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Yoneda Lemma Proof under Higher-Order types
module YonedaHO where
open import Agda.Primitive using (Level; lsuc; _⊔_)
open import Level using (lift)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; cong-app)
open import Data.Product using (_×_; ∃; _,_; proj₂)
{- apply _≡_ for objects and morphisms for Locally Small Categories -}
{- morphism type definition -}
Hom : (o m : Level) → Set (lsuc o ⊔ lsuc m)
Hom o m = Set o → Set o → Set m
{- Category definition -}
record Cat
{o m}
(hom : Hom o m)
: Set (lsuc o ⊔ lsuc m) where
infix 5 _⟿_
_⟿_ = hom
infixr 9 compose
syntax compose f g = f ∘ g
id : ∀{a} → a ⟿ a
compose : ∀ {a b c} → (b ⟿ c) → (a ⟿ b) → (a ⟿ c)
left-id : ∀ {a b} (f : a ⟿ b) → id ∘ f ≡ f
right-id : ∀ {a b} (f : a ⟿ b) → f ∘ id ≡ f
associativity : ∀ {a b c d} (f : c ⟿ d) (g : b ⟿ c) (h : a ⟿ b) →
(f ∘ g) ∘ h ≡ f ∘ (g ∘ h)
get-homᵒᵖ : ∀{o m} → Hom o m → Hom o m
get-homᵒᵖ hom a b = hom b a
_ᵒᵖ : ∀ {o m} {hom : Hom o m} → Cat hom → Cat (get-homᵒᵖ hom)
_ᵒᵖ {o} {m} {hom} C =
{ id = idᵒᵖ
; compose = _∘ᵒᵖ_
; left-id = left-idᵒᵖ
; right-id = right-idᵒᵖ
; associativity = associativityᵒᵖ
_⟿_ = hom
_⟿ᵒᵖ_ = get-homᵒᵖ (_⟿_)
infix 5 _⟿_ _⟿ᵒᵖ_
idᵒᵖ = C
_∘_ : ∀ {a b c} → (b ⟿ c) → (a ⟿ b) → (a ⟿ c)
_∘_ = Cat.compose C
_∘ᵒᵖ_ : ∀ {a b c} → (b ⟿ᵒᵖ c) → (a ⟿ᵒᵖ b) → (a ⟿ᵒᵖ c)
f ∘ᵒᵖ g = g ∘ f
infixr 9 _∘_ _∘ᵒᵖ_
left-idᵒᵖ : ∀ {a b} (f : a ⟿ᵒᵖ b) → idᵒᵖ ∘ᵒᵖ f ≡ f
left-idᵒᵖ = Cat.right-id C
right-idᵒᵖ : ∀ {a b} (f : a ⟿ᵒᵖ b) → f ∘ᵒᵖ idᵒᵖ ≡ f
right-idᵒᵖ = Cat.left-id C
associativityᵒᵖ : ∀ {a b c d} (f : c ⟿ᵒᵖ d) (g : b ⟿ᵒᵖ c) (h : a ⟿ᵒᵖ b) →
(f ∘ᵒᵖ g) ∘ᵒᵖ h ≡ f ∘ᵒᵖ (g ∘ᵒᵖ h)
associativityᵒᵖ f g h = sym (Cat.associativity C h g f)
infix 9 _ᵒᵖ
{- Functor definition -}
record Functor
{o₁ m₁}
{hom₁ : Hom o₁ m₁}
(C₁ : Cat hom₁)
{o₂ m₂}
{hom₂ : Hom o₂ m₂}
(C₂ : Cat hom₂)
: Set (lsuc o₁ ⊔ lsuc m₁ ⊔ lsuc o₂ ⊔ lsuc m₂) where
_⟿₁_ = hom₁
infix 5 _⟿₁_
id₁ = C₁
_∘₁_ = Cat.compose C₁
_⟿₂_ = hom₂
id₂ = C₂
_∘₂_ = Cat.compose C₂
infixr 9 _∘₁_ _∘₂_
F : Set o₁ → Set o₂
fmap : ∀ {a b} → (a ⟿₁ b) → (F a ⟿₂ F b)
fmap-id : ∀ {a} → fmap {a} {a} id₁ ≡ id₂
fmap-dist : ∀ {a b c} {f : b ⟿₁ c} {g : a ⟿₁ b} →
