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Created April 3, 2019 16:47
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Kotlin for Javascript DEVs... or vice versa

what in common:

  • Modern Syntax
  • OOP + FP
  • Multiplatform

Variables & Constants


const TLDW = "too long, don't read";
let imCool = true;
imCool = false;
TLDW = "something else"; // error

val TLDW = "too long, don't read" // constant
var imCool = true
imCool = false
TLDW = "something else" // compile error


const captain = "Steve Roger";
const ironMan = `
Tony Stark
Iron Man

val captain ="Steve Roger"
val ironMan = """
Tony Stark
Iron Man

String templates

const cap = "Cap";
const iron = "Tony";
const thor = "Odin's Son";

const avengers = `Strongest Avengers: ${cap}, ${iron} and ${thor}`;

val cap = "Cap"
val iron = "Tony"
val thor = "Odin's Son"

val avengers = "Strongest Avengers: $cap, $iron and $thor"


function multiply(a, b = 1) {
	return a * b;

fun multiply(a:Int, b:Int =1): Int {
   return a*b

// or
fun multiply(a:Int, b:Int = 1) = a*b

//named parameters
fun format(from: String,
             formatStr:String = "%s",
             allCaps:Boolean = false
} //

Lambda Expression

const sum = (a, b) => a + b; // sum(a,b) or sum.invoke(a,b)

const endGame = avengers.filter(hero => hero.survivedFromTheSnap);
const powers = => user.power);

val sum : (Int, Int) -> Int = { x,y -> x+y } // same usage: sum(a,b) or sum.invoke(a,b)
val sum = {x:Int, y:Int -> x+y}

val endGame = avengers.filter {hero -> hero.survivedFromTheSnap };
val endGame = avengers.filter { it.survivedFromTheSnap };
val powers = { it.power };


  • map / filter / reduce / fold , etc.

Flow controls:

if (number > 0) {
	console.log("Positive number");
} else {
	console.log("Negative number");

val getColor = (number) => number > 0 ? 'Red' : 'Green'
  • Kotlin

if (number > 0) {
    print("Positive number")
} else {
    print("Negative number")

val getColor = { number:Int =>  if (number > 0) "Red" else "Green" }
  • JS
switch (selectedFruit) {
	case "orange":
		console.log("Oranges are 59 cents a pound.");
	case "apple":
		console.log("Apples are 32 cents a pound.");
	case "cherry":
		console.log("Cherries are one dollar a pound.");
	case "mango":
	case "papaya":
		console.log("Mangoes and papayas are 3 dollars a pound.");
		console.log(`Sorry, we are out of ${selectedFruit}.`);
  • Kotlin

when(selectedFruit) {
    "orange" -> print("Oranges are 59 cents a pound.")
    "apple" -> print("Apples are 32 cents a pound.")
    "cherry" -> print("Cherries are one dollar a pound.")
    "mango", "papaya" -> print("Mangoes and papayas are 3 dollars a pound.")
    else -> print("Sorry, we are out of $selectedFruit.")



const len = students.length;
const step = 2;
for (let i = 0; i < len; i += step) {
	// take action
//even better with
for (const student of students) {
	// or use forEach
	// take action
  • Kotlin

val len = students.size;
val s = 2
for(var i = 0; i < len; i +=s){
   // take action
// use ranges
for(var i  in 0..len-1 step s){}
// or
for(var i in 0 until len step s){}
// or
for(var i in len downTo 0 step s){}
//even better with
for(student in students){ // or use forEach
   // take action

Destructuring Assignment

const coordinates = [5, 10, 15];
const [x, y, z] = coordinates;

const obj = {

const (x,y,z) = obj // x=1, y=2, z=3
  • Kotlin

val coordinates = arrayOf(5, 10, 15)
val (x, y, z) = coordinates

val triple = Triple<Int, Int,Int>(1,2,3)
val (first, second) = triple


class Monster {
	constructor(name, color, numEyes) { = name;
		this.color = color;
		this.numEyes = numEyes;
	speak(likes) {
		return `My name is ${} and I like ${likes}`;
var nhama = new Monster("Nhama", "red", 1);
  • Kotlin

class Monster(val name: String, val color: String, val numEyes: Int) {
  fun speak(likes: String):String {
      return "My name is $name and I like $likes"
var nhama = Monster("Nhama", "red", 1)
// Kotlin doesn't have a `new` keyword - you instantiate a class by calling it directly


language type syntax
JS Promise async/await
Kt Defer suspend/await (pls check kotlin Coroutine)
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