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Conceptual Mathematics, Session 10, exercises
{- Conceptual Mathematics, Session 10, exercises -}
module Session10 where
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; _≢_)
open import Data.Product using (∃; _,_; _×_)
open import Relation.Nullary using (¬_)
-- contraposition : ∀ {l} -> ∀ {A B : Set l} -> (A -> B) -> ¬ B -> ¬ A
-- contraposition f nb a = nb (f a)
_∧_ = _×_
infixl 2 _∧_
module Exercises
(_⟿_ : Set l -> Set l -> Set l) {- morphism -}
(Id : ∀ {a} -> (a ⟿ a))
(_∘_ : ∀ {a b c} -> (b ⟿ c) -> (a ⟿ b) -> (a ⟿ c))
(LeftIdLaw : ∀ {a b} -> ∀ (f : a ⟿ b) -> Id ∘ f ≡ f)
(RightIdLaw : ∀ {a b} -> ∀ (f : a ⟿ b) -> f ∘ Id ≡ f)
(AssocLaw : ∀ {a b c d} {f : c ⟿ d} {g : b ⟿ c} {h : a ⟿ b} -> (f ∘ g) ∘ h ≡ f ∘ (g ∘ h))
(Continuous : ∀ {a b} -> ∀ (f : a ⟿ b) -> Set)
(ContinuousCompose : ∀ {a b c} {f : b ⟿ c} {g : a ⟿ b} -> Continuous f -> Continuous g -> Continuous (f ∘ g))
(E : Set l)
(I : Set l)
(C : Set l)
(D : Set l)
(S : Set l)
(B : Set l)
module Exercise1
(f : D ⟿ D)
(cf : Continuous f)
(g : D ⟿ D)
(cg : Continuous g)
(j : C ⟿ D)
(gj≡j : g ∘ j ≡ j)
{- fx≢gx : ∀x -> f(x) ≢ g(x) , r := arrowCrossC fx≢gx -}
(arrowCrossC : (fx≢gx : ∀ {T : Set l} (x : T ⟿ D) -> f ∘ x ≢ g ∘ x) -> D ⟿ C)
{- f(x) ≢ g(x) for every point x in the disk D.
Draw an arrow with its tail at f(x) and its head at g(x),
This arrow will 'point to' some point r(x). -}
(accgj≡Id : (fx≢gx : ∀ {T : Set l} (x : T ⟿ D) -> f ∘ x ≢ g ∘ x) -> arrowCrossC fx≢gx ∘ (g ∘ j) ≡ Id)
{- When g(x) was already a point on the boundary, r(x) is g(x), so that r is a retraction for (g ∘ j) -}
(cacc : (fx≢gx : ∀ {T : Set l} (x : T ⟿ D) -> f ∘ x ≢ g ∘ x) -> Continuous (arrowCrossC fx≢gx))
{- r is continuous under continuous f and continuous g -}
ex1lemma : (fx≢gx : ∀ {T : Set l} (x : T ⟿ D) -> f ∘ x ≢ g ∘ x)
-> ∃ (λ (r : D ⟿ C) -> r ∘ j ≡ Id ∧ Continuous r)
ex1lemma fx≢gx rewrite gj≡j = arrowCrossC fx≢gx , accgj≡Id fx≢gx , cacc fx≢gx
ex1goal : (retractionTheorem : ∀ (r : D ⟿ C) -> r ∘ j ≡ Id -> ¬ Continuous r)
-> ¬ (∀ {T : Set l} (x : T ⟿ D) -> f ∘ x ≢ g ∘ x)
ex1goal retractionTheorem fx≢gx with ex1lemma fx≢gx
... | r , rjId , cr = retractionTheorem r rjId cr
module Exercise2
{A : Set l}
{X : Set l}
(T : Set l)
(s : A ⟿ X)
(r : X ⟿ A)
(rsId : r ∘ s ≡ Id)
ex2core : (g : A ⟿ A)
-> ∃ (λ (x : T ⟿ X) -> ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x ≡ x)
-> ∃ (λ (a : T ⟿ A) -> g ∘ a ≡ a)
ex2core g (x , sgrx≡x) = (r ∘ x) , ga≡a
s1 : g ∘ (r ∘ x) ≡ (r ∘ s) ∘ (g ∘ (r ∘ x))
s1 rewrite rsId rewrite LeftIdLaw (g ∘ (r ∘ x)) = refl
s2 : (r ∘ s) ∘ (g ∘ (r ∘ x)) ≡ r ∘ (((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x)
s2 rewrite AssocLaw {_} {_} {_} {_} {r} {s} {g ∘ (r ∘ x)}
