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Created June 28, 2012 20:22
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# <speechles> Scripts are like children. They grow up to take
# on lives of their own, along with all their parents time.
# <speechles> Bots are so obedient, like a wife you never need to slap.
# UNOFFICIAL incith:google v2.1x #
# January 8, 2012 #
# performs various methods of Google searches #
# tested on: #
# eggdrop v1.6.17 GNU/LINUX with Tcl 8.4 #
# windrop v1.6.17 CYGWIN_NT with Tcl 8.4 (http.tcl v2.5) #
# - http.tcl included - Linux/BSD users should NOT need this #
# #
# UNOFFICIAL NEWS:............................................. #
# #
# As of 1.9, I (speechless) have rewritten and added several #
# pieces of this script, fixing various regexp's, adding #
# more search sites to it, added a gamefaqs upcoming list #
# for gamers and much much more. #
# See the Egghelp forum for info or help you may need: #
# #
# #
# OFFICIAL NEWS:............................................... #
# #
# As of v1.6, I (madwoota) have taken over the development of #
# incith:google. If you have any feature req's, bugs, ideas, #
# etc, please dont hesitate to send them to me. #
# My contact details have replaced incith's, but if you wish #
# to approach him directly about anything, I can point you #
# in the right direction. #
# See the Egghelp forum for inciths handover and all the latest#
# info on this script: #
# #
# #
# BASIC USAGE GUIDE:........................................... #
# #
# .chanset #channel +google #
# !google [] [define:|spell:] #
# <search terms> <1+1> <1 cm in ft> <patent ##> #
# <weather city|zip> <??? airport> #
# !images [] <search terms> #
# !groups [] <search terms> #
# !news [] <search terms> #
# !local [] <what> near <where> #
# !book [] <search terms> #
# !video [] <search terms> #
# !fight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two> #
# !youtube [] <search terms> #
# !trans region@region <text> #
# !gamespot <search terms> #
# !gamefaqs <system> in <region> #
# !blog [] <search terms> #
# !ebay [] <search terms> #
# !ebayfight <word(s) one> vs <word(s) two> #
# !wikipedia [.2-digit-country-code] <search terms>[#subtag] #
# !wikimedia [[/wiki]] <search terms>[#subtag]
# !locate <ip or hostmask> #
# !review <gamename> [@ <system>] #
# !torrent <search terms> #
# !best <system> #
# !worst <system> #
# !dailymotion <search terms> #
# !ign <search terms> #
# !myspace <search terms> #
# !trends [] <YYYY-MM-DD> #
# #
# CHANGE LOG:.................................................. #
# #
# 1.0: first public release #
# 1.1: improved bolding of search terms, compatible with #
# chopped descriptions #
# supports 'define: <word>' lookups #
# supports calculator. !google (4+3) * 2 - 1 #
# - converts, too. !google 1 lb in ounces #
# image lookups coded, !images <search> #
# 'spell: word1 word2' function added #
# - don't rely on this, it's not a dictionary, just #
# corrects common typos. #
# flood protection added #
# 1.2: will wrap long lines (yay, a worthy solution!) #
# allowed setting of the seperator instead of a ' | ' by #
# default. If you set this to "\n" then you will get #
# each result on a seperate line instead of one line #
# will display 'did you mean' if no results #
# [PDF] links will be parsed/included now #
# fixed a bug when no data was returned from google such #
# is the case when you search for """""""""""""""""" #
# 1.3: can return results in multiple languages now #
# fixed quotes being displayed around links #
# private messages support added (for /msg !google) #
# seems impossible, Google Video Viewer #
# is required to view videos, etc #
# 1.4: bit of a different output, easier to click links now #
# local lookups coded, use !local <what> near <where> #
# seems google does currency the same way my exchange #
# script does (!g 1 usd in cad) #
# "patent ##" will return the patent link if it exists #
# bugfix in private messages #
# sorry to all whom grabbed a borked copy on egghelp :-( #
# 1.5: fix for !local returning html on 'Unverified listing's #
# "madwoota" has supplied some nice code updates for us! #
# - "answer" matches, eg: !g population of japan #
# - !g <upc code> #
# - google groups (!gg), google news (!gn) #
# - movie: review lookups #
# - area code lookups (!g 780) #
# - lookups (!gp !print) #
# reworked binds to fix horrible bug allowing !g !gi !gp #
# case insensitive binds (!gi, !GI, !gI, !Gi, etc) #
# .1: fix for double triggers/bad binds #
# .2: fix involving "can't read link" error #
#-madwoota: #
# 1.6: fixed google search returning no results #
# fixed descriptions getting cut short on 'answers' #
# fixed bug where some urls were returned invalid #
# fixed google local searches returning no results #
# fixed google print searches returning invalid links #
# changed 'did you means' to get returned first as well #
# added google weather: !g weather <city|zip> #
# - note: US weather only (blame google!) #
# added travel info, eg: !g sfo airport | !g united 134 #
# added config option to send output via /notice #
# added initial attempt at parsing google video (!gv) #
# 1.7: added option to force all replies as private (req) #
# fixed google groups returning no results #
# fixed define: errors on no results #
# fixed google print errors on no results/typos #
# fixed movie review errors on no results/typos #
# fixed some characters not usable as command_chars on #
# one of regular eggdrop or windrop+cygwin #
# fixed occasional weird response for travel info #
# updated requirements to http package 2.4 #
# loads of other internal changes #
# .1: fixed search parameters not being parsed correctly #
# - resulted in some bogus "no results" replies. #
# .2: fixed main google search returning rubbish results #
# - google changed their source again #
# changed all methods of parsing the search results to #
# *hopefully* cope better with any source changes #
# changed output queue to stop the bot from flooding #
# .3: fixed some urls being returned with spaces in them #
# - makes them unusable in most irc clients #
# fixed google groups occasionally returning junk due to #
# changes in 1.7.2 (will revisit this later) #
# 1.8: added option to turn on "safe" searches #
# added channel user level filtering option (+v/+o only) #
# added google fight! !gf or !fight <blah> vs <blah> #
# - inspired by #
# added ability to do any custom mode to descs & links #
# - i'll just apologise now for this one :) #
# removed variable underline_links (superseded by above) #
# removed use of 'tcl_endOfWord' to stop windrop breaking#
# fixed excess %20's appearing in some results #
# fixed "translate this" only returns ? (i think) #
# stopped local from returning ad spam on first result #
#-speechless #
# 1.9: updated various regexp's and regsub's in almost all #
# procs to fix non functioning html parsing. #
# added !localuk option to display United Kingdom. #
# added !youtube for searching videos on youtube. #
# added !atomfilms for searching videos on atomfilms. #
# added !trans for searching videos on trans. #
# added !gamespot for searching games, etc. #
# added !gamefaqs, it is able to parse multiple systems #
# and regions, still a work in progress, all bugs have #
# been squashed. #
# added !test proc to help debug and dump html for #
# future parsing projects. #
# .1: added !blog for searching #
# added !ebay for searching ebay auctions. #
# added !ebayfight for amusement, same as googlefight. #
# fixed various miscellaneous minor annoyances in parts. #
# finally fixed !book (aka print) to work with #
# #
# added !ign for searching movies, games, etc.. #
# .2: added support for total_search to show total results #
# or not. :) #
# added support for link_only (requested). #
# added back complete support for desc/link modes #
# they will now affect results properly. #
# (note: doesn't affect gamefaqs or locate) #
# added !locate for dns location information. #
# .3: added !wiki for searching wikipedia for things, very #
# much a work-in-progress, don't expect it to be #
# perfect.. it just reads very top heading <h*> so #
# sometimes it returns next to nothing.. like I said #
# it's WIP so don't bitch, thx. #
# added !review for searching gamefaqs and pulling a #
# games review, ranking, score, etc.. works similarly #
# to the way !wiki does, has same problem, so this #
# is also WIP.. thx #
# .4: fixed a few regexp parsers to correct broken (no #
# results returned) messages in some procs. #
# changed google populations to return only 1st desc #
# this fixes a small bug where excess html was shown. #
# ie. !g population japan || !g population of japan #
# fixed google define: links with quick regsub hacks. #
# problem with recent ign changing to javascripted html #
# so removed their advertising.. too bad for them. #
# fixed review and wikipedia to almost perfect. #
# note: review does not use forms submittal, instead #
# I chose to a single query and field matching on the #
# first page returned. I may later use forms submital #
# at some later time. #
# added two gamerankings triggers (!top/!popular) #
# added a mininova torrent search parser. #
# fixed parser for !blog by removing quotes. "g" -> g #
# beefed up the wikipedia parser so can intelligently #
# move to html#subtags to display info. #
# removed atomfilms trigger because no one was using. #
# added dailymotion trigger for searching tv episodes #
# since youtube/google seem to remove those too #
# often. #
# wikipedia now has ability to properly handle internal #
# redirects intelligently as well. #
# youtube needed its regexp/regsub parsers tweaked a bit #
# to handle new html design. #
# google changed format and updated search regexp/sub #
# accordingly. #
# fixed !local lookups, removed !localuk as it was #
# redundant since !local covers UK region now. #
# corrected !book to actually produce an output again #
# i left broken intentionally earlier because of #
# lack of interest, but a guy named Zircon sparked #
# my interest again. enjoy. #
# gamespot injects paid crap into their html design now #
# so found a way to scrape around it.. muahah #
# requested by a few people that somehow wikipedia is #
# multi-lingual so a fast hack is provided at the #
# moment which lacks input checking.. will fix later #
# requested by a british friend was the ability as well #
# for ebay to work from different countries server. #
# this also lacks input checking.. will fix later. #
# added error catching for erroneous url's in both #
# wikipedia and ebay, this way bad user countries #
# will be reported with socket errors. thx rosc2112 #
# .5: major modification of script to allow for dynamic #
# language selection of _all_ google sites. #
# (search,image,news,local,video,book,blog) #
# google group is still broken, will fix later :P #
# added !trans for google translate. enjoy. #
# added stock quotes (supplied by madwoota) #
# fixed translation to convertto foreign charsets. #
# fixes display of russian and arabic languages. #
# corrected google area code map results. #
# added google zip code map results. #
# corrected google movie review lookups, now works! #
# search totals was incorrect on some country google #
# lookups. it was using elapsed search time as the #
# total results, so now a fallback (else) corrects #
# it by replace total results with 'google' in #
# those instances. #
# youtube undergoing major html changing to keep bots #
# from indexing, so changed some parsers to work. #
# added back !ign trigger for scraping ign's search #
# page for results. #
# google answers needed fixing to show correct results. #
# added !myspace trigger for searching their video #
# content. #
# corrected zipcode/areacode/airport. #
# corrected all google query possibilities by spending a #
# few hours fine tuning everything. Most languages #
# should work exactly as planned. Some languages #
# "may" display incorrectly, but this is by design #
# rather than an error, as the script presently uses #
# unicode for everything except google translations. #
# major work done to !local fixing it for every possible #
# query result in almost every language, try it out #
# feeding it nonsense and try to find a flaw. #
# small bug concerning !google patent ##### .. wasn't #
# being caught as results, now all is well again. #
# corrected ebay parser with small change to eliminate #
# excess html in 'buy-it-now' parsing. #
# UPC codes work again.. yay.. how many use this? 1 guy? #
# Ebay, Wikipedia and Google needed minor fixes to #
# correct remaining bits that were left untranslated #
# now all output will be in language chosen. #
# Gamespot changed html design of their page layots for #
# reviews, so quick fix to !review proc to handle #
# their new design :) #
# Corrected 'results' message displayed with totals to #
# also be displayed in language searched in, makes #
# the output look much more professional. r0x hard. #
# All Google triggers are now 100% dialect perfect. #
# Fixed small problem with wikipedia's 'no result' #
# message being longer than neccessary. #
# Added multi-language ability to youtube because it #
# now supports it, new default variable for setting #
# language default for it as well. enjoy. #
# Changed myspace parser query making it less prone to #
# breaking. #
# Added new trigger !trends to get top search results #
# for any date (this is limited by google cache, #
# not by the script) and also can be given country #
# switches. This is new, at present I cannot go #
# back beyond May 2007-05-15 .. #
# Added dual results to !ebay trigger for price/bids #
# to account for the fact buy-it-now allows bids as #
# well... #
# Fixed the tiny bug in google answers lookup which #
# allowed for cruft to be given as 2nd result. #
# Fixed the tiny bug in wikipedia articles that left #
# parts of tables in the results. #
# Added forced subtagging ability to wikipedia results #
# using their standard sub-tag #this so you can now #
# force certain sections to being your results and #
# it must only begin with the term doesn't need to #
# be entire term to force a sub-tag redirect. #
# .6: Added !mediawiki trigger following same abilities as #
# the wikipedia trigger. This is beta at the moment #
# and the reason this script has a revision change. #
# Corrected small issue regarding parsing original search#
# results which makes this now compatabile with #
# every mediawiki page. #
# Fixed problem parsers; Groups, News, Book #
# Problems with some procs sorted, Gamefaqs modified to #
# work with new php site design. #
# Fixed issues with stubborn always changing google #
# based searches. Now hopefully all triggers work #
# again. #
# Added prepend ability (Requested) so now each of your #
# lines, can be prepended with whatever you desire. #
# Added 'time in' feature to google search, allows you #
# to find out the time in any region, works like #
# population and date. #
# Added wiki_line option to expand results. #
# .7: Added input/output encoding conversion to better #
# realize the multi-language side of this script. #
# Corrected mistake in input/output encoding handlers. #
# Added a triple lookup for youtube to include all #
# possible results and not miss any. #
# Corrected issue with wikipedia/wikimedia incorrectly #
# removing some elements as page markups. #
# Added ability for bold to be seen in wikipedia/wikimedia
# results again, removed stripcodes. #
# .7a: Expanded Wikimedia and Wikipedia for allowing multi- #
# language as well as regional dialects. This also #
# allows for expanded custom encoding coverage. #
# .7b: Corrected google to return useful results once again. #
# broken was define, no_search, did_u_mean, and #
# weather. #
# Ebay now expanded upon to allow 'store' results to #
# appear as well as functional 'did you mean' #
# messaging. #
# .7c: Added remaining onebox results to google results. #
# .8: New features corrected longstanding shortcomings: #
# * Wikipedia/Wikimedia now fully decode and encode #
# on the fly and translate subtags seamlessly. #
# * Main encoding routine now includes a smart URL #
# encoder for those using language other than #
# english. #
# Corrected problem with script handling tcl special #
# characters as part of user input. #
# .8a: All did you mean messages now report from page exactly #
# as they appear. All sites that allow this now #
# handle this ability if no results are found. #
# .8b: Corrected deficiencies in !translate, it should now #
# function better regarding encodings and html #
# markups. thx perplexa. #
# Corrected minor problem regarding wikipedia's recent #
# template change. Now uses similar style as #
# wikimedia to prevent issues. #
# .8c: Corrected google video as well as added the whois #
# onebox to regular google searches. #
# Corrected way define: links are handled so encodings #
# are dealt with properly. #
# .8d: Corrects issue with myspace and regional IP bases. #
# .8e: Corrects google video to produce results. #
# .8f: Added vocabulary aversion. #
# Corrected flaw with wikimedia's encoding process, #
# improved overall functionality. #
# .8g: Added domain detection for wikimedia domain's which #
# aren't using the standard subdomain /wiki. #
# .8h: Corrected !torrent #
# .8i: Corrected google zipcodes and google video. #
# .8j: Corrected youtube and google groups. #
# .8k: Corrects some urlencoding problems regarding eggdrops #
# complete inability to distinguish between utf-8 #
# and iso8859-1. Now requires http 2.5 which allows #
# setting the -urlencoding flag. #
# Corrects entire script which now uses the -urlencoding #
# flag in some way to hopefully force eggdrop to #
# understand the differences and force proper #
# detections. #
# * requirements upped, now requries http 2.5 * #
# .8l: Corrects google search (calculations, did_you_mean,etc)#
# Corrects google book #
# -- experimental version -- #
# Adds "automagic" detection to google translations #
# Possiblity for more automagic detection in the future #
# support procedures in place to allow this already. #
# .8m: Adds more "automagic" detection and a more robust #
# debugging display. #
# Corrected minor display problems. #
# .8n: Corrects Googles embolding placement within results, #
# can now interpret <em> tags as bold. #
# .8o: Added correct support for a true utf-8 workaround. #
# .8p: Added proper redirect support. #
# Corrected Youtube behavior. #
# .8q: Corrected Dailymotion, added multilanguage support to #
# it and extended it's capabilities. #
# .8r: Corrected minor youtube url inconsitancy. #
# .8s: Corrected result totals to appear again for all google #
# sites, also corrected other google anamolies. #
# Corrected local as well to work with custom locations. #
# Added mediawiki customized triggers to allow access #
# to mediawiki sites without so much input required. #
# .8t: Google template changed, <div class=g -> <li class=g #
# .8u: Added full support for session cookies as well as #
# unlimited redirect support. This allows adding #
# the secondary ebay template for their store server #
# and allows ebay to function 100% again. #
# .8v: Added back support for !game and !review and elaborated#
# upon the amount of information displayed. #
# .8w: Added new abilities to both !locate and !trans now #
# allows much less input from the user and default #
# behavior. #
# Also correct other slight anomalies. #
# .8x: Corrected ebay finally, yay! also added sorry detection#
# to google so users experiencing this can tell. Also #
# fixed the html cruft in gamespot review replies. #
# .8y: Corrected youtube, now more compliant with all templates
# returned #
# .8z: Corrected video and group functionality. #
# Added scholar for parsing* #
# .9: Corrected video and youtube to work with website #
# re-designs. #
# Other minor tweaks here and there. #
# .9a: Corrected local, google define and google did-you-mean #
# .9b: Corrected more problems with parsing, might still be #
# a few. This is just a test version to see if this #
# does solve them. #
# .9c: Addded a crude work around to allow youtube to remain #
# in the language chosen, even tho redirecting is #
# occuring. #
# .9e: Corrected ability to split lines and now keeps bolding #
# and underlining intact perfectly. #
# Corrected !news to return results again. #
# Modified all procs in some way to allow the split line #
# correction noted above, no longer should \017 ever #
# be used. #
# Corrected !scholar to return accurate results. #
# Added short_answers config variable for google results.#
# .9e: Corrected !google weather replies. #
# Removed !top and !pop, gamerankings removed support. #
# Added !best and !worst, gamerankings added support. #
# Added support for color splitting and color themes. #
# .9f: Corrected split routine for those using \n as seperator#
# .9g: Added custom triggers with phrasing. #
# .9h: Corrected bug in custom triggers, now works properly. #
# Corrected color theme enforcement (not everything was #
# following it correctly, now it does) #
# .9i: Corrected slight bugs in some procs. #
# Corrected !news and !video. #
# Combined custom wiki into custom trigger phrases. #
# .9j: Corrected google weather. #
# Corrected remaining bugs with themes. #
# .9k: Corrected !local #
# .9l: Corrected !local again.. stop it google :P #
# Corrected !torrent no-search results message appears #
# along with it's did-you-mean results. #
# Corrected issue regarding setting results to zero #
# and some commands still triggering. #
# Corrected small bug with google weather replies when #
# custom themes are in use. #
# .9m: Corrected alot of broken things, fixed a few things. #
# Basically forgot what these were as this was done #
# over the course of several weeks and I didn't #
# document any of it.. DOH! #
# .9n: Corrected google weather and cruft html elements within#
# some google no-results-found messages. #
# .9o: Corrected bug within google video display and fixed #
# ebay parsing. #
# .9p: Added input/output encoding abilities for google #
# translations. This appears to corrects accented #
# character problem and misdetected encodings. #
# .9q: Added HD filter switch for youtube videos. #
# Added proxy support for main fetch_html routine. #
# Added Gzip support for wikipedia/media. #
# Corrected Google define mechanism. #
# .9r: Added full support for gzipped downloading of webpages #
# this should be sorta faster as well as less to #
# download doing all this, enjoy. #
# .9s: Added ability to enable/disable gzipped support as this#
# breaks functionality (eggdrop's utf-8 bug) for some #
# languages. #
# Corrected youtube and ebay. #
# .9t: Corrected google's zipcode and time queries. #
# Corrected utf-8 output, all queries should now appear #
# correct and in proper utf-8.. yay! #
# .9u: Corrected google results, fight, video, youtube, news #
# and some other things I forgot about. #
# Corrected short_answers, created new option skip_self #
# to deal with google self-injecting results. #
# Corrected google did_you_mean and no_results messages #
# once again. Stop changing so often google, jeez.. #
# .9v: Corrected wikipedia/wikimedia #achor lookup method, it #
# it's now more accurate and much faster. #
# Corrected minor inconsistancies with some procedures. #
# Corrected google weather for multilanguage replies. #
# .9w: Corrected google weather yet again! stop changing things
# so often google, jeez.. #
# Corrected translate to use new templates. yes, google #
# was busy updating all their templates :( #
# Added new feature to custom trigger phrasing: #
# * ability to query by index as well as entire #
# sentence.. #
# .9x: Corrected google "spell" to always return results or #
# did-you-mean. #
# Added "special searches" to google searching. #
# Corrected population/public_data searches to use new #
# template created for these. Is not given as a google
# "answer" anymore. #
# .9y: Corrected: !news !game !review -- gamespot added #
# backslash escape protection to it's ajax replies to#
# prevent injection from happening with chars.. #
# .9r1: Corrected too many things to list, google went on a #
# spree and changed templates on lots of different #
# things causing lots of functionality to break. #
# suffice to say it's fixed. Most of it. Good show #
# google, but it's now your move again. This game of #
# chess is certainly fun.. #
# .9r2: Corrected Google's oneboxes, specifically time and #
# maps. #
# .9r3: Corrected !ebay, !dailymotion, !ign, !myspace . #
# Deprecated functions: !scholar / !google movie:* #
# !scholar will be removed, and changed to something #
# else google-y. #
# !google movie:* will be re-incorporated later. #
# 2.00a: alot corrected, broken regexps, and more.. #
# .... : stuff #
# 2.1x : more stuff, this version number shall be re-used #
# for infinity onward. Keep track of the date of the #
# revision below, or the date at top of script to know #
# any of that irrelevant stuff. #
# #
# TODO:........................................................ #
# #
# Fix broken parsers, this is a never-ending battle! #
# -- This is always #1 priority over anything else -- #
# #
# Correct error detection mechanisms to use exact same as #
# "webby". #
# #
# Solve inconsitancies in some countries total results and #
# inaccurate parsing due to differing html templates. #
# This includes missing result totals, condense entire #
# result grabbing to it's own procedure eventually akin #
# to fetch_html but for parsing total results, easier to #
# maintain that way then spread out individually amongst #
# each procedure. #
# #
# Once everything above is done we can start on these: #
# Clean-up code where obvious hacks were left in, code them #
# correctly, remove debugging code from procs which is #
# presently commented out. #
# Clean-up overly messy code that can be solved by coding #
# cleaner modules and not reusing so much code. #
# #
# For this UNOFFICIAL version please direct any and all #
# Suggestions/Thanks/Bugs to the forum link below: #
# --> <-- #
# #
# LICENSE:..................................................... #
# #
# This code comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. #
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it #
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public #
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; #
# either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any #
# later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be #
# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied #
# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more #
# details. ( #
# #
# CREDITS:..................................................... #
# #
# ..Officially: #
# Copyright (C) 2005, Jordan (Incith) #
# Currently maintained by madwoota #
# #
# #
# ..Unofficially: #
# Copyleft (C) 2006-2012, Speechless #
# #
# v2.1x - January 28th, 2o12 - speechles <#roms-isos@efnet> #
# NOTE: some config options won't list how to enable/disable, but
# 0 will typically disable an option (turn it off), otherwise a
# value 1 or above will enable it (turn it on).
# ------
# start of configuration - make your changes in this section
# ------
namespace eval incith {
namespace eval google {
# set this to the command character you want to use for the binds
# ------
variable command_char "."
# set these to your preferred binds ("one two three etc etc" - space delimited!)
# ------
variable google_binds "google goog"
variable image_binds "gi image images"
variable local_binds "gl local"
variable group_binds "gg group groups"
variable news_binds "gn news"
variable print_binds "gb book books"
variable video_binds "gv video"
variable scholar_binds "sc scholar"
variable fight_binds "fight googlefight"
variable youtube_binds "youtube"
variable locate_binds "geo loc locate"
variable gamespot_binds "game gamespot"
variable trans_binds "trans translate"
variable daily_binds "daily dailymotion"
variable gamefaq_binds "gamefaq gamefaqs"
variable blog_binds "blog blogsearch"
variable ebay_binds "ebay"
variable efight_binds "ebayfight"
variable popular_binds "best great bestest"
variable rev_binds "review"
variable wiki_binds "wikipedia"
variable wikimedia_binds "wikim wikimedia"
variable recent_binds "worst crap"
variable mininova_binds "torrent mininova"
variable ign_binds "ign igame"
variable myspacevids_binds "myspace myvids"
variable trends_binds "trends"
variable helpbot_binds "ghelp"
# to restrict input queries to Ops (+o), Halfops (+h) or Voiced (+v) users on
# any +google channel, use this setting.
# set the variable to one of the following to achieve the desired filtering:
# at least Op -> 3 (obvious)
# at least Halfop -> 2 (will also allow ops)
# at least Voice -> 1 (will also allow halfops and ops)
# everyone -> 0 (no filtering)
# note: this does NOT apply to private messages, use the below setting for them.
# ------
variable chan_user_level 0
# if you want to allow users to search via private /msg, enable this
# ------
variable private_messages 1
# as per emailed & forum requests, use the next two variables together
# to determine the output type like so:
# notice_reply 1 & force_private 1 = private notice reply only (this is as requested)
# notice_reply 0 & force_private 1 = private msg reply only
# notice_reply 1 & force_private 0 = regular channel OR private NOTICE
# notice_reply 0 & force_private 0 = regular channel OR private MSG (default)
# set to 1 to enable a /notice reply instead, 0 for normal text
# ------
variable notice_reply 0
# set to 1 to force all replies to be private
# ------
variable force_private 0
# set this to the language you want results in! use 2 letter form.
# "all" is the default/standard search.
# see for a list. You have to use
# the 'Language' dropdown box, perform a search, and find a line in the URL
# that looks like "&lr=lang_en" (for English). "en" is your language code.
# popular Ones: it (italian), da (danish), de (german), es (spanish), fr (french)
# please note, this does not 'translate', it searches Google in a
# language of choice, which means you can still get English results.
# ------
# NOTE: Changing this from "all" will effectively disable some of the
# multi-language features of this script, doing so is not advised.
# ------
variable language "all"
# set this to "on" to let google filter "adult content" from any of your search results
# "off" means results will not be filtered at all
# note: this is only applicable to !google, !images and !groups
# ------
variable safe_search "on"
