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Created September 16, 2011 05:52
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Save khobbits/1221303 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lain - custom defined commands
setctx lains
bind pub - |custcmd custcmd
bind pub - |listcmd listcmd
bind pub - |setcmd setcmd
bind pub - |addalias aliascmd
bind pub - |appcmd appcmd
bind pub - |getcmd getcmd
bind pub - .custcmd custcmd
bind pub - .listcmd listcmd
bind pub - .setcmd setcmd
bind pub - .addalias aliascmd
bind pub - .appcmd appcmd
bind pub - .getcmd getcmd
bind pubm - "*" show_fct
package require mysqltcl
package require json
global "dirname"
set dirname "custcmd"
proc create_db { chan cmd definfo } {
global dirname
if {[file exists $dirname] == 0} {
file mkdir $dirname
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan] == 0} {
file mkdir $dirname/$chan
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/$cmd] == 0} {
set crtdb [open $dirname/$chan/$cmd a+]
puts $crtdb "$definfo"
close $crtdb
proc readdb { rdb } {
set fs_open [open $rdb r]
gets $fs_open dbout
close $fs_open
return $dbout
proc setcmd { nick userhost handle chan arg } {
global dirname
if {[isop $nick $chan] == 0 && [matchattr $handle o] == 0 } {
putnotc $nick "You need to be an op to create/edit custom channel commands"
return 0
set txt [split $arg]
set cmd [string tolower [lindex $txt 0]]
set cmdf "${cmd}.cmd"
set msg [join [lrange $txt 1 end]]
if {$msg != ""} {
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.alias] == 1} {
file delete $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.alias
putnotc $nick "Deleting alias with the name '${cmd}'"
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/$cmdf] == 0} {
create_db "$chan" "$cmdf" "$msg"
putnotc $nick "Created custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan. Use .addalias <alias> <cmd> to create an alias."
} else {
file delete $dirname/$chan/$cmdf
create_db "$chan" "$cmdf" "$msg"
putnotc $nick "Modifed custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan, remember .appcmd can pre/suffix existing commands."
} else {
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/$cmdf] == 1 && $cmd != ""} {
set readdb [readdb $dirname/$chan/$cmdf]
file delete $dirname/$chan/$cmdf
putnotc $nick "Deleted custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan. Old content:"
putnotc $nick "Custcmd '.${cmd}': $readdb"
} else {
putnotc $nick "Custcmd '.${cmd}' doesn't currently exist, use .setcmd <cmd> <text>, to add it, or .custcmd to list existing commands."
proc setproc { chan cmd proc } {
global dirname
if {$proc != ""} {
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.alias] == 1} {
file delete $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.alias
return "Deleting alias with the name '${cmd}'"
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.cmd] == 1} {
set readdb [readdb $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.cmd]
file delete $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.cmd
return {{"Deleting cmd with the name '${cmd}'"}
{"Custcmd '.${cmd}': $readdb"}}
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.proc] == 0} {
create_db "$chan" "${cmd}.proc" "$proc"
return "Created custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan."
} else {
file delete $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.proc
create_db "$chan" "${cmd}.proc" "$proc"
return "Modifed custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan"
} else {
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.proc] == 1 && $cmd != ""} {
set readdb [readdb $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.proc]
file delete $dirname/$chan/${cmd}.proc
return "Deleted custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan. Old content: $readdb"
} else {
return "Custcmd '.${cmd}' doesn't currently exist."
proc aliascmd { nick userhost handle chan arg } {
global dirname
if {[isop $nick $chan] == 0 && [matchattr $handle o] == 0 } {
putnotc $nick "You need to be an op to create/edit custom channel commands"
return 0
set txt [split $arg]
set alias [string tolower [lindex $txt 0]]
set aliasf "${alias}.alias"
set cmd [string tolower [lindex $txt 1]]
set cmdf "${cmd}.cmd"
set cmdp "${cmd}.proc"
if {$cmd != "" && $cmd != $alias} {
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/$cmdf] == 0} {
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/$cmdp] == 0} {
putnotc $nick "Command doesn't exist. You cannot alias a none existant command."
return 0
} else {
set cmdf $cmdp
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/${alias}.cmd] == 1} {
set readdb [readdb $dirname/$chan/${alias}.cmd]
file delete $dirname/$chan/${alias}.cmd
putnotc $nick "Deleting command with the name '${cmd}' Old content:"
putnotc $nick "Custcmd '.${alias}': $readdb"
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/$aliasf] == 0} {
create_db "$chan" "$aliasf" "$cmdf"
putnotc $nick "Created alias '.${alias}' for custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan"
} else {
file delete $dirname/$chan/$aliasf
create_db "$chan" "$aliasf" "$cmdf"
putnotc $nick "Modifed custom command alias '.${alias}' for channel $chan."
} else {
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/$aliasf] == 1 && $alias != ""} {
set readdb [readdb $dirname/$chan/$aliasf]
file delete $dirname/$chan/$aliasf
putnotc $nick "Deleted custom command alias '.${alias}' for channel $chan."