fmap {a} {c} (f ∘₁ g) ≡ fmap {b} {c} f ∘₂ fmap {a} {b} g
{- Naturality type -}
Naturality : ∀ {o m} {hom : Hom o m} {C : Cat hom}
{oᴰ mᴰ} {homᴰ : Hom oᴰ mᴰ} {D : Cat homᴰ} →
Functor C D →
Functor C D →
Set (lsuc o ⊔ m ⊔ mᴰ)
{o} {m} {hom} {C}
{oᴰ} {mᴰ} {homᴰ} {D}
= (Nat : ∀ a → F a ⟿ᴰ G a) →
(∀ {a b} (f : a ⟿ b) → Nat b ∘ᴰ fmapF {a} {b} f ≡ fmapG {a} {b} f ∘ᴰ Nat a)
_⟿_ = hom
_⟿ᴰ_ = homᴰ
infix 5 _⟿_ _⟿ᴰ_
_∘ᴰ_ = Cat.compose D
infixr 9 _∘ᴰ_
F = Functor.F rF
fmapF = Functor.fmap rF
G = Functor.F rG
fmapG = Functor.fmap rG
{- extensionality type -}
EX : ∀ (lᵢ lⱼ : Level) -> Set (lsuc lᵢ ⊔ lsuc lⱼ)
EX lᵢ lⱼ =
{A : Set lᵢ} {B : A → Set lⱼ} {f g : (x : A) → B x} →
(∀ x → f x ≡ g x) → f ≡ g
{- hom-set of universe polymorphic Sets -}
_→ᵤ_ : ∀{l} -> Set l → Set l → Set l
_→ᵤ_ a b = a → b
{- universe polymorphic Sets definition -}
𝕊𝕖𝕥 : ∀ {l : Level} → Cat (_→ᵤ_ {l})
𝕊𝕖𝕥 =
{ id = λ {a} (x : a) → x
; compose = λ f g x → f (g x)
; left-id = λ f → refl
; right-id = λ f → refl
; associativity = λ f g h → refl
module WithSets
{l : Level}
(extensionality : ∀{lᵢ lⱼ} → EX lᵢ lⱼ)
_→₀_ : Set l → Set l → Set l
_→₀_ = _→ᵤ_ {l}
𝕊𝕖𝕥₀ : Cat (_→₀_)
𝕊𝕖𝕥₀ = 𝕊𝕖𝕥
idₛ : ∀ {a : Set l} → a →₀ a
idₛ = 𝕊𝕖𝕥₀
_∘ₛ_ = Cat.compose 𝕊𝕖𝕥₀
infixr 9 _∘ₛ_
homF : ∀ {o} {hom : Hom o l} (C : Cat hom) (r : Set o) → Functor C 𝕊𝕖𝕥₀
homF {o} {hom} C r =
{ F = Homᵣ
; fmap = fmapʰ
; fmap-id = fmapʰ-id
; fmap-dist = fmapʰ-dist
{- hom-set of C -}
_⟿_ = hom
infix 5 _⟿_
id : ∀ {a : Set o} → (a ⟿ a)
id = C
_∘_ = Cat.compose C
infixr 9 _∘_
Homᵣ : Set o → Set l
Homᵣ = _⟿_ r
fmapʰ : ∀ {a b : Set o} → (a ⟿ b) → (r ⟿ a) → (r ⟿ b)
fmapʰ = Cat.compose C
fmapʰ-id : ∀ {a : Set o} → fmapʰ {a} {a} id ≡ idₛ
fmapʰ-id = extensionality (Cat.left-id C)
fmapʰ-dist : ∀ {a b c} {f : b ⟿ c} {g : a ⟿ b} →
fmapʰ {a} {c} (f ∘ g) ≡ fmapʰ {b} {c} f ∘ₛ fmapʰ {a} {b} g
fmapʰ-dist {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} = extensionality (Cat.associativity C f g)
module Yoneda
{hom : Hom o l}
(C : Cat hom)
(recF : Functor C 𝕊𝕖𝕥₀)
(r : Set o)
{- hom-set of C -}
_⟿_ = hom
infix 5 _⟿_
F = Functor.F recF
fmapᶠ = Functor.fmap recF
fmapᶠ-id = Functor.fmap-id recF
