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Last active August 21, 2021 04:05
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module Language where
import Utils
import Prelude hiding (seq)
data Expr a
= EVar Name -- ^ Variables
| ENum Int -- ^ Numbers
| EConstr Int Int -- ^ Constructor tag arity
| EAp (Expr a) (Expr a) -- ^ Applications
| ELet -- ^ Let(rec) expressions
IsRec -- ^ boolean with True = recursive,
[(a, Expr a)] -- ^ Definitions
(Expr a) -- ^ Boy of let(rec)
| ECase -- ^ Case expression
(Expr a) -- ^ Expression to scrutinise
[Alter a] -- ^ Alternatives
| ELam [a] (Expr a) -- ^ Lambda abstraction
deriving Show
type CoreExpr = Expr Name
type Name = String
type IsRec = Bool
recursive, nonRecursive :: IsRec
recursive = True
nonRecursive = False
bindersOf :: [(a,b)] -> [a]
bindersOf defns = [name | (name, _rhs) <- defns]
rhssOf :: [(a, b)] -> [b]
rhssOf defns = [rhs | (_name, rhs) <- defns]
type Alter a = (Int, [a], Expr a)
type CoreAlt = Alter Name
isAtomicExpr :: Expr a -> Bool
isAtomicExpr (EVar _v) = True
isAtomicExpr (ENum _n) = True
isAtomicExpr _e = False
type Program a = [ScDefn a]
type CoreProgram = Program Name
type ScDefn a = (Name, [a], Expr a)
type CoreScDefn = ScDefn Name
sample1 :: CoreProgram
sample1 =
[("main", [], (EAp (EVar "double") (ENum 21))),
("double", ["x"], (EAp (EAp (EVar "+") (EVar "x")) (EVar "x")))
prelude :: String
prelude =
[ "I x = x ;"
, "K x y = x ;"
, "K1 x y = y ;"
, "S f g x = f x (g x) ;"
, "compose f g x = f (g x) ;"
, "twice f = compose f f"
preludeDefs :: CoreProgram
= [ ("I", ["x"], EVar "x")
, ("K", ["x","y"], EVar "x")
, ("K1",["x","y"], EVar "y")
, ("S", ["f","g","x"], EAp (EAp (EVar "f") (EVar "x"))
(EAp (EVar "g") (EVar "x")))
, ("compose", ["f","g","x"], EAp (EVar "f")
(EAp (EVar "g") (EVar "x")))
, ("twice", ["f"], EAp (EAp (EVar "compose") (EVar "f")) (EVar "f"))
mkMultiAp :: Int -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
mkMultiAp n e1 e2 = foldl EAp e1 $ replicate n e2
-- mkMultiAp n e1 e2 = foldl EAp e1 (take n e2s)
-- where
-- e2s = e2 : e2s
class Iseq iseq where
iNil :: iseq
iStr :: String -> iseq
iAppend :: iseq -> iseq -> iseq
iNewline :: iseq
iIndent :: iseq -> iseq
iDisplay :: iseq -> String
infixr 5 `iAppend`
data Fixity
= L | N | R
deriving (Eq, Show)
ops :: [(Name, (Int, Fixity))]
ops = [ ("*", (5, R)), ("/", (5, N))
, ("+", (4, R)), ("-", (4, N))
, ("==", (3, N)), ("~=", (3, N))
, (">", (3, N)), (">=", (3, N)), ("<", (3, N)), ("<=", (3, N))
, ("&", (2, R))
, ("|", (1, R)) ]
pprExpr :: (Int, Fixity) -> CoreExpr -> IseqRep
pprExpr _ (EVar v) = iStr v
pprExpr _ (ENum n) = iStr $ show n
pprExpr _ (EConstr tn a)
= iConcat [iStr "Pack{", iStr (show tn), iStr ",", iStr (show a), iStr "}"]
pprExpr (cpr, cas) (EAp (EAp (EVar op) e1) e2)
| Just (f@(p, a)) <- op `lookup` ops
, let unparened =
case a of
L -> iConcat [pprExpr f e1, iStr " ", iStr op, iStr " ", pprExpr (p, N) e2]