# number of search results/image links to return, 'define:' is always 1 as some defs are huge
# ------
variable search_results 2
variable image_results 0
variable local_results 0
variable group_results 0
variable news_results 0
variable print_results 0
variable video_results 0
variable scholar_results 0
variable youtube_results 0
variable locate_results 1
variable gamespot_results 0
variable trans_results 0
variable daily_results 0
variable gamefaq_results 0
variable blog_results 0
variable ebay_results 0
variable popular_results 0
variable rev_results 0
variable wiki_results 1
variable wikimedia_results 1
variable recent_results 0
variable mininova_results 0
variable ign_results 0
variable myspacevids_results 0
variable trends_results 0
variable helpbot_results 1
# This part was requested to be added so now here it is, it has
# various prepends you may wish to have preceed each function.
# To use this, just change what you see below from nothing to
#, if you want [ GOOGLE ] to prepend google
# search results change the search_prepend to "\[GOOGLE\]". You
# can do the same with all of the following prepends, they will
# start the output for each line. If you don't wish to use this,
# leave them as "". Keep in mind tcl special characters MUST be
# escaped or will cause tcl errors, and/or crash your bot. This
# is your own problem, just be aware. Read about them if possible.
# Note 1: Prepends will increase your line length, and won't be
# accommodated for in the max line length setting, so you may
# find you need to lower your max line length setting if your
# prepends are lengthy or contain lots of escape sequences. If
# you don't you may find the bots replys may get cut short or
# cut completely by the ircd your using.
# Note 2: To use color, bold, etc.. simply use the proper escape
# sequence to generate it here, make sure to properly CLOSE your
# sequence (\003 for color, \002 for bold, etc) or you will see
# the effect of the prepend bleed thru into your output as well.
# ------
variable search_prepend ""
variable image_prepend ""
variable local_prepend ""
variable group_prepend ""
variable news_prepend ""
variable print_prepend ""
variable video_prepend ""
variable scholar_prepend ""
variable youtube_prepend ""
variable locate_prepend ""
variable gamespot_prepend ""
variable fight_prepend ""
variable ebayfight_prepend ""
variable trans_prepend ""
variable dailymotion_prepend ""
variable gamefaqs_prepend ""
variable blog_prepend ""
variable ebay_prepend ""
variable popular_prepend ""
variable rev_prepend ""
variable wiki_prepend ""
variable wikimedia_prepend ""
variable recent_prepend ""
variable mininova_prepend ""
variable ign_prepend ""
variable myspacevids_prepend ""
variable trends_prepend ""
# set this to 0 to turn google fight off (it is a tad slow after all ...)
# this also disables or enables ebay fights (it's even slower ...)
# ------
variable google_fight 0
# ** this is not an optional setting, if a string is too long to send, it won't be sent! **
# it should be set to the max amount of characters that will be received in a public
# message by your IRC server. If you find you aren't receiving results, try lowering this.
# ------
variable split_length 400
# trimmed length of returned descriptions, only for standard searches.
# ------
variable description_length 80
# amount of lines you want your wiki* results to span, the more lines the more
# of the wiki article or section you will see, some get cut short if so raise this.
# this affects both wikipedia and wikimedia results.
# ------
variable wiki_lines 2
# short answers? when google search encounters an answer this
# option will make only it show, no other results. this also skips
# showing image/news/etc results from other google sites as results.
# ------
variable short_answers 1
# skip links to self? google sometimes uses links to it's own
# services within normal google searches. This will skip _any_ google
# links from appearing within google search results. For some
# queries this will omit obvious replies which is normal.
# ------
variable skip_self 1
# replace search terms appearing in the description as bolded words?
# -> does not bold entire description, just the matching search words
# -> this is ignored if desc_modes contains the Bold mode below.
# ------
variable bold_descriptions 1
# set this to 0 to turn off total results appearing with searches.
# ------
variable total_results 1
# set this to 1 to remove descriptions and set only links to show
# ------
variable link_only 0
# set this to the default country you would like *.wikipedia to use when
# no country is specified. default is "en". country is 2-letter wiki code.
# http://* - en, de, it, es, fr, these are examples.
# ------
variable wiki_country "en"
# set this to the default website you would like wikimedia to use when
# no website is specified.
# ------
variable wikimedia_site ""
# Wikimedia URL detection
# remove double entries from urls? would remove a '/wikisite' from this
# type of url @
# if you have issues regarding url capture with wikimedia, enable this.
# /wiki/wiki/ problems are naturally averted, a setting of 0 already
# stops these type.
# --------
variable wiki_domain_detect 1
# Customized Trigger Phrasing?
# allow customized triggers to be attached to custom phrasing
# Anything other than 0 will enable and will use the list below.
variable my_custom 0
# Custom Trigger Phrasing
# This is used to customize triggers and for
# constructing phrases to pass, format is:
# "custom-trigger:trigger-to-associate-with:phrase-to-pass"
# within the phrase-to-pass, %search% = the users input.. but,
# if this is passed onto another custom trigger it will become
# the enitre phrase which was passed from the trigger before it.
# hopefully people understand how to use these, and remember
# to read the lines below this at least twice before
# constructiong your phrasing...
# special tcl characters MUST be escaped for you to acheive greatness.
variable my_customs {
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
"got:g:%search% +ext:torrent"
"rs:g:%search% +inurl:rapidshare"
"rsmp3 r3 rs3:rs:%search% inurl:mp3"
"kiczek:gf:%search% in usa"
"mysite:g:+site:%%1%% +ext:%%2%% %%3-end%%"
"cg:g:+inurl:%%1%%.craigslist +%%2-end%%"
"gay:f:%search% +ass +gay vs %search% +vagina -gay"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
" %search%"
"am amz amazon:g:%%2-end%% site:amazon%%1%%"
"nazi:tr:@de %search%"
"jew:tr:@pl %search%"
"yank:tr:@en %search%"
# this controls custom trigger phrasing query control.
# with this you can split the users search into individual
# words, and use these with your custom trigger above.
# suppose the user types your custom trigger
# <user> !rsmp3 tupac mama
# you can reference this in your custom trigger as:
# %search% to get the entire text: tupac mama
# but, suppose you want individual words, tupac and mama
# well now you can reference these too as %%1%% and %%2%%.
# you can also use ranges %%1-4%% %%1-end%%. Unlike eggdrop
# 1 is the starting index of the users input, not 0.
# this works in combination with %search%, but for indexes
# you _MUST_ reference within %%'s (double percents)..
# hopefully you understand how this functions.. ;)
# any setting 1 or higher enables, 0 or lower disables
# ------
# NOTE: Leaving this enabled is advised if you use any double
# percent variables (%%1%% %%etc%%) in your my_customs list above.
# ------
variable custom_words 1
# set this to the proxy you wish the main html fetching procedure to
# use. set both proxy_host and proxy_port. if you don't wish to use
# a proxy. set proxy_host ""
# ------
variable proxy_host ""
variable proxy_port ""
# set this to the default country you would like ebay.* to use when no
# country is specified. default is "com". country is ebay extension
# http://ebay.*/ -, de, es, com,, these are examples.
# ------
variable ebay_country "com"
# set this to the default country you would like *.google.* sites to use when
# no country is specified. default is "com". country is google extension.
# http://google.*/ -, de, es, com,, these are examples.
# ------
variable google_country "com"
# set this to the default country you would like dailymotion to use when
# no country is specified. default is "en" for international.
#*/ - en, us, es, fr, nl, pt, da, el, it, pl, ro, sv, tr, ja, ko, zh, these are examples.
# ------
variable daily_country "en"
# set this to the default country you would like *.youtube to use when
# no country is specified. default is "com". country is youtube code.
# http://* - com, us, ie, fr, it, nl, br, gb, jp, de, es, pl, these are examples.
# ------
variable youtube_country "com"
# enable this to allow youtube links to lead to higher definition videos
# rather than their stream optimized lower quality setting.
# to disable use 0, anything else enables.
# ------
variable youtube_highquality 1
# set this to the switch you want to use for youtube to filter content
# and display only high-definition videos.
# ------
variable youtube_highdef "@hd"
# set your default translation language here, this is what will be assumed
# if the user omits the 'translate to' portion of their input.
# en, es, it, nl, de, etc.. these are merely some examples, there are more available.
# ------
variable trans "en"
# Google translation input/output encodings
# set these below to either:
# 0 for automatic encoding
# 1 for utf-8
# You may use switches to inverse this behavior on-the-fly. Set them
# below as well.
# ------
variable trans_input 1
variable trans_output 0
variable trans_input_t "--swapi"
variable trans_output_t "--swapo"
# Channel filter
# this is for users who already have a google script running, but would
# like to use the other functions of this script. You can filter out google
# requests in any of the channels listed below.
# default is "". To add them use: "#chan1 #CHAN2 #cHaN3 #EtC", case is irrelevant.
# ------
variable filtered ""
# use these settings below to set your preferred color theme.
# the following modes apply and you can use any combination of them: (NO SPACES!)
# Bold = \002
# Underline = \037
# Reverse = \026
# Colours: #RGB/Html code:
# White = \00300 #FFFFFF
# Black = \00301 #000000
# Blue = \00302 #00007F
# Green = \00303 #008F00
# Light Red = \00304 #FF0000
# Brown = \00305 #7F0000
# Purple = \00306 #9F009F
# Orange = \00307 #FF7F00
# Yellow = \00308 #F0FF00
# Light Green = \00309 #00F700
# Cyan = \00310 #008F8F
# Light Cyan = \00311 #00F7FF
# Light Blue = \00312 #0000FF
# Pink = \00313 #FF00FF
# Grey = \00314 #7F7F7F
# Light Grey = \00315 #CFCFCF
# this example will do Bold, Underline and Light Blue: "\002\037\00312"
# note: this will affect *ALL* descs, links, totals and errors. also
# don't forget to use the \ too ! note: abusing this will heavily increase
# the number of characters per line, so your output lines will increase accordingly.
# IT WITH 0 ACCORDINGLY. IE, \00304 for red...
# use *_modes to enable each color, bold, underline.
# use *_demodes to undo this back to plain text.
# if you do not use the proper modes/demodes here your color theme will look
# horrible...
# ------
# description mode/demode
variable desc_modes "\00303"
variable desc_demodes "\003"
# link mode/demode
variable link_modes "\00312"
variable link_demodes "\003"
# totals mode/demode
variable total_modes ""
variable total_demodes ""
# error mode/demode
variable error_modes "\00304"
variable error_demodes "\003"
# break, seperator and split_char need more than modes
# you also enter the appropriate character you wish used.
variable break " @ "
variable seperator " | "
# if using "\n" within the seperator above, you may want to change
# the below setting to possibly to ", " or "; "
variable split_char " | "
# number of minute(s) to ignore flooders, 0 to disable flood protection
# ------
variable ignore 1
# how many requests in how many seconds is considered flooding?
# by default, this allows 3 queries in 10 seconds, the 4th being ignored
# and ignoring the flooder for 'variable ignore' minutes
# ------
variable flood 4:30
# would you like to use vocabulary aversion?
# this will replace swear words with more appropriate words
# and the query returned will be aversion free.
# 0 disables, anything else enables
variable aversion_vocabulary 0
# set your aversion vocabulary below if desired:
# remember to enable, keep the setting above at 1.
variable aversion {
"hell:a hot place"
"fred:wasn't he a flintstone?"
"analsex:true love"
"supergear:licorice and pancakes"
{word:"fuck you"}
#---> NOTE:
# this is the help list generated by the bot to help users become familiar with the script.
# you can change these here to affect the language used when help is asked for.
# there MUST be 28 entries in this list, the first must be the word for ALL.
# this list MUST be kept entirely lowercase.
# ------
variable helplist "all google images groups news local book video fight youtube translate gamespot gamefaqs blog ebay ebayfight wikipedia wikimedia locate review torrent top popular dailymotion ign myspace trends scholar"
# english words within the help phrases, spacing must be kept as it is below.
# ------
variable helpmsg1 "Help is only available for the following:"
variable helpmsg2 "is disabled."
variable helpmsg3 "with "
variable helpmsg4 " results."
# the help messages given.
# ------
variable help1 "\[\] \[define:|spell:\] <search terms> <1+1> <1 cm in ft> <patent ##> <weather city|zip> <??? airport>" ;#google
variable help2 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#images
variable help3 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#groups
variable help4 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#news
variable help5 "\[\] <what> near <where>" ;#local
variable help6 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#book
variable help7 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#video
variable help8 "<word(s) one> vs <word(s) two>" ;#fight
variable help9 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#youtube
variable help10 "region@region <text>" ;#translate
variable help11 "<search terms>" ;#gamespot
variable help12 "<system> in <region>" ;#gamefaqs
variable help13 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#blog
variable help14 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#ebay
variable help15 "<word(s) one> vs <word(s) two>" ;#ebayfight
variable help16 "\[.wiki-country-code\] <search terms>\[#subtag\]" ;#wikipedia
variable help17 "\[\[/wiki\]\] <search terms>\[#subtag\]" ;#wikimedia
variable help18 "<ip or hostmask>" ;#locate
variable help19 "<gamename> \[@ <system>\]" ;#review
variable help20 "<search terms>" ;#torrent
variable help21 "<system>" ;#top
variable help22 "<system>" ;#popular
variable help23 "<search terms>" ;#dailymotion
variable help24 "<search terms>" ;#ign
variable help25 "<search terms>" ;#myspace
variable help26 "\[\] <YYYY-MM-DD>" ;#trends
variable help27 "\[\] <search terms>" ;#scholar
#---> END OF NOTE:
# enable encoding conversion, set this to 1 to enable.
# with this enabled it will follow the format of encoding conversions listed
# below. these will affect both input and output and will follow country switch.
# ------
variable encoding_conversion_input 0
variable encoding_conversion_output 1
# enable dirty decoding? This attempts to use the regular "dirty" method
# of rendering html elements which works well with iso8859-1 and other
# latin variants. This does not work well at all with russian, japanese,
# and any other non-latin variants. So keep this at 0 if you want a truly
# multi-language bot, but keep in mind you may see unrendered &x12345; html
# elements. This is because I don't know of a method to transcode these
# to proper utf-8 characters yet.. :P
# ------
# NOTE: If you bot is properly utf-8 patched, setting this to 1 is recommened.
# ------
variable dirty_decode 1
# enable gzip compression for bandwidth savings? Keep in mind
# this semi-breaks some of the present utf-8 work-arounds and
# eggdrop may mangle encodings when gzip compression that it
# doesn't when uncompressed html it used (default). A setting
# of 0 defaults to uncompressed html, a 1 or higher gzip.
# ------
# NOTE: If you do not have Trf or zlib packages setting this
# to 0 is recommened. Leaving it at 1 is fine as well, as the
# script will attempt to find these commands or packages every
# rehash or restart. But to keep gzip from ever being used it
# is best to set the below variable to 0.
# NOTE2: If you have Trf or zlib packages present, then this
# should always be set to 1. You save enormous bandwidth and
# time using this. If your bot is patched and you have Trf/zlib
# then you should definitely leave this at 1 and you will never
# suffer issues.
# ------
variable use_gzip 1
# To work-around certain encodings, it is now necessary to allow
# the public a way to trouble shoot some parts of the script on
# their own. To use these features involves the two settings below.
# set debug and administrator here
# this is used for debugging purposes
# ------
variable debug 1
variable debugnick speechles
# with this set to 1, the bottom encode_strings setting will become
# irrelevant. This will make the script follow the charset encoding
# the site is telling the bot it is.
# This DOES NOT affect wiki(media/pedia), it will not encode automatic.
# Wiki(media/pedia) still requires using the encode_strings section below.
# ------
# NOTE: If your bot is utf-8 pathced, leave this option at 1, the only
# time to change this to 0 is if your having rendering problems.
# ------
variable automagic 1
# UTF-8 Work-Around (for eggdrop, this helps automagic)
# If you use automagic above, you may find that any utf-8 charsets are
# being mangled. To keep the ability to use automagic, yet when utf-8
# is the charset defined by automagic, this will make the script instead
# follow the settings for that country in the encode_strings section below.
# ------
# NOTE: If you bot is utf-8 patched, set this to 0. Everyone else, use 1.
# ------
variable utf8workaround 0
# encoding conversion lookups
# here is where you can correct language encoding problems by pointing their
# abbreviation towards an encoding. if you want more, feel free to add more.
# this is a somewhat poor example below, there are possibly hundreds of additions
# that need to be added to this section, this is just something to see if this
# indeed is a work around, enjoy and merry christmas ;P
# ------
# NOTE: If your bot is utf-8 patched, the below list is irrevelevant.
# NOTE2: If your bot isn't utf-8 patched and Trf/zlib are found and used, the below
# list is used to correct latin encodings, this is how the list starts by default.
# NOTE3: If your bot isn't utf-8 patched, and Trf/zlib are NOT found, the below
# list is to correct utf-8 encodings, as well as various latin encodings. You
# may need to add things to this list possibly to correct rendering problems.
# ------
variable encode_strings {
# ------
# end of configuration, script begins - changes beyond this section aren't advised.
# ------
# If you know what your doing, well by all means, change anything and everything,
# but do so with the understanding that all modifications are bound by the
# GNU General Public license agreement found above regarding credit for authors
# and general copyrights.
# ------
# requires http package
package require http 2.5
# if gzip requested, Trf or zlib required.
if {$::incith::google::use_gzip > 0} {
if {([lsearch [info commands] zlib] == -1) && ([catch {package require zlib} error] !=0)} {
if {([catch {package require Trf} error] == 0) || ([lsearch [info commands] zip] != -1)} {
putmainlog "Incith:Google compression test successful, found Trf package! Gzip enabled."
set incith_trf 1
set incith_hdr "Accept-Encoding gzip,deflate"
} else {
putmainlog "Incith:Google unable to find zlib or trf package! Gzip disabled."
putmainlog "Incith:Google requires gzip decompression with wikipedia and Wikimedia. As a result, every article will not work for you."
set incith_nozlib 1
set incith_hdr ""
} else {
putmainlog "Incith:Google compression test successful, found zlib package! Gzip enabled."
set incith_hdr "Accept-Encoding gzip,deflate"
} else {
set incith_nozlib 1
set incith_hdr ""
# set flag per channel use
setudef flag google
# initialize
namespace eval incith {
namespace eval google {
variable version "incith:google-2.1x"
variable encode_strings [split $encode_strings]
# bind the public binds
bind pubm -|- "*" incith::google::public_message
# bind the private message binds, if wanted
if {$incith::google::private_messages >= 1} {
bind msgm -|- "*" incith::google::private_message
namespace eval incith {
namespace eval google {
# performs a search on google.
proc google {input} {
# local variable initialization
set results 0 ; set calc 0 ; set break 0 ; set spell 0 ; set output ""; set match ""
set populate 0 ; set titem "" ; set no_search "" ; set did_you_mean "" ; set titen ""
# can't be moved to fetch_html since $spell isn't global
if {[string match -nocase "*spell:*" $input] == 1} {
set spell 1
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 1]
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titen input
if {$titen == ""} {
set titen "${incith::google::google_country}"
} else {
set titen [lindex [split $titen /] 0]
# standard fetch_html error catcher
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
regsub -- {<div id=ss-box>.*?</div><div>} $html {} html
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
if {![regexp -nocase -- {</div><div id=res class=med>(.+?)<p style} $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -nocase -- {</div><div id=res class=med>(.+?)<p style} $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -nocase -- {</script><div id=res>(.+?)<br><br>} $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -nocase -- {<div id=res class=med>.*?<p>(.+?)<p style} $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -nocase -- { </div><div class=med.*?>(.*?)\.<br><br>} $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -nocase -- {<p class=sp_cnt>(.*?)<a id} $html - no_search]} {
regexp -nocase -- {<div class=med><p style=.*?>(.*?)<a id} $html - no_search
if {$no_search != ""} {
regsub -- {^.*?</h2>} $no_search "" no_search
regsub -- {</a>.*?<div class=med style=.*?>} $no_search "</a>" no_search
regexp -- {^(.+?)</td></tr>} $no_search - no_search
regsub -- {</a>} $no_search "? " no_search
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search { } no_search
while {[string match "* *" $no_search]} {
regsub -all -- { } $no_search " " no_search
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $no_search {} no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search]
# give results an output header with result tally.
if {![regexp -- {<div id=prs>.*?</div><p>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)\(\002} $html - titem match]} {
if {![regexp -- {<p id=resultStats> (.*?) (.*?)\(\002} $html - titem match]} {
if {[regexp -- {<div id=resultStats>(.*?)\(} $html - match]} {
set match [split [string trim $match]]
set titem [lindex $match end]
set match [lindex $match end-1]
} else {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $titem {} titem
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $spell == 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $titem]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
set loopy 0
regsub -nocase {^.+<div id="topstuff">} $html {} html
while {$results < $incith::google::search_results} {
# the regexp grabs the data and stores them into their variables, while
# the regsub removes the data, for the next loop to grab something new.
# check if there was an alternate spelling first
if {([string match "*<p class=ssp>*" $html] || [string match "*<p class=sp_cnt>*" $html] || [string match "*</div><div id=res class=med><p>*" $html] || [string match "*</div><div id=res class=med>*<li><p>*" $html])&& [string match "define:*" $input] == 0 && [string match "*&nocalc=1\">*" $html] == 0} {
if {[regexp -nocase -- {</div><div id=res class=med><p>(.+?)<a href=.*?>(.+?)</a>} $html - titem did_you_mean]} {
regsub -all -nocase -- {</div><div id=res class=med><p>(.+?)</a>} $html {} html
regexp -- {^(.*?)</h2>} $titem - titem
} elseif {[regexp -nocase -- {</div><div id=res class=med><h2 class=hd>.*?<p>(.+?)<a href=.*?>(.+?)</a>} $html - titem did_you_mean]} {
regsub -all -nocase -- {</div><div id=res class=med><h2 class=hd>.*?<p>.+?<a href=.*?>.+?</a>} $html {} html
} elseif {[regexp -nocase -- {</div><div id=res class=med><!--a--><h2 class.+?>.*?<p>(.*?)<a href=.*?>(.+?)</a>} $html - titem did_you_mean]} {
regsub -all -nocase -- {</div><div id=res class=med><!--a--><h2 class.+?>.*?</a>} $html {} html
} elseif {[regexp -nocase -- {<td id=rhspad></table><div id=res class=med><p>(.+?)<a href=.*?>(.+?)</a>} $html - titem did_you_mean]} {
regsub -all -nocase -- {<td id=rhspad></table><div id=res class=med><p>.+?<a href=.*?>.+?</a>} $html {} html
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {<p class=sp_cnt>(.*?)<a href=.*?>(.*?)</a>} $html - titem did_you_mean]} {
regsub -all -nocase -- {<p class=sp_cnt>} $html {} html
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {<p class=ssp>(.*?)<a href=.*?>(.*?)</a>} $html - titem did_you_mean]} {
regsub -all -nocase -- {<p class=ssp>} $html {} html
# sometimes calculator results are mixed into our alternate spelling.
# we want to show these like we do our 'did you mean'
if {[string match "*<img src=/images/calc_img*" $titem] == 1} {
regexp -nocase -- {calc_img.+?nowrap.*?>(.+?)</td></tr>} $titem - titem
set desc $titem
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } {
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc "" desc
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}$desc"
} else {
set desc "$::incith::google::total_modes$titem$incith::google::total_demodes$incith::google::desc_modes$did_you_mean$incith::google::desc_demodes"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0 && [string match "\002" $incith::google::desc_modes] == 1} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $desc {} desc
regexp -- {^(.+?)</td></tr>} $desc - desc
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc "" desc
# did you mean and calculate have no link
set link ""
# answers
# } elseif {[string match "*<div id=res class=med role=main><div class=e><h3 class=r><a href=*" $html]} {
# if {![regexp -- {<div id=res class=med role=main><div class=e><h3 class=r><a href="http\://\?q=(.+?)\&ei=.*?">(.*?)</h3><div} $html - link desc]} {
# if {![regexp -- {<h3 class=r.*?<a href="(.*?)\&hl=.*?<div style=.*?>(.*?)</div>.*?<cite>(.*?)</cite>} $html - link desc url]} {
# if {[regexp -- {<div class=e><h3 class=r><a href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a>} $html - link desc]} { set url "${titen}" }
# }
# set link "http://$url$link"
# }
# regsub -- {<div id=res class=med><div class=e><h3 class=r><a href=.+?</h3><div} $html "" html
# if {[info exists desc]} {
# regsub -- {<(.+?)>} $desc "" desc
# if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } {
# if {[info exists link]} {
# return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}[descdecode $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes$::incith::google::break${::incith::google::link_modes}$link${::incith::google::link_demodes}"
# } else {
# return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}[descdecode $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes"
# }
# }
# }
# more answers
} elseif {[string match "*\{google.rrep('answersrep'*" $html]} {
regexp -- {<div id=res class=med role=main>.*?<h3 class=r>(.*?)</h3>} $html - desc
regsub -all -- {google.rrep\('answersrep'} $html {} html
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}[descdecode [string map {\002 ""} $desc]]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
# time:
} elseif {[string match "*<table cellpadding=0 class=obcontainer>*" $html] == 1} {
if {[regexp -nocase -- {<table cellpadding=0 class=obcontainer><tr><td valign=top width=100%><div><table cellspacing=0><tr><td style="font-size:medium">(.*?)</table>} $html - desc]} {
regsub -- {<br>} $desc ". " desc
regsub -all {<table cellpadding=0 class=obcontainer>} $desc "" desc
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]" }
set link ""
# area codes
} elseif {[string match "*/images/map_icon2.gif*" $html] == 1} {
regexp -- {<div class=e>.+?<a href="(.+?)".+?">(.+?)</a>} $html - link desc
regsub -- {/images/map_icon2.gif} $html {} html
if {[info exists link] == 1 && $link != ""} {
set link [urldecode $link]
if {[string match "/url?q=http*" $link] == 1} {
regexp -- {/url\?q=(.+?q=.+?)&} $link - link
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::desc_demodes$::incith::google::break${::incith::google::link_modes}$link${::incith::google::link_demodes}" }
# zip codes
} elseif {[string match "*&oi=geocode_result*" $html] == 1} {
if {![regexp -nocase -- {oi=geocode_result.*?">(.*?)</a>.*?<tr valign=.*?><td valign=.*?><a href="(.+?)"} $html - desc link]} {
regexp -- {<h3 class=r><a href="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)</a>} $html - link desc
regsub -all {\&oi=geocode_result} $html {} html
if {[info exists link] == 1 && $link != ""} {
set link "[urldecode $link]"
if {[string match "/url?q=http*" $link] == 1} {
regexp -- {/url\?q=(.+?q=.+?)&} $link - link
if {[string equal [string index $link 0] "/"]} { set link "$titen$link" }
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::desc_demodes$::incith::google::break${::incith::google::link_modes}$link${::incith::google::link_demodes}" }
# music
} elseif {[string match "*&oi=music&ct=result*" $html] == 1} {
regexp -- {</td><td valign=top><h2 class=r><a href=(.+?musica\?aid=.+?)\&.+?>(.+?)\002(.+?)\002} $html - link desc
regsub -- {\&oi=music\&ct=result} $html {} html
if {[info exists link] == 1 && $link != ""} {
set link "[urldecode $link]"
if {[string match "/url?q=http*" $link] == 1} {
regexp -- {/url\?q=(.+?q=.+?)&} $link - link
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0} { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::desc_demodes$::incith::google::break${::incith::google::link_modes}$link${::incith::google::link_demodes}" }
# travel info
} elseif {[string match "*/images/airplane.gif*" $html] ==1} {
regexp -- {<div class=e>.*?/images/airplane.gif.*?<td.+?valign=top.*?>(.*?)<a.+?href="(.+?)"(?:.*?)>(.+?)</a>} $html - d1 link d2
regsub -- {<div class=e>.*?/images/airplane.gif.*?</a>} $html "" html
set desc "$d1 $d2"
# UPC codes
} elseif {[string match "*/images/barcode.gif*" $html] ==1} {
regexp -- {<td valign=top><h3 class=r><a href="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)</a>} $html - link desc
regsub -- {<div class=e>.*?/images/barcode.gif.*?</a>} $html "" html
# weather!
} elseif {[string match "*onebox/weather*" $html]} {
#regexp -- {<h3 class=r.*?>(.+?)</h3>.*?<div style="font.*?>(.*?)</div><div.*?>(.*?)<.+?>(.*?)<.+?>(.*?)<} $html - w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
if {![regexp -nocase -- {<h3 class=r.*?>(.+?)</h3>.*?<img.*?<td.*?>(.*?)<.*?<td.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<.*?<img.*?/onebox/weather.*? title="(.*?)".*?<img.*?/onebox/weather.*? title="(.*?)".*?<img.*?/onebox/weather.*? title="(.*?)".*?<img.*?/onebox/weather.*? title="(.*?)".*?<td.*?>(.*?)<.*?<td style.*?>(.*?)<.*?<td style.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<} $html - w1 w2 f1 f4 f7 f10 f2 f5 f8 f11 w3 w4 w5 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8]} {
regexp -nocase -- {<h3 class=r.*?>(.+?)</h3>.*?<img.*?<td.*?>(.*?)<.*?<td.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<.*?<img.*?/onebox/weather.*? title="(.*?)".*?<img.*?/onebox/weather.*? title="(.*?)".*?<img.*?/onebox/weather.*? title="(.*?)".*?<td.*?>(.*?)<.*?<td style.*?>(.*?)<.*?<td style.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<td.*?>(.*?)<} $html - w1 w2 f1 f4 f7 f10 f2 f5 f8 f11 w4 w5 z1 z2 z3 z4 z5 z6 z7 z8
#regexp -- {<div align=center style="padding:5px.*?">(.+?)<br>.+?src="/images/weather/.*?gif" alt="(.*?)".*?<nobr>(.+?)</nobr>.+?<div align=center style="padding:.*?\:left">(.+?)<br>.+?src="/images/weather/.*?gif" alt="(.*?)".*?<nobr>(.+?)</nobr>.+?<div align=center style="padding:.*?\:left">(.+?)<br>.+?src="/images/weather/.*?gif" alt="(.*?)".*?<nobr>(.+?)</nobr>} $html - f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9
regsub -- {<h3 class=r.*?>(.*?)</table} $html {} html
# not all weather stations report 5 results at all times
# this make up for when we only get 4, and does it gracefully
if {![info exists w3]} { set w3 "" }
if {[regexp {[0-9a-zA-Z]} $w3]} { set w3 ", $w3" }
if {[regexp {[0-9a-zA-Z]} $w4]} { set w4 ", $w4" }
if {![regexp {[0-9a-zA-Z]} $w5]} {
set w5 ""
} else {
set w5 "; $w5"
set desc "$w1\: $w2$w3$w4$w5; $f1: $f2 \($z1/$z2\); $f4: $f5 \($z3/$z4\); $f7: $f8 \($z5/$z6\)"
regsub -all -- {&deg;} $desc {°} desc
set link ""
regsub -all -- {weather} $input {} input
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]" }
# public_data:
} elseif {[string match "*/publicdata</div></div>*" $html]} {
regexp -nocase -- {valign=top><h3 class=r><a href=.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<tr><td style.*?><a href="(.*?)".*?<td valign=top.*?>(.*?)<br>} $html - tit link des
regsub -all {<.*?>} $des "" des
regsub -- {/publicdata</div></div>} $html "" html
set desc "$tit: $des"
if {[info exists link] == 1 && $link != ""} {
if {[string match "*\&sa\=X*" $link]} {
regexp -- {(^.+?)&sa\=} [urldecode $link] - link
if {[string match "\/url\?q=*" $link]} {
regexp -- {\/url\?q=(.*?)$} $link - link
regexp -- {(.+?)\&ei=} $link - link
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } {
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}[descdecode ${desc}]${::incith::google::desc_demodes}"
# define:
} elseif {[string match "*<ul type=*" $html]} {
#[string match "*define:*" $input] == 1
set output ""
regexp -- {<ul type=.+?<li>(.+?)(?=\s*<li>|<br>).*<a href.*(http.+?)">} $html - desc link
regsub -- {<u1 type=.+?><li>(.+?)(?=\s*<li>|<br>)} $html {} html
regsub -all -- {\+} $input {%2B} define_input
regsub -all -- { } $define_input {+} define_input
if {[info exists link] == 1 && $link != ""} {
regexp -- {(.+?)\&sig=} $link - link
regexp -- {(.+?)\&usg=} $link - link
regexp -- {(.+?)\&ei=} $link - link
regexp -- {(.+?)\&sa=} $link - link
set link "[urldecode $link]"
regsub -all " " $link "%20" link
append link " (${titen}/search?q=${define_input} )"
} else {
if {![regexp -- {</div><div class=med style=".*?"><p>(.+?)\.<br><br>} $html - no_def]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class=med style=".*?"><br>(.+?)<br><br>} $html - no_def]} {
if {![regexp -- {<!--z--><p>(.*?)<br>} $html - no_def]} {
set no_def "Houston, we have a problem. Aborting lift-off!"