rewrite AssocLaw {_} {_} {_} {_} {s ∘ g} {r} {x}
rewrite AssocLaw {_} {_} {_} {_} {s} {g} {r ∘ x}
= refl
ga≡a : g ∘ (r ∘ x) ≡ r ∘ x
ga≡a rewrite s1 rewrite s2 rewrite sgrx≡x = refl
ex2goal : ( ∀ (f : X ⟿ X) -> ∃ (λ (x : T ⟿ X) -> f ∘ x ≡ x) )
-> ∀ (g : A ⟿ A) -> ∃ (λ (a : T ⟿ A) -> g ∘ a ≡ a)
ex2goal FPPX g = ex2core g (FPPX ((s ∘ g) ∘ r))
module Exercise3
(T : Set l)
(antipodalE : E ⟿ E)
(continuousE : Continuous antipodalE)
(NoFixpointE : (a : T ⟿ E) -> antipodalE ∘ a ≢ a)
(antipodalC : C ⟿ C)
(continuousC : Continuous antipodalC)
(NoFixpointC : (a : T ⟿ C) -> antipodalC ∘ a ≢ a)
(antipodalS : S ⟿ S)
(continuousS : Continuous antipodalS)
(NoFixpointS : (a : T ⟿ S) -> antipodalS ∘ a ≢ a)
NotContinuousDistR : ∀ {a b c} {f : b ⟿ c} {g : a ⟿ b} -> ¬ Continuous (f ∘ g) -> Continuous f -> ¬ Continuous g
NotContinuousDistR ncfg cf cg = ncfg (ContinuousCompose cf cg)
ex2contra : {A : Set l}
-> {X : Set l}
-> (s : A ⟿ X)
-> (r : X ⟿ A)
-> (rsId : r ∘ s ≡ Id)
-> (g : A ⟿ A)
-> (NoFixpoint : ∀ (a : T ⟿ A) -> g ∘ a ≢ a)
-> ∀ (x : T ⟿ X) -> ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x ≢ x
ex2contra {A} {X} s r rsId g NoFixpoint x sgrx≡x
with Exercise2.ex2core T s r rsId g (x , sgrx≡x)
... | a , ga≡a = NoFixpoint a ga≡a
RetractionTheorem : {A X : Set l}
(g : A ⟿ A) (cg : Continuous g)
(NoFixpoint : ∀ (a : T ⟿ A) -> g ∘ a ≢ a)
(FixpointTheorem : ∀ (f : X ⟿ X) -> Continuous f -> ∃ (λ (x : T ⟿ X) -> f ∘ x ≡ x))
(s : A ⟿ X) (cs : Continuous s)
(r : X ⟿ A)
(rsId : r ∘ s ≡ Id)
-> ¬ Continuous r
RetractionTheorem {_} {X} g cg NoFixpoint FixpointTheorem s cs r rsId =
NotContinuousDistR (contraFT (ex2contra s r rsId g NoFixpoint)) (ContinuousCompose cs cg)
contraFT : (∀ (x : T ⟿ X) -> ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x ≢ x) -> ¬ Continuous ((s ∘ g) ∘ r)
contraFT nofix csgr with FixpointTheorem ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) csgr
... | x , sgrx≡x = nofix x sgrx≡x
RetractionTheoremI : (FixpointTheoremI : ∀ (f : I ⟿ I) -> Continuous f -> ∃ (λ (x : T ⟿ I) -> f ∘ x ≡ x)) →
(j : E ⟿ I) (cj : Continuous j) (r : I ⟿ E) (rsId : r ∘ j ≡ Id) -> ¬ Continuous r
RetractionTheoremI = RetractionTheorem antipodalE continuousE NoFixpointE
RetractionTheoremD : (FixpointTheoremD : ∀ (f : D ⟿ D) -> Continuous f -> ∃ (λ (x : T ⟿ D) -> f ∘ x ≡ x)) →
(j : C ⟿ D) (cj : Continuous j) (r : D ⟿ C) (rsId : r ∘ j ≡ Id) -> ¬ Continuous r
RetractionTheoremD = RetractionTheorem antipodalC continuousC NoFixpointC
RetractionTheoremB : (FixpointTheoremB : ∀ (f : B ⟿ B) -> Continuous f -> ∃ (λ (x : T ⟿ B) -> f ∘ x ≡ x)) →
(j : S ⟿ B) (cj : Continuous j) (r : B ⟿ S) (rsId : r ∘ j ≡ Id) -> ¬ Continuous r
RetractionTheoremB = RetractionTheorem antipodalS continuousS NoFixpointS
Module Exercises.