R -> iConcat [pprExpr (p, N) e1, iStr " ", iStr op, iStr " ", pprExpr f e2]
N -> iConcat [pprExpr f e1, iStr " ", iStr op, iStr " ", pprExpr f e2]
parened = iConcat [iStr "(", unparened, iStr ")"]
| p > cpr = unparened
| p == cpr && cas == a && cas /= N = unparened
| p == cpr && cas == a {-cas == N-} = parened
| p == cpr {-cas /= a-} = parened
| {-p < cpr-} otherwise = parened
= result
pprExpr _ (EAp e1 e2)
= iConcat [pprExpr (6, L) e1, iStr " ", pprExpr (6, L) e2]
pprExpr _ (ELet isrec defns expr)
= iIndent $
iConcat [ iStr keyword, iNewline
, iStr " ",iIndent (pprDefns defns),iNewline
, iStr "in ",pprExpr (0, N) expr]
keyword | not isrec = "let"
| isrec = "letrec"
pprExpr _ (ECase e as)
= iConcat [ iStr "case", iStr " ", pprExpr (0, N) e, iStr " of "
, iStr " ", iIndent $ iInterleave (iStr ";" `iAppend` iNewline) $ map pprAlter as
pprAlter (tn, ns, ae)
= iConcat [ iInterleave (iStr " ") $ iStr ("<" ++ show tn ++ ">") : map iStr ns
, iStr " -> ", pprExpr (0, N) ae
pprExpr _ (ELam ns e)
= iConcat $ [iInterleave (iStr " ") $ map iStr $ "\\" : ns, iStr " ", pprExpr (0, N) e]
pprAExpr :: CoreExpr -> IseqRep
pprAExpr e
| isAtomicExpr e = pprExpr (0, N) e
| otherwise = iStr "(" `iAppend` pprExpr (0, N) e `iAppend` iStr ")"
pprDefns :: [(Name, CoreExpr)] -> IseqRep
pprDefns defns = iInterleave sep (map pprDefn defns)
sep = iConcat [ iStr ";", iNewline ]
pprDefn :: (Name, CoreExpr) -> IseqRep
pprDefn (name, expr)
= iConcat [ iStr name, iStr " = ", iIndent (pprExpr (0, N) expr) ]
pprScDefn :: CoreScDefn -> IseqRep
pprScDefn (name, ns, e)
= iInterleave (iStr " ") (map iStr $ name : ns) `iAppend`
iStr " = " `iAppend` pprExpr (0, N) e `iAppend` iNewline
iInterleave :: Iseq a => a -> [a] -> a
iInterleave sep = irec
irec [] = iNil
irec [x] = x
irec (x:xs) = x `iAppend` sep `iAppend` irec xs
iConcat :: Iseq a => [a] -> a
iConcat = foldr iAppend iNil
pprint :: CoreProgram -> String
pprint prog = iDisplay (pprProgram prog)
pprProgram :: CoreProgram -> IseqRep
pprProgram = iInterleave iNewline . map pprScDefn
data IseqRep
= INil
| IStr String
| IAppend IseqRep IseqRep
| IIndent IseqRep
| INewline
deriving Show
instance Iseq IseqRep where
iNil = INil
iAppend INil seq2 = seq2
iAppend seq1 INil = seq1
iAppend seq1 seq2 = IAppend seq1 seq2
iStr "" = INil
iStr str = case break (== '\n') str of
(_, []) -> IStr str
(w, _:str1) -> IStr w `iAppend` iNewline `iAppend` iStr str1
iIndent seq = IIndent seq
iNewline = INewline
iDisplay seq = flatten 0 [(seq,0)]
flatten1 :: [IseqRep] -> String
flatten1 [] = ""
flatten1 (INil : seqs) = flatten1 seqs
flatten1 (IStr s : seqs) = s ++ (flatten1 seqs)
flatten1 (IAppend seq1 seq2 : seqs) = flatten1 (seq1 : seq2 : seqs)
flatten1 (_ : _) = error "flatten1: not implemented"
flatten :: Int -> [(IseqRep, Int)] -> String
flatten _ [] = ""
flatten col ((INil, _) : seqs) = flatten col seqs
flatten col ((IStr s, _): seqs) = s ++ (flatten (col + length s) seqs)
flatten col ((IAppend seq1 seq2, indent) : seqs)
