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Last active March 6, 2020 15:37
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
~ Copyright (c) 2019 Evolveum and contributors
~ This work is dual-licensed under the Apache License 2.0
~ and European Union Public License. See LICENSE file for details.
<!--x OID generated by mP, done at resource creation time (import resource connection; Will honor one if it
s already provided x-->
<resource oid="0a37121f-d515-4a23-9b6d-554c5ef61272"
xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:c=""
xmlns:t='' xmlns:xsd=""
xmlns:my="" xmlns:q=""
<!--x what shows up in the UI --> <name>LDAP (directory)</name>
<connectorRef type="ConnectorType">
<!--x 636 ldaps or TLS to 389: Lay out the options; Channel binding (TLS-based) will soon be required by Microsoft x--> <icfcldap:port>389</icfcldap:port>
!!! <!--x LDAP server name Most likely an FQDN in real deployments
<x--> <icfcldap:host>directory</icfcldap:host; could use an IP adress as below, but not recommended>
<!-- <icfcldap:host></icfcldap:host> -->
<!--x x--> <icfcldap:baseContext>dc=internet2,dc=edu</icfcldap:baseContext>
<!--x Ideally this should be a service account (cn=midpoint, ou=services...) mP service) x--> <icfcldap:bindDn>cn=Directory Manager</icfcldap:bindDn>
<!--x x--> <icfcldap:bindPassword>
<!--x will get encrypted at import x--> <t:clearValue>password</t:clearValue>
389ds ns;;; varies by server <!--x uuid of the LDAP entries the non-mutable identifier, server managed, depends on the particular LDAP server x--> <icfcldap:uidAttribute>nsUniqueId</icfcldap:uidAttribute>
<!--x does server support it; performance issues w diff strategies x--> ? <icfcldap:pagingStrategy>spr</icfcldap:pagingStrategy> <!-- spr? -->
<!--x look at examples to see, AD global dir, etc. x--><!-- <icfcldap:vlvSortAttribute>uid</icfcldap:vlvSortAttribute> -->
varies by server & what you're trying to do; attrs to bringn back regardless <icfcldap:operationalAttributes>memberOf</icfcldap:operationalAttributes>
OpenLDAP memberof is managed by overlay <icfcldap:operationalAttributes>createTimestamp</icfcldap:operationalAttributes>
389DS doesn't support <!-- >icfcldap:usePermissiveModify>always</icfcldap:usePermissiveModify>
Diff strokes... <icfcldap:passwordHashAlgorithm>SSHA</icfcldap:passwordHashAlgorithm -->
<!-- >icfcldap:vlvSortAttribute>uid</icfcldap:vlvSortAttribute> <icfcldap:vlvSortOrderingRule></icfcldap:vlvSortOrderingRule -->
<!--x make sure these are set to false; Inside resource, accounts, resource view doesn't show attrs if this is set to true x--> <icfc:enableNormalizingResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableNormalizingResultsHandler>
<!--x x--> <icfc:enableFilteredResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableFilteredResultsHandler>
<!--x x--> <icfc:enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler>false</icfc:enableAttributesToGetSearchResultsHandler>
constrains what OCs come back; What role if any does it play in provisioning? <generateObjectClass>ri:inetOrgPerson</generateObjectClass>
dn or group name? isMemberOf: friendly grouper-like name on the person; memberOf is a DN <!--x setting object classesx--> <generateObjectClass>ri:eduPerson</generateObjectClass>
<!--x reference dn, x--><generateObjectClass>ri:groupOfUniqueNames</generateObjectClass>
<displayName>Normal Account</displayName>
<displayName>Distinguished Name</displayName>
'uid=' + name + ',ou=People,dc=internet2,dc=edu'
<displayName>Common Name</displayName>
<displayName>Given Name</displayName>
<!--x x--> <ref>ri:uid</ref>
<displayName>Login Name</displayName>
<!--x x--> <path>name</path>
<!-- <attribute>
</attribute> -->
<!--x x--> ? <association>
<!--x x--> <q:value>cn=root,dc=internet2,dc=edu</q:value>
<!-- mP tries to put empty groups out there, but OpenLDAP won't accept empty groups, so you have to put "nobody" in empty groups; enhance this? -->
<displayName>LDAP Group</displayName>
declare namespace ri="";
<name>group sync</name>
import javax.naming.ldap.*
dn = new LdapName(basic.getAttributeValue(projection, '', 'dn'))
<!--x start x--> dn.startsWith(new
<!-- which OUs get synced --> LdapName('ou=Affiliations,ou=Groups,dc=internet2,dc=edu')) ||
dn.startsWith(new LdapName('ou=Courses,ou=Groups,dc=internet2,dc=edu')) ||
dn.startsWith(new LdapName('ou=generic,ou=Groups,dc=internet2,dc=edu')) ||
dn.startsWith(new LdapName('ou=midpoint,ou=Groups,dc=internet2,dc=edu'))
<!--x end x-->
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