Polymorphic Parameters morphism : Type -> Type -> Type.
Notation " a '⇀' b " := (morphism a b) (at level 80).
(Id : forall {a}, (a ⇀ a))
(compose : forall {a b c}, (b ⇀ c) -> (a ⇀ b) -> (a ⇀ c)).
Notation " f '∘' g" := (compose f g) (at level 10).
(LeftIdLaw : forall {a b} (f : a ⇀ b), Id ∘ f = f)
(RightIdLaw : forall {a b} (f : a ⇀ b), f ∘ Id = f)
(AssocLaw : forall {a b c d} {f : c ⇀ d} {g : b ⇀ c} {h : a ⇀ b}, (f ∘ g) ∘ h = f ∘ (g ∘ h)).
(Continuous : forall {a b} (f : a ⇀ b), Prop)
(ContinuousCompose : forall {a b c} {f : b ⇀ c} {g : a ⇀ b}, Continuous f -> Continuous g -> Continuous (f ∘ g)).
Polymorphic Parameters
(E : Type)
(I : Type)
(C : Type)
(D : Type)
(S : Type)
(B : Type).
(FixpointTheoremI : forall {T} (f : I ⇀ I), Continuous f -> exists x : T ⇀ I, f ∘ x = x)
(FixpointTheoremD : forall {T} (f : D ⇀ D), Continuous f -> exists x : T ⇀ D, f ∘ x = x)
(FixpointTheoremB : forall {T} (f : B ⇀ B), Continuous f -> exists x : T ⇀ B, f ∘ x = x).
(* Set Printing Universes. *)
(* About compose. *)
Module Exercise1.
(f : D ⇀ D)
(cf : Continuous f)
(g : D ⇀ D)
(cg : Continuous g).
(j : C ⇀ D)
(gj_eq_j : g ∘ j = j).
Parameters arrowCrossC : (forall {T : Type} (x : T ⇀ D), f ∘ x <> g ∘ x) -> D ⇀ C.
Parameters accj_eq_id : forall (fx_neq_gx : (forall [T : Type] (x : T ⇀ D), f ∘ x <> g ∘ x)), arrowCrossC fx_neq_gx ∘ (g ∘ j) = Id.
Parameters cacc : forall (fx_neq_gx : (forall [T : Type] (x : T ⇀ D), f ∘ x <> g ∘ x)), Continuous (arrowCrossC fx_neq_gx).
Lemma ex1lemma :
forall (fx_neq_gx : (forall [T : Type] (x : T ⇀ D), f ∘ x <> g ∘ x)),
exists r : D ⇀ C, r ∘ j = Id /\ Continuous r.
exists (arrowCrossC fx_neq_gx).
- rewrite <- (accj_eq_id fx_neq_gx).
rewrite -> gj_eq_j.
- exact (cacc fx_neq_gx).
Theorem ex1goal :
(forall r : D ⇀ C, r ∘ j = Id -> ~ Continuous r) ->
~ (forall [T : Type] (x : T ⇀ D), f ∘ x <> g ∘ x).
unfold not.
intros rt fx_neq_gx.
destruct (ex1lemma fx_neq_gx) as [r [rjId cr]].
exact (rt r rjId cr).
End Exercise1.
Theorem ex2core :
forall {A X}
(T : Type)
(s : A ⇀ X)
(r : X ⇀ A)
(rsId : r ∘ s = Id)
(g : A ⇀ A), (exists x : T ⇀ X, ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x = x) -> exists a : T ⇀ A, g ∘ a = a.
intros A X T s r rsId g [x sgrx_eq_x].
exists (r ∘ x).
assert (s1 : g ∘ (r ∘ x) = (r ∘ s) ∘ (g ∘ (r ∘ x))).
rewrite rsId. rewrite LeftIdLaw. reflexivity.
assert (s2 : (r ∘ s) ∘ (g ∘ (r ∘ x)) = r ∘ (((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x)).
rewrite AssocLaw. rewrite AssocLaw. rewrite AssocLaw. reflexivity.
rewrite s1. rewrite s2. rewrite sgrx_eq_x. reflexivity.
Module Type Exercise2.
Polymorphic Parameters
(A : Type)
(X : Type).
Arguments A : default implicits.
Arguments X : default implicits.
Parameters (T : Type).