regsub -- {</a>} $no_def "." no_def
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_def "" no_def
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}${no_def}${::incith::google::desc_demodes}"
} elseif {[string match "*oi=define*" $html]} {
if {[string match "*oi=spell*" $html]} {
regexp -- {</div><div class=med style=.*?><p>(.*?)<p>(.*?)<p>} $html - desc link
regsub -- {</a>} $desc "?" desc
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $desc "" desc
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $link "" link
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}${desc} ${link}${::incith::google::desc_demodes}"
regexp -- {<div class=med style=.*?><p>(.*?)<br>.*?<a href=.*?>(.*?)</a>} $html - desc link
regsub -- {<div class=med style=.*?><p>.*?<br>.*?<a href=.*?>.*?</a>} $html "" html
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} [string map {"<li>" " "} $desc] "" desc
if {![string match "http*" $link]} { set link "http://$link" }
regsub -all -- {\+} $input {%2B} define_input
regsub -all -- { } $define_input {+} define_input
set link "${link} (${titen}/search?q=${define_input} )"
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}${desc}${incith::google::break}${link}${::incith::google::desc_demodes}"
# finance / stock quotes
} elseif {[string match "*<a href=\"/url\?q=*" $html] == 1} {
# this has to be one of the worst regexps ever written !
regexp -- {<a href="/url\?q=*?">(.*?)</a>(.*?)<.*?<td colspan=3 nowrap>(.+?)</td>.*?Mkt Cap:.*?<td.*?>(.+?)</td>} $html - tick name price mktcap
regsub -- {<div class=e><div><a href="/url\?q=*?">(.*?)</a>(.*?)<.*?<td colspan=3 nowrap>(.+?)</td>.*?Mkt Cap:.*?<td.*?>(.+?)</td>} $html {} html
if {[info exists tick] == 1 && [info exists name] == 1 && [info exists price] == 1} {
set desc "$tick: $name = $$price"
set link "$tick"
regsub -all -- "\002" $link {} link
if {[info exists mktcap] == 1} { append desc " Mkt Cap: $mktcap" }
unset tick ; unset name ; unset price ; unset mktcap
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]" }
# patents
} elseif {[string match "*/images/magnifier.gif*" $html] ==1} {
regexp -- {<td valign=top><a href="(".+?">(.+?)</a>} $html - link desc
regsub -- {/images/magnifier.gif} $html {} html
# calculator
} elseif {[string match "*<img src=/images/calc_img*" $html] || [string match "*<img src=\"/images/icons/onebox/calculator*" $html]} {
set calc 1
# remove bold codes from the html, not necessary here.
regexp -nocase -- {/calc.*?<h2 class=.*?>(.+?)</h2>} $html - desc
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc "" desc
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]" }
set link ""
# conversion
} elseif {[string match "*oi=currency_onebox*" $html] == 1} {
set calc 1
regexp -nocase -- {<h3 class=r>(.*?)<} $html - desc
regsub -nocase -- {oi=currency_onebox} $html {} html
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]" }
set link ""
# whois
} elseif {[string match "*\002Whois\002 record for*" $html] == 1} {
if {[regexp -- {<h3 class=r.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<tr><td>(.*?)<tr>} $html - link desc descwho]} {
regsub -- {<h3 class=r.*?<a href=".+?".*?>.+?</a>.*?<tr>.*?<tr>} $html "" html
append desc " \(${descwho}\)"
if {[info exists link] == 1 && $link != ""} {
if {[string match "*\&sa\=X*" $link]} {
regexp -- {(^.+?)&} $link - link
if {[string match "\/url\?q=*" $link]} {
regexp -- {\/url\?q=(.*?)$} $link - link
if {$::incith::google::short_answers > 0 } { return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::desc_demodes$::incith::google::break${::incith::google::link_modes}$link${::incith::google::link_demodes}" }
### END ONEBOX ###
# spell: # special query - not onebox
} elseif {$spell == 1} {
if {[regexp {<div id=res class=med><p>(.*?)</a>} $html - titem]} {
regsub -all {<.*?>} $titem "" titem
set desc "$incith::google::total_modes${titem}$incith::google::total_demodes$incith::google::desc_modes${did_you_mean}$incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
if {$match != "Google"} {
return "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002${match}\002 ${titem}"
} else {
return "$incith::google::total_modes$did_you_mean$incith::google::total_demodes$incith::google::desc_modes$no_search"
if {[string len $desc] < 2} {
set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes$no_search$incith::google::desc_demodes"
set link ""
# regular search
} else {
if {![regexp -- {class=g(?!b).*?<a href="(.+?)".*?>((?!<).+?)</a>} $html - link desc]} {
if {[regexp -nocase {class=(?:r|"r")><a\s*href="(.+?)">(.*?)</a>} $html - link desc ]} {
regsub -nocase {class=(?:r|"r")><a\s*href=".+?">.*?</a>} $html "" html
} else {
regsub -- {class=g(?!b).*?<a href=".+?".*?>.+?</a>} $html "" html
if {[info exists link] == 1} {
if {[string match "*\&sa\=X*" $link]} {
regexp -- {(^.+?)&} $link - link
if {[info exists link] == 1} {
if {[string match "*http*" $link] == 0} {
set link ""
} elseif {[string match *.pdf $link] == 1} {
set desc "\[PDF\] $desc"
if {($::incith::google::skip_self > 0) && ([info exists link])} {
if {[string match "*.google.*" $link]} {
unset link ; unset desc ; set spell 0 ; set calc 0 ; set break 0
# trim the description
if {[info exists desc] == 1 && $incith::google::description_length > 0} {
set desc [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc [descdecode $desc] }
# make sure we have something to send
if {[info exists desc] == 0} {
if {$match == "Google"} {
if {[string match "*<img src=/images/calc_img*" $titem] == 1} {
regexp -nocase -- {calc_img.+?nowrap>(.+?)</} $titem - desc
regexp -- {^(.+?)</td></tr>} $desc - desc
set reply "${desc}"
} else {
if {![string length [set reply [string trim "${no_search}"]]]} { set reply "derp." }
return "$incith::google::desc_modes$reply"
return $output
if {[info exists link] == 1} {
if {[string match "*http*" $link] == 0} {
set link ""
set desc [string trim $desc]
regsub -all "%20" $desc " " desc
regsub -all "<br>" $desc " " desc
# add the search result
if {$calc == 0 && $spell == 0 && $populate == 0} {
if {[info exists link] && $link != ""} {
if {![string match "*define:*" $input]} {
set link [urldecode $link]
regsub -all " " $link "%20" link
# added because of recent google changes, needed to clean-up *.google.* links
if {[string match "*url\?*" $link]} {
regexp -- {url\?q=(.+?)$} $link - link
regexp -- {(.+?)\&sig=} $link - link
regexp -- {(.+?)\&usg=} $link - link
regexp -- {\?url=(.+?)$} $link - link
# quick fix
regsub -all {%20class=(.*)$} $link { } link
regsub -all {</(.+)>} $desc { } desc
regsub -all {<div(.+)$} $desc { } desc
regsub -all {</(.*)$} $desc { } desc
regsub -all {<a href=(.*)$} $desc { } desc
# added because of recent google changes, needed to clean-up *.google.* links
#if {[string match "*%20*" $link]} {
# regexp -- {(.+?).%20} $link - link
# top result may be news, at the moment it is too close to regular
# search results to cull this out.. so in the meantime, this hack
# will at least remove the 10,000 google tags at the end of the url
# to keep it from spanning 2 lines of results.
if {[string match "*" $link]} {
regexp -- {^(.+?)&hl=} $link - link
regsub -all "(?:\x93|\x94|&quot;|\")" $link {} link
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "$desc$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "$desc${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
set output "$desc"
# I've hard-coded it to only fetch one result for define lookups, and
# spell shouldn't ever have to loop.
if {[string match "define:*" $input] == 1 || $spell == 1 || $calc == 1 || $break == 1 } {
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop
unset link ; unset desc ; set spell 0 ; set calc 0 ; set break 0
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$output == "" && ![string match "*:*" $input] && ![string match "*<img src=/images/calc_img*" $html] } {
set reply "${no_search}"
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply"
return $output
# fetches a list of links to images from
proc images {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output ""; set match "" ; set titem "" ; set no_search "" ; set did_you_mean ""
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 2]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
if {![regexp -- {--></script><div>(.+?)<br><br>} $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -- {</a></div><div><p>(.+?)<br><br>} $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -- {<table border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td class=j><br>(.+?)<br><br>} $html - no_search]} {
regexp -- {<div id="res"><div id="ires">(.*?)<br><br>} $html - no_search
if {$no_search != ""} {
regsub -- {</a>} $no_search "? " no_search
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search { } no_search
while {[string match "* *" $no_search]} {
regsub -all -- { } $no_search " " no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search]
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -- {align=right nowrap id=.*?>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)\(} $html - titem match
if {![regexp -- {1\002\s-\s\002.+?\002.+?\002(.+?)\002} $match - match]} {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $match > 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $titem]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::image_results} {
if {[regexp -- {\["/imgres\?imgurl\\x3d(.*?)\\x26imgrefurl\\x3d.*?\\x26h\\x3d(.*?)\\x26w\\x3d(.*?)\\x26sz\\x3d(.*?)\\x26.*?",.*?,.*?,.*?,.*?,.*?,"(.*?)","(.*?)"} $html - link h w size desc d2]} {
regsub -- {\["/imgres\?imgurl\\x3d(.+?)\\x26imgrefurl\\x3d.*?\\x26h\\x3d.*?\\x26w\\x3d.*?\\x26sz\\x3d.*?\\x26} $html {} html
# google now makes it very hard to parse titles out, this solves the dilemma.
if {[string is integer -strict $desc]} { set desc $d2 }
if {![string equal $::incithcharset [encoding system]]} { set desc [encoding convertfrom $::incithcharset $desc] }
regsub -all -- {\\x([[:xdigit:]]{1,2})} $desc {[format %c [scan "\1" %x]]} desc
set desc [descdecode [subst $desc]]
if {![string equal $::incithcharset [encoding system]]} { set desc [encoding convertto $::incithcharset $desc] }
regsub -all -- {(?:<b>|</b>)} $desc "\002" desc
set desc2 " ($h x $w - ${size}k)"
} else {
if {[regexp -- {<a href="/imgres\?imgurl=(.*?)\&imgrefurl=.*?<br>(.*?)<br>(.*?)<br>} $html - link desc attrib]} {
regsub -- {<a href="/imgres\?imgurl=.*?\&imgrefurl=.*?<br>.*?<br>.*?<br>} $html {} html
regsub -all -- {(?:<b>|</b>)} [string trim $desc] "\002" desc
set desc2 " ([string trim [string map [list "*" "x" " " ""] [join [lrange [split $attrib "-"] 0 1] "-"]]])"
# if there's no link, return or stop looping, depending
if {[info exists link] == 0} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same picture.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
if {$incith::google::desc_modes != ""} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes${desc}$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {$incith::google::desc_modes != ""} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes${desc2}$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {$incith::google::link_modes != ""} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes${link}$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
append output "$desc$desc2$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$match == ""} {
set reply "${no_search}"
return "$::incith:google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# fetches a list of address & phone numbers from
# -speechless updated
proc local {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output ""; set match "" ; set titem "" ; set no_search "" ; set did_you_mean "" ; set titen ""
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 3]
regsub -all {&#8206;} $html "" html
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titen input
if {$titen == ""} {
set titen "${incith::google::google_country}"
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
if {![regexp -- {<div class=spacer></div></div></div><br><p>(.+?)</p>} $html - no_search]} {
if {[regexp -- {<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr valign=top><td>(.+?)<br><br>} $html - no_search]} {
set no_search [string map {"<br>" "; "} $no_search]
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $no_search "" no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search "; "]
} elseif {[regexp -- {<div class="suggest noprint">(.*?)</a>} $html - no_search]} {
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $no_search "" no_search
} elseif {[regexp -- {<div id=refsec class="suggest noprint">(.*?)<div class=ref>(.*?)<div id=bottomads} $html - did extra]} {
foreach {- m} [regexp -all -inline {<a href=.*?>(.*?)</a>} $extra] { lappend matches $m }
set no_search "$did [join $matches "; "]"
if {[regexp -- {<div class="noprint res">.*?<p>(.*?)</p>} $html - more]} {
append no_search "$more"
# give results an output header with result tally.
if {![regexp -- {<form name="qmod".*?<br/>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)</form>} $html - titem match]} {
if {![regexp -- {<form name="qmod".*?>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)</form>} $html - titem match]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div id=contentpanel>.*?<form name=qmod>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)</form>} $html - match titem]} {
if {[regexp -- {<div class="noprint">(.*?)</div>} $html - match]} {
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $match "" match
set match [split [string trim $match]] ; set titem [lindex $match end] ; set match [lindex $match end-1]
if {![string length [string trim $match]]} { set match "Google" ; set titem "" }
} else {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}[string trim ${match}] [descdecode [string trim $titem]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::local_results} {
if {[regexp -nocase {class="name lname.*?<a.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?href=".*?cid=(.*?)\&q.*?</a></nobr>.*?</div> <div>(.*?)<div>} $html - loc url add1 desc]} {
regsub -nocase {class="name lname.*?<a.*?>.*?</a>.*?href=".*?cid=.*?\&q.*?</a></nobr>.*?</div> <div>.*?<div>} $html "" html
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {<div class=lname>.*?href=(.*?) .*?">(.*?)</a></div></div><div class=atxt dir=ltr>(.*?)</div>(.*?)<} $html - url loc add1 desc]} {
regsub {<div class=lname>.*?href=(.*?) .*?">(.*?)</a></div></div><div class=atxt dir=ltr>(.*?)</div>} $html "" html
#regsub -nocase {<div class="name.*?href=.*?>.*?</a>.*?<div><div>.*?</div>.*?<div align=left>.*?</div>.*?<a class=f href=(.*?)>} $html "" html
if {[info exists url]} {
if {![string match -nocase "**" $url]} {
regexp -- {^/local.*?q=(.*?)(?:$| )} $url - url
regsub -- {^/maps} $url "$titen/maps" url
regexp -- {^(.*?)&dq=} $url - url
regexp -- {^(.*?) } $url - url
# if there's no link, return or stop looping, depending
if {![info exists loc]} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
return $output
regsub -all -- "<.*?nobr>" $add1 {} add1
regsub -all -- "&lrm;" $add1 {} add1
if {$incith::google::desc_modes != ""} { set loc "$incith::google::desc_modes${loc}$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {$incith::google::link_modes != ""} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes${add1}$incith::google::link_demodes" } { set link $add1 }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link} ${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode ${loc}]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset loc ; unset link ; unset desc
incr results
return $output
# fetches a list of threads from
# -speechless updated
proc groups {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set match "" ; set no_search "" ; set titem "" ; set titen ""
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titen dummy
if {$titen == ""} {
set titen "${incith::google::google_country}"
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 4]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
regexp -- {<div id=res><p>(.+?)</div><div>} $html - no_search
if {$no_search != ""} {
regsub -- {</a>} $no_search "? " no_search
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search { } no_search
while {[string match "* *" $no_search]} {
regsub -all -- { } $no_search " " no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search]
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -- {</td><td align="right".*?>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)(\[|<)} $html - titem match
if {![regexp -- {1\002\s-\s.+?\002.+?\002(.+?)\002} $match - match]} {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $match > 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $titem]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::group_results} {
# this grabs a google group if one exists
# this grabs a usenet group if one exists
if {[regexp -- {<div class="gdrr"><a\s+href="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)</a>.+?</td></tr></table>} $html {} thread desc]} {
regsub -- {<div class="gdrr">(.+?)</td></tr></table>} $html "" html
if {[regexp -- {url\?(?:url|q)=(.+?)\&} $thread - thread]} {
regexp -- {^(.+?)&(?:sa|ie|ei)=} $thread - thread
set thread [urldecode $thread]
if {[regexp -- {url\?(?:url|q)=(.+?)\&} $thread - thread]} {
regexp -- {^(.+?)&(?:sa|ie|ei)=} $thread - thread
set thread [urldecode $thread]
} elseif {[regexp -- {<div class="g".*?href="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)</a>} $html - thread desc]} {
regsub -- {div class="g".*?href=".+?".*?>(.+?)</td></tr>} $html "" html
if {[regexp -- {url\?(?:url|q)=(.+?)\&} $thread - thread]} {
regexp -- {^(.+?)&(?:sa|ie|ei)=} $thread - thread
set thread [urldecode $thread]
if {[regexp -- {url\?(?:url|q)=(.+?)\&} $thread - thread]} {
regexp -- {^(.+?)&(?:sa|ie|ei)=} $thread - thread
set thread [urldecode $thread]
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {[info exists desc] == 0} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
if {[info exists desc] == 1 && $incith::google::description_length > 0} {
set desc [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]
set desc [string trim $desc]
# make the link valid because we only got a partial href result, not a full url
set link $thread
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode $desc] $::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link; unset desc
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$match == ""} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# fetches the news from
# -madwoota supplied, speechless updated
proc news {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output ""; set match ""
; set no_search "" ; set titem ""
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 5]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
if {![regexp -- {<div class="spelling-correction">(.+?)</p><p>} $html - no_search]} {
regexp -- {<div class="no-results">(.+?)</p>} $html - no_search
if {$no_search != ""} {
regsub -- {</a>} $no_search "? " no_search
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search { } no_search
while {[string match "* *" $no_search]} {
regsub -all -- { } $no_search " " no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search]
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -- {<div class="results-stats">(.+?)\s\002(.+?)\(\002} $html - titem match
if {![regexp -- {1\002\s&ndash;\s\002.+?\002.+?\002(.+?)\002} $match - match]} {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $match > 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $titem]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::news_results} {
# somewhat extenuated regexp due to allowing that there *might* be
# an image next to the story
# <h2 class="title">.*?<a class.*?>.*?<a.*?href="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)</a>.+?<div class="sub-title">(.+?)</div>
if {[regexp -- {<h3 class="title">.*?<a target.*?href="(.+?)".*?>(.+?)</a>.+?<div class="sub-title">(.+?)</div>} $html {} link desc time]} {
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $time "" time
regsub -- {<h3 class="title">.*?<a.*?href=".+?".*?>.+?</a>.+?<div class="sub-title">.+?</div>} $html {} html
} elseif {[regexp -- {<h2 class="esc-lead-article-title">(.*?)<table id=} $html {} entry]} {
regexp -- {url="(.*?)"} $entry - link
regexp -- {class="titletext">(.*?)</span} $entry - desc
regexp -- {class=.esc-.*?-source.>(.*?)</span>} $entry - src
regexp -- {class=.esc-.*?-timestamp.>(.*?)</span>} $entry - time
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $time "" time
regsub -all -- {&lrm;} $time "" time
regsub -- {<h2 class="esc-lead-article-title">.*?<table} $html {} html
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {[info exists desc] == 0} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
if {[info exists desc] == 1 && $incith::google::description_length > 0} {
set desc [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]
set desc [descdecode [string trim $desc]]
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes$desc$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists src]} { set src "$incith::google::desc_modes$src$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists time]} { set time "$incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode [string trim $time]]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "$desc \($src - $time\)$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link; unset desc
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$match == ""} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# fetches book titles from
# -madwoota supplied, -broken-
# -speechless updated, fixed no longer using
proc print {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set titem "" ; set no_search "" ; set did_you_mean "" ; set titen ""
; set match ""
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titen dummy
if {$titen == ""} {
set titen "${incith::google::google_country}"
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 6]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
regexp -- {<td id="main_content">(.*?)</p>} $html - no_search
# if we have a no search results message, let's format it for displaying possibly.
if {$no_search != ""} {
#regsub -all -- {\002\002} $no_search "\002" no_search
regsub -- {</a></div>} $no_search "? " no_search
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search { } no_search
while {[string match "* *" $no_search]} {
regsub -all -- { } $no_search " " no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search]
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -- {<td align=right>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)\(\002} $html - titem match
if {![regexp -- {1\002\s-\s\002.+?\002.+?\002(.+?)\002} $match - match]} {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $match > 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $titem]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
while {$results < $incith::google::print_results} {
if {[regexp -- {<div class=resbdy><h2 class="resbdy">(.*?)</table>} $html - snippet]} {
if {![regexp -- {<a.*?href=".+?id=(.+?)&pg=(.*?)&.*?".*?>(.+?)</a></h2>(.+?)<br} $snippet - id page desc author]} {
regexp -- {<a.*?href=".+?id=(.+?)&.*?".*?>(.+?)</a></h2>(.+?)<br} $snippet - id desc author
regsub -- {<div class=resbdy><h2 class="resbdy"><a.*?href=(.+?)</table>} $html "" html
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {![info exists desc]} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# this cleans up perhaps bad html cuts
if {[info exists desc]} {
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc "" desc
set desc [string trim $desc]
if {[info exists desc]} {
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $author "" author
set author [string trim $author]
# make link by appending book id
if {[info exists page]} { set page "&pg=$page" } { set page "" }
set link "${titen}?id=${id}${page}"
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
#if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
# break
append desc " (${author})"
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link ; unset desc ; unset page
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {![info exists output]} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# GeoBytes
# Fetches IP Location information
# -speechless supplied
proc locate {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output ""
; set city "" ; set region "" ; set country ""
; set certainty "" ; set timezone "" ; set population ""
; set currency "" ; set proxy "" ; set curr "" ;
# fetch the html
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua]
set url ""
set query [::http::formatQuery ipaddress $input]
set http [::http::geturl $url -query $query -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
::http::cleanup $http
# is site broken? if it is, say so
if {![string match "*<html>*" $html]} {
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002 GeoBytes Error:\002 Unable to access site. seems to be down.$::incith::google::error_demodes"
#strip html tags
regsub -all "\t" $html "" html
regsub -all "\n" $html "" html
regsub -all "\r" $html "" html
regsub -all "\v" $html "" html
regsub -all "&#039;" $html "'" html
#parse html
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls13".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} country
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls15".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} region
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls17".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} city
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls18".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} certainty
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls9".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} timezone
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls3".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} population
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls1".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} currency
#currency sometimes has a trailing space, let's fix that with a dirty hack.
set currency [string trim $currency]
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls11".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} proxy
regexp -- {input.+?name="ro-no_bots_pls".+?value="(.+?)".+?size} $html {} curr
#in case we get blocked, say we did
if {[string match "*temporarily blocked*" $html] == 1} {
set output "$::incith::google::error_modes\002GeoBytes Error:\002 (${input}) Reasonable usage limit has been exceeded. This bot has been temporarily blocked from accessing services. Please try back again later.$::incith::google::error_demodes"
#if we can't read a country, assume there was nothing to lookup.
if {$country == "" && $output == ""} {
set output "$::incith::google::error_modes\002GeoBytes Error:\002 (${input}) Undefined IP. Nothing to LookUp.$::incith::google::error_demodes"
} elseif {$output == ""} {
set output "$::incith::google::total_modes\002GeoBytes Location:\002$::incith::google::total_demodes$::incith::google::desc_modes (${input})$::incith::google::desc_demodes$::incith::google::break$incith::google::link_modes${city}, ${region}, ${country} (${certainty}%) \[\002GMT:\002${timezone}\|\002Proxy:\002${proxy}\|${currency}\|${curr}\]$incith::google::link_demodes"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions != 1 && [string match "\002" $incith::google::desc_modes] != 1} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
return $output
# fetches links to video with search data in it (
# -madwoota supplied, speechless updated
proc video {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output ""; set match ""; set ded ""
; set titen "" ; set titem "" ; set no_search "" ; set did_you_mean ""
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titen dummy
if {$titen == ""} {
set titen "${incith::google::google_country}"
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 7]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
if {[regexp -- {<div class=med><p style=.*?>(.*?)<p style} $html - no_search]} {
#regsub -all -- {(<strong>|</strong>)} $no_search "\002" no_search
#regsub -- {</a>} $no_search "? " no_search
#regsub -- {</td>} $no_search ". " no_search
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search "" no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search]
# give results an output header with result tally.
if {![regexp -- {<div id=resultStats>(.+?)<nobr>} $html - match]} {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
} else {
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
regexp -- {([0-9].*?)$} $match - match
set match "\002[join [lrange [split $match] 0 end-1]]\002 [lindex [split $match] end]"
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}[string trim ${match}]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::video_results} {
# somewhat extenuated regexp due to allowing that there might be an image next to the title
regexp -- {<h3 class=r>.*?href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<span class=f>(.*?)</span><br>(.*?)<br>} $html {} link desc ded ded2
regsub -- {<h3 class=r>.*?href=".*?".*?>.*?</a>.*?<span class=f>.*?</span><br>.*?<br>} $html "" html
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {[info exists desc] == 0} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
set desc [string trim [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]]
# append narration to description for more detail unless its identical
# keep description from becoming too lengthy and clean up trailing spaces
regsub -all {<div class=description.+?</div>} $ded "" ded
regexp {(.+?)\)--} $ded - ded
regsub { -} $ded " - " ded
regsub {<span class=rl-domain>} $ded " - " ded
regsub -all {<(.*?)>} $ded "" ded
if {[string length $ded2]} {
set ded2 "\([descdecode [string range $ded2 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]]\)"
set desc "[descdecode $desc] $ded2\([descdecode [string trim $ded]]\)"
# make the link valid because we were only given a partial href result, not a full url
if {[string match [string range $link 0 0] "/"]} {
regsub -- {&.+?$} $link "" link
set link "${titen}${link}"
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
# quick and dirty double-space remover
while {[string match "* *" $desc]} {
regsub -all -- { } $desc " " desc
set desc [string trim $desc]
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link; unset desc
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$match == ""} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# google fight !