= flatten col ((seq1, indent) : (seq2, indent) : seqs)
flatten _col ((INewline, indent) : seqs)
= '\n' : (space indent) ++ (flatten indent seqs)
flatten col ((IIndent seq, _indent) : seqs)
= flatten col ((seq, col) : seqs)
space :: Int -> String
space n = replicate n ' '
examples :: CoreProgram
examples =
[ ("f", ["x"],
ELet True
[ ("y", EAp (EAp (EVar "+") (EVar "x")) (ENum 1))
, ("z", EAp (EAp (EVar "+") (EVar "y")) (ENum 1))]
(EVar "z")),
("g", ["x"],
EAp (EAp (EVar "+") (EVar "x")) (ENum 1)),
-- h = x + y > p * length xs
("h", [],
(EVar ">")
(EAp (EAp (EVar "+") (EVar "x")) (EVar "y")))
(EVar "*")
(EVar "p"))
(EAp (EVar "length") (EVar "xs")))),
-- u = 5 / (3 * x * (7 - (2 + x + 1)))
("u", [],
ENum 5 |/|
(ENum 3 |*| EVar "x" |*| (ENum 7 |-| (ENum 2 |+| EVar "x" |+| ENum 1)))),
("v", [],
(ENum 1 |+| ENum 2) |+| ENum 3)
ap2 f x y = EAp (EAp f x) y
(|*|) = ap2 (EVar "*")
(|/|) = ap2 (EVar "/")
(|+|) = ap2 (EVar "+")
(|-|) = ap2 (EVar "-")
infixr 5 |*|
infix 5 |/|
infixr 4 |+|
infix 4 |-|
---------- old codes -----------
pprExprS :: CoreExpr -> String
pprExprS (ENum n) = show n
pprExprS (EVar v) = v
pprExprS (EAp e1 e2) = pprExprS e1 ++ " " ++ pprAExprS e2
pprAExprS :: CoreExpr -> String
pprAExprS e
| isAtomicExpr e = pprExprS e
| otherwise = "(" ++ pprExprS e ++ ")"
pprExprN :: CoreExpr -> IseqRep
pprExprN (EVar v) = iStr v
pprExprN (ENum n) = iStr $ show n
pprExprN (EConstr tn a)
= iConcat [iStr "Pack{", iStr (show tn), iStr ",", iStr (show a), iStr "}"]
pprExprN (EAp (EAp (EVar op) e1) e2)
| op `elem` ["*", "/", "+", "-"
, "==", "~=", ">", ">=", "<", "<="]
= iConcat [pprAExprN e1, iStr " ", iStr op, iStr " ", pprAExprN e2]
pprExprN (EAp e1 e2)
= iConcat [pprExprN e1, iStr " ", pprAExprN e2]
pprExprN (ELet isrec defns expr)
= iIndent $
iConcat [ iStr keyword, iNewline
, iStr " ",iIndent (pprDefnsN defns),iNewline
, iStr "in ",pprExprN expr]
keyword | not isrec = "let"
| isrec = "letrec"
pprExprN (ECase e as)
= iConcat [ iStr "case", iStr " ", pprExprN e, iStr " of "
, iStr " ", iIndent $ iInterleave (iStr ";" `iAppend` iNewline) $ map pprAlter as
pprAlter (tn, ns, ae)
= iConcat [ iInterleave (iStr " ") $ iStr ("<" ++ show tn ++ ">") : map iStr ns
, iStr " -> ", pprExprN ae
pprExprN (ELam ns e)
= iConcat $ [iInterleave (iStr " ") $ map iStr $ "\\" : ns, iStr " ", pprExprN e]
pprAExprN :: CoreExpr -> IseqRep
pprAExprN e
| isAtomicExpr e = pprExprN e
| otherwise = iStr "(" `iAppend` pprExprN e `iAppend` iStr ")"
pprDefnsN :: [(Name, CoreExpr)] -> IseqRep
pprDefnsN defns = iInterleave sep (map pprDefnN defns)
sep = iConcat [ iStr ";", iNewline ]
pprDefnN :: (Name, CoreExpr) -> IseqRep
pprDefnN (name, expr)
= iConcat [ iStr name, iStr " = ", iIndent (pprExprN expr) ]
pprScDefnN :: CoreScDefn -> IseqRep
pprScDefnN (name, ns, e)
= iInterleave (iStr " ") (map iStr $ name : ns) `iAppend`
iStr " = " `iAppend` pprExprN e `iAppend` iNewline
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