output
echo "Name,Size,Average,Minimum,Maximum,Seconds > 100" > rate_table; for i in $(< ../4k_files); do fsize=$(echo "$i" | cut -f1); fname=$(basename $(echo "$i" | cut -f2)); avg=$(cat "$fname.rate" | jq -r '.avg_bitrate/1000'); max=$(cat "$fname.rate" | jq -r '.max_bitrate/1000'); min=$(cat "$fname.rate" | jq -r '.min_bitrate/1000'); count=$(cat "$fname.rate" | jq -r '.bitrate_per_chunk | .[] | "\(.) \(. > 100000)"' | grep true | wc -l); printf "%s,%s,%.2f,%.3f,%.2f,%d\n" "$fname" "$fsize" "$avg" "$min" "$max" "$count"; done >> rate_table
# Print table to output
printTable ',' "$(< rate_table)"
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