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Last active March 15, 2019 11:00
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Data Structure's Lab 2: Linked List
char *name = "Khatthaphone";
char *class = "2IT";
char *student_id = "FNEN0376/16";
char *date = "20th March 2018";
// download source code at:
// tested and compiled with clang 3.8.0-2ubntu4 on ubuntu 16.04.4
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// declare struct (record) with 'typedef'
typedef struct node
int data;
struct node *next;
typedef struct dnode
int data;
struct dnode *next;
struct dnode *back;
node * create_list(int length);
dnode * create_double_list(int length);
void insert_head(node *head, int num);
void insert_at(node *head, int position, int num);
void insert_double_at(dnode *dhead, int position, int num);
void insert_double_head(dnode *dhead, int num);
void delete_at(node *head, int position);
void print_list(node *head);
void print_double_list(dnode *dhead);
int get_int(char *message);
int main(void)
// functions are aligned in order of assignment tasks respectively
// 1. create a linked list containing 10 nodes and print every node in the list
node *head = create_list(10);
// print all linked list data
// 2. create a program/function to insert a node at the head of the linked list
// insert_head(head, get_int("enter a number to insert to the head of the linked list\n"));
// 3. create another function to insert a node at specified position of the linked list
// insert_at(head, get_int("enter the position of new insertion\n"), get_int("enter a number to insert to the linked list\n"));
// 4. create a function to delete a specified node of the linked list
delete_at(head,get_int("position of node to be deleted from the linked list\n"));
// 5. create a double linked list containing 5 nodes, sorted by their data
dnode *dhead = create_double_list(5);
// print all double linked list data (ascending sorted)
node* create_list(int length)
// get input for length times
// Create head pointer
node *head = malloc(sizeof(node));
// Create traversal pointer
node *trav = head;
printf("enter %d numbers to create a linked list:\n", length);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
// Assign the first input value to header
if (i == 0)
// set num to head->data
head->data = get_int("");
// After the first input, save to active traversal pointer and so on
// allocate new (next) node
node *next = malloc(sizeof(node));
// set head->next and move traversal pointer to newly created node
trav->next = next;
trav = trav->next;
// set num to trav->data
trav->data = get_int("\n");
return head;
dnode* create_double_list(int length)
// get input for length times
// Create head pointer
dnode *dhead = malloc(sizeof(dnode));
// Create traversal pointer
dnode *dtrav = dhead;
printf("enter %d numbers to create a double linked list:\n", length);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
// Assign the first input value to header
if (i == 0)
// set num to dhead->data
dhead->data = get_int("");
dhead->back = NULL;
// After the first input, save to active traversal pointer and so on
// go back to head after each iteration
dtrav = dhead;
dnode *dprev = dtrav;
int num = get_int("");
int data = dtrav->data;
int position = 0;
// loop until dtrav is at the position to insert
while((data < num) && (dtrav != NULL))
dprev = dtrav;
dtrav = dtrav->next;
if (dtrav != NULL) data = dtrav->data;
// if not at the end of the list
if (dtrav != NULL)
insert_double_at(dhead, position, num);
// if at the end of the list
dnode *new = malloc(sizeof(dnode));
new->data = num;
dtrav = new;
dprev->next = dtrav;
dtrav->back = dprev;
return dhead;
void insert_head(node *head, int num)
node *new = malloc(sizeof(node));
new->data = head->data;
new->next = head->next;
head->data = num;
head->next = new;
void insert_double_head(dnode *dhead, int num)
dnode *dnew = malloc(sizeof(dnode));
// copy data from dhead to dnew
dnew->data = dhead->data;
// point dnew->next to the same as dhead->next
dnew->next = dhead->next;
// point dhead->next to dnew
dhead->next = dnew;
// point dnew->back back to dhead
dnew->back = dhead;
// set dnew->next's back back to dnew
dnode *dnext = dnew->next;
dnext->back = dnew;
// // set new integer to dhead
dhead->data = num;
void insert_at(node *head, int position, int num)
if (position == 0)
insert_head(head, num);
node *trav = head;
node *prev = malloc(sizeof(node));
node *new = malloc(sizeof(node));
new->data = num;
int i = 0;
// loop until trav is at the position to insert
while(i < position && trav != NULL)
if (i == (position - 1)) prev = trav;
trav = trav->next;
// point new->next to the position (trav)
new->next = trav;
// point previos node->next to new node
prev->next = new;
void insert_double_at(dnode *dhead, int position, int num)
if (position == 0)
insert_double_head(dhead, num);
dnode *dtrav = dhead;
dnode *dnew = malloc(sizeof(dnode));
dnew->data = num;
int i = 0;
// loop until dtrav is at the position to insert
while(i < position && dtrav != NULL)
dtrav = dtrav->next;
// point dnew->next to position's dnode (dtrav)
dnew->next = dtrav;
// point dnew->next to the dnode before position's dnode (dtrav)
dnew->back = dtrav->back;
// point previous dnode->next to dnew
dnode *prev = dtrav->back;
prev->next = dnew;
// point dtrav->back to dnew
dtrav->back = dnew;
void delete_at(node *head, int position)
node *trav = head;
node *prev = malloc(sizeof(node));
node *temp = malloc(sizeof(node));
if (position == 0)
temp = head->next;
head->data = temp->data;
head->next = temp->next;
temp = NULL;
int i = 0;
// loop until trav is at the position to delete
while(i != position)
if (i == (position - 1)) {
prev = trav;
prev->next = trav->next;
trav = NULL;
} else {
trav = trav->next;
void print_list(node *head)
printf("linked list: \n");
// loop and print until reaching the end of the list (using for loop)
int i;
node *trav;
for (trav = head, i = 0; trav != NULL; trav = trav->next, i++)
// indent line number with 1 digit
if (i < 10) printf(" ");
printf("%d| %d\n", i, trav->data);
void print_double_list(dnode *dhead)
dnode *dtrav = dhead;
printf("double linked list:\n");
int i = 0;
// loop and print until reaching the end of the list (using while loop)
while(dtrav != NULL)
// indent line number with 1 digit
if (i < 10) printf(" ");
printf("%d| %d\n", i, dtrav->data);
dtrav = dtrav->next;
int get_int(char *message)
// if (message != NULL)
if (message) printf("%s", message);
int num;
scanf("%i", &num);
return num;
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