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Created March 14, 2017 10:19
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circular convolution with generalized elemwise op
from itertools import product
from random import randint
from time import time
import numpy as np
import theano as th
T = th.tensor
from theano.tensor.padding import idx, at_idx
from theano.tensor.signal import conv
N = 256
x = T.matrix()
ker = th.shared(np.random.rand(KSIZE, KSIZE).astype(th.config.floatX))
iy = idx(x, 0)
ix = idx(x, 1)
ny = T.shape(x)[0]
nx = T.shape(x)[1]
# circular 3x3 convolution on 2D tensor
mid = KSIZE//2
y_new = sum(at_idx(x, (iy+dy-mid)%ny, (ix+dx-mid)%nx)*ker[dy, dx] for dx, dy in product(range(KSIZE), range(KSIZE)))
xp = T.join(0, x[-mid:], x, x[:mid])
xp = T.join(1, xp[:, -mid:], xp, xp[:, :mid])
y_old = T.signal.conv.conv2d(xp, ker, border_mode='valid', image_shape=(N+mid*2, N+mid*2), filter_shape=(KSIZE, KSIZE))
fn_old = th.function([x], y_old)
fn_new = th.function([x], y_new)
xval = np.arange(N**2, dtype='float32').reshape(N, N)
# exlude the first call
beg = time()
for _ in range(100):
yval1 = fn_old(xval)
t_old = time() - beg
beg = time()
for _ in range(100):
yval1 = fn_new(xval)
t_new = time() - beg
print('old: %f new %f' % (t_old, t_new))
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