(s : A ⇀ X)
(r : X ⇀ A)
(rsId : r ∘ s = Id).
Theorem ex2core : forall g : A ⇀ A, (exists x : T ⇀ X, ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x = x) -> exists a : T ⇀ A, g ∘ a = a.
intros g [x sgrx_eq_x].
exists (r ∘ x).
assert (s1 : g ∘ (r ∘ x) = (r ∘ s) ∘ (g ∘ (r ∘ x))).
rewrite rsId. rewrite LeftIdLaw. reflexivity.
assert (s2 : (r ∘ s) ∘ (g ∘ (r ∘ x)) = r ∘ (((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x)).
rewrite AssocLaw. rewrite AssocLaw. rewrite AssocLaw. reflexivity.
rewrite s1. rewrite s2. rewrite sgrx_eq_x. reflexivity.
Theorem ex2goal : (forall f : X ⇀ X, exists x : T ⇀ X, f ∘ x = x) ->
(forall g : A ⇀ A, exists a : T ⇀ A, g ∘ a = a).
intros FPPX g.
exact (ex2core T s r rsId g (FPPX ((s ∘ g) ∘ r))).
End Exercise2.
Module Exercise3.
Polymorphic Parameters T : Type.
(antipodalE : E ⇀ E)
(continuousE : Continuous antipodalE)
(NoFixpointE : forall a : T ⇀ E, antipodalE ∘ a <> a).
(antipodalC : C ⇀ C)
(continuousC : Continuous antipodalC)
(NoFixpointC : forall a : T ⇀ C, antipodalC ∘ a <> a).
(antipodalS : S ⇀ S)
(continuousS : Continuous antipodalS)
(NoFixpointS : forall a : T ⇀ S, antipodalS ∘ a <> a).
Lemma NotContinuousDistR : forall {a b c} {f : b ⇀ c} {g : a ⇀ b}, ~ Continuous (f ∘ g) -> Continuous f -> ~ Continuous g.
intros a b c f g ncfg cf cg.
exact (ncfg (ContinuousCompose cf cg)).
Lemma ex2contra :
forall {A X : Type}
(s : A ⇀ X) (r : X ⇀ A) (rsId : r ∘ s = Id)
(g : A ⇀ A) (NoFixpoint : forall a : T ⇀ A, g ∘ a <> a) (x : T ⇀ X),
((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x <> x.
intros. intro sgrx_eq_x.
assert (ex_sgrx_eq_x : exists x : T ⇀ X, ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x = x).
exists x. exact sgrx_eq_x.
destruct (ex2core T s r rsId g ex_sgrx_eq_x) as [a ga_eq_a].
exact (NoFixpoint a ga_eq_a).
Theorem RetractionTheorem :
forall {A X : Type}
(g : A ⇀ A) (cg : Continuous g)
(NoFixpoint : forall (a : T ⇀ A), g ∘ a <> a)
(FixpointTheorem : forall f : X ⇀ X, Continuous f -> exists x : T ⇀ X, f ∘ x = x)
(s : A ⇀ X) (cs : Continuous s)
(r : X ⇀ A)
(rsId : r ∘ s = Id),
~ Continuous r.
assert (contraFT : (forall x : T ⇀ X, ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) ∘ x <> x) -> ~ Continuous ((s ∘ g) ∘ r)).
intros nofix csgr. destruct (FixpointTheorem ((s ∘ g) ∘ r) csgr) as [x sgrx_eq_x]. exact (nofix x sgrx_eq_x).
exact (NotContinuousDistR (contraFT (ex2contra s r rsId g NoFixpoint)) (ContinuousCompose cs cg)).
Theorem RetractionTheoremI :
forall (j : E ⇀ I) (cj : Continuous j) (r : I ⇀ E) (rsId : r ∘ j = Id), ~ Continuous r.
Proof. exact (RetractionTheorem antipodalE continuousE NoFixpointE FixpointTheoremI). Defined.
Theorem RetractionTheoremD :
forall (j : C ⇀ D) (cj : Continuous j) (r : D ⇀ C) (rsId : r ∘ j = Id), ~ Continuous r.
Proof. exact (RetractionTheorem antipodalC continuousC NoFixpointC FixpointTheoremD). Defined.
Theorem RetractionTheoremB :
forall (j : S ⇀ B) (cj : Continuous j) (r : B ⇀ S) (rsId : r ∘ j = Id), ~ Continuous r.
Proof. exact (RetractionTheorem antipodalS continuousS NoFixpointS FixpointTheoremB). Defined.
End Exercise3.
End Exercises.
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