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Last active January 31, 2020 15:49
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  • Save kherge/ed55d51429792fa5d050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kherge/ed55d51429792fa5d050 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple semantic version manager for Git repositories.

Git Releases

git-releases is a shell script that will manage semantic version numbers as tags for a Git repository.


  1. Copy git-releases to a directory in $PATH.
  2. Chmod git-releases to 755.


kherrera $ git releases
Simple handling of semantic version number.


    --latest    Displays the latest version.
    --list      Lists all of the versions.
    --major     Increments to the next major version number.
    --minor     Increments to the next minor version number.
    --patch     Increments to the next patch version number.

kherrera $ git releases --minor
Current: 1.2.5
   Next: 1.3.0

Add new version? [Y/n] y

Version added.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# semantic version number validation regex
# Returns the latest version number.
# @return string The latest version number.
function get_latest()
LATEST=$(get_tags | filter_build | sort -uV | tail -1)
if [ '' = "$LATEST" ]; then
return 1
echo "$LATEST"
# Returns the next major version number.
# @return string The next major version number.
function get_next_major()
local VERSION=$(get_latest | cut -d- -f1)
local MAJOR=$(echo "$VERSION" | cut -d. -f1)
echo "$MAJOR.0.0"
# Returns the next minor version number.
# @return string The next minor version number.
function get_next_minor()
local VERSION=$(get_latest | cut -d- -f1)
local MAJOR=$(echo "$VERSION" | cut -d. -f1)
local MINOR=$(echo "$VERSION" | cut -d. -f2)
echo "$MAJOR.$MINOR.0"
# Returns the next patch version number.
# @return string The next patch version number.
function get_next_patch()
local VERSION=$(get_latest | cut -d- -f1)
local MAJOR=$(echo "$VERSION" | cut -d. -f1)
local MINOR=$(echo "$VERSION" | cut -d. -f2)
local PATCH=$(echo "$VERSION" | cut -d. -f3)
# Returns a list of tags that are valid semantic version numbers.
# @return string The list of tagged semantic version numbers.
function get_tags()
git tag | grep -P "$REGEX"
# Returns a list of version number without the build metadata.
# @param string VERSIONS The list of version numbers to filter.
# @return string The filtered version numbers.
function filter_build()
if [ '' = "$1" ]; then
local LINE=
while read -t 0.5 LINE; do
echo "$LINE" | cut -d+ -f1
echo "$1" | cut -d+ -f1
# Sets a tag for the current repository.
# @param string VERSION The new version tag.
function set_tag()
local ANSWER=
local CURRENT=$(get_latest)
local NEXT="$1"
echo "Current: $CURRENT"
echo " Next: $NEXT"
while [ 'y' != "$ANSWER" ] && [ 'n' != "$ANSWER" ]; do
read -p "Add new version? [Y/n] " ANSWER
if [ '' = "$ANSWER" ]; then
if [ 'y' = "$ANSWER" ]; then
git tag "$NEXT"
echo "Version added."
echo "Aborted."
# Displays the usage help screen.
function usage()
echo "Usage: git release [OPTION]
Simple handling of semantic version number.
--latest Displays the latest version.
--list Lists all of the versions.
--major Increments to the next major version number.
--minor Increments to the next minor version number.
--patch Increments to the next patch version number.
# handle user
case "$1" in
get_tags | filter_build | sort -u
set_tag $(get_next_major)
set_tag $(get_next_minor)
set_tag $(get_next_patch)
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