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Last active May 12, 2020 03:11
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Agglomerative clustering with preventing certain leafs from being clumped together in the same node.
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import dendrogram
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
class ConstrainedAgglomerativeClustering(object):
def __init__(
self, linkage_thresh, linkage='complete',
affinity='precomputed', dontlink=None):
"""Constrained AgglomerativeClustering.
Current constrains allowed is "dont link", preventing certain
leafs from being clumped together in the same node. This is
NOT optimized for efficiency. It is meant to do an OK job with least
effort as part of a bigger project.In order words, only use this
for with moderate numbers of samples.
The way this works is as follows:
1 Do the hierarchical clustering and threshold,
2 For each cluster Ci (corresponding to top-level node Ni)
2.1 For each "dont-link" set Sj
2.1.1 Check if more than one member in Sj is present in Ci
2.1.2 For each extra member Sjk Check the next low-level node Ni-1
- If there are no members from Sj in Ni-1
- If Ci-1 does not exist, set Ni-1 as a new cluster Ci-1
- Assign Sjk to Ci-1
- Else check the next low-level node Ni-2 (repeat If no nodes without members from Sj found
- Assign Sjk as a separate one-leaf cluster
Simply using the "connectivity constraint" in scipy fails because:
1. its unstable in some situations
2. members in one "dont link" group could be indirectly connected
through other members from other don't link groups
linkage_thresh : float
linkage threshold
linkage : str
see sklearn.cluster.AgglomerativeClustering
affinity : str
see sklearn.cluster.AgglomerativeClustering
dontlink : list
each entry is a list of leafs that should not be together
in the same cluster
# assign
self.linkage = linkage
self.linkage_thresh = linkage_thresh
self.affinity = affinity
# list of lists, where each list contains leafs that should
# not be together in the same cluster
self.dontlink = [] if dontlink is None else dontlink
# Init Agglomerative Clustering model
self.model = AgglomerativeClustering(
linkage=self.linkage, affinity=self.affinity, n_clusters=None,
distance_threshold=0, # to have full dendrogram
# distance_threshold=self.linkage_thresh,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def run(self, cost):
"""Fit then fix the clusters obtained from model to be constrained."""
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def fit_unconstrained_model(self, cost):
"""Fit unconstrained model using
cost : numpy.array
cost matrix. See
# for convenience
self.children_ = self.model.children_
self.labels_ = self.model.labels_
self.n_samples = len(self.labels_)
self.distances_ = self.model.distances_
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def plot_dendrogram(self, **kwargs):
"""Create linkage matrix and then plot the dendrogram.
Source: ...
... plot_agglomerative_dendrogram.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples ...
... -cluster-plot-agglomerative-dendrogram-py
# create the counts of samples under each node
counts = np.zeros(self.children_.shape[0])
for i, merge in enumerate(self.children_):
current_count = 0
for child_idx in merge:
if child_idx < self.n_samples:
current_count += 1 # leaf node
current_count += counts[child_idx - self.n_samples]
counts[i] = current_count
linkage_matrix = np.column_stack([self.children_, self.distances_,
# Plot the corresponding dendrogram
dendrogram(linkage_matrix, **kwargs)
def plot_dendrogram_for_model(self, p=5, show_thresh=True):
plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7))
plt.title('Hierarchical Clustering Dendrogram - Top %d levels' % p)
self.plot_dendrogram(truncate_mode='level', p=p)
plt.xlabel("Leaf index or (Number of leafs in node)")
if show_thresh:
plt.axhline(self.linkage_thresh, linestyle='--', c='r')
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _set_flattened_node_subtrees(self):
"""Get all the leafs and subnodes within a node for all nodes.
Sets the following properties ..
self.flattened - dict, indexed by node.
Each entry has these keys
- nodes - list, all subnodes
- leafs - list, all subleafs
self.leaf_parents - dict, indexed by leaf.
Each entry is a list of the leaf's parents from the bottom up.