proc fight {input} {
set output ""; set winner 0; set match1 0; set match2 0
if {![regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - country input]} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?) vs (.+?)$} $input - word1 word2
if {![regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $word2 - country2 word2]} {
set country2 "${incith::google::google_country}"
# fetch the first result
set html [fetch_html ".$country $word1" 8]
# parse the html
if {![regexp -nocase {<div id=prs>.*?</div><p>(.+?)(?:\(\002|\[)} $html - matches1]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div id=resultStats> (.*?) (.*?)\(\002} $html - titem matches1]} {
if {[regexp -- {<div id=resultStats>(.*?)\(} $html - match]} {
set matches1 [lindex [split [string trim $match]] end-1]
if {[info exists matches1]} {
regsub -- {(?:\002|\s)1\002 - \0021\002} $matches1 "" matches1
regsub -- {(?:\002|\s)1\002-\0021\002} $matches1 "" matches1
regsub -nocase { of about } $matches1 "" matches1
regsub -nocase -all {<a href.*?>} $matches1 "" matches1
regsub -nocase -all {</a>} $matches1 "" matches1
set match1 $matches1
regsub -all -- {[\., ]} $match1 "" match1
} else { set matches1 "0" }
if {![string is digit $match1]} {
regexp -- {\002(.+?)\002.*?\002(.+?)\002} $matches1 - dummy match1
if {[string match $match1 $word1]} {
regexp -- {\002(.+?)\002} $matches1 - match1
# fetch the second result
set html [fetch_html ".$country2 $word2" 8]
# parse the html
if {![regexp -nocase {<div id=prs>.*?</div><p>(.+?)(?:\(\002|\[)} $html - matches2]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div id=resultStats> (.*?) (.*?)\(\002} $html - titem matches2]} {
if {[regexp -- {<div id=resultStats>(.*?)\(} $html - match]} {
set matches2 [lindex [split [string trim $match]] end-1]
if {[info exists matches2]} {
regsub -- {(?:\002|\s)1\002 - \0021\002} $matches2 "" matches2
regsub -- {(?:\002|\s)1\002-\0021\002} $matches2 "" matches2
regsub -nocase { of about } $matches2 "" matches2
regsub -nocase -all {<a href.*?>} $matches2 "" matches2
regsub -nocase -all {</a>} $matches2 "" matches2
set match2 $matches2
} else { set matches2 "0" }
if {![string is digit $match2]} {
regexp -- {\002(.+?)\002.*?\002(.+?)\002} $matches2 - dummy match2
if {[string match $match2 $word2]} {
regexp -- {\002(.+?)\002} $matches2 - match2
if {![string match $country $country2]} { set country "$country and Google.$country2" }
if {![info exists match1]} {
set match1 "0"
set match1expr "0"
} else {
regsub -all {(?:\.|,| )} $match1 "" match1expr
if {![info exists match2]} {
set match2 "0"
set match2expr "0"
} else {
regsub -all {(?:\.|,| )} $match2 "" match2expr
if {[expr $match2expr < $match1expr]} {
set winner 1
} elseif {[string match $match2expr $match1expr]} {
set winner 3
} else {
set winner 2
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions > 0 && $incith::google::desc_modes == ""} {
set word1 "\002$word1\002"; set word2 "\002$word2\002"
set match1 "\002 $matches1\002"; set match2 "\002 $matches2\002"
} elseif {$incith::google::desc_modes != ""} {
set word1 "\002$word1\002"; set word2 "\002$word2\002"
set match1 " $matches1"; set match2 " $matches2"
} else {
set match1 " $matches1"; set match2 " $matches2"
if {$winner == 1} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}By results on Google.$country:$::incith::google::total_demodes$::incith::google::desc_modes $word1 beats $word2 by$match1 to$match2!$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} elseif {$winner == 2} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}By results on Google.$country:$::incith::google::total_demodes$::incith::google::desc_modes $word2 beats $word1 by$match2 to$match1!$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}Google.$country could not determine the winner.$::incith::google::total_demodes$::incith::google::desc_modes $word2 ties $word1 with$match1 results.$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
# make sure we have something to send
if {[info exists output] == 0} {
set reply "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, no search results were found. Something is wrong...$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $reply
return $output
# fetches links to video with search data in it (
# -speechless supplied
proc youtube {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set ded ""; set match "" ; set titem "" ; set titen ""
if {[regsub -nocase -all -- "$::incith::google::youtube_highdef" $input "" dummy]} { set hd 1 }
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titem dummy
if {$titem == ""} {
set titem "${incith::google::youtube_country}"
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 9]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# give results an output header with result tally.
if {![regexp -- {<div id="search-num-results" class="name">(.*?)</div} $html - match]} {
set match "YouTube"
set titen "results"
} else {
regsub -all {\s+} [string trim $match] " " match
set match [split $match]
set titen [lindex $match end-6]
set match [lindex $match end]
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $match != ""} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $titen]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
if {[regexp -nocase {<div class="marT10">(.+?)(</div></div>|</div><div>|</a></div>|<\!--)} $html - reply]} {
regsub -all -nocase {<div class="marT10">.+?(</div></div>|</div><div>|</a></div>|<\!--)} $html "" html
regsub -all {<td>} $reply ". " reply
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $reply "" reply
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {id="search-no-results-message">(.*?)</div>} $html - reply]} {
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $reply "" reply
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {id="results-main-.*?>.*?<img.*?>(.*?)<br>} $html - reply]} {
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $reply "" reply
} else { set reply "" }
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::youtube_results} {
# somewhat extenuated regexp due to allowing that there might be an image next to the title
if {[regexp -nocase {<span class="video-time">(.*?)</span.*?id="video-long.*?href="/watch\?v=(.+?)".+?title=".+?">(.+?)</a>.*?id="video\-description.*?">(.*?)</p.*?class="video\-date\-added">(.+?)</span.*?class="video\-view\-count">(.+?)</span} $html - ded4 cid desc ded ded2 ded3]} {
if {[string match "*</span>*" $desc]} {
regexp -nocase {<span class="video-time">(.*?)</span.*?id="video-long.*?href="/watch\?v=(.+?)".+?title="(.*?)">.*?id="video\-description.*?">(.*?)</p.*?class="video\-date\-added">(.+?)</span.*?class="video\-view\-count">(.+?)</span} $html - ded4 cid desc ded ded2 ded3
regsub -nocase {<span class="video-time">.*?</span.*?class="video\-view\-count">.*?</span} $html "" html
if {[info exists desc] == 0} {
if {$results == 0} {
append output "[descdecode [string trim $reply]]${incith::google::seperator}"
return "$incith::google::desc_modes[descdecode $reply]$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# keep description from becoming too lengthy and clean up trailing spaces
if {[info exists desc]} {
set desc [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]
set desc [descdecode [string trim $desc]]
# append length to description for more detail
if {[info exists ded] && [info exists desc]} {
if {![string equal "<" [string index $ded 0]]} {
set ded " ([descdecode [string trim [string range $ded 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]]]) "
} else { set ded " " }
if {[string match " ($desc) " $ded]} { set ded " " }
if {[info exists ded4]} {
append desc "${ded}(${ded4}; ${ded2}; ${ded3})"
} else {
append desc "${ded}"
# make the link valid because we were only given a partial href result, not a full url
if {$titem == "com" } {
set link "${cid}&hl=en"
} else {
set link "http://${titem}${cid}&hl=${titem}"
# fullscreen window link -${cid}
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} {
if {[info exists hd]} {
set link [string map {"&hd=1" "&fmt=22"} $link]
} elseif {$incith::google::youtube_highquality != 0} {
append link "&fmt=18"
set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes"
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link; unset desc ; set ded ""
incr results
return $output
# fetches links to video with search data in it (
# -speechless supplied
proc myspacevids {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set ded ""; set match "" ; set rating ""
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 11]
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -nocase -- {class="resultsInfo">.*?1-.*?\s.*?\s(.*?)\s(.*?)\s} $html - match videos
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $match != ""} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $videos]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::myspacevids_results} {
# somewhat extenuated regexp due to allowing that there might be an image next to the title
regexp -nocase -- {a class="taggedlink.*?href=.*?videoid=(.*?)\&.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<a class=.*?>(.*?)</a>.*?<ul class="videoData group">(.*?)</ul>} $html - cid desc ded rating
regsub -nocase -- {a class="taggedlink.*?href=.*?videoid=.*?\&.*?>.*?</a>.*?<a class=.*?>.*?</a>.*?<ul class="videoData group">.*?</ul>} $html {} html
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {![info exists desc]} {
if {$results == 0} {
if {[regexp -- {class="displayingSummary">(.+?)</div>} $html - reply]} {
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} elseif {[regexp -- {<p id="displaySummary" class="resultsInfo">(.*?)</p>} $html - reply]} {
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# duplicate link filter, clumsy indeed.. will remove soon and fix properly
if {[string match "*${cid}*" $output] == 1} {
if {[info exists rating]} {
regsub -all {</li>} [string map {" " "" "\002" ""} $rating] ";" rating
regsub -all {<.*?>} $rating "" rating
regsub -all {\s+} $rating " " rating
regsub -all { ;} $rating ";" rating
if {[info exists ded]} {
regsub -all {<.*?>} [string trim $ded] "" ded
if {[string length $ded]} { set ded "(by $ded)" }
# keep description from becoming too lengthy and clean up trailing spaces
if {[info exists desc]} {
set desc [string trim [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]]
set desc "${desc} ${ded}([string trim ${rating} "; "])"
# make the link valid because we were only given a partial href result, not a full url
set link "${cid}"
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link; unset desc
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$match == ""} {
regexp -- {class="displayingSummary">(.+?)</div>} $html - reply
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions != 0} {
regsub -all -- "(<mark>|</mark>)" $output "\002" output
} else { regsub -all -- "(<mark>|</mark>)" $output "" output }
return $output
# trans
# google translation -(\translate_t?)
# -speechless supplied
proc trans {input where} {
global incithcharset
; set results 0 ; set output ""; set match "" ; set titem "" ; set translit ""
if {[regsub -nocase -all -- $incith::google::trans_input_t $input "" input]} { set y 0 }
if {[regsub -nocase -all -- $incith::google::trans_output_t $input "" input]} { set z 0 }
# split up stuff
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?)@(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - link desc titem
# fetch the html
set ua "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3"
if {$::incith::google::trans_input > 0} {
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding "utf-8"]
} else {
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding ""]
set url ""
if {$::incith::google::trans_input > 0} {
if {![info exists y]} {
set ie "&ie=utf-8"
} else {
set ie ""
} else {
if {![info exists y]} {
set ie ""
} else {
set ie "&ie=utf-8"
if {$::incith::google::trans_output > 0} {
if {![info exists z]} {
set oe "&oe=utf-8"
} else {
set oe ""
} else {
if {![info exists z]} {
set oe ""
} else {
set oe "&oe=utf-8"
if {[regsub -all -- {--p} $titem {} titem]} { set ph 1 }
if {![info exists y]} {
set query "text=[urlencode $titem 0 "utf-8"]&sl=${link}&tl=${desc}$ie$oe"
} else {
set query "text=[urlencode $titem 0]&sl=${link}&tl=${desc}$ie$oe"
catch {set http [::http::geturl "$url" -query $query -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]} error
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
if {$incith::google::debug > 0} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url:\002 $url$query \002\037charset:\002\037 [string map -nocase {"iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $incithcharset]"
if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${url}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if { [::http::status $http] == "timeout" } {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
::http::cleanup $http
set junk [open "trans.txt" w]
puts $junk $html
close $junk
regsub -all -nocase {<sup>(.+?)</sup>} $html {^\1} html
regsub -all -nocase {<font.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</font>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<input.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<i>|</i>)} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<i style.*?>} $html "" html
regsub -all "\t" $html " " html
regsub -all "\n" $html " " html
regsub -all "\r" $html " " html
regsub -all "\v" $html " " html
regsub -all "</li>" $html ". " html
regsub -all ";;>" $html "" html
# make sure everything is lowercase.
# make sure everything is lowercase.
set desc [string tolower $desc]
set link [string tolower $link]
if {![regexp -- {<h3 id=headingtext.*?>(.+?)</h3>} $html {} detect]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class="goog-inline-block goog-flat-menu-button-caption">(.*?)</div>.*?<div class="goog-inline-block goog-flat-menu-button-caption">(.*?)</div>} $html {} detect1 detect2]} {
set detect ""
} else { set detect "$detect1 $detect2" }
} else { regsub -all {<.*?>} $detect "" detect }
if {[regexp -- {</h3>.*?</object></div>(.+?)</div>} $html - match]} {
regsub -all {<.*?>} $match "" match
} elseif {[regexp -- {onmouseover="this\.style\.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this\.style\.backgroundColor='#fff'">(.*?)</span></span>} $html - match]} {
regsub -all {<.*?>} $match "" match
} elseif {[regexp -- {<textarea id=source.*?>(.*?)</textarea>} $html - match]} {
regsub -all {<.*?>} $match "" match
if {[regexp -- {<div id=src-translit class=translit.*?>(.*?)</div>} $html - translit]} { regsub -all {<.*?>} $translit "" translit }
if {[string length $match]} {
put_output $where "${::incith::google::total_modes}Google\:$::incith::google::total_demodes$::incith::google::desc_modes \(${link}\-\>${desc}\)\ [descdecode $detect]"
if {![info exists ph] || ![string length $translit]} { put_output $where [descdecode [descdecode ${match}]] }
if {[string length $translit] && [info exists ph]} { put_output $where "Phonetically: [descdecode [descdecode ${translit}]]" }
} else {
put_output $where "${::incith::google::error_modes}Translation error\:$::incith::google::error_demodes$::incith::google::desc_modes \(${link}\-\>${desc}\)\ [descdecode "$detect."]$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
# fetches torrent links from mininova. (
# -speechless supplied
proc mininova {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output ""; set match "" ; set ebcSP "" ; set match2 ""
#regsub -all {-} $input { } input
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 51]
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -- {<h1>(?!No).*?\((.+?)\s(.+?)\)} $html - match match2
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $match2]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
regsub {<tr.*?>(.+?)</tr>} $html "" html
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::mininova_results && $match != ""} {
# this could break any second, its cumbersome and long..i know, but for now it works.
regexp -nocase {<tr.*?>(.+?)</tr>} $html - htm
regsub {<tr.*?>(.+?)</tr>} $html "" html
regexp -nocase {<td>(.+?)</td><td><a href="/cat.+?>(.+?)</a>.+?<a href="/get/(.*?)".+?">.+?<a href="/tor.+?">(.+?)</a>} $htm - ebcU ebcI ebcBid ebcPR
regexp -nocase {<td align="right">(.+?)</td><td align="right">(.+?)</td><td align="right">(.+?)</td>} $htm - ebcShpNew ebcTim ebcCheck
regexp -nocase {title="Tracker URL: (.+?)"} $htm - ebcSP
if {$ebcSP != ""} {
set ebcSP "\037${ebcSP}\037 "
# keep torrent name from becoming too lengthy
if {[info exists ebcPR]} {
set ebcPR [string range $ebcPR 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]
set ebcPR [string trim $ebcPR]
# check results are more than 0, return or stop looping, depending
if {$match < 1 } {
if {$results == 0} {
regexp -nocase {<h1>(.+?)</h1>} $html - reply
if {![regexp -nocase {</h1><p>(.+?)</p>} $html - reply2]} { set reply2 "" } {
if {![string match *Didn't* $reply2]} { regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $reply2 "" reply2 ; set reply2 ". $reply2" } { set reply2 "" }
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $reply "" reply
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$reply2$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# make the link valid because we were only given a partial href result, not a full url
set link "${ebcBid}"
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
# fix up our variables so the output looks purdy.
set desc "${ebcU}/${ebcI} ${ebcSP}\002${ebcPR}\002 (${ebcShpNew}, ${ebcTim}s, ${ebcCheck}p)"
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "$desc$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link ; set ebcCheck "" ; set ebcU "" ; set ebcSP ""
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$match == ""} {
regexp -nocase {<h1>(.+?)</h1>} $html - reply
if {![regexp -nocase {</h1><p>(.+?)</p>} $html - reply2]} { set reply2 "" } {
if {![string match *Didn't* $reply2]} { regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $reply2 "" reply2 ; set reply2 ". $reply2" } { set reply2 "" }
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $reply "" reply
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$reply2$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
regsub -all -- " " $input "+" input
append output "${input}/seeds"
#append output "${input}"
return $output
# fetches links to video with search data in it (
# -speechless supplied
proc dailymotion {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set titem ""
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titem dummy
if {$titem == ""} {
set titem "${incith::google::daily_country}"
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 14]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[regexp -- {<div class="dmco_text foreground2">(.*?)</div>} $html - nope]} {
regsub -all -- {</a>} $nope "." nope
regsub -all -- {<br/>} $nope " " nope
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $nope "" nope
set reply "${::incith::google::desc_modes}$nope$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $reply
set output "DailyMotion${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions != 0} {
set output "$::incith::google::total_modes\002DailyMotion\002$::incith::google::total_demodes${incith::google::seperator}"
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::daily_results} {
# somewhat extenuated regexp due to allowing that there might be an image next to the title
regexp -nocase -- {<div class="dmco_text duration">(.*?)<.*?<a class=.+?href=.*?/video/(.*?)_.*?">(.*?)<.*?<div class="dmpi_video_description foreground.*?>.*?<div>(.*?)<} $html - snatch cid desc vote
regsub -nocase -- {<div class="dmco_text duration">.*?<h4 class="dmco_title.*?>.*?<a class=.+?href=.*?/video/.+?_.*?">.*?div class="dmco_date">(.*?)<} $html "" html
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {[info exists desc] == 0} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply "Sorry, no search results were found."
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
set desc [string trim [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]]
set vote [string trim [string range $vote 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]]
set desc "${desc} (${snatch}) ([string trim $vote])"
# make the link valid because we were only given a partial href result, not a full url
set link "${titem}/video/${cid}"
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link; unset desc ; unset cid
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {[info exists output] == 0} {
set reply "Sorry, no search results were found."
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# fetches upcoming game list variable by system and region (
# this is far better than any gamefaqs procedure you've seen before, this is looooong, but very simple
# in it's approach. I learned alot coding it.
# -speechless supplied
proc gamefaqs {system region} {
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set html "" ; set match 0 ; set game "" ; set date ""
# strip excessive spaces from region and system desired.
regsub -all " " $system "" system
regsub -all " " $region "" region
# this is where most of the work is done
# parsing systems and regions to create an output header
# and cut the html down to the specified region
if {[string match -nocase "nds" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 15]
set output "\002NDS North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 15]
set output "\002NDS Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 15]
set output "\002NDS Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 15]
set output "\002NDS Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "3ds" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 56]
set output "\0023DS North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 56]
set output "\0023DS Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 56]
set output "\0023DS Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 56]
set output "\002NDS Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "iphone" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 16]
set output "\002iPhone North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 16]
set output "\002iPhone Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 16]
set output "\002iPhone Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 16]
set output "\002iPhone Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "psp" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 17]
set output "\002PSP North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 17]
set output "\002PSP Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 17]
set output "\002PSP Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 17]
set output "\002PSP Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "x360" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 18]
set output "\002XBOX360 North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 18]
set output "\002XBOX360 Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 18]
set output "\002XBOX360 Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 18]
set output "\002XBOX360 Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "xbox" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 19]
set output "\002XBOX North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 19]
set output "\002XBOX Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 19]
set output "\002XBOX Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 19]
set output "\002XBOX Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gc" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 20]
set output "\002GAMECUBE North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 20]
set output "\002GAMECUBE Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 20]
set output "\002GAMECUBE Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 20]
set output "\002GAMECUBE Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ps2" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 21]
set output "\002PS2 North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 21]
set output "\002PS2 Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 21]
set output "\002PS2 Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 21]
set output "\002PS2 Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "pc" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 22]
set output "\002PC North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 22]
set output "\002PC Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 22]
set output "\002PC Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 22]
set output "\002PC Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ps3" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 23]
set output "\002PS3 North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 23]
set output "\002PS3 Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 23]
set output "\002PS3 Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 23]
set output "\002PS3 Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "wii" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 28]
set output "\002Wii North America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 28]
set output "\002Wii Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 28]
set output "\002Wii Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 28]
set output "\002Wii Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "dc" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 29]
set output "\002Dreamcast Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "mac" $system] == 1} {
if {[string match -nocase "usa" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-1" 59]
set output "\002MAC America (USA)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jap" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-2" 59]
set output "\002MAC Asia (JAPAN)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "eur" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-3" 59]
set output "\002MAC Europe (UK)\002"
if {[string match -nocase "aus" $region] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "/region-4" 59]
set output "\002MAC Australia (AUS)\002"
if {[string length $output]} {
set output "$::incith::google::total_modes$output$::incith::google::total_demodes"
# remove the bold if it isn't desired.
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse for results and loop until desired amount of results
# is attempted to be reached if possible.
while {$results < $incith::google::gamefaq_results && $output != ""} {
# grab date and game title and clear future html of it for looping
regexp -nocase {<tr.*?td>(.*?)<.+?td>.*?<td><a.+?href.+?title.+?"(.+?)">.+?<.+?a><.+?td>} $html {} date game
regsub {<tr.*?td>(.+?)<.+?a><.+?td>} $html "" html
# add the search result
# if there is a date, add date in bold and game to $output
if {[string len $date] > 3} {
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}$::incith::google::desc_modes${date} ${game}$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}$::incith::google::desc_modes\002${date}\002 ${game}$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
# otherwise just add name of game
} elseif {[string len $game] > 1} {
append output "${incith::google::split_char}$::incith::google::desc_modes${game}$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
#append output ",${game}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
incr results
; set date "" ; set game ""
# if we have nothing to send, we have no results :(
if {$output == ""} {
set output "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, found no results! \[system = 3ds/nds/gc/wii/ps2/psp/ps3/xbox/x360/pc/mac/iphone; region = usa/jap/eur/aus\] usage: !gamefaqs system in region$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# fetches the news from
# -madwoota supplied (uses engine), speechless updated
proc blog {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set match "" ; set titem "" ; set no_search "" ; set did_you_mean ""
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 24]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
regexp -- {<p></p></div></div><div id=f>(.+?)<br><br>} $html - no_search
if {$no_search != ""} {
regsub -- {</a>} $no_search "? " no_search
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search { } no_search
while {[string match "* *" $no_search]} {
regsub -all -- { } $no_search " " no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search]
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -- {</td><td align=right class=rsb>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)\(\002} $html - titem match
if {![regexp -- {1\002\s-\s\002.+?\002.+?\002(.+?)\002} $match - match]} {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $match > 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $titem]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::news_results} {
# somewhat extenuated regexp due to allowing that there *might* be
# an image next to the story
regexp -- {</p><a href="(.+?)".+?id=.+?">(.+?)</a>.+?<td class=j>(.+?)<br>} $html {} link desc time
regsub -- {</p><a href=(.+?)</a>} $html {} html
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {[info exists desc] == 0} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# clean up desc
if {[info exists desc] == 1 && $incith::google::description_length > 0} {
set desc [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]
set desc "[descdecode [string trim $desc]] ([descdecode [string trim $time]])"
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link; unset desc
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$match == ""} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# fetches the news from
# -madwoota supplied (uses engine), speechless updated
proc scholar {input} {
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set match "" ; set titem "" ; set no_search "" ; set did_you_mean "" ; set titen ""
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titen dummy
if {$titen == ""} {
set titen "${incith::google::google_country}"
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 10]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# strip out 'did you mean?' first
# what do we call 'no search results in any language?'
if {![regexp -- {</script><p>(.+?)\.<br>} $html - no_search]} {
regexp -- {</script><br><br>(.+?)<br><br>} $html - no_search
if {$no_search != ""} {
regsub -- {</a>} $no_search "? " no_search
regsub -all -- {<(.*?)>} $no_search { } no_search
while {[string match "* *" $no_search]} {
regsub -all -- { } $no_search " " no_search
set no_search [string trim $no_search]
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -- {align=right nowrap>(.+?)\s\002(.+?)\(\002} $html - titem match
if {![regexp -- {1\002\s-\s\002.+?\002.+?\002(.+?)\002} $match - match]} {
set match "Google"
set titem ""
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0 && $match > 0} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}\002[string trim ${match}]\002 [descdecode [string trim $titem]]${::incith::google::total_demodes}${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::news_results} {
# somewhat extenuated regexp due to allowing that there *might* be
# an image next to the story
if {[regexp -- {<p class=g><h3 class="r">(.+?) } $html - ps]} {
regsub -- {<p class=g><h3 class="r">(.+?) } $html {} html
if {![regexp -- {<a href="(.+?)" onmousedown} $ps - link]} { set link "none" } { regsub {<a href="(.+?)" onmousedown.*?>} $ps "" ps }
if {[regexp -- {(.+?)</h3>.*?<br>(.*?)<br>} $ps - desc time]} { regsub {</a>} $desc "" desc }
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {[info exists desc] == 0} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# clean up desc
if {[info exists desc] == 1 && $incith::google::description_length > 0} {
set desc [string range $desc 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]
set desc "[string trim $desc] ([string trim $time])"
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
if {![string equal $link "none"]} {
if {![string match "http*" $link]} { set link "${titen}/$link" }
append output "[descdecode $desc]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode $desc]${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link; unset desc
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$match == ""} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# fetches wiki info from *
# -speechless supplied
proc wiki {input} {
global incithcharset
; set output "" ; set ded "" ; set match "" ; set redir "" ; set country "" ; set dec ""
; set query "" ; set titem "" ; set ebcPR "" ; set results "" ; set tresult "" ; set red 0
; set subtag "" ; set region "" ; set regional ""
# make it so people can search their country
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - country input
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::wiki_country}"
regexp -nocase -- {(.*)\@(.*)} $country - country region
# this is my input encoding hack, this will convert input before it goes
# out to be queried.
if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_input > 0 && $region != ""} {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "${region}:*"]] :] 1]
} elseif {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_input > 0 && $country != ""} {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "${country}:*"]] :] 1]
} else { set encoding_found "" }
if {$encoding_found != "" && [lsearch -exact [encoding names] $encoding_found] != -1} {
set input [encoding convertfrom $encoding_found $input]
regsub -all -- {_} $input { } input
regexp -- {^(.+?)\#(.+?)$} $input - input results
regsub -all -- {_} $results { } results
set input [urlencode $input 0 "utf-8"]
set results [string map {.20 _} [urlencode [string trim $results] 1 "utf-8"]]
# 1st load of webpage - this is the only part which has error control
# this is where we load the search page to find an exact match or most relevant.
# we will also be able to detect bad user input in the form of socket errors.
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
set query "http://${country}${input}&fulltext=Search"
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding "utf-8"]
# stole this bit from rosc2112 on egghelp forums
# borrowed is a better term, all procs eventually need this error handler.
catch {set http [::http::geturl "$query" -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 5]]} error
if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${country}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if { [::http::status $http] == "timeout" } {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
set redir [::http::ncode $http]
if {[string match "*${redir}*" "302|301" ]} {
foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} {
catch {set http [::http::geturl "$value" -query "" -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]} error
if { $::incith::google::debug > 0 } { putserv "privmsg $::incith::google::debugnick :\002redirected:\002 $query -> $value" }
if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${country}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if { [::http::status $http] == "timeout" } {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
set query $value
::http::cleanup $http
# generic pre-parsing
regsub -all -nocase {<sup>(.+?)</sup>} $html {^\1} html
regsub -all -nocase {<font.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</font>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<input.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<i>|</i>)} $html "" html
regsub -all "\t" $html " " html
regsub -all "\n" $html " " html
regsub -all "\r" $html " " html
regsub -all "\v" $html " " html
regsub -all "</li>" $html ". " html
regsub -all ";;>" $html "" html
regsub {<div class="floating_object".*?>.*?</div>} $html "" html
if {$html == ""} { return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikipedia Error:\002 No html to parse.$::incith::google::error_demodes" }
# see if our direct result is available and if so, lets take it
if {![regexp -- {<div id="contentSub"><p>.*?<a href="(.+?)".*?title} $html - match]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class=.searchresults.><p>*?<a href="(.+?)".*?title} $html - match]} {
regexp -- {<div class=.searchresults.><p class="mw-search.*?>.*?<a href="(.+?)".*?title} $html - match
if {[string match -nocase "*action=edit*" $match]} { set match "" }
# otherwise we only care about top result
if {$match == ""} {
if {![regexp -- {<li><a href="((?!http).+?)"} $html - match]} {
if {![regexp -- {<li style.*?><a href="(.+?)"} $html - match]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class='searchresults'>.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?class="mw-redirect">} $html - match]} {
if {[regexp -- {<li><div class='mw-search-result-heading'>(.*?)</div>} $html - slice]} {
if {![regexp -- {<span class='searchalttitle'>.*?<a href="(.*?)"} $slice - match]} {
regexp -- {<a href="(.*?)"} $slice - match
#if {[string match "http://*" $match]} { set match "" }
if {[string match -nocase "*/wiki*" $country]} {
regsub -- {/wiki} $country {} country
set junk [open "ig-debug.txt" w]