fmapʰ = Functor.fmap (homF C r)
{- construction of Yoneda map ⟹ -}
map-⟹ : (∀ (a : Set o) → (r ⟿ a) →₀ F a) → F r
map-⟹ Nat = Nat r ( C)
{- construction of Yoneda map ⟸ -}
map-⟸ : F r → (∀ (a : Set o) → (r ⟿ a) →₀ F a)
map-⟸ x a k = fmapᶠ k x
module Lemma
(naturality : ∀ {r : Set o} → Naturality (homF C r) recF)
_∘_ : ∀ {x y z} {a : Set x} {b : Set y} {c : Set z} → (b → c) → (a → b) → (a → c)
_∘_ f g x = f (g x)
{- proof: composition of Yoneda map (⟹ ∘ ⟸) is identity -}
id-right-left : map-⟹ ∘ map-⟸ ≡ (λ x → x)
id-right-left = fmapᶠ-id
{- proof: composition of Yoneda map (⟸ ∘ ⟹) is identity, arguments applied form -}
id-left-right-applied : ∀ (Nat : ∀ (a : Set o) → (r ⟿ a) →₀ F a) (b : Set o) (k : r ⟿ b) →
(map-⟸ ∘ map-⟹) Nat b k ≡ Nat b k
id-left-right-applied Nat b k = trans naturality-on-id nat-on-right-id-k
id = C
naturality-on-id : (fmapᶠ {r} {b} k ∘ₛ Nat r) id ≡ (Nat b ∘ₛ fmapʰ {r} {b} k) id
naturality-on-id = sym (cong-app (naturality Nat k) id)
nat-on-right-id-k : (Nat b ∘ₛ fmapʰ {r} {b} k) id ≡ Nat b k
nat-on-right-id-k = cong (Nat b) (Cat.right-id C k)
{- proof: composition of Yoneda map (⟸ ∘ ⟹) is identity -}
id-left-right : (map-⟸ ∘ map-⟹) ≡ 𝕊𝕖𝕥
id-left-right =
extensionality λ Nat →
extensionality-Nat Nat λ b →
extensionality (id-left-right-applied Nat b)
extensionality-Nat : ∀ (Nat : ∀ (a : Set o) → (r ⟿ a) →₀ F a) →
(∀ (b : Set o) → (map-⟸ ∘ map-⟹) Nat b ≡ Nat b) →
(map-⟸ ∘ map-⟹) Nat ≡ Nat
extensionality-Nat Nat forallEQ =
{_} {_}
{Set o} {λ (b : Set o) → (r ⟿ b) →₀ F b}
{(map-⟸ ∘ map-⟹) Nat} {Nat} forallEQ
{- Since we have shown id-right-left , id-left-right , proof of Yoneda lemma is complete -}
module WithCategory
{hom : Hom o l}
(C : Cat hom)
_⟿_ = hom
_⟿ᵒᵖ_ = get-homᵒᵖ _⟿_
infix 5 _⟿_ _⟿ᵒᵖ_
{- only hom term -}
yonedaEmbeddingHom : {r s : Set o} →
(r ⟿ s) →
(∀ (a : Set o) → (r ⟿ᵒᵖ a) → (s ⟿ᵒᵖ a))
yonedaEmbeddingHom {r} {s} =⟸ (C ᵒᵖ) hom-s⟿ᵒᵖ r
hom-s⟿ᵒᵖ : Functor (C ᵒᵖ) 𝕊𝕖𝕥₀
hom-s⟿ᵒᵖ = homF (C ᵒᵖ) s
s⟿ᵒᵖ = Functor.F hom-s⟿ᵒᵖ
{- also known as Yoneda Functor -}
yonedaEmbeddingHomᵒᵖ : {r s : Set o} →
(r ⟿ᵒᵖ s) →
(∀ (a : Set o) → (r ⟿ a) → (s ⟿ a))
yonedaEmbeddingHomᵒᵖ {r} {s} =⟸ C hom-s⟿ r