} else {
putnotc $nick "Custcmd '.${alias}' doesn't currently exist, use .setcmd <cmd> <text> to create a command or .addalias <cmd> <oldcmd> to create an alias."
proc bncnotc {text} { putclient ":-sBNC! PRIVMSG $::botnick :$text"; putmainlog "Debug: $text" }
proc show_fct { nick userhost handle chan text } {
set text [concat $text]
set command [lindex [split [string tolower $text] { }] 0]
if {([string index $command 0] == "|") || ([string index $command 0] == ".") || (([string index $command 0] == "+") && ([onchan "helpbot" "#essentials"] == 0))} {
set text [join [lrange [split $text { }] 1 end]]
showcmd $nick $userhost $handle $chan $chan $command $text
proc getcmd { nick userhost handle chan text } {
set text [concat $text]
set command [lindex [split [string tolower $text] { }] 0]
set target $chan
set chan [lindex [split [string tolower $text] { }] 1]
showcmd $nick $userhost $handle $chan $target $command $text
proc showcmd { nick userhost handle chan target command text } {
global dirname
set cmd [lindex [string tolower $command] 0]
if {([string index $command 0] == "|") || ([khfloodc $nick] >= 1)} {
set method putnotc
set target $nick
} else {
set method putchan
set txt [string trimleft $cmd .+|]
if {$txt != ""} {
if {([file exists $dirname/$chan/$txt.proc] == 1) && ($txt != "")} {
if {[khflood $nick] >= 2} { return }
set dbout [readdb $dirname/$chan/$txt.proc]
set return [$dbout $nick $chan $text]
foreach line [split $return "\n"] {
$method $target $line
if {([file exists $dirname/$chan/$txt.cmd] == 1) && ($txt != "")} {
if {[khflood $nick] >= 2} { return }
set dbout [readdb $dirname/$chan/$txt.cmd]
$method $target "'${cmd}': $dbout"
if {([file exists $dirname/$chan/$txt.alias] == 1) && ($txt != "")} {
set dbin [readdb $dirname/$chan/$txt.alias]
if {([file exists $dirname/$chan/$dbin] == 1) && ($dbin != "")} {
if {[khflood $nick] >= 2} { return }
set dbout [readdb $dirname/$chan/$dbin]
if {[string match "*.proc" $dbin] == 1} {
set return [$dbout $nick $chan $text]
foreach line [split $return "\n"] {
$method $target $line
} else {
$method $target "'${cmd}': $dbout"
} else {
file delete $dirname/$chan/$txt.alias
proc appcmd { nick userhost handle chan arg } {
global dirname
if {[isop $nick $chan] == 0 && [matchattr $handle o] == 0 } {
putnotc $nick "You need to be an op to create/edit custom channel commands"
return 0
set txt [split $arg]
set start [lindex $txt 0]
set cmd [string tolower [lindex $txt 1]]
set cmdf "${cmd}.cmd"
set app_info [join [lrange $txt 2 end]]
if {$app_info != "" } {
if {[file exists $dirname/$chan/$cmdf] == 1} {
if {$start == "start"} {
set readdb [readdb $dirname/$chan/$cmdf]
file delete $dirname/$chan/$cmdf
create_db "$chan" "$cmdf" "$app_info $readdb"
putnotc $nick "Appended custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan, prefixing old text."
} elseif {$start == "end"} {
set readdb [readdb $dirname/$chan/$cmdf]
file delete $dirname/$chan/$cmdf
create_db "$chan" "$cmdf" "$readdb $app_info"
putnotc $nick "Appended custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan, suffixing old text."
} else {
putnotc $nick "Syntax for appending is .appcmd <start/end> <cmd> <text>"
} else {
create_db "$chan" "$cmdf" "$app_info"
putnotc $nick "Added custom command '.${cmd}' for channel $chan."
} else {
putnotc $nick "Syntax for appending is .appcmd <start/end> <cmd> <text>"
proc custcmd { nick userhost handle chan arg } {
global dirname
set files [glob -tails -directory $dirname/$chan -nocomplain -type f *.cmd]
if {$files != ""} {
set names [join $files ", "]
} {
set names "none"
set names [string map {{.alias} {} {.cmd} {}} $names]
putnotc $nick "Create a custom .<cmd> using .setcmd. Create alias' using .addalias."
putnotc $nick "Custom commands for ${chan}: $names"
set files [glob -tails -directory $dirname/$chan -nocomplain -type f *.alias]
if {$files != ""} {
set names [join $files ", "]
} {
set names "none"
set names [string map {{.alias} {} {.cmd} {}} $names]
putnotc $nick "Commands alias' for ${chan}: $names"
proc listcmd { nick userhost handle chan arg } {
global dirname
set files "[glob -tails -directory $dirname/$chan -nocomplain -type f *.cmd] [glob -tails -directory $dirname/$chan -nocomplain -type f *.proc]"
if {$files != ""} {
set names [join $files ", "]
} {
set names "none"
set names [string map {{.alias} {} {.cmd} {} {.proc} {}} $names]
putnotc $nick "CustCmds for ${chan}: $names PublicCmds: url ping log tail stats"
proc ping {host} {
catch {exec ping -c1 -W2 $host | grep from} reply;
if {[lindex [split $reply " "] 1] == "bytes"} {
return "Ping $host reply: [join [lindex [split $reply "="] 3]]"
} else {
return "Ping $host reply: [join [lrange [split $reply " "] 1 end]]"
proc pubping {n u h c t} {
if {[khflood $n] >= 1} { return }
putchan $c "[ping $t]"
proc privping {n u h c t} { putnotc $n "[ping $t]" }
setctx lains
bind pub - .ping pubping
bind pub - |ping privping
bind pub - .itemdbparse itemdbparse
bind join - * onjoinmsg
proc onjoinmsg {nick host hand chan} {
global onjoin;
if {[info exists onjoin($chan)]} {
set reply $onjoin($chan)
set reply [eval "concat $reply"]
putnotc $nick $reply
putmainlog "TCL define.tcl Loaded!"
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