puts $junk $html
close $junk
# at this point we can tell if there was any match, so let's not even bother
# going further if there wasn't a match, this pulls the 'no search etc' found.
# this can be in any language.
if {$match == ""} {
# these are for 'no search results' or similar message
# these can be in any language.
if {[regexp -- {<div class='searchresults'>(.+?)</p>} $html - match]} {
regsub -all {(?:<b>|</b>|<em>|</em>)} $match "\002" match
regsub -- {<a href="/wiki/Special\:Allpages.*?</a>} $match "." match
regsub -all {<div id.*?>} $match "" match
regsub -- {</a></div>} $match "?" match
regsub -all {</div>} $match "" match
regsub -all {\[Index\]} $match "" match
regsub -all {<span.*?/span>} $match "" match
regsub -all {<script type.*?</script>} $match "" match
regsub -all { \(<.*?>\)} $match ". " match
if {[string match "*<!--*" $match]} {
regexp -- {<li class="normal">.*?</p><p>(.*?)</p>} $html - match
} else {
if {[regexp -- {<div id='search results'><p class="mw-search.*?>(.*?)</p>} $html - match]} {
regsub -all {(?:<b>|</b>|<em>|</em>)} $match "\002" match
if {$match == ""} {
if {[regexp -nocase -- {<div class='searchresults'>(.*?)<div class="printfooter">} $html - match]} {
regsub -all {<p>} $match " " match
regsub -all {(?:<b>|</b>|<em>|</em>)} $match "\002" match
regsub -- {<a href="/wiki/Special\:Allpages.*?</a>} $match "." match
regsub -all {<div id.*?>} $match "" match
regsub -- {</a></div>} $match "?" match
regsub -all {</div>} $match "" match
regsub -all {\[Index\]} $match "" match
regsub -all {<span.*?/span>} $match "" match
regsub -all {<script type.*?</script>} $match "" match
regsub -all { \(<.*?>\)} $match ". " match
# this is our last error catch, this can grab the
# 'wikimedia cannot search at this time' message
# this can be in any language.
if {[string len $match] < 3} { regexp -- {<center><b>(.+?)</b>} $html - match }
if {$match == ""} {
regsub -all -- { } $results {_} results
if {$results != ""} { set results "#${results}" }
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikimedia Error:\002 Unable to parse for: \002${input}\002 @ ${query}${results}$::incith::google::error_demodes"
# might be tags since we allowed any language here we cut them out
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match
if {$region == ""} {
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[utf8encodefix $country [descdecode ${match}]]$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[utf8encodefix $region [descdecode ${match}]]$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
# we assume here we found another page to traverse in our search.
if {$region != ""} {
regsub -- {/wiki/} $match "/$region/" match
if {![string match http://* $match]} { set query "http://${country}${match}" } { set query $match }
# 2nd load of webpage - this has no error checking what-so-ever
# here is where we pluck the link to the exact match, or the most relevant 'top' link.
# or in the case of redirects, to other pages, we will handle that here as well.
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding "utf-8"]
set http [::http::geturl "$query" -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 5]]
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
# this is the output encoding hack.
if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_output > 0} {
if {$region != ""} {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$region:*"]] :] 1]
} else {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$country:*"]] :] 1]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
if {$incith::google::debug > 0} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url:\002 $query \002charset:\002 [string map -nocase {"iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $incithcharset] \002\037encode_string:\037\002 $encoding_found"
::http::cleanup $http
#correct the html, remove shitty tags
# generic pre-parsing
regsub -all -nocase {<sup>(.+?)</sup>} $html {^\1} html
regsub -all -nocase {<font.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</font>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<input.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<i>|</i>)} $html "" html
regsub -all "\t" $html " " html
regsub -all "\n" $html " " html
regsub -all "\r" $html " " html
regsub -all "\v" $html " " html
regsub -all "</li>" $html ". " html
regsub -all ";;>" $html "" html
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions > 0 && [string match "\002" $incith::google::desc_modes] != 1} {
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<b>|</b>)} $html "\002" html
set match ""
# are we redirected to another page? if so, let's go there
regexp -- {alt="#REDIRECT ".+?<a href="(.+?)" title="} $html - match
if {$match != ""} {
incr red 1
set query "http://${country}${match}"
# 3rd load of webpage - this has no error checking what-so-ever
# here is our final webpage, this is hopefully what the user was looking for.
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding "utf-8"]
set http [::http::geturl $query -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
# this is the output encoding hack.
if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_output > 0} {
if {$region != ""} {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$region:*"]] :] 1]
} else {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$country:*"]] :] 1]
} else { set incithcharset "" }
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
if {$incith::google::debug > 0} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url:\002 $query \002charset:\002 [string map -nocase {"iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $incithcharset] \002\037encode_string:\037\002 $encoding_found"
::http::cleanup $http
#correct the html, remove shitty tags
# generic pre-parsing
regsub -all -nocase {<sup>(.+?)</sup>} $html {^\1} html
regsub -all -nocase {<font.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</font>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<input.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<i>|</i>)} $html "" html
regsub -all "\t" $html " " html
regsub -all "\n" $html " " html
regsub -all "\r" $html " " html
regsub -all "\v" $html " " html
regsub -all "</li>" $html ". " html
regsub -all ";;>" $html "" html
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions > 0 && [string match "\002" $incith::google::desc_modes] != 1} {
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<b>|</b>)} $html "\002" html
set match ""
# give results an output header with result tally.
if {[regexp -- {<title>(.+?)</title>} $html - match]} { regexp -- {(.+?)\s(?:-|-)\s} $match - match }
# see if page has a redirect to fragment
regexp -- {redirectToFragment\("\#(.*?)"\)} $html - tresult
if {[string match "*#*" $query]} { regexp -- {^(.*?)#(.*?)$} $query - query tresult }
if {![string match "*<a name=*" $html]} { set walt 1 }
# this is my kludge to allow listing table of contents, to make
# sub-tag lookups easier to see on irc.
if {[string length $results]} {
set tresult ""
set subtag [string tolower $results]
# if the table of contents exists on the page, lets use real world words
# instead of ugly subtags...
if {[string match "*<table id=\"toc*" $html]} {
set ded "\002ToC\002\: " ; set ebcPR "" ; set results ""
# set results [regexp -inline -all -- {<li class="toclevel.*?<span class="toctext">(.*?)</span>} $html]
set results [regexp -inline -all -- {<li class="toclevel.*?href="#(.*?)"} $html]
foreach {junk anchor} $results { lappend anchors $anchor }
#if {![info exists anchors]} { set anchors "toc" }
if {[string tolower $subtag] == "toc"} {
foreach anchor $anchors { lappend new [string map {"_" " "} [subtagDecode $anchor]] }
append ded [join $new "; "]
set toc 1
} else {
set ded ""
} else {
# table of contents doesnt exist for the page, so we are manually
# going to pull them for the user ourselves.
set ded "\002\(ToC)\002: " ; set ebcPR ""
if {![info exists walt]} {
set results [regexp -inline -all -- {<a name=".*?id="(.+?)"} $html]
} else {
set results [regexp -inline -all -- {<span class="mw-headline".*?id="(.*?)"} $html]
foreach {junk anchor} $results { lappend anchors $anchor }
#if {![info exists anchors]} { set anchors "toc" }
if {[string tolower $subtag] == "toc"} {
foreach anchor $anchors { lappend new [string map {"_" " "} [subtagDecode $anchor]] }
append ded [join $new "; "]
set toc 1
} else {
set ded ""
# this is in case an internal redirectToFragment(# ) was found
if {$tresult != ""} {
set subtag $tresult
incr red 1
if {![info exists walt]} {
set redir "<a name=\"${subtag}\".*?>(.*?)(?:<a name|<div class=\"printfooter)"
} else {
if {[string index $tresult 0] == "#"} { set tresult [string range $tresult 1 end] ; set subtag $tresult }
set redir "<span class=\"mw-headline\" id=\"${subtag}\".*?>(.*?)(?:<span class=\"mw-headline|<div class=\"printfooter)"
regexp -nocase "$redir" $html - ded
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {<th style=.*?</th>} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {<table.+?</table>} $ded {} ded
if {$ded == ""} {
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikipedia Error:\002 redirectToFragment(#${tresult}) not found in body of html @ ${query} . This Wiki Entry is flawed and should be reported for redirect errors.$::incith::google::error_demodes"
# This is for our manual #sub-tag search..
if {![string equal [string tolower $subtag] "toc"] && [string length $subtag] && ![string length $tresult]} {
set subtag [string map {" " "_"} $subtag]
# direct match
if {[info exists anchors]} {
foreach entry $anchors {
if {[string match -nocase $entry $subtag] || [string match -nocase [subtagDecode $entry] $subtag]} {
set stf "true"
incr red 1
set subtag [string map {" " "_"} $entry]
if {![info exists stf]} {
# starts the anchor
foreach entry $anchors {
if {[string match -nocase "$subtag*" $entry] || [string match -nocase [subtagDecode "$subtag*"] $entry]} {
set stf "true"
incr red 1
set subtag [string map {" " "_"} $entry]
if {![info exists stf]} {
# anywhere in the anchor
foreach entry $anchors {
if {[string match -nocase "*$subtag*" $entry] || [string match -nocase [subtagDecode "*$subtag*"] $entry]} {
set stf "true"
incr red 1
set subtag [string map {" " "_"} $entry]
if {![info exists stf]} {
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikipedia Error:\002 Manual #anchor (${subtag}) not found in body of html @ ${query} .$::incith::google::error_demodes"
if {![info exists walt]} {
set redir "<a name=\"${subtag}\".*?>(.*?)(?:<a name|<div class=\"printfooter)"
} else {
set redir "<span class=\"mw-headline\" id=\"${subtag}\".*?>(.*?)(?:<span class=\"mw-headline|<div class=\"printfooter)"
regexp -nocase "${redir}" $html - ded
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {<th style=.*?</th>} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {<table.+?</table>} $ded {} ded
if {$ded == ""} {
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikipedia Error:\002 Unknown problem with (${subtag}) found @ ${query} .$::incith::google::error_demodes"
# we couldn't chop these earlier because we needed them
# to easily pull our #sub-tag finder above, need to remove
# them here before we go further, because it might upset our checks.
regsub -all -nocase {<span.*?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</span>} $html "" html
# if we have no pre-cut html, let's start the cutting process.
if {$ded == ""} {
regsub -all {<div id="siteNotice">.*?</p></div>} $html {} html
regsub -all {<script type=.*?</script>} $html {} html
regsub -all {<th style=.*?</th>} $html {} html
regsub -all {//<.*?//]]>} $html {} html
### - trying to clear out those damned wikipedia tables --
regsub -all -- {<table.+?</table>} $html {} html
regexp -- {<p>(.+?)<h} $html - ded
if {[string match "*</table>*" $ded]} {
regsub -all -- {.+?</table>} $ded {} ded
} elseif {[string match "*<table*" $ded]} {
regsub -all -- {<table.*>.+?} $ded {} ded
# if wiki page is non-standard, then this will attempt
# to get at least something from the webpage to display.
if {$ded == ""} {
if {![regexp -- {<p>(.+?)</p>} $html - ded]} {
regexp -- {<p>(.+?)<div class="printfooter">} $html - ded
#clean up messy parsing.
regsub -all -- {<br>|<br/>} $ded {. } desc
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc {} desc
while {[string match "* *" $desc]} {
regsub -all -- { } $desc " " desc
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- { , } $desc ", " desc
regsub -all -- { \.} $desc "\." desc
set match [string trim $match]
# if we have a very short description this will grab more.
if {$match != ""} {
if {[string len $desc] < 3} {
regexp -- {<p>.+?<p>(.+?)<h} $html - ded
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $ded { } desc
# if we still have a tiny description, grab more yet.
if {$match != ""} {
if {[string len $desc] < 3} {
regexp -- {<p>(.+?)<p} $html - ded
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $ded { } desc
# clean up messy parsing.
# here we try to sanitize the description
# i'm hoping this works with any language, *crosses fingers*
set desc [string trim $desc]
regsub -all -- {<br>} $desc {. } desc
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc {} desc
while {[string match "* *" $desc]} {
regsub -all -- { } $desc " " desc
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- { , } $desc ", " desc
regsub -all -- { \.} $desc "\." desc
# regsub -all -- {&#(25(\[6-9\])?|2(\[6-9\])?[\d]|(\[3-9\])?[\d]{2}|[\d]{4,5});} $desc "?" desc
# set our variables so formatting settings work
if {$subtag != ""} {
#regsub -- {" id="top".*?$} $subtag "" subtag
set subtag "#${subtag}"
set link $query
set desc [descdecode $desc]
if {![info exists toc]} { set desc "[string range $desc 0 [expr 360 * $incith::google::wiki_lines]]" }
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim "$link$subtag"]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
if {[info exists match]} { set match "$incith::google::total_modes[string trim $match]$incith::google::total_demodes" }
# after stripping excessive tags if our description is
# reduced to nothing, let's lie and say it was too much to parse :)
if {$match != "" && $desc == ""} {
regexp -- {<h[0-9].*?>.*?h[0-9]>.*?<ul>(.*?)</ul>} $html - desc
set desc [string trim $desc]
regsub -all -- {<br>} $desc {. } desc
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc {} desc
while {[string match "* *" $desc]} {
regsub -all -- { } $desc " " desc
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- { , } $desc ", " desc
regsub -all -- { \.} $desc "\." desc
set desc "${::incith::google::desc_modes}$desc${::incith::google::desc_demodes}"
# if we have no description, then let's decide what to do.
if {$desc == ""} {
regexp -- {<p>(.+?)</p>} $html - match
if {$match != ""} { return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikipedia Error:\002 Unable to parse for: \002${input}\002 @ ${query}${subtag}$::incith::google::error_demodes" }
if {$match == ""} { return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikipedia Error:\002 Sorry, no search results found.$::incith::google::error_demodes" }
# regular output displayed.
if {$match != ""} {
if {$red > 0} {
set output "\002[descdecode ${match}]\002${incith::google::seperator}${desc}$::incith::google::break${link} $::incith::google::total_modes\[${red} Redirect\(s\)\]$incith::google::total_demodes"
} else {
set output "\002[descdecode ${match}]\002${incith::google::seperator}${desc}$::incith::google::break${link}"
} else {
if {$red > 0} {
set output "${desc}$::incith::google::break${link} $::incith::google::total_modes\[${red} Redirect\(s\)\]$::incith::google::total_demodes"
} else {
set output "${desc}$::incith::google::break${link}"
return $output
# fetches wiki info from sites other than
# -speechless supplied
proc wikimedia {input} {
global incithcharset
; set output "" ; set ded "" ; set match "" ; set redir "" ; set country "" ; set dec ""
; set query "" ; set titem "" ; set ebcPR "" ; set results "" ; set tresult "" ; set red 0
; set subtag "" ; set no_search "" ; set force 0 ; set fr 0 ; set natch "" ; set region ""
; set regional ""
# make it so people can search their wiki in proper encoding....
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - country input
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::wikimedia_site}"
regexp -nocase -- {(.*)\@(.*)} $country - country region
# allow full search if desired
if {[string match "+" [string range $region 0 0]]} {
set region [string range $region 1 end]
set regional $region
# this is my input encoding hack, this will convert input before it goes
# out to be queried.
if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_input > 0 && $region != ""} {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "${region}:*"]] :] 1]
} elseif {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_input > 0 && $country != ""} {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "${country}:*"]] :] 1]
} else { set encoding_found "" }
if {$encoding_found != "" && [lsearch -exact [encoding names] $encoding_found] != -1} {
set input [encoding convertfrom $encoding_found $input]
regsub -all -- {_} $input { } input
regexp -- {^(.+?)\#(.+?)$} $input - input results
regsub -all -- { } $results { } results
set input [urlencode $input 0 "utf-8"]
set results [string map {.20 _} [urlencode [string trim $results] 1 "utf-8"]]
# force is for those times you want to MAKE
# it directly go to a location, you use force
# by making first letter of your search term a .
set force [regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)$} $input - input]
if {$force == 1} {
#set query "http://${country}/index.php?search=${input}&go=Go"
set query "http://${country}/index.php/${input}"
#set match "/index.php?search=${input}&go=Go"
#set match "/index.php/${input}"
} else {
set query "http://${country}/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&search=${input}&fulltext=Search"
# pre-load page to get damn redirects out of the way
# this is stupid i agree, but let's not think about it.
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding "utf-8"]
# stole this bit from rosc2112 on egghelp forums
# borrowed is a better term, all procs eventually need this error handler.
catch {set http [::http::geturl $query -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 5]]} error
if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${query}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if { [::http::status $http] == "timeout" } {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
if {[string match "*${redir}*" "302|301" ]} {
foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} {
catch {set http [::http::geturl "$v" -query "" -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]} error
if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${query}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if { [::http::status $http] == "timeout" } {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
set query $value
incr red
::http::cleanup $http
# are we redirected to another page so soon?
# usually this is the case, if our original search page wants
# to search using another method, so let's accomodate it...
regexp -nocase -- {document has moved.+?<a href="(.+?)">} $html - match
regexp -nocase -- {Did you mean to type.+?<a href="(.+?)">} $html - match
# if we are redirected, then we can modify our url
# to include the redirect as our new destination site.
if {$match != ""} {
incr red 1 ; set fr 1
set query $match
regsub -all "&amp;" $query {\&} query
regexp -- {http\:\/\/(.+?)/index.php} $match - country
# 1st load of webpage - this is the only part which has error control
# this is where we load the search page to find an exact match or most relevant.
# we will also be able to detect bad user input in the form of socket errors.
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
if {$fr == 1} {
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding "utf-8"]
set http [::http::geturl $query -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 15]]
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
::http::cleanup $http
# generic pre-parsing
regsub -all -nocase {<sup>(.+?)</sup>} $html {^\1} html
regsub -all -nocase {<font.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</font>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<span.*?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</span>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<input.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<i>|</i>)} $html "" html
regsub -all "\t" $html " " html
regsub -all "\n" $html " " html
regsub -all "\r" $html " " html
regsub -all "\v" $html " " html
regsub -all "</li>" $html ". " html
regsub -all ";;>" $html "" html
regsub {<div class="floating_object".*?>.*?</div>} $html "" html
if {$html == ""} { return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikimedia Error:\002 No html to parse.$::incith::google::error_demodes" }
# this is my kludge, enjoy it
if {$force == 0} {
# see if our direct result is available and if so, lets take it
if {![regexp -- {<div id="contentSub"><p>.*?<a href="((?!#).+?)".*?title} $html - match]} {
regexp -nocase -- {<div class='searchresults'>.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?(class=|title=|style=)} $html - match
if {[string match -nocase "*action=edit*" $match]} { set match "" }
# otherwise we only care about top result
# this is the _only_ way to parse mediawiki, sorry.
if {$match == ""} {
regexp -- {<li><a href="(.*?)"} $html - match
if {$match == ""} {
if {![regexp -- {<li><div class='mw-search.*?'><a href="(.*?)"} $html - match]} {
regexp -- {<li style.*?><a href="(.+?)"} $html - match
# this will strip double domain entries from our country if it exists
# on our anchor.
if {$incith::google::wiki_domain_detect != 0} {
if {[string match -nocase [lindex [split $country "/"] end] [lindex [split $match "/"] 1]]} {
set country [join [lrange [split $country "/"] 0 end-1] "/"]
} elseif {[string match -nocase "*/wiki*" $country]} {
regsub -- {/wiki} $country {} country
# at this point we can tell if there was any match, so let's not even bother
# going further if there wasn't a match, this pulls the 'no search etc' found.
# this can be in any language.
if {$match == ""} {
# these are for 'no search results' or similar message
# these can be in any language.
# if {[regexp -- {</form>.*?<p>(.+?)(<p><b>|</p><hr)} $html - match]} { regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match {} match }
if {$match == ""} {
if {[regexp -- {<div class='searchresults'>(.+?)</p>} $html - match]} {
regsub -all {(?:<b>|</b>|<em>|</em>)} $match "\002" match
} else {
if {[regexp -- {<div id="contentSub">(.+?)<form id=} $html - match]} {
regsub -all {(?:<b>|</b>|<em>|</em>)} $match "\002" match
regsub -- {<a href="/wiki/Special\:Allpages.*?</a>} $match "." match
regsub -- {<div id.*?>} $match "" match
regsub -- {</a></div>} $match "?" match
regsub -- {</div>} $match "" match
regsub -- {\[Index\]} $match "" match
regsub -- {<span.*?/span>} $match "" match
regsub -- { \(<.*?>\)} $match ". " match
if {[string match "*<!--*" $match]} {
regexp -- {<li class="normal">.*?</p><p>(.*?)</p>} $html - match
# this is our last error catch, this can grab the
# 'wikimedia cannot search at this time' message
# this can be in any language.
if {[string len $match] < 3} { regexp -- {<center><b>(.+?)</b>} $html - match }
if {$match == ""} {
regsub -all -- { } $results {_} results
if {$results != ""} { set results "#${results}" }
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikimedia Error:\002 Unable to parse for: \002${input}\002 @ ${query}${results}$::incith::google::error_demodes"
# might be tags since we allowed any language here we cut them out
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $match "" match
if {$region == ""} {
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[utf8encodefix $country [descdecode ${match}]]$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes[utf8encodefix $region [descdecode ${match}]]$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
# this lets us easily change our internal sub redirected wiki link.
#if {$regional != ""} {
# regsub -- {/wiki/} $match "/$region/" match
# we assume here we found another page to traverse in our search.
if {![string match "*http*" $match]} { set query "http://${country}${match}" } { set query $match }
# 2nd load of webpage - this has no error checking what-so-ever
# here is where we pluck the link to the exact match, or the most relevant 'top' link.
# or in the case of redirects, to other pages, we will handle that here as well.
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding "utf-8"]
set http [::http::geturl $query -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 15]]
upvar #0 $http state ; set ncode [http::ncode $http] ; set metas $state(meta) ; set value ""
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
# this is the output encoding hack.
#if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_output > 0} {
# if {$region != ""} {
# set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$region:*"]] :] 1]
# } else {
# set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$country:*"]] :] 1]
# }
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
if {$incith::google::debug > 0} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url:\002 $query \002charset:\002 [string map -nocase {"iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $incithcharset] \002\037encode_string:\037\002 $encoding_found"
::http::cleanup $http
#correct the html, remove shitty tags
# generic pre-parsing
regsub -all -nocase {<sup>(.+?)</sup>} $html {^\1} html
regsub -all -nocase {<font.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</font>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<input.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<i>|</i>)} $html "" html
regsub -all "\t" $html " " html
regsub -all "\n" $html " " html
regsub -all "\r" $html " " html
regsub -all "\v" $html " " html
regsub -all "</li>" $html ". " html
regsub -all ";;>" $html "" html
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions > 0 && [string match "\002" $incith::google::desc_modes] != 1} {
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<b>|</b>)} $html "\002" html
set match ""
# this is where my kludge ends ;)
# this is if there is no text on a special page.
} else {
if {[regexp -nocase -- {<div class="noarticletext">(.+?)</div>} $html - no_search]} {
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search {} no_search
while {[string match "* *" $no_search]} {
regsub -all -- { } $no_search " " no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$no_search$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
if {[string match 30* $ncode]} {
foreach {name value} $metas {
if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} {
set go $value
# are we redirected to another page? if so, let's go there
if {[regexp -- {alt="#REDIRECT ".+?<a href="(.+?)" title="} $html - match] || [info exists go]} {
if {$match != ""} {
incr red 1
set query "http://${country}${match}"
} else { set query $go }
# 3rd load of webpage - this has no error checking what-so-ever
# here is our final webpage, this is hopefully what the user was looking for.
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -urlencoding "utf-8"]
set http [::http::geturl $query -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 15]]
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
# this is the output encoding hack.
#if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_output > 0} {
# if {$region != ""} {
# set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$region:*"]] :] 1]
# } else {
# set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$country:*"]] :] 1]
# }
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
if {$incith::google::debug > 0} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url:\002 $query \002charset:\002 [string map -nocase {"iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $incithcharset] \002\037encode_string:\037\002 $encoding_found"
::http::cleanup $http
#correct the html, remove shitty tags
# generic pre-parsing
regsub -all -nocase {<sup>(.+?)</sup>} $html {^\1} html
regsub -all -nocase {<font.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</font>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<input.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<i>|</i>)} $html "" html
regsub -all "\t" $html " " html
regsub -all "\n" $html " " html
regsub -all "\r" $html " " html
regsub -all "\v" $html " " html
regsub -all "</li>" $html ". " html
regsub -all ";;>" $html "" html
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions > 0 && [string match "\002" $incith::google::desc_modes] != 1} {
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<b>|</b>)} $html "\002" html
set match ""
# give results an output header with result tally.
regexp -- {<title>(.+?)\s\-\s.+?</title>} $html - match
# see if page has a redirect to fragment
if {![string length $results]} { regexp -- {redirectToFragment\("(\#.+?)"\)} $html - tresult }
if {![string match "*<a name=*" $html]} { set walt 1 }
# this is my kludge to allow listing table of contents, to make
# sub-tag lookups easier to see on irc.
if {[string length $results] || [string length $tresult]} {
if {[string length $results]} { set tresult "" }
set subtag [string tolower $results]
# if the table of contents exists on the page, lets use real world words
# instead of ugly subtags...
if {[string match "*<table id=\"toc*" $html]} {
set ded [encoding convertto "utf-8" "\002ToC\002\: "] ; set ebcPR "" ; set results ""
# set results [regexp -inline -all -- {<li class="toclevel.*?<span class="toc.*?">(.*?)</span>} $html]
set results [regexp -inline -all -- {<li class="toclevel.*?href="#(.*?)"} $html]
set anchors [list "toc"]
foreach {junk anchor} $results { lappend anchors $anchor }
if {[string tolower $subtag] == "toc"} {
foreach anchor $anchors { lappend new [string map {"_" " "} [subtagDecode $anchor]] }
append ded [join $new "; "]
set toc 1 ; set loop 1
} else {
set ded ""
} else {
# table of contents doesnt exist for the page, so we are manually
# going to pull them for the user ourselves.
set ded [encoding convertto "utf-8" "\002\(ToC)\002: "] ; set ebcPR ""
if {![info exists walt]} {
set results [regexp -inline -all -- {<a name=".*?id="(.+?)"} $html]
} else {
set results [regexp -inline -all -- {<span class="mw-headline".*?id="(.*?)"} $html]
set anchors [list]
foreach {junk anchor} $results { lappend anchors $anchor }
if {[string tolower $subtag] == "toc"} {
foreach anchor $anchors { lappend new [string map {"_" " "} [subtagDecode $anchor]] }
append ded [join $new "; "]
set toc 1 ; set loop 1
} else {
set ded ""
# this is in case an internal redirectToFragment(# ) was found
if {$tresult != ""} {
#set subtag $tresult
incr red 1
if {![info exists walt]} {
set redir "name=\"${tresult}\".*?>(.+?)(<a name|</table>|\<\!\-)"
} else {
set tresult [string range $tresult 1 end]
set redir "<span class=\"mw-headline\" id=\"${tresult}.*?>(.+?)(<span|</table>|\<\!\-)"
regexp -nocase "$redir" $html - ded
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {<table.+?</table>} $ded {} ded
if {$ded == ""} {
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikimedia Error:\002 redirectToFragment(#${tresult}) not found in body of html @ ${query} . This Wiki Entry is flawed and should be reported for redirect errors.$::incith::google::error_demodes"
# This is for our manual #sub-tag search..
if {![string equal [string tolower $subtag] "toc"] && [string length $subtag]} {
set subtag [string map {" " "_"} $subtag]
# direct match
if {[info exists anchors]} {
foreach entry $anchors {
if {[string match -nocase $entry $subtag] || [string match -nocase [subtagDecode $entry] $subtag]} {
set stf "true"
incr red 1
set subtag [string map {" " "_"} $entry]
if {![info exists stf]} {
# starts the anchor
foreach entry $anchors {
if {[string match -nocase "$subtag*" $entry] || [string match -nocase [subtagDecode "$entry*"] $subtag]} {
set stf "true"
incr red 1
set subtag [string map {" " "_"} $entry]
if {![info exists stf]} {
# anywhere in the anchor
foreach entry $anchors {
if {[string match -nocase "*$subtag*" $entry] || [string match -nocase [subtagDecode "*$subtag*"] $entry]} {
set stf "true"
incr red 1
set subtag [string map {" " "_"} $entry]
if {![info exists stf]} {
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikimedia Error:\002 Manual #anchor (${subtag}) not found in body of html @ ${query} .$::incith::google::error_demodes"
if {![info exists walt]} {
set redir "name=\"${subtag}\".*?>(.*?)(?:<a name|<div class=\"printfooter)"
} else {
set redir "<span class=\"mw-headline\" id=\"${subtag}\".*?>(.*?)(?:<span class=\"mw-headline|<div class=\"printfooter)"
regexp -nocase "${redir}" $html - ded
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {<th style=.*?</th>} $ded {} ded
regsub -all -- {<table.+?</table>} $ded {} ded
if {$ded == ""} {
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikimedia Error:\002 Unknown problem with (${subtag}) found @ ${query} .$::incith::google::error_demodes"
# we couldn't chop these earlier because we needed them
# to easily pull our #sub-tag finder above, need to remove
# them here before we go further, because it might upset our checks.
regsub -all -nocase {<span.*?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</span>} $html "" html
# if we have no pre-cut html, let's start the cutting process.
if {$ded == ""} {
regexp -- {<h1.*?>.*?<p>(.+?)<h} $html - ded
### - trying to clear out those damned wikipedia tables --
regsub -all -- {<table.+?</table>} $ded {} ded
if {[string match "*</table>*" $ded]} {
regsub -all -- {.+?</table>} $ded {} ded
} elseif {[string match "*<table*" $ded]} {
regsub -all -- {<table.*>.+?} $ded {} ded
# if wiki page is non-standard, then this will attempt
# to get at least something from the webpage to display.
if {$ded == ""} {
regexp -- {<p>(.+?)<div class="printfooter">} $html - ded
#clean up messy parsing.