# From the documentation:
# children_ : array-like of shape (n_samples-1, 2)
# The children of each non-leaf node. Values less than `n_samples`
# correspond to leaves of the tree which are the original samples.
# A node `i` greater than or equal to `n_samples` is a non-leaf
# node and has children `children_[i - n_samples]`. Alternatively
# at the i-th iteration, children[i][0] and children[i][1]
# are merged to form node `n_samples + i`
# **Note:**
# it is important for the unique nodes to be sorted in ascending
# fashionto make sure we traverse from the bottom up and therefore
# benefit from dynamic programming
self.root_node = self.children_.shape[0] + self.n_samples - 1
self.unique_nodes = list(range(self.n_samples, self.root_node + 1))
self.flattened = {
nd: {"nodes": [], "leafs": []} for nd in self.unique_nodes}
# this will hold the parents of a leaf from the bottom up
self.leafs = list(range(self.n_samples))
self.leaf_parents = {lf: [] for lf in self.leafs}
# Now traverse
for node in self.unique_nodes:
children = self.children_[node - self.n_samples]
for child in children:
if child < self.n_samples: # this is a leaf
for lf in self.flattened[child]["leafs"]:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _set_subtree_within_linkage_threshold(self):
"""Find subtree within the linkage threshold.
Sets the following properties ..
self.subtree - dict, with the following keys
- nodes - list, all nodes in the subtree (i.e. within threshold)
- leafs - list, all leafs in the subtree (i.e. within threshold)
- top_nodes - list, top-level nodes within the subtree
- top_leafs - list, leafs that not part of any node within the subtree
# The number of "cuts" to the linkage threshold line is
# = number of nodes ABOVE the thresholf line + 1
# The following implementation is copied as is from
self.n_clusters = np.count_nonzero(
self.distances_ >= self.linkage_thresh) + 1
# these are all the nodes ABOVE the linkage threshold
nodes_above_thresh = np.arange(
self.root_node - self.n_clusters + 1, self.root_node + 1, 1)
lowest_node_above_thresh = np.min(nodes_above_thresh)
# find top-level nodes + leafs below the linkage threshold
# these are nodes or leafs that appear in the children of nodes
# above the linkage threshold
end = np.argmax(self.distances_ > self.linkage_thresh)
cuts = np.unique(self.children_[end:, :].ravel())
cuts = cuts[cuts < lowest_node_above_thresh]
# now assign
self.subtree = {
"nodes": np.arange(self.n_samples, lowest_node_above_thresh),
"leafs": np.arange(0, self.n_samples),
"top_nodes": cuts[cuts >= self.n_samples].tolist(),
"top_leafs": cuts[cuts < self.n_samples].tolist(),
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _set_clusters(self):
"""Get the contrained clusters.
Sets the following properties ..
self.clusters - dict, indexed by node/leaf
Each entry is a list of the leafs within the cluster.
self.clusters = {
nd: self.flattened[nd]["leafs"]
for nd in self.subtree["top_nodes"]}
self.clusters.update({lf: [lf] for lf in self.subtree["top_leafs"]})
# find nodes (anchors) with more than one match from the same user
for node in self.subtree["top_nodes"]:
for nolinksubset in self.dontlink:
cleafs = np.array(self.flattened[node]["leafs"])
cleafs_user = list(cleafs[np.in1d(cleafs, nolinksubset)])
if len(cleafs_user) == 0:
# first is kept in this cluster
# "Demote" all remaining user elements, if any, to lower level
for cleaf in cleafs_user:
# remove from this top cluster
# Go through parent nodes from top to bottom
# "top" being defined as just below linkage threshold
end = self.leaf_parents[cleaf].index(node)
clparents = self.leaf_parents[cleaf][:end]
assigned = False
for clparent in clparents[::-1]:
if not assigned:
# Case 1: the parent is not a top node; create it
if clparent not in self.clusters.keys():
self.clusters[clparent] = [cleaf]
assigned = True
# Case 2: the parent is a top node and doesn't
# have any of this users' leafs
elif len(set(self.clusters[clparent]).intersection(
set(cleafs_user))) == 0:
assigned = True
# Case 3: There are no parents left to assign leaf because
# a. there are none or
# b. all have at a leaf from the same user
if not assigned:
self.clusters[cleaf] = [cleaf]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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