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Created October 6, 2021 13:42
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Theorem plus_0_r : forall n:nat, n + 0 = n.
intros n. induction n as [| n'].
(* Case "n = 0". *) + reflexivity.
(* Case "n = S n'". *) + simpl. rewrite -> IHn'. reflexivity. Qed.
(** 練習問題: ★★★★, recommended (binary) *)
(* (a) *)
Inductive bin : Type :=
| Z : bin
| B0 : bin -> bin
| B1 : bin -> bin
(* (b) *)
Fixpoint incr (b : bin) : bin :=
match b with
| Z => B1 Z
| B0 b' => B1 b'
| B1 b' => B0 (incr b')
Fixpoint bin2nat (b : bin) : nat :=
match b with
| Z => O
| B0 b' => 2 * bin2nat b'
| B1 b' => 1 + 2 * bin2nat b'
(* (c) *)
Theorem bin2nat_inc_bin_comm :
forall b : bin, bin2nat (incr b) = S (bin2nat b).
intros b.
induction b as [| be | bo].
(* Case "b = B0". *)
+ reflexivity.
(* Case "b = Be be". *)
+ simpl. reflexivity.
(* Case "b = Bo bo". *)
+ simpl.
rewrite -> plus_0_r.
rewrite -> plus_0_r.
rewrite -> IHbo.
rewrite <- plus_n_Sm.
(** [] *)
(* 練習問題: ★★★★★ (binary_inverse) *)
(* (a) *)
Fixpoint nat2bin (n:nat) : bin :=
match n with
| O => Z
| S n' => incr (nat2bin n')
Theorem nat_bin_nat : forall n:nat, bin2nat (nat2bin n) = n.
intros n. induction n as [| n'].
(* Case "n = 0". *)
+ reflexivity.
(* Case "n = S n'". *)
+ simpl. rewrite -> bin2nat_inc_bin_comm. rewrite -> IHn'.
reflexivity. Qed.
(* (b) *)
(* 自然数に対して nat は一通りに表現が決定されるが、bin は複数の表現がありうるため。 *)
(* (c) *)
Fixpoint zerop (b:bin) : bool :=
match b with
| Z => true
| B0 x => zerop x
| B1 _ => false
Lemma not_zerop_incr : forall b:bin, zerop (incr b) = false.
intros b.
induction b.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ simpl. assumption.
Eval compute in (zerop (B0 (B0 (B0 (B0 Z))))).
Eval compute in (zerop (B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 Z))))).
Fixpoint normalize2 (b:bin) : bin :=
match zerop b with
| true => Z
| false => match b with
| Z => Z
| B0 x => B0 (normalize2 x)
| B1 x => B1 (normalize2 x)
Eval compute in (normalize2 (B0 (B0 (B0 (B0 Z))))).
Eval compute in (normalize2 (B1 (B0 (B0 (B0 Z))))).
Lemma normalize_inc : forall b:bin, normalize2 (incr b) = incr (normalize2 b).
intros b.
induction b.
+ reflexivity.
+ destruct b.
- reflexivity.
- simpl. destruct (zerop b).
* reflexivity.
* reflexivity.
- reflexivity.
+ simpl.
rewrite not_zerop_incr.
rewrite IHb.
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