regsub -all -- {<br>|<br/>} $ded {. } desc
#regsub -all -- {">:alpha:\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc {} desc
while {[string match "* *" $desc]} {
regsub -all -- { } $desc " " desc
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- { , } $desc ", " desc
regsub -all -- { \.} $desc "\." desc
regsub -all -- {&#(25(\[6-9\])?|2(\[6-9\])?[\d]|(\[3-9\])?[\d]{2}|[\d]{4,5});} $desc "?" desc
set match [string trim $match]
# if we have a very short description this will grab more.
if {[string len $desc] < 3} {
if {[regexp -- {<p>.+?<p>(.+?)<h} $html - desc]} { set desc [cleans $desc] }
if {[string len $desc] < 3} {
if {[regexp -- {<p>(.+?)<p} $html - desc]} { set desc [cleans $desc] }
#if {[string length $tresult]} { set subtag $tresult }
# set our variables so formatting settings work
if {$subtag != ""} {
regsub -- {" id="top".*?$} $subtag "" subtag
set subtag "#${subtag}"
set link $query
set desc [descdecode $desc]
if {![info exists loop]} { set desc "[string range $desc 0 [expr 360 * $incith::google::wiki_lines]]" }
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists match]} { set match "$incith::google::total_modes[string trim $match]$incith::google::total_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim "$link$subtag"]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# after stripping excessive tags if our description is
# reduced to nothing, let's lie and say it was too much to parse :)
# if we have no description, then let's decide what to do.
if {$desc == ""} {
regexp -- {<p>(.+?)</p>} $html - match
if {$match != ""} { return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikimedia Error:\002 Unable to parse for: \002${input}\002 @ ${query}${subtag}$::incith::google::error_demodes" }
if {$match == ""} { return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Wikimedia Error:\002 Sorry, no search results found.$::incith::google::error_demodes" }
# regular output displayed.
if {$match != ""} {
if {$red > 0} {
set output "\002[descdecode ${match}]\002${incith::google::seperator}${desc}$incith::google::break${link} $incith::google::total_modes\[${red} Redirect\(s\)\]$::incith::google::total_demodes"
} else {
set output "\002[descdecode ${match}]\002${incith::google::seperator}[descdecode ${desc}]$::incith::google::break${link}"
} else {
if {$red > 0} {
set output "${desc}$::incith::google::break${link} $::incith::google::total_modes\[${red} Redirect\(s\)\]$::incith::google::total_demodes"
} else {
set output "${desc}$::incith::google::break${link}"
return $output
# wikipedia/wikimedia support
proc cleans {input} {
# clean up messy parsing.
# here we try to sanitize the description
# i'm hoping this works with any language, *crosses fingers*
set desc [string trim $input]
regsub -all -- {<br>} $desc {. } desc
regsub -all -- {\[<(.*?)>\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $desc {} desc
while {[string match "* *" $desc]} {
regsub -all -- { } $desc " " desc
regsub -all -- {\[[[:digit:]]+\]} $desc {} desc
regsub -all -- { , } $desc ", " desc
regsub -all -- { \.} $desc "\." desc
regsub -all -- {&#(25(\[6-9\])?|2(\[6-9\])?[\d]|(\[3-9\])?[\d]{2}|[\d]{4,5});} $desc "?" desc
return $desc
# fetches search results from ebay for auctions closest to completion.
# -speechless supplied
proc ebay {input} {
# lots of variables, keeping them clean is important.
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set titem "" ; set tresult "" ; set ebcSP ""
; set ebcU "" ; set ebcI "" ; set ebcBid "" ; set ebcPR "" ; set ebcTim "" ; set ebcShpNew ""
; set ebcCheck "" ; set no_search "" ; set auctions "" ; set ebcBid2 "" ; set ebcStr ""
# this isn't global, so we need to keep ctry (country) here
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - titem dummy
if {$titem == ""} {
set titem "${incith::google::ebay_country}"
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 25]
if {$html == ""} {
return "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Ebay Error: No html to parse.$::incith::google::error_demodes"
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# set up an ebay results header for results to be appended to as $output
if {![regexp -- {class="sectiontitle">([0-9  .,]+)\002.*?<h2 class="standard ens} $html - tresult]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class="count">([0-9  .,]+) } $html - tresult]} {
if {![regexp -- {var.*?getCustomAdConfig.*?,"items=(.+?)"} $html - tresult]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc"><div><h1 class="smuy">(.*?)\s(.*?)\s(.*?)\s} $html - tresult auctions]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc"><div>(.*?)\s(.*?)\s(.*?)\s} $html - tresult auctions]} {
regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc">.*?\s(.+?)\s.*?\:\s*(.+?)\s} $html - auctions tresult
set tresult "[join [scan $tresult "%d%d"] ""]"
# no_results line in any language.
if {[regexp -- {<div class="msg msg-alert">(.+?)</div>} $html - no_search]} {
if {[regexp -- {div class="msg msg-alert.+?</div>.+?"msg msg-alert">(.+?)</div>} $html - more]} {
append no_search " $more"
regsub -all {<(.+?)>} $no_search "" no_search
} else {
if {![regexp -- {class="sectiontitle">(.+?)</h2><h2 class="standard ens"> } $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class="count">(.+?)(?:</script>|</div>)} $html - no_search]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class="toplne"><div class="msg">(.+?)</div>} $html - no_search]} {
regexp -- {<div class="cnt">(.*?)</div>} $html - no_search
# santize our no_search results found error message
# may need to use it very shortly if we have no results
if {$no_search != ""} {
#if {[regexp -- {<div class="suggestions".+?<ul><li><div>(.+?)</li>} $html - ebcStr]} {
# regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $ebcStr {} ebcStr
# set ebcStr "${ebcStr}. "
#regexp {(^.+?)document.write} $no_search - no_search
#regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $no_search {} no_search
#set no_search "${ebcStr}[string trim $no_search]"
} else {
if {$tresult == 0 && $no_search == ""} {
set no_search "eBay error."
# bids in any language
if {![regexp -- {<td class="ebcBid">(.+?)</td>} $html {} ebcSP]} {set ebcsp ""}
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0} {
regexp -- {<option value="1" selected="selected">(.+?)</option>} $html - auctions
set output "$::incith::google::total_modes\002[string trim ${tresult}]\002 [string trim $auctions]$::incith::google::total_demodes${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::ebay_results} {
# these CANNOT be tied together, some results appear in different
# order, so always leave these spread out in a mess...
if {![regexp -nocase {<td class="dtl"><div class="ttl">(.*?)</a></td>} $html - line]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<table class="lview nol">.*?class="details.*?">(.+?)</table>} $html - line]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<table class="nol">.*?class="details.*?">(.+?)</table>} $html - line]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<h3 class="ens fontnormal">(.+?)class="ebRight"} $html - line]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<td class="details">(.*?)</a></td>} $html - line]} {
set line ""
} else { regsub -nocase {<td class="details">.*?</a></td>} $html {} html }
} else { regsub {<h3 class="ens fontnormal">.+?class="ebRight"} $html {} html }
} else { regsub {<table class="nol">.+?</table>} $html {} html }
} else { regsub {<table class="lview nol">.+?</table>} $html {} html }
} else { regsub -nocase {<td class="dtl"><div class="ttl">.*?</a></td>} $html {} html }
# name & url
if {![regexp -nocase {href=".*?ebay.*?/.*?/(.*?)\?pt.*?>(.*?)</a>} $line - ebcU ebcI]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<a href=".+?QQitem(.+?)QQ.+?">.+?<a href=".*?">(.+?)</a>} $line - ebcU ebcI]} {
regexp -nocase {<a href="http://cgi.ebay.*?/.*?/(.*?)\?cmd=.*?>(.*?)</a>} $line - ebcU ebcI
# bid
if {[regexp -nocase {class="bids.*?">(.+?)</td>} $line - ebcBid]} {
if {[regexp {<div.*?>(.+?)</div><img src=".*?title="(.+?)"} $ebcBid - ebcBid ebcBid2]} {
set ebcBid "${ebcBid}/${ebcBid2}"
if {[string match *<img* $ebcBid]} { regexp {<img src=".*?title="(.+?)"} $ebcBid - ebcBid }
} else {
regexp -nocase {class="ebcBid">(.*?)</td} $line - ebcBid
# trying to parse out the phrase "buy-it-now" in any language
# this isn't elegant at all, we are chopping 'massive' html tags out
# it works effectively, but isn't quick at all. We also have to account
# for multiple bid/buy-it-now possibilities....
regexp -- {(^[0-9\-]{1,})<} $ebcBid {} ebcBid2
if {![regexp -- {title="(.+?)"} $ebcBid {} ebcBid]} {
if {![regexp -- {alt="(.+?)(?:\":\:|-)} $ebcBid {} ebcBid]} {
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $ebcBid "" ebcBid
if {$ebcBid == "-"} { set ebcBid "0" }
if {$ebcBid != ""} {
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $ebcSP "" ebcSP
append ebcBid " ${ebcSP}"
if {$ebcBid == ""} { set ebcBid "??" }
# if our buy-it-now has a bid too, prepend bid to it.
if {![string match "*${ebcBid2}*" $ebcBid]} {
if {$ebcBid2 == "-"} { set ebcBid2 "0" }
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $ebcSP "" ebcSP
set ebcBid "${ebcBid2} ${ebcSP}/[string trim $ebcBid]"
regsub -nocase {</div><div class=.*?>} $ebcBid "/" ebcBid
regsub -all {<.*?>} $ebcBid "" ebcBid
# prices
if {[regexp -nocase {<td class="prc.*?">(.*?)</td} $line - ebcPR]} {
regsub -- {</div><div>} $ebcPR "/" ebcPR
regexp -- {^(.+)</div>(.*?)$} $ebcPR - ebcPR ebcShpNew
regsub -all {<.*?>} $ebcPR "" ebcPR
# shipping
if {![string length $ebcShpNew]} {
if {[regexp -nocase {td class=".*?(?:ship|fshp).*?">(.+?)</td>} $line - ebcShpNew]} {
if {[string match "<" [string index $ebcShpNew 0]]} { set ebcShpNew "Calculate" }
} else {
regexp -nocase {class="ebcShpNew">(.+?)<} $line - ebcShpNew
if {[info exists ebcShpNew]} {
regexp -- {;;">(.+?)} $ebcShpNew {} ebcCheck
if {$ebcCheck == ""} {
regexp -- {$(.+?)<} $ebcShpNew {} ebcShpNew
if {$ebcShpNew == ""} {
set ebcTim "store"
regexp -nocase {class="ebcStr">.+?">(.+?)</a>} $html - ebcStr
} else {
if {![regexp -- {(.*?)<div class="tfsp">(.*?)</div>} $ebcPR - ebcPR ebcShpNew]} {
set ebcShpNew "Calculate"
# remove pesky trailing spaces
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $ebcShpNew {} ebcShpNew
regsub -all " " $ebcShpNew "" ebcShpNew
# time left
if {![regexp -nocase {td class="time.*?rt">(.+?)</td>} $line - ebcTim]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {class="ebcTim">(.+?)<} $line - ebcTim]} {
regexp -nocase {class="hidlb">(.+?)<} $line - ebcTim
if {[info exists ebcTim]} {
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} [string map {\002 ""} $ebcTim] {} ebcTim
if {[string match *:* $ebcTim]} { set ebcTim [join [lrange [split $ebcTim :] 1 end]] }
# keep ebay Item from becoming too lengthy
if {[info exists ebcI]} {
#ebay has these odd tags, removing them cleans up results.
regsub -all -nocase "<wbr>" $ebcI "" ebcI
set ebcI [string range $ebcI 0 [expr $incith::google::description_length - 1]]
set ebcI [string trim $ebcI]
# check results are more than 0, return or stop looping, depending
if {$tresult < 1 } {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# make the link valid because we were only given a partial href result, not a full url
set link "http://cgi.ebay.${titem}/_W0QQItemZ[lindex [split ${ebcU} "/"] end]"
# fix up our variables so the output looks purdy.
if {$ebcPR == ""} { set ebcPR "--" }
if {$ebcTim == ""} {
set ebcTim "--"
} elseif {$ebcTim == "store"} {
set desc "\037${ebcStr}\037 ${ebcI}, ${ebcPR}(${ebcShpNew}), ${ebcBid}"
} elseif {$ebcI != ""} {
set desc "${ebcI}, ${ebcPR}(${ebcShpNew}), ${ebcBid}, ${ebcTim}"
} else {
set link "" ; set desc ""
# add the search result
if {$link != ""} {
if {[info exists desc] == 1 && $ebcI != ""} {
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output [descdecode "${desc}$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"]
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link ; set ebcCheck "" ; set ebcU "" ; set ebcBid2 ""
set ebcI "" ; set ebcPR "" ; set ebcShpNew ""
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {$tresult < 1} {
set reply $no_search
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# ebay fight !
proc ebayfight {input} {
set output ""; set winner 0 ; set match1 0; set match2 0
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?) vs (.+?)$} $input - word1 word2
# fetch the first result
set html [fetch_html $word1 25]
if {![regexp -- {class="sectiontitle">([0-9  .,]+)\002.*?<h2 class="standard ens} $html - match1]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class="count">([0-9  .,]+) } $html - match1]} {
if {![regexp -- {var.*?getCustomAdConfig.*?,"items=(.+?)"} $html - match1]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc"><div><h1 class="smuy">(.*?)\s(.*?)\s} $html - match1]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc"><div>(.*?)\s(.*?)\s} $html - match1]} {
regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc">.*?\s.+?\s.*?\:\s*(.+?)\s} $html - auctions match1
set match1 "[join [scan $match1 "%d%d"] ""]"
# fetch the second result
set html [fetch_html $word2 25]
regexp -- {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc">(.+?)\s} $html - match2
if {![regexp -- {class="sectiontitle">([0-9  .,]+)\002.*?<h2 class="standard ens} $html - match2]} {
if {![regexp -- {<div class="count">([0-9  .,]+) } $html - match2]} {
if {![regexp -- {var.*?getCustomAdConfig.*?,"items=(.+?)"} $html - match2]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc"><div><h1 class="smuy">(.*?)\s(.*?)\s} $html - match2]} {
if {![regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc"><div>(.*?)\s(.*?)\s} $html - match2]} {
regexp -nocase {<div id="v.*?" class="fpcc">.*?\s.+?\s.*?\:\s*(.+?)\s} $html - auctions match2
set match2 "[join [scan $match2 "%d%d"] ""]"
# clean up our matches, so it looks all tidy and neat.
regsub -all "\002" $match1 " " match1
regsub -all "\002" $match2 " " match2
if {![info exists match1]} {
set match1 "0"
set match1expr "0"
} else {
regsub -all {,} $match1 {} match1expr
if {![info exists match2]} {
set match2 "0"
set match2expr "0"
} else {
regsub -all {,} $match2 {} match2expr
if {[expr $match2expr < $match1expr]} {
set winner 1
} else {
set winner 2
if {[expr $match2expr == $match1expr]} {
set winner 1
set troll1 {
Pissing Shitting SpillingPez DrippingCum Trolling
set troll2 {
YourFace YourSister YourMama
set match1 "[lindex $troll1 [rand [llength $troll1]]]"
set match2 "[lindex $troll2 [rand [llength $troll2]]]"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions > 0 && $incith::google::desc_modes == ""} {
set word1 "\002$word1\002"; set word2 "\002$word2\002"
set match1 "\002 $match1\002"; set match2 "\002 $match2\002"
} elseif {$incith::google::desc_modes != ""} {
set word1 "$incith::google::desc_modes$word1$incith::google::desc_demodes"; set word2 "$incith::google::desc_modes$word2$incith::google::desc_demodes"
set match1 " $incith::google::desc_modes$match1$incith::google::desc_demodes"; set match2 " $incith::google::desc_modes$match2$incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
set match1 " $match1"; set match2 " $match2"
regsub -all " " $match1 "" match1
regsub -all " " $match2 "" match2
if {$winner == 1} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}By results on ebay:$::incith::google::total_demodes$incith::google::desc_modes $word1 beats $word2 by $match1 to $match2!$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} elseif {$winner == 2} {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}By results on ebay:$::incith::google::total_demodes$incith::google::desc_modes $word2 beats $word1 by $match2 to $match1!$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
set output "${::incith::google::total_modes}Could not determine the winner."
# make sure we have something to send
if {[info exists output] == 0} {
set reply "Sorry, no search results were found."
if {[info exists did_you_mean] == 1} {
append reply " Did you mean: ${did_you_mean}?"
return "$incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# Popular
# fetches games results from gamerankings.
# -speechless supplied
proc popular {input} {
# lots of variables, keeping them clean is important.
# borrowed mostly from my ebay proc above.
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set tresult ""
; set ebcU "" ; set ebcI "" ; set ebcBid "" ; set ebcPR ""
; set ebcCheck "" ; set html ""
# redundant and messy, yes i know.. but it works, k
# parses the query and reads html according to system desired.
if {[string match -nocase "gc" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 30]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST GameCube\002"
if {[string match -nocase "pc" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 31]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST PC\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ps2" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 32]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST PlayStation2\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ps3" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 33]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST PlayStation3\002"
if {[string match -nocase "wii" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 34]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Wii\002"
if {[string match -nocase "xbox" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 35]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Xbox\002"
if {[string match -nocase "x360" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 36]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Xbox360\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ds" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 37]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST NDS\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gba" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 38]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST GBA\002"
if {[string match -nocase "psp" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 39]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST PSP\002"
if {[string match -nocase "mobile" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 40]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Mobile\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ngage" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 41]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST N-Gage\002"
if {[string match -nocase "3do" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 42]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST 3DO\002"
if {[string match -nocase "dc" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 43]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Dreamcast\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gen" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 44]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Genesis\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jag" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 45]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Jaguar\002"
if {[string match -nocase "n64" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 46]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST N64\002"
if {[string match -nocase "neo" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 47]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Neo-Geo\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ps1" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 48]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Playstation\002"
if {[string match -nocase "sat" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 49]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Saturn\002"
if {[string match -nocase "snes" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 50]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Snes\002"
if {[string match -nocase "segacd" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 52]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST Sega-CD\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gameboy" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 53]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST GameBoy\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gbc" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 54]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST GameBoy Color\002"
if {[string match -nocase "all" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 55]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST -ALL-\002"
if {[string match -nocase "3ds" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "0" 57]
set output "\002GameRankings BEST 3DS\002"
if {[string match -nocase "mac" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 58]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST MAC\002"
if {[string match -nocase "**" $html]} {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}${::incith::google::error_modes}We're sorry, we are temporarily offline. We'll be back as soon as possible."
return $output
if {[string match -nocase "*Temporarily Unavailable*" $html]} {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}${::incith::google::error_modes}GameRankings is Temporarily Unavailable."
return $output
if {$output == ""} {
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, that system is not supported! \[system = gc/pc/mac/ps2/ps3/wii/xbox/x360/3ds/ds/gba/psp/mobile/ngage/3d0/dc/gen/jag/n64/neo/ps1/sat/snes\] usage: $::lastbind system"
} else { set output "$::incith::google::total_modes$output$::incith::google::total_demodes" }
regsub -all "(?:\t|\n|\r|\v)" $html "" html
# remove the bold if it isn't desired.
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse for results and loop until desired amount of results
# is attempted to be reached if possible.
while {$results < $incith::google::popular_results && $output != ""} {
# grab date and game title and clear future html of it for looping
if {[regexp -- {<col class="game" />.*?<tr.+?<td>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>.*?<a href=.+?">(.+?)</a>.*?<br />(.+?)</td><td>(.+?)<} $html - sys game pub date]} {
regsub -- {><tr.*?<td>.*?</td></tr} $html "" html
regsub -- {<nobr>} $date "" date
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {![info exists game]} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply "Sorry, no search results were found."
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# add the search result
# add game to output if there is one
if {[info exists game]} {
if {[string match -nocase "all" $input] == 1} {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}$::incith::google::desc_modes\002${game}\002 ($sys) by $pub (${date})$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}$::incith::google::desc_modes\002${game}\002 by $pub (${date})$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
unset game; unset date
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
incr results
# if we have nothing to send, we have no results :(
if {$output == ""} {
set output "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, found no results! \[system = gc/pc/ps2/ps3/wii/xbox/x360/ds/gba/psp/mobile/ngage/3do/dc/gen/jag/n64/neo/ps1/sat/snes\] usage: !popular system"
return $output
# Recent Games
# fetches games results from Gamerankings.
# -speechless supplied
proc recent {input} {
# lots of variables, keeping them clean is important.
# borrowed mostly from my ebay proc above.
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set tresult ""
; set ebcU "" ; set ebcI "" ; set ebcBid "" ; set ebcPR ""
; set ebcCheck "" ; set html ""
# redundant and messy, yes i know.. but it works, k
# parses the query and reads html according to system desired.
if {[string match -nocase "gc" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 30]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST GameCube\002"
if {[string match -nocase "pc" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 31]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST PC\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ps2" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 32]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST PlayStation2\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ps3" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 33]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST PlayStation3\002"
if {[string match -nocase "wii" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 34]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Wii\002"
if {[string match -nocase "xbox" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 35]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Xbox\002"
if {[string match -nocase "x360" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 36]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Xbox360\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ds" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 37]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST NDS\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gba" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 38]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST GBA\002"
if {[string match -nocase "psp" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 39]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST PSP\002"
if {[string match -nocase "mobile" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 40]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Mobile\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ngage" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 41]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST N-Gage\002"
if {[string match -nocase "3do" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 42]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST 3D0\002"
if {[string match -nocase "dc" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 43]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Dreamcast\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gen" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 44]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Genesis\002"
if {[string match -nocase "jag" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 45]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Jaguar\002"
if {[string match -nocase "n64" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 46]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST N64\002"
if {[string match -nocase "neo" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 47]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Neo-Geo\002"
if {[string match -nocase "ps1" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 48]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Playstation\002"
if {[string match -nocase "sat" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 49]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Saturn\002"
if {[string match -nocase "snes" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 50]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Snes\002"
if {[string match -nocase "segacd" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 52]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST Sega-CD\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gameboy" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 53]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST GameBoy\002"
if {[string match -nocase "gbc" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 54]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST GameBoy Color\002"
if {[string match -nocase "all" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 55]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST -ALL-\002"
if {[string match -nocase "3ds" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 57]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST 3DS\002"
if {[string match -nocase "mac" $input] == 1} {
set html [fetch_html "1" 58]
set output "\002GameRankings WORST MAC\002"
if {[string match -nocase "**" $html]} {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}${::incith::google::error_modes}We're sorry, we are temporarily offline. We'll be back as soon as possible."
return $output
if {[string match -nocase "*Temporarily Unavailable*" $html]} {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}${::incith::google::error_modes}GameRankings is Temporarily Unavailable."
return $output
if {$output == ""} {
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, that system is not supported! \[system = gc/pc/mac/ps2/ps3/wii/xbox/x360/3ds/ds/gba/psp/mobile/ngage/3do/dc/gen/jag/n64/neo/ps1/sat/snes\] usage: $::lastbind system"
} else { set output "$::incith::google::total_modes$output$::incith::google::total_demodes" }
regsub -all "(?:\t|\n|\r|\v)" $html "" html
# remove the bold if it isn't desired.
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse for results and loop until desired amount of results
# is attempted to be reached if possible.
while {$results < $incith::google::popular_results && $output != ""} {
# grab date and game title and clear future html of it for looping
if {[regexp -- {<col class="game" />.*?<tr.+?<td>.*?<td>(.*?)</td>.*?<a href=.+?">(.+?)</a>.*?<br />(.+?)</td><td>(.+?)<} $html - sys game pub date]} {
regsub -- {><tr.*?<td>.*?</td></tr} $html "" html
regsub -- {<nobr>} $date "" date
# if there's no desc, return or stop looping, depending
if {![info exists game]} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply "Sorry, no search results were found."