hom-s⟿ : Functor C 𝕊𝕖𝕥₀
hom-s⟿ = homF C s
s⟿ = Functor.F hom-s⟿
{- category to category function -}
yonedaEmbedding : ∀ {o} {hom : Hom o l} (C : Cat hom) →
∃ (λ (hom₁ : Hom o (l ⊔ lsuc o)) → Cat hom₁)
yonedaEmbedding {o} {hom} C =
_⟿₁_ ,
{ id = id₁
; compose = _∘₁_
; left-id = left-id₁
; right-id = right-id₁
; associativity = associativity₁
_⟿ᵒᵖ_ = get-homᵒᵖ hom
infix 5 _⟿ᵒᵖ_
_⟿₁_ : Set o -> Set o -> Set (l ⊔ lsuc o)
r ⟿₁ s = ∀ (a : Set o) → (r ⟿ᵒᵖ a) → (s ⟿ᵒᵖ a)
infix 5 _⟿₁_
id₁ : ∀ {a} → a ⟿₁ a
id₁ = λ a z → z
_∘₁_ : ∀ {q r s} → (r ⟿₁ s) → (q ⟿₁ r) → (q ⟿₁ s)
_∘₁_ f g a k = f a (g a k)
infixr 9 _∘₁_
left-id₁ : ∀ {a b} (f : a ⟿₁ b) → id₁ ∘₁ f ≡ f
left-id₁ f = refl
right-id₁ : ∀ {a b} (f : a ⟿₁ b) → f ∘₁ id₁ ≡ f
right-id₁ f = refl
associativity₁ : ∀ {a b c d} (f : c ⟿₁ d) (g : b ⟿₁ c) (h : a ⟿₁ b) →
(f ∘₁ g) ∘₁ h ≡ f ∘₁ (g ∘₁ h)
associativity₁ f g h = refl
{- also known as Yoneda Functor, essentially same as yonedaEmbedding function -}
yonedaEmbeddingᵒᵖ : ∀ {o} {homᵒᵖ : Hom o l} (Cᵒᵖ : Cat homᵒᵖ) →
∃ (λ (hom₁ : Hom o (l ⊔ lsuc o)) → Cat hom₁)
yonedaEmbeddingᵒᵖ Cᵒᵖ = yonedaEmbedding Cᵒᵖ
{- constructing Functor using yonedaEmbeddingᵒᵖ -}
yonedaFunctor : ∀ {o} {homᵒᵖ : Hom o l} (Cᵒᵖ : Cat homᵒᵖ) →
Functor Cᵒᵖ (proj₂ (yonedaEmbeddingᵒᵖ Cᵒᵖ))
yonedaFunctor {o} {homᵒᵖ} Cᵒᵖ =
{ F = Y
; fmap = fmapʸ
; fmap-id = fmapʸ-id
; fmap-dist = fmapʸ-dist
_⟿ᵒᵖ_ = homᵒᵖ
infix 5 _⟿ᵒᵖ_
idᵒᵖ = Cᵒᵖ
_∘ᵒᵖ_ = Cat.compose Cᵒᵖ
infixr 9 _∘ᵒᵖ_
_⟿ʸ_ : Hom o (l ⊔ lsuc o)
r ⟿ʸ s = ∀ (a : Set o) → (a ⟿ᵒᵖ r) → (a ⟿ᵒᵖ s)
infix 5 _⟿ʸ_
Yc : Cat _⟿ʸ_
Yc = proj₂ (yonedaEmbeddingᵒᵖ Cᵒᵖ)
_∘ʸ_ = Cat.compose Yc
infixr 9 _∘ʸ_
idʸ : ∀ {a} → a ⟿ʸ a
idʸ = λ a z → z
Y : Set o → Set o
Y a = a
fmapʸ : ∀ {r s} → (r ⟿ᵒᵖ s) → (Y r ⟿ʸ Y s)
fmapʸ {r} {s} f a g = f ∘ᵒᵖ g
fmapʸ-id : ∀ {r} → fmapʸ {r} {r} idᵒᵖ ≡ idʸ
fmapʸ-id = extensionality λ a → extensionality (Cat.left-id Cᵒᵖ)
fmapʸ-dist : ∀ {q r s} {f : r ⟿ᵒᵖ s} {g : q ⟿ᵒᵖ r} →
fmapʸ {q} {s} (f ∘ᵒᵖ g) ≡ fmapʸ {r} {s} f ∘ʸ fmapʸ {q} {r} g
fmapʸ-dist {_} {_} {_} {f} {g} =
extensionality λ a →
extensionality λ h →
Cat.associativity Cᵒᵖ f g h
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