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_modes"
} else {
# add the search result
# add game to output if there is one
if {[info exists game]} {
if {[string match -nocase "all" $input] == 1} {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}$::incith::google::desc_modes\002${game}\002 ($sys) by $pub (${date})$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
append output "${incith::google::seperator}$::incith::google::desc_modes\002${game}\002 by $pub (${date})$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
unset game; unset date
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
incr results
# if we have nothing to send, we have no results :(
if {$output == ""} {
set output "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, found no results! \[system = gc/pc/ps2/ps3/wii/xbox/x360/ds/gba/psp/mobile/ngage/3d0/dc/gen/jag/n64/neo/ps1/sat/snes\] usage: !top system"
return "$output"
# Google Trends
# fetches top search terms from google
# -speechless supplied
proc trends {input} {
# lots of variables, keeping them clean is important.
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set tresult "" ; set no_results "" ; set no_search ""
set html [fetch_html $input 13]
# user input causing errors?
if {[string match -nocase "*socketerrorabort*" $html]} {
regsub {(.+?)\|} $html {} html
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Socket Error accessing '${html}' .. Does it exist?${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
if {[string match -nocase "*timeouterrorabort*" $html]} {
return "${::incith::google::error_modes}Connection has timed out...${::incith::google::error_demodes}"
# give location results we are displaying.
regexp -- {<table width=100% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 bgcolor=#E5ECF9><tr><td>(.+?)</td>} $html - tresult
if {$tresult != ""} { set output "$::incith::google::total_modes${tresult}$::incith::google::total_demodes${incith::google::seperator}" }
# get what we call the no_search for any language.
if {[string match "*system_down.html*" $html]} {
set no_search "$::incith::google::error_modes\002Trends Error:\002 System appears to be down, try again later.$::incith::google::error_demodes"
} else {
if {[regexp -- {<br><br>(.+?)</p>} $html - no_search]} {
regsub -- {<p>} $no_search { } no_search
} else {
if {![regexp -- {<ul><li>(.+?)</ul>} $html - no_search]} {
regexp -- {</table><p>(.+?)</p>} $html - no_search
# remove the bold if it isn't desired.
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse for results and loop until desired amount of results
# is attempted to be reached if possible.
while {$results < $incith::google::trends_results} {
set link "$::incith::google::total_modes\002[expr $results + 1]\002$::incith::google::total_demodes"
# grab our trend and cut it out
regexp -- {<td class=num>.+?<a href=.+?>(.+?)</a>} $html {} desc
regsub -- {<td class=num>.+?<a href=.+?>(.+?)</a>} $html "" html
if {[info exists desc]} {
append link " $incith::google::desc_modes$desc$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply "${no_search}"
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# add the search result
# add game to output if there is one
if {[info exists desc]} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::split_char}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset desc; unset link
incr results
# if we have nothing to send, we have no results :(
if {$output == ""} {
set output "$::incith::google::desc_modes${no_search}$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return [string trim $output $incith::google::split_char]
# Gamespot Game Review
# fetches review results from gamespot searches.
# -speechless supplied
proc rev {input} {
global incithcookie
# lots of variables, keeping them clean is important..
; set results "" ; set output "" ; set tresult ""; set inputb ""
; set ebcU "" ; set ebcI "" ; set ebcPR "" ; set review ""
; set us "?" ; set them "?" ; set you "?" ; set stats "" ; set vid ""
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?) @ (.+?)$} $input - input inputb
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 12]
regsub -all {\\n} $html "" html
if {[string match "*NO RESULTS RETURNED*" $html]} {
set reply "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, no search results were found."
return $reply
if {$inputb != ""} {
while {$results == ""} {
# this could break any second, its cumbersome and long..i know, but for now it works.
regexp -- {<div class=\\"result_title\\">.*?<a href=\\"(.+?)\?tag=result.*?\\">(.+?)<\\/a>} $html - ebcU ebcI
set ebcU [string map {"\\" ""} $ebcU]
if {[string match -nocase "*\(${inputb}\)*" $ebcI] == 1} { set results "true" }
if {$ebcU == $ebcPR} {
regsub -all { } $input {%20} input
return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, game does not appear for that console when searching first page results. See for yourself @${input}#game"
regsub -- {<div class=\\"result_title\\">.*?<a href=\\".+?\\">.+?<\\/a>} $html "" html
set ebcPR $ebcU
# get url snippet where game review can be pulled
if {$inputb == ""} {
if {[regexp -- {<div class=\\"result_title\\">.*?<a href=\\"(.+?)\?tag=result.*?\\">(.+?)<\\/a>} $html - ebcU ebcI]} {
set ebcU [string map {"\\" ""} $ebcU]
# if no snippet there is nothing more to do
if {$ebcU == "" } { return "${::incith::google::desc_modes}Sorry, no search results were found." }
# grab game review
set query "${ebcU}"
set ebcU ""; set ebcI ""; set ebcPR ""
regexp -- {(.+?)&q=} $query {} query
regexp -- {(.+?)\?q=} $query {} query
if {![string match "*http*" $query]} {
set query "${query}"
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua]
set http [::http::geturl $query -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]
if {$::incith::google::debug > 0 } {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url \(<--[::http::ncode $http]\):\002 $query"
set redir [::http::ncode $http]
upvar #0 $http state
# iterate through the meta array
foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
# do we have cookies?
if {[string equal -nocase $name "Set-Cookie"]} {
# yes, add them to cookie list
lappend reviewCookies [lindex [split $value {;}] 0]
if {[string match "*${redir}*" "307|303|302|301" ]} {
foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :$::incith_hdr Cookie [join $reviewCookies {;}] Referer $query"
set http [::http::geturl "$value" -headers "$::incith_hdr Cookie [join $reviewCookies {;}] Referer $query" -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url \(-->[::http::ncode $http]\):\002$value"
set redir [::http::ncode $http]
upvar #0 $http state
set html [::http::data $http]
::http::cleanup $http
# strip the html down
#regsub -all "\t" $html "" html
#regsub -all "\n" $html "" html
#regsub -all "\r" $html "" html
#regsub -all "\v" $html "" html
#regsub -all "<script.*?>.*?</script>" $html "" html
set junk [open "ig-debug-5.txt" w]
puts $junk $html
close $junk
if {![regexp -- {<h2 class="prodTitle">(.*?)</h2>} $html - name]} {
regexp -- {<title>(.+?) \- } $html {} name
# sometimes our game and system cut isn't pretty this cleans it up
regexp -- {(.+?)<.+?title} $name - name
set name [string trim $name]
} else {
regsub -- {</h1>} $name " " name
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $name "" name
if {[regexp -- {\&tag=scoresummary%3Bgs-score">(.+?)<} $html - us]} {
regsub -- {<.*?>} $us "" us
if {[regexp -- {\&tag=scoresummary%3Bcritic-score">(.+?)<} $html - them]} {
regsub -- {<.*?>} $them "" them
regexp -- {\?tag=scoresummary%3Buser-score">(.+?)<} $html - you
if {[regexp -- {<ul class="stats">(.+?)<div class="actions">} $html - stats]} {
regsub {<div class="label">Top 5 User Tags\:.+?</ol>} $stats "" stats
regsub {<div class="desc">.+?</ul>} $stats "" stats
regsub {<li class="stat universe">.+?</ul>} $stats "" stats
regsub -all {<.+?>} $stats "" stats
while {[string match "* *" $stats]} {
regsub -all -- { } $stats " " stats
regsub {More Info Game Stats} $stats "» «" stats
regsub {Tracking\:.+?Wish It&raquo;} $stats "» «" stats
regsub -all {&raquo;} $stats "» «" stats
regsub -all {/\s»} $stats "»" stats
regsub -all {«\s/} $stats "«" stats
if {[regexp {<p class="review deck".*?>(.+?)</p>} $html - review]} {
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $review "" review
set review " « $review »"
} elseif {[regexp {<p class="product deck".*?>(.+?)</p>} $html - review]} {
regsub -all -- {<.*?>} $review "" review
set review " « $review »"
if {[regexp -- {<ul class="videos">.+?<a href="(.+?)".*?">(.+?)</a>} $html - vurl vid]} {
if {[regexp -nocase -- {a href=""} $vid]} {
if {[regexp -- {<div class="module videos">.*?<div class="head">.*?href="(.*?)">(.*?)</a>} $html - vurl vid]} {
set vurl "$vurl"
} else {
regexp -- {^(.+?)?tag=;} $vurl - vurl
if {[string match "/" [string index $vurl 0]]} { set vurl "$vurl" }
set vid "$incith::google::desc_modes ... \002Video:\002 $vid$::incith::google::desc_demodes$::incith::google::break$::incith::google::link_modes$vurl$::incith::google::link_demodes"
set desc "[descdecode "${name} \(us\002$us\002 them\002$them\002 you\002$you\002\) «$stats»$review"]"
# make sure we have something to send
set output "$::incith::google::desc_modes${desc}$::incith::google::desc_demodes$::incith::google::break$::incith::google::link_modes${query}$::incith::google::link_demodes$vid"
return $output
# fetches games results from ign searches.
# -speechless supplied
proc ign {input} {
# lots of variables, keeping them clean is important.
# borrowed mostly from my ebay proc above.
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set tresult ""
; set ebcU "" ; set ebcI "" ; set ebcBid "" ; set ebcPR ""
; set ebcCheck "" ; set match ""
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 26]
if {$html == ""} { return "${::incith::google::error_modes}IGN search page appears to be blank... No results maybe?!" }
# give results an output header with result tally.
# regexp -- {All Products \(([,0-9]{1,})\)<br/>} $html - match
set match "iGN"
# format output according to variables.
if {$match != ""} {
set output "$::incith::google::total_modes\002${match}\002 results$::incith::google::total_demodes${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
} else {
regexp -- {<p.*?class="searchResultTitle">(.+?)</p>} $html - match
set output "${match}$::incith::google::seperator"
if {[regexp -- {<p class="searchResultTitle".+?<strong>(.+?)<br} $html - no_search]} {
return $no_search
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::ign_results} {
# this could break any second, its cumbersome and long..i know, but for now it works.
regexp -- {<h3 class="game-title"><a href="(.*?)">(.*?)</h3>} $html - ebcU ebcI
if {![regexp -- {class="publisherLink">(.*?)</a>(.*?)</p>} $html - ebcBid desc]} {
regexp -- {<div id="articleType"><strong>(.+?)</strong>} $html - ebcBid
set desc ""
} else {
set desc [string trim $desc "- "]
regsub -all -- {\s+} $desc " " desc
if {[string length $desc]} {
set desc " - $desc"
regsub -- {<h3 class="game-title">(.+?)</div>} $html "" html
# check results are more than 0, return or stop looping, depending
if {![string length $ebcU]} {
if {$results == 0} {
regexp -nocase -- {<p class="searchFail">(.*?)</p>} $html - reply
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
# this needs to be done for user formatting of links and descriptions.
set link "${ebcU}"
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
# ign clutters with excess spacing to make parsing hard
# this is a quick and dirty way to get through the mud.
#clean up messy parsing.
regsub -all {<script type=.+?script>} $ebcBid {} ebcBid
regsub -all -- {<(.+?)>} $ebcBid {} ebcBid
while {[string match "* *" $ebcBid]} {
regsub -all -- { } $ebcBid " " ebcBid
set ebcBid [string trim $ebcBid]
regexp -- {^(.*?)</a>(.*?)$} $ebcI - ebcI plat
regexp -- {<span class="platform default">(.*?)</span>} $ebcI - plat
regexp -- {^(.*?)</a>} $ebcI - ebcI
regsub -all -- {\s+} $plat { } plat
# set formatting.
set desc "${ebcI} ([string totitle $plat] by ${ebcBid})$desc"
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "[descdecode ${desc}]$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link ; set ebcCheck ""
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {[info exists output] == 0} {
set reply "Sorry, no search results were found."
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# GameSpot
# fetches games results from gamespot searches.
# -speechless supplied
proc gamespot {input} {
# lots of variables, keeping them clean is important.
# borrowed mostly from my ebay proc above.
; set results 0 ; set output "" ; set tresult ""
; set type "" ; set name ""
; set details "" ; set deck ""
# fetch the html
set html [fetch_html $input 12]
regsub -all {\\n} $html "" html
# set up gamespot results header so results can be appended to it.
regexp -- {,"num_results"\:"(.+?)"} $html {} tresult
set tresult [string trim $tresult]
# format output according to variables.
if {$incith::google::total_results != 0} {
set output "$::incith::google::total_modes\002[string trim ${tresult}]\002 games$::incith::google::total_demodes${incith::google::seperator}"
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions == 0} {
regsub -all -- "\002" $output {} output
# parse the html
while {$results < $incith::google::gamespot_results} {
# this could break any second, its cumbersome and long..i know, but for now it works.
if {[regexp -- {<div class=\\"result_title\\">(.*?)<a href=\\"(.+?)\\">(.*?)<\\/a>.*?<div class=\\"details\\">(.*?)<\\/div>.+?<div class=\\"deck\\">(.*?)<\\/div>} $html - type link name details deck]} {
regexp -- {^(.+?)\?tag=result} $link - link
if {[string length $deck] > 0} {set deck " - [string trim $deck]"}
regsub -- {<div class=\\"result_title\\">.+?<div class=\\"deck\\">.+?<\\/div>} $html "" html
set details [string map {" | " "/"} $details]
set link [string map {"\\" ""} $link]
set desc "\002[string trim $type] [string trim $name]\002 \([string trim $details]\)$deck"
# check results are more than 0, return or stop looping, depending
if {![info exists link]} {
if {$results == 0} {
set reply "Sorry, no search results were found."
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
} else {
regsub -all {<.+?>} $desc "" desc
# prevent duplicate results is mostly useless here, but will at least
# ensure that we don't get the exact same article.
if {[string match "*$link*" $output] == 1} {
if {[info exists desc]} { set desc "$incith::google::desc_modes[string trim $desc]$incith::google::desc_demodes" }
if {[info exists link]} { set link "$incith::google::link_modes[string trim $link]$incith::google::link_demodes" }
# add the search result
if {$incith::google::link_only == 1} {
append output "${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
} else {
append output "${desc}$::incith::google::break${link}${incith::google::seperator}"
# increase the results, clear the variables for the next loop just in case
unset link ; set name "" ; set deck "" ; set type "" ; set details ""
incr results
# make sure we have something to send
if {[info exists output] == 0} {
set reply "Sorry, no search results were found."
return "$::incith::google::desc_modes$reply$::incith::google::desc_demodes"
return $output
# TriggerBot
# Displays all the triggers this scripts is capable of
# explaining syntax, and also will let user know if trigger
# is disabled or how many results are available.
# -speechless supplied
proc helpbot {nick input} {
set temp "" ; set output "" ; set num 0 ; set all 0
set item "" ; set found ""
if {[string tolower $input] == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 0]} { set all 1 ; set found "all" }
if {$all == 0} {
foreach item [split $incith::google::helplist] {
if {[string tolower $input] == $item} { set found $item }
if {$found == ""} {
foreach item [split $incith::google::helplist " "] {
append temp "${item},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
return "${incith::google::helpmsg1} ${temp}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :--> Bot triggers available:"
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 1]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::google_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::search_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::search_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help1} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 2]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::image_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::image_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::image_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help2} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 3]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::group_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::group_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::group_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help3} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 4]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::news_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::news_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::news_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help4} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 5]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::local_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::local_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::local_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help5} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 6]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::print_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::print_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::print_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help6} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 7]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::video_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::video_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::video_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help7} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 8]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::fight_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::google_fight > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::google_fight}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help8} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 9]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::youtube_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::youtube_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::youtube_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help9} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 10]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::trans_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::trans_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::trans_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help10} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 11]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::gamespot_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::gamespot_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::gamespot_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help11} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 12]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::gamefaq_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::gamefaq_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::gamefaq_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help12} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 13]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::blog_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::blog_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::blog_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help13} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 14]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::ebay_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::ebay_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::ebay_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help14} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 15]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::efight_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::google_fight > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::google_fight}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help15} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 16]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::wiki_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::wiki_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::wiki_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help16} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 17]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::wikimedia_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::wikimedia_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::wikimedia_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help17} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 18]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::locate_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::locate_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::locate_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help18} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 19]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::rev_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::rev_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::rev_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help19} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 20]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::mininova_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::mininova_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::mininova_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help20} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 21]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::recent_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::recent_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::recent_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help21} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 22]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::popular_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::popular_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::popular_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help22} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 23]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::daily_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::daily_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::daily_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help23} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 24]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::ign_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::ign_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::ign_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help24} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 25]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::myspacevids_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::myspacevids_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::myspacevids_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help25} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 26]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::trends_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::trends_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::trends_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help26} ${item}"
set temp ""
if {$found == "all" || $found == [lindex [split $incith::google::helplist " "] 27]} {
foreach trig [split $incith::google::scholar_binds " "] {
append temp "${incith::google::command_char}${trig},"
set temp [string trimright $temp ","]
if {$incith::google::scholar_results > 0} {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg3}${incith::google::image_results}${incith::google::helpmsg4}"
} else {
set item "${incith::google::helpmsg2}"
puthelp "NOTICE $nick :${temp} ${incith::google::help27} ${item}"
# fetches html for the various * sites
proc fetch_html {input switch} {
global incithcharset
global incithcookie
set country ""
#--> # Begin urlencoding kludge
if {($switch < 15) || ($switch > 23) && ($switch != 28) && ($switch !=29) && ($switch !=56) && ($switch !=58) && ($switch !=59)} {
set helps $input
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $input - country input
# this is my input encoding hack, this will convert input before it goes
# out to be queried.
if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_input > 0 && $country != "" } {
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$country:*"]] :] 1]
if {$encoding_found != "" && [lsearch -exact [encoding names] $encoding_found] != -1} { set input [encoding convertfrom $encoding_found $input] }
} else { set encoding_found "" }
set input [urlencode $input 0 "utf-8"]
set country "" ;#reset country and input
#<-- # End urlencoding kludge
if {$switch == 1} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set flavor "search"
} else {
if {[string match */* $country]} {
if {![string length [set flavor [join [lrange [split $country /] 1 end] /]]]} {
set flavor "search"
set country [lindex [split $country /] 0]
} else { set flavor "search" }
if {[string equal -nocase "intl" [lindex [split $flavor /] 0]]} {
set lng [lindex [split $flavor /] 1]
set uselang 1
# we don't want 'define:+<search>', so we'll just remove the space if there is one.
regsub -nocase -- {^define:\s*} $input {define:} input
# spell after define so 'spell: define: foo' doesn't turn into a define lookup
if {[string match -nocase "spell%3a*" $input] == 1} {
regsub -nocase -- {^spell%3a\s*} $input {} input
set spell "&spell=1"
} else {
set spell ""
if {[info exists uselang]} {
set query "${country}/search?hl=${lng}&q=${input}&safe=${incith::google::safe_search}&lr=lang_${incith::google::language}&ie=utf-8${spell}&nfpr=1"
} else {
set query "${country}/${flavor}?q=${input}&safe=${incith::google::safe_search}&lr=lang_${incith::google::language}&ie=utf-8${spell}&nfpr=1"
} elseif {$switch == 2} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set query "${country}/images?q=${input}&safe=${incith::google::safe_search}&btnG=Search+Images&ie=utf-8&sout=1&nfpr=1"
} elseif {$switch == 3} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set dummy $helps
#regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?) near (.+?)$} $dummy - search location
#set query "${country}/maps?f=q&q=${search}&near=${location}&ie=UTF8&filter=0&oi=lwp_thresh&sa=X&view=text&ct=clnk&cd=1&nfpr=1"
set query "${country}/maps?f=q&q=${input}&ie=utf-8&filter=0&oi=lwp_thresh&sa=X&view=text&ct=clnk&cd=1&nfpr=1"
} elseif {$switch == 4} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set query "${country}/groups/search?ie=UTF-8&q=${input}&qt_s=Search&safe=${incith::google::safe_search}&ie=utf-8&nfpr=1"
} elseif {$switch == 5} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set query "${country}/news?q=${input}&ie=utf-8&nfpr=1"
} elseif {$switch == 6} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set query "${country}/books?q=${input}&btnG=Search+Books&ie=utf-8&nfpr=1"
} elseif {$switch == 7} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set query "${country}/search?q=${input}&tbs=vid:1&nfpr=1"
#set query "${country}/videosearch?q=${input}&btnG=Search+Video&ie=utf-8"
} elseif {$switch == 8} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set query "${country}/search?hl=&q=${input}&safe=off&btnG=Search&lr=lang_all&num=1&ie=utf-8"
} elseif {$switch == 9} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country "" ; set hd ""
if {[regsub -nocase -all -- "[urlencode $::incith::google::youtube_highdef 0]" $input "" input]} {
set hd "&high_definition=1"
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::youtube_country}"
if {$country == "com"} {
set query "${input}&hl=en&ie=utf-8$hd"
} else {
set query "http://${country}${input}&hl=${country}&ie=utf-8$hd"
} elseif {$switch == 10} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set query "${country}/scholar?hl=all&lr=&safe=${incith::google::safe_search}&q=${input}&btnG=Search&ie=utf-8"
} elseif {$switch == 11} {
#set query "${input}&fullSearch=Search%20Videos"
#set query "${input}&t=tvid"
set query "${input}&submit=Search"
} elseif {$switch == 12} {
#set query "${input}&x=0&y=0"
#set query "${input}&sub=g"
set query "${input}&type=game&offset=0&tags_only=false&sort=rank"
#set query "${input}"
#set query "${input}#game"
#set query "${input}"
#set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 13} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
set query "${country}/trends/hottrends?date=${input}&sa=x&ctab=0&hl=en"
} elseif {$switch == 14} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::daily_country}"
if {$country == "en"} {
set query "${input}"
} else {
set query "${country}/relevance/search/${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 15} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 16} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 17} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 18} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 19} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 20} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 21} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 22} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 23} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 24} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
set country "${incith::google::google_country}"
regsub -all -- {-} $input "%2d" input
set query "${country}/blogsearch?q=${input}&lr=&sa=N&tab=gn&ie=utf-8"
} elseif {$switch == 25} {
# make it so people can search their country
set country "" ; set shop ""
regexp -nocase -- {^\.(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - country dummy
if {$country == ""} {
if {![regexp -nocase -- {^\@(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $helps - shop input]} {
set country $::incith::google::ebay_country
regsub -all -- {-} $input "%2d" input
regsub -all -- { } $input "-" input
#set query "${input}&sacat=-1%26catref%3DC6&sargn=-1%26saslc%3D2&sadis=200&fpos=95482&sabfmts=1&saobfmts=insif&ftrt=1&ftrv=1&saprclo=&saprchi=&fsop=1%26fsoo%3D1&coaction=compare&copagenum=1&coentrypage=search"
#set query "http://search.ebay.${country}/${input}"
#set query "http://shop.ebay.${country}/items/_W0QQ_nkwZ${input}QQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ"
#set query "http://shop.ebay.${country}/${input}"
#set query "http://shop.ebay.${country}/items/_W0QQ_nkwZ${input}QQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZQQ_mdoZ"
if {![string length $shop]} {
set query "http://shop.ebay.${country}/i.html?_nkw=${input}&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_dmd=1"
} else {
set query "http://$${input}&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_dmd=1"
#set query "http://search.ebay.${country}/${input}_W0QQpqryZ${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 26} {
set query "${input}&so=exact&objtName=all&origin=&startat=0&nc=false&ns=false"
#set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 27} {
# place holder for wikipedia
# eventually it will get put back into fetch_html
} elseif {$switch == 28} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 29} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 30} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 31} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 32} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 33} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 34} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 35} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 36} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 37} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 38} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 39} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 40} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 41} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 42} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 43} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 44} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 45} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 46} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 47} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 48} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 49} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 50} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 51} {
set query "${input}/seeds"
} elseif {$switch == 52} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 53} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 54} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 55} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 56} {
set query "${input}"
} elseif {$switch == 57} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 58} {
set query "${input}&search="
} elseif {$switch == 59} {
set query "${input}"
# didnt have this before, this is needed for google parsers to correctly
# encode the 'do not include' tag, aka the hyphen.. hehe
if {$switch < 9} {
regsub -nocase -- {-} $input "%2d" input
regsub -all -- {\+} $query {%2B} query
regsub -all -- {\"} $query {%22} query
if {$switch != 25} {
regsub -all -- { } $query {+} query
if {$switch == 12} {
# grab the ajax data
set http [::http::geturl $query -headers "X-Requested-With XMLHttpRequest X-Request JSON Referer $query $::incith_hdr" -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [string map {"\\n" "" "\\" ""} [::http::data $http]] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
set redir [::http::ncode $http]
set cookies [list]
} else {
# beware, changing the useragent will result in differently formatted html from Google.
set ua "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3"
#set ua "Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 OpenSSL/0.9.7e"
# enable proxy
if {![string length $::incith::google::proxy_host]} {
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua]
} else {
set http [::http::config -useragent $ua -proxyhost $::incith::google::proxy_host -proxyport $::incith::google::proxy_port]
# stole this bit from rosc2112 on egghelp forums
# borrowed is a better term, all procs eventually need this error handler.
catch {set http [::http::geturl "$query" -headers $::incith_hdr -timeout [expr 1000 * 12]]} error
if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
return "socketerrorabort|${query}"
if { [::http::status $http] == "timeout" } {
return "timeouterrorabort"
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
set redir [::http::ncode $http]
upvar #0 $http state
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
# Are there cookies?
set cookies [list]
foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
# do we have cookies?
if {[string equal -nocase $name "Set-Cookie"]} {
# yes, add them to cookie list
lappend webCookies [lindex [split $value {;}] 0]
if {[info exists webCookies] && [llength $webCookies]} {
set cookies "[string trim [join $webCookies {;}] {;}]"
} else {
set cookies ""
while {[string match "*${redir}*" "303|302|301" ]} {
foreach {name value} $state(meta) {
if {[regexp -nocase ^location$ $name]} {
if {![string match "http*" $value]} {
if {![string match "/" [string index $value 0]]} {
set value "[join [lrange [split $query "/"] 0 2] "/"]/$value"
} else {
set value "[join [lrange [split $query "/"] 0 2] "/"]$value"
if {[string length $cookies]} {
set http [::http::geturl "[string map {" " "%20"} $value]" -headers "$::incith_hdr Referer $query Cookie $cookies" -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]
} else {
set http [::http::geturl "[string map {" " "%20"} $value]" -headers "$::incith_hdr Referer $query" -timeout [expr 1000 * 10]]
if { $::incith::google::debug > 0 } { putserv "privmsg $::incith::google::debugnick :\002redirected \($redir\):\002 $query -> $value :: \002Cookie:\002 [join $cookies]" }
if {[string match -nocase "*couldn't open socket*" $error]} {
return "socketerrorabort|${value}"
if { [::http::status $http] == "timeout" } {
return "timeouterrorabort"
upvar #0 $http state
# Are there cookies?
foreach {nam val} $state(meta) {
# do we have cookies?
if {[string equal -nocase $nam "Set-Cookie"]} {
if {![info exists flagme]} {
set flagme 0
set cookies [list]
# yes, add them to cookie list
lappend webCookies [lindex [split $val {;}] 0]
if {[info exists webCookies] && [llength $webCookies]} {
set cookies "[string trim [join $webCookies {;}] {;}]"
} else {
set cookies ""
set redir [::http::ncode $http]
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set query [string map {" " "%20"} $value]
set incithcharset [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $state(charset)]
set html [charenc [ungzip [::http::data $http] $state(meta)] $state(charset)]
::http::cleanup $http
# ---- step 1
# Determine which encoding to use
set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "$country:*"]] :] 1]
if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_output > 0} {
if {$incith::google::automagic > 0} {
if {[string match -nocase "utf-8" $incithcharset] && $incith::google::utf8workaround > 0 && $encoding_found != "" && [lsearch -exact [encoding names] $encoding_found] != -1} {
set new_encoding $encoding_found
} else {
set new_encoding $incithcharset
} else {
if {$encoding_found != "" } {
set new_encoding $encoding_found
} else {
set new_encoding "NONE"
} else {
set new_encoding "DISABLED"
# ---- step 2
# Report the conclusion to debugnick
if {$incith::google::debug > 0} {
if {[string match -nocase $new_encoding $incithcharset]} {
if {[lsearch -exact [encoding names] $incithcharset] != -1} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url \($redir\):\002 $query \002\037charset:\037\002 $incithcharset \002encode_string:\002 $encoding_found :: \002Cookie:\002 $cookies"
} else {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url \($redir\):\002 $query \002\037charset:\037\002 $incithcharset \037<--ERROR: Unknown\037 \002encode_string:\002 $encoding_found :: \002Cookie:\002 $cookies"
} elseif {[string match -nocase $new_encoding $encoding_found]} {
if {$encoding_found != "" && [lsearch -exact [encoding names] $encoding_found] != -1} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url \($redir\):\002 $query \002charset:\002 $incithcharset \037\002encode_string:\002\037 $encoding_found :: \002Cookie:\002 $cookies"
} else {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url \($redir\):\002 $query \002charset:\002 $incithcharset \002\037encode_string:\037\002 $encoding_found \037<--ERROR: Unknown\037 :: \002Cookie:\002 $cookies"
} elseif {[string match -nocase "DISABLED" $new_encoding]} {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url \($redir\):\002 $query \002charset:\002 $incithcharset \002encode_string:\002 $encoding_found \037DISABLED:\037 Using default charset. :: \002Cookie:\002 $cookies"
} else {
putserv "privmsg $incith::google::debugnick :\002url \($redir\):\002 $query \002charset:\002 $incithcharset \002encode_string:\002 $encoding_found \037UNKNOWN ERROR:\037 Using default charset. :: \002Cookie:\002 $cookies"
# ---- step 3
# Apply the encoding
#if {![string match *$new_encoding* "utf-8"] && ![string equal "DISABLED" $new_encoding]} {
# set incithcharset $new_encoding
# set html [incithencode $html]
# generic pre-parsing
regsub -all "\n" $html "" html
regsub -all "(?:\x91|\x92|&#39;)" $html {'} html
regsub -all "(?:\x93|\x94|&quot;)" $html {"} html
regsub -all "&amp;" $html {\&} html
regsub -all -nocase {<sup>(.+?)</sup>} $html {^\1} html
if {![string match $switch "4"] && ![string match $switch "26"]} {
regsub -all -nocase {<font.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</font>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<script type=.*?script>} $html "" html
if {![string match *$switch* "|9|7|5|"]} {
regsub -all -nocase {<span.*?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {</span>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {<input.+?>} $html "" html
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<i>|</i>)} $html "" html
regsub -all "&times;" $html {*} html
regsub -all "&nbsp;" $html { } html
regsub -all -nocase "&#215;" $html "x" html
regsub -all -nocase "&lt;" $html "<" html
regsub -all -nocase "&gt;" $html ">" html
regsub -all {\x000f} $html "" html
# '
# regexps that should remain seperate go here
# google specific regexps
if {$switch == 1} {
# regexp the rest of the html for a much easier result to parse
regsub -all -nocase {<b>\[PDF\]</b>\s*} $html "" html
regsub {<p class=g style="margin-top:0">(.+?)</p>} $html "" html
} elseif {$switch == 2} {
# these %2520 codes, I have no idea. But they're supposed to be %20's
regsub -all {%2520} $html {%20} html
} elseif {$switch == 3} {
regsub -all -nocase { - <nobr>Unverified listing</nobr>} $html "" html
regsub -all -- {&#160;} $html { } html
} elseif {$switch == 4} {
} elseif {$switch == 5} {
} elseif {$switch == 6} {
} elseif {$switch == 7} {
} elseif {$switch == 8} {
} elseif {$switch == 9} {
regsub -all "\t" $html "" html
regsub -all "\n" $html "" html
regsub -all "\r" $html "" html
regsub -all "\v" $html "" html
} elseif {$switch == 10} {
regsub -all -nocase { - <nobr>Unverified listing</nobr>} $html "" html
regsub -all -- {&#160;} $html { } html
} elseif {$switch == 25} {
regsub -all {<script.*?>.+?</script>} $html "" html
regsub -all "\t" $html "" html
regsub -all "\n" $html "" html
regsub -all "\r" $html "" html
regsub -all "\v" $html "" html
regsub -all "<wbr/>" $html "" html
} elseif {$switch > 11 && $switch < 31 || $switch == 56 || $switch == 58 || $switch == 59} {
regsub -all "\t" $html "" html
regsub -all "\n" $html "" html
regsub -all "\r" $html "" html
regsub -all "\v" $html "" html
regsub -all "&#039;" $html "'" html
} elseif {$switch == 51} {
regsub -all "<strong>|</strong>" $html "\002" html
# no point having it so many times
if {$incith::google::bold_descriptions > 0 && [string match "\002" $incith::google::desc_modes] != 1} {
regsub -all -nocase {(?:<b>|</b>|<em>|</em>|<strong>|</strong>)} $html "\002" html
} else {
regsub -all -nocase {(<b>|</b>|<em>|</em>|<strong>|</strong>)} $html "" html
set junk [open "ig-debug.txt" w]
puts $junk $html
close $junk
return $html
# decides what to do with binds that get triggered
proc public_message {nick uhand hand chan input} {
if {[lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] "google"] != -1} {
if {$incith::google::chan_user_level == 3} {
if {[isop $nick $chan] == 0} {
} elseif {$incith::google::chan_user_level == 2} {
if {[ishalfop $nick $chan] == 0 && [isop $nick $chan] == 0} {
} elseif {$incith::google::chan_user_level == 1} {
if {[isvoice $nick $chan] == 0 && [ishalfop $nick $chan] == 0 && [isop $nick $chan] == 0} {
send_output "$input" "$chan" "$nick" "$uhand"
# decides what to do with binds that get triggered
proc private_message {nick uhand hand input} {
if {$incith::google::private_messages >= 1} {
send_output $input $nick $nick $uhand
# no point having two copies of this in public/private_message{}
proc send_output {input where nick uhand} {
# this is my input encoding hack, this will convert input before it goes
# out to be queried.
if {$incith::google::encoding_conversion_input > 0} {
if {[encoding system] != "identity" && [lsearch [encoding names] "utf-8"]} {
set command_char [encoding convertfrom "utf-8" ${incith::google::command_char}]
set input [encoding convertfrom "utf-8" $input]
} elseif {[encoding system] == "identity"} {
set command_char [encoding convertfrom identity ${incith::google::command_char}]
set input [encoding convertfrom identity $input]
} else {
set command_char ${incith::google::command_char}
} else {
set command_char ${incith::google::command_char}
#Specifically retrieve only ONE (ascii) character, then check that matches the command_char first
set trigger_char [string index $input 0]
if {[encoding system] == "identity"} {
set trigger_char [encoding convertfrom identity $trigger_char]
#Sanity check 1 - If no match, stop right here. No need to match every (first word) of
# every line of channel data against every bind if the command_char doesnt even match.
if {$trigger_char != $command_char} {
set trigger [string range [lindex [split $input] 0] 1 end]
#Sanity check 2 - Stop if theres nothing to search for (quiet)
if {$incith::google::aversion_vocabulary > 0} {
set search [vocabaversion [string trim [string range $input [string wordend $input 1] end]]]
} else {
set search [string trim [string range $input [string wordend $input 1] end]]
if {$search == ""} { return }
if {$incith::google::force_private == 1} { set where $nick }
# check for !google
if {$incith::google::search_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::google_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# channel filter check
foreach c [split $incith::google::filtered " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $where $c] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call google
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [google $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::search_prepend$line"
# check for !images
if {$incith::google::image_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::image_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call images
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [images $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::image_prepend$line"
# check for !local
if {$incith::google::local_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::local_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# local requires splitting of the search
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?) near (.+?)$} $search - what location
if {![info exists what] || ![info exists location]} {
put_output $where "Local searches should be the format of 'pizza near footown, bar'"
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [local $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::local_prepend$line"
# check for !groups
if {$incith::google::group_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::group_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call groups
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [groups $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::group_prepend$line"
# check for !news
if {$incith::google::news_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::news_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call news
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [news $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::news_prepend$line"
# check for !print
if {$incith::google::print_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::print_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call print
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [print $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::print_prepend$line"
# check for !video
if {$incith::google::video_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::video_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call video
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [video $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::video_prepend$line"
# check for !scholar
if {$incith::google::scholar_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::scholar_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call video
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [scholar $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::scholar_prepend$line"
# check for !fight
if {$incith::google::google_fight > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::fight_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# fight requires splitting of the search
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?) vs (.+?)$} $search - word1 word2
if {![info exists word1] || ![info exists word2]} {
put_output $where "Google fights should be the format of 'word(s) one vs word(s) two'"
# call fight
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [fight $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::fight_prepend$line"
# check for !ebayfight
if {$incith::google::google_fight > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::efight_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# fight requires splitting of the search
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?) vs (.+?)$} $search - word1 word2
if {![info exists word1] || ![info exists word2]} {
put_output $where "Ebay fights should be the format of 'word(s) one vs word(s) two'"
# call ebayfight
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [ebayfight $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::ebayfight_prepend$line"
# check for !youtube
if {$incith::google::youtube_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::youtube_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call youtube
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [youtube $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::youtube_prepend$line"
# check for !helpbot
if {$incith::google::helpbot_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::helpbot_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call helpbot
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [helpbot $nick $search]] {
put_output $where $line
# check for !myspacevids
if {$incith::google::myspacevids_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::myspacevids_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call myspacevids
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [myspacevids $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::myspacevids_prepend$line"
# check for !mininova
if {$incith::google::mininova_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::mininova_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call mininova
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [mininova $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::mininova_prepend$line"
# check for !recent
if {$incith::google::recent_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::recent_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call recent game lookup
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [recent $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::recent_prepend$line"
# check for !wiki
if {$incith::google::wiki_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::wiki_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call wiki
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [wiki $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::wiki_prepend$line"
# check for !wikimedia
if {$incith::google::wikimedia_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::wikimedia_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call wiki
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [wikimedia $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::wikimedia_prepend$line"
# check for !review
if {$incith::google::rev_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::rev_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call review
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [rev $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::rev_prepend$line"
# check for !ign
if {$incith::google::ign_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::ign_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call ign
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [ign $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::ign_prepend$line"
# check for !trends
if {$incith::google::trends_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::trends_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call trends
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [trends $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::trends_prepend$line"
# check for !gamespot
if {$incith::google::gamespot_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::gamespot_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call gamespot
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [gamespot $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::gamespot_prepend$line"
# check for !trans
if {$incith::google::trans_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::trans_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# translation requires splitting of the search
if {![regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?)@(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $search - word1 word2 word3]} {
if {[regexp -nocase -- {^@(.+?)\s(.+?)$} $search - word2 word3]} {
set search [join [lrange [split $search] 1 end]]
} else {
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?)@\s(.+?)$} $search - word1 word3
if {[info exists word2]} {
if {[string equal [string index $word2 0] " "]} {
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?)@\s(.+?)$} $search - word1 word3
set word2 $::incith::google::trans
if {![info exists word1]} { set word1 "auto" }
if {![info exists word2]} { set word2 $::incith::google::trans }
if {![info exists word3]} { set word3 $search }
set search "$word1@$word2 $word3"
# call translate
trans $search $where
# check for !dailymotion
if {$incith::google::daily_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::daily_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call dailymotion
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [dailymotion $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::dailymotion_prepend$line"
# check for !gamefaqs
if {$incith::google::gamefaq_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::gamefaq_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# gamefaqs requires splitting of the search
regexp -nocase -- {^(.+?) in (.+?)$} $search - system region
if {![info exists system] || ![info exists region]} {
put_output $where "Error! Correct usage: !gamefaqs system in region \[system = nds/gba/gc/wii/ps2/psp/ps3/xbox/x360/pc; region = usa/jap/eur/aus\]"
# call gamefaqs
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [gamefaqs $system $region]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::gamefaqs_prepend$line"
# check for !locate
if {$incith::google::locate_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::locate_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call locate
if {![string match "*.*" $search]} {
set nsearch [lindex [split [getchanhost $search $where] @] 1]
if {[string length $nsearch]} { set search $nsearch }
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [locate $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::locate_prepend$line"
# check for !blog
if {$incith::google::blog_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::blog_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [blog $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::blog_prepend$line"
# check for !ebay
if {$incith::google::ebay_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::ebay_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call ebay
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [ebay $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::ebay_prepend$line"
# check for !popular
if {$incith::google::popular_results > 0} {
foreach bind [split $incith::google::popular_binds " "] {
if {[string match -nocase $bind $trigger] == 1} {
# flood protection check
if {[flood $nick $uhand]} {
# call popular
foreach line [incith::google::parse_output [popular $search]] {
put_output $where "$incith::google::popular_prepend$line"
# check for customized any triggers
if {$incith::google::my_custom > 0} {
foreach bind $incith::google::my_customs {
foreach sbind [split [lindex [split $bind :] 0]] {
if {[string match -nocase $sbind $trigger] == 1} {
# invoke customized trigger with phrase
# no need to flood protect this, if we do
# it may trigger erroneously
set text [join [lrange [split $bind :] 2 end] :]
if {$::incith::google::custom_words > 0} {
set remaps [regexp -inline -all {%%((?:end|[0-9]{1,2}|[0-9]{1,2}-(?:[0-9]{1,2}|end)))%%} $text]
foreach {junk remap} $remaps {
if {[regexp -nocase {^((?:end|[0-9]{1,2}))$} $remap - rnum]} {
if {[string equal -nocase "end" $rnum]} {
set real [llength [split $search]]
} else {
set real [expr {$remap -1}]
regsub -all "$junk" $text "[lindex [split $search] $real]" text
} elseif {[regexp -nocase {^([0-9]{1,2})-((?:[0-9]{1,2}|end))$} $remap - rstart rend]} {
if {![string equal -nocase "end" $rend]} { set real [expr {$rend -1}] } else { set real [llength [split $search]] }
regsub -all "$junk" $text "[join [lrange [split $search] [expr {${rstart}-1}] $real]]" text
regsub -all -- {%search%} $text "$search" text
send_output "$::incith::google::command_char[lindex [split $bind :] 1] $text" $where $nick $uhand
# actually sends the output to the server
proc put_output {where line} {
if {$incith::google::notice_reply == 1} {
putserv "NOTICE $where :$line"
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $where :$line"
# prepares output for sending to a channel/user, calls line_wrap
proc parse_output {input} {
set parsed_output [list] ; set parsed_current [list]
if {[string match "*\n*" $incith::google::seperator] == 1} {
set lastline ""
foreach newline [split $input "\n"] {
foreach line [incith::google::line_wrap $newline] {
set fix ""
# bold
if {[expr {[regexp -all {\002} $lastline] & 1 }]} {
append fix "\002"
# underline
if {[expr {[regexp -all {\037} $lastline] & 1 }]} {
append fix "\037"
# color
if {[expr {[regexp -all {\003} $lastline] & 1 }]} {
if {[set i [string last "\003" $lastline]] != -1} {
set lc [string range $lastline [expr {$i + 1}] [expr {$i + 5}]]
if {![regexp {^[0-9]+\,[0-9+]$} $lc]} {
if {[regexp {^[0-9]+$} [string range $lc 0 1]]} {
append fix "\003[string range $lc 0 1]"
} else {
append fix "\003$lc"
# add fix+line to output
if {[string length [string map {" " ""} [stripcodes bcruag $line]]]} {
lappend parsed_output "$fix$line"
set lastline "$fix$line"
} else {
set input [string trimright $input $incith::google::seperator]
set lastline ""
foreach line [incith::google::line_wrap $input] {
# initialize fix each iteration
set fix ""
# add bold
if {[expr {[regexp -all {\002} $lastline] & 1 }]} {
append fix "\002"
# add underline
if {[expr {[regexp -all {\037} $lastline] & 1 }]} {
append fix "\037"
# add color
if {[expr {[regexp -all {\003} $lastline] & 1 }]} {
if {[set i [string last "\003" $lastline]] != -1} {
set lc [string range $lastline [expr {$i + 1}] [expr {$i + 5}]]
if {![regexp {^[0-9]{1,2}\,[0-9]{1,2}$} $lc]} {
if {[regexp {^[0-9]{1,2}} [string range $lc 0 1]]} {
append fix "\003[string range $lc 0 1]"
} else {
append fix "\003$lc"
# add fix+line to output
if {[string length [string map {" " ""} [stripcodes bcruag $line]]]} {
lappend parsed_output "$fix$line"
set lastline "$fix$line"
return $parsed_output
# takes a long line in, and chops it before the specified length
proc line_wrap {str {splitChr { }}} {
set out [set cur {}]
set i 0
set len $incith::google::split_length
#regsub -all "\002" $str "<ZQ" str
#regsub -all "\037" $str "<ZX" str
#regsub -all "\003" $str "<ZJ" str
foreach word [split [set str][set str ""] $splitChr] {
if {[incr i [string len $word]] > $len} {
#regsub -all "<ZQ" $cur "\002" cur
#regsub -all "<ZX" $cur "\037" cur
#regsub -all "<ZJ" $cur "\003" cur
lappend out [join $cur $splitChr]
set cur [list $word]
set i [string len $word]
} else {
lappend cur $word
incr i
#regsub -all "<ZQ" $cur "\002" cur
#regsub -all "<ZX" $cur "\037" cur
#regsub -all "<ZJ" $cur "\003" cur
lappend out [join $cur $splitChr]
# CHARENC (aka, character encode)
# based upon webby, yes, webby r0x!
proc charenc {html encoding} {
global incithcharset
if {[regexp -nocase {"Content-Type" content=".*?; charset=(.*?)".*?>} $html - char]} {
set char [string trim [string trim $char "\"' /"] {;}]
regexp {^(.*?)"} $char - char
if {![string length $char]} { set char "None Given" ; set char2 "None Given" }
set char2 [string tolower [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $char]]
} else {
if {[regexp -nocase {<meta content=".*?; charset=(.*?)".*?>} $html - char]} {
set char [string trim $char "\"' /"]
regexp {^(.*?)"} $char - char
set mset $char
if {![string length $char]} { set char "None Given" ; set char2 "None Given" }
set char2 [string tolower [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $char]]
} else {
set char "None Given" ; set char2 "None Given" ; set mset "None Given"
set char3 [string tolower [string map -nocase {"UTF-" "utf-" "iso-" "iso" "windows-" "cp" "shift_jis" "shiftjis"} $encoding]]
if {[string equal $char $encoding] && [string equal $char $char2] && ![string equal -nocase "none given" $char]} {
set char [string trim $encoding {;}]
set incithcharset $encoding
} else {
if {![string equal -nocase $char2 $char3] && ![string equal -nocase "none given" $char2]} {
set html [incithConflict $html $char2]
set char [string trim $char2 {;}]
set incithcharset "utf-8"
} else {
if {[catch {package present http 2.7}]} {
# assume http package 2.5.3
if {[string equal -nocase "utf-8" [encoding system]]} {
if {![string equal -nocase "utf-8" $char3]} {
set html [encoding convertfrom $char3 $html]
set incithcharset $char3
} else {
#set html [encoding convertto $char3 $html]
set incithcharset $char3
} elseif {![string equal -nocase "utf-8" [encoding system]]} {
if {[string equal "utf-8" $char3]} {
if {![string length $::incith_hdr]} { set html [encoding convertto $char3 $html] ; set incithcharset "utf-8" }
} else {
set html [encoding convertto "utf-8" [encoding convertfrom $char3 $html]]
set incithcharset "utf-8"
} else {
# we have http package 2.7
if {![string equal -nocase "utf-8" [encoding system]]} {
set html [encoding convertto $char3 $html]
set incithcharset $char3
return $html
# resolves conflicts during encodings between header charset and meta charset
proc incithConflict {html out} {
set html [encoding convertfrom $out $html]
if {![string equal -nocase "utf-8" [encoding system]]} { set html [encoding convertto utf-8 $html] }
return $html
# modified from bseen
variable flood_data
variable flood_array
proc flood_init {} {
if {$incith::google::ignore < 1} {
return 0
if {![string match *:* $incith::google::flood]} {
putmainlog "$incith::google::version: variable flood not set correctly."
return 1
set incith::google::flood_data(flood_num) [lindex [split $incith::google::flood :] 0]
set incith::google::flood_data(flood_time) [lindex [split $incith::google::flood :] 1]
set i [expr $incith::google::flood_data(flood_num) - 1]
while {$i >= 0} {
set incith::google::flood_array($i) 0
incr i -1
; flood_init
# updates and returns a users flood status
proc flood {nick uhand} {
if {$incith::google::ignore < 1} {
return 0
if {$incith::google::flood_data(flood_num) == 0} {
return 0
set i [expr ${incith::google::flood_data(flood_num)} - 1]
while {$i >= 1} {
set incith::google::flood_array($i) $incith::google::flood_array([expr $i - 1])
incr i -1
set incith::google::flood_array(0) [unixtime]
if {[expr [unixtime] - $incith::google::flood_array([expr ${incith::google::flood_data(flood_num)} - 1])] <= ${incith::google::flood_data(flood_time)}} {
putmainlog "$incith::google::version: flood detected from ${nick}."
return 1
} else {
return 0
# on the fly encoding support
proc incithdecode {text} {
global incithcharset
if {[lsearch -exact [encoding names] $incithcharset] != -1} {
set text [encoding convertfrom $incithcharset $text]
return $text
proc incithencode {text} {
global incithcharset
if {[lsearch -exact [encoding names] $incithcharset] != -1} {
set text [encoding convertto $incithcharset $text]
return $text
# utf-8 sucks for displaying any language using extended ascii, this helps alleviate that.
# correct utf-8 problems before they even appear.
proc utf8encodefix {country input} {
if {[lsearch -exact [encoding names] [set encoding_found [lindex [split [lindex $incith::google::encode_strings [lsearch -glob $incith::google::encode_strings "${country}:*"]] :] 1]]]} {
if {![string match "" $encoding_found]} { set input [encoding convertto $encoding_found $input] }
return $input
# Wikipedia/Wikimedia subtag-decoder...
# decodes those silly subtags
proc subtagDecode {text} {
set url "" ; set ::incithcharset "utf-8"
#if {![string equal $::incithcharset [encoding system]]} { set text [encoding convertfrom $::incithcharset $text] }
regsub -all {\.([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])} $text {[format %c 0x\1]} text
set text [subst $text]
#if {![string equal $::incithcharset [encoding system]]} { set text [encoding convertto $::incithcharset $text] }
regsub -all "\r\n" $text "\n" text
foreach byte [split $text ""] {
scan $byte %c i
if { $i < 33 } {
append url [format %%%02X $i]
} else {
append url $byte
return [string map {% .} $url]
# Vocabulary Aversion
# This converts swear words into appropriate words for IRC
# this is rather rudementary, is probably a better way to do this but meh..
proc vocabaversion {text} {
set newtext ""
foreach element [split $text] {
set violation 0
foreach vocabulary $incith::google::aversion {
set swear [lindex [split $vocabulary :] 0]
set avert [join [lrange [split $vocabulary :] 1 end]]
if {[string match -nocase "$swear" $element] && $avert != ""} {
append newtext "$avert "
set violation 1
if {$violation == 0} { append newtext "$element " }
return [string trim $newtext]
# Description Decode
# convert html codes into characters - credit perplexa (urban dictionary)
proc descdecode {text} {
global incithcharset
# code below is neccessary to prevent numerous html markups
# from appearing in the output (ie, &quot;, &#5671;, etc)
# stolen (borrowed is a better term) from tcllib's htmlparse ;)
# works unpatched utf-8 or not, unlike htmlparse::mapEscapes
# which will only work properly patched....
if {[string match *&* $text]} {
set escapes {
&nbsp; \xa0 &iexcl; \xa1 &cent; \xa2 &pound; \xa3 &curren; \xa4
&yen; \xa5 &brvbar; \xa6 &sect; \xa7 &uml; \xa8 &copy; \xa9
&ordf; \xaa &laquo; \xab &not; \xac &shy; \xad &reg; \xae
&macr; \xaf &deg; \xb0 &plusmn; \xb1 &sup2; \xb2 &sup3; \xb3
&acute; \xb4 &micro; \xb5 &para; \xb6 &middot; \xb7 &cedil; \xb8
&sup1; \xb9 &ordm; \xba &raquo; \xbb &frac14; \xbc &frac12; \xbd
&frac34; \xbe &iquest; \xbf &Agrave; \xc0 &Aacute; \xc1 &Acirc; \xc2
&Atilde; \xc3 &Auml; \xc4 &Aring; \xc5 &AElig; \xc6 &Ccedil; \xc7
&Egrave; \xc8 &Eacute; \xc9 &Ecirc; \xca &Euml; \xcb &Igrave; \xcc
&Iacute; \xcd &Icirc; \xce &Iuml; \xcf &ETH; \xd0 &Ntilde; \xd1
&Ograve; \xd2 &Oacute; \xd3 &Ocirc; \xd4 &Otilde; \xd5 &Ouml; \xd6
&times; \xd7 &Oslash; \xd8 &Ugrave; \xd9 &Uacute; \xda &Ucirc; \xdb
&Uuml; \xdc &Yacute; \xdd &THORN; \xde &szlig; \xdf &agrave; \xe0
&aacute; \xe1 &acirc; \xe2 &atilde; \xe3 &auml; \xe4 &aring; \xe5
&aelig; \xe6 &ccedil; \xe7 &egrave; \xe8 &eacute; \xe9 &ecirc; \xea
&euml; \xeb &igrave; \xec &iacute; \xed &icirc; \xee &iuml; \xef
&eth; \xf0 &ntilde; \xf1 &ograve; \xf2 &oacute; \xf3 &ocirc; \xf4
&otilde; \xf5 &ouml; \xf6 &divide; \xf7 &oslash; \xf8 &ugrave; \xf9
&uacute; \xfa &ucirc; \xfb &uuml; \xfc &yacute; \xfd &thorn; \xfe
&yuml; \xff &fnof; \u192 &Alpha; \u391 &Beta; \u392 &Gamma; \u393 &Delta; \u394
&Epsilon; \u395 &Zeta; \u396 &Eta; \u397 &Theta; \u398 &Iota; \u399
&Kappa; \u39A &Lambda; \u39B &Mu; \u39C &Nu; \u39D &Xi; \u39E
&Omicron; \u39F &Pi; \u3A0 &Rho; \u3A1 &Sigma; \u3A3 &Tau; \u3A4
&Upsilon; \u3A5 &Phi; \u3A6 &Chi; \u3A7 &Psi; \u3A8 &Omega; \u3A9
&alpha; \u3B1 &beta; \u3B2 &gamma; \u3B3 &delta; \u3B4 &epsilon; \u3B5
&zeta; \u3B6 &eta; \u3B7 &theta; \u3B8 &iota; \u3B9 &kappa; \u3BA
&lambda; \u3BB &mu; \u3BC &nu; \u3BD &xi; \u3BE &omicron; \u3BF
&pi; \u3C0 &rho; \u3C1 &sigmaf; \u3C2 &sigma; \u3C3 &tau; \u3C4
&upsilon; \u3C5 &phi; \u3C6 &chi; \u3C7 &psi; \u3C8 &omega; \u3C9
&thetasym; \u3D1 &upsih; \u3D2 &piv; \u3D6 &bull; \u2022
&hellip; \u2026 &prime; \u2032 &Prime; \u2033 &oline; \u203E
&frasl; \u2044 &weierp; \u2118 &image; \u2111 &real; \u211C
&trade; \u2122 &alefsym; \u2135 &larr; \u2190 &uarr; \u2191
&rarr; \u2192 &darr; \u2193 &harr; \u2194 &crarr; \u21B5
&lArr; \u21D0 &uArr; \u21D1 &rArr; \u21D2 &dArr; \u21D3 &hArr; \u21D4
&forall; \u2200 &part; \u2202 &exist; \u2203 &empty; \u2205
&nabla; \u2207 &isin; \u2208 &notin; \u2209 &ni; \u220B &prod; \u220F
&sum; \u2211 &minus; \u2212 &lowast; \u2217 &radic; \u221A
&prop; \u221D &infin; \u221E &ang; \u2220 &and; \u2227 &or; \u2228
&cap; \u2229 &cup; \u222A &int; \u222B &there4; \u2234 &sim; \u223C
&cong; \u2245 &asymp; \u2248 &ne; \u2260 &equiv; \u2261 &le; \u2264
&ge; \u2265 &sub; \u2282 &sup; \u2283 &nsub; \u2284 &sube; \u2286
&supe; \u2287 &oplus; \u2295 &otimes; \u2297 &perp; \u22A5
&sdot; \u22C5 &lceil; \u2308 &rceil; \u2309 &lfloor; \u230A
&rfloor; \u230B &lang; \u2329 &rang; \u232A &loz; \u25CA
&spades; \u2660 &clubs; \u2663 &hearts; \u2665 &diams; \u2666
&quot; \x22 &amp; \x26 &lt; \x3C &gt; \x3E O&Elig; \u152 &oelig; \u153
&Scaron; \u160 &scaron; \u161 &Yuml; \u178 &circ; \u2C6
&tilde; \u2DC &ensp; \u2002 &emsp; \u2003 &thinsp; \u2009
&zwnj; \u200C &zwj; \u200D &lrm; \u200E &rlm; \u200F &ndash; \u2013
&mdash; \u2014 &lsquo; \u2018 &rsquo; \u2019 &sbquo; \u201A
&ldquo; \u201C &rdquo; \u201D &bdquo; \u201E &dagger; \u2020
&Dagger; \u2021 &permil; \u2030 &lsaquo; \u2039 &rsaquo; \u203A
&euro; \u20AC &apos; \u0027 &lrm; "" &rlm; "" &#8236; "" &#8237; ""
&#8238; "" &#8212; \u2014
# enable transcoding html elements?
if {$::incith::google::dirty_decode > 0} {
if {![string equal $incithcharset [encoding system]]} { set text [encoding convertfrom $incithcharset $text] }
set text [string map [list "\]" "\\\]" "\[" "\\\[" "\$" "\\\$" "\\" "\\\\"] [string map $escapes $text]]
regsub -all -- {&#([[:digit:]]{1,5});} $text {[format %c [string trimleft "\1" "0"]]} text
regsub -all -- {&#x([[:xdigit:]]{1,4});} $text {[format %c [scan "\1" %x]]} text
regsub -all -- {\\x([[:xdigit:]]{1,2})} $text {[format %c [scan "\1" %x]]} text
set text [subst "$text"]
if {![string equal $incithcharset [encoding system]]} { set text [encoding convertto $incithcharset $text] }
# correct possible bleedover of bold or underline
set fix "" ;
if {[expr {[regexp -all {\002} $text] & 1 }]} {
append fix "\002"
if {[expr {[regexp -all {\037} $text] & 1 }]} {
append fix "\037"
if {[string length $fix]} { set text "$text$fix" }
return $text
# URL Decode
# Decodes all of the %00 strings in a url and returns it
proc urldecode {text} {
set url ""
# tcl filter required because we are using SUBST command below
# this will escape any sequence which could potentially trigger
# the interpreter..
regsub -all -- \\\\ $text \\\\\\\\ text
regsub -all -- \\\[ $text \\\\\[ text
regsub -all -- \\\] $text \\\\\] text
regsub -all -- \\\} $text \\\\\} text
regsub -all -- \\\{ $text \\\\\{ text
regsub -all -- \\\" $text \\\\\" text
regsub -all -- \\\$ $text \\\\\$ text
# end tcl filter
regsub -all {\%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])} $text {[format %c 0x\1]} text
set text [subst $text]
foreach byte [split $text ""] {
scan $byte %c i
if { $i < 33 || $i > 127 } {
append url [format %%%02X $i]
} else {
append url $byte
return $url
# Un Gzip
# Unzips those silly g-zipped wikis
proc ungzip {html metas} {
if {$::incith::google::use_gzip > 0} {
if {![info exists ::incith_nozlib]} {
foreach {name value} $metas {
if {[regexp -nocase ^Content-Encoding$ $name]} {
if {[string equal -nocase "gzip" $value]} {
if {![info exists ::incith_trf]} {
if {[catch {set html [zlib inflate [string range $html 10 [expr { [string length $html] - 8 } ]]]} error]} { return $html }
} else {
set html [zip -mode decompress -nowrap 1 [string range $html 10 [expr { [string length $html] - 8 } ]]]
return $html
# URL Encode
# Encodes anything not a-zA-Z0-9 into %00 strings...
proc urlencode {text type {enc ""}} {
if {[string length $enc]} {
set text [encoding convertto $enc $text]
set url ""
foreach byte [split $text ""] {
scan $byte %c i
if {$i < 65 || $i > 122} {
append url [format %%%02X $i]
} else {
append url $byte
if {$type == 1} {
return [string map {%25 . %3A : %2D - %2F / %2E . %30 0 %31 1 %32 2 %33 3 %34 4 %35 5 %36 6 %37 7 %38 8 %39 9 %80 _ % .} $url]
} else {
return [string map {%2D - %30 0 %31 1 %32 2 %33 3 %34 4 %35 5 %36 6 %37 7 %38 8 %39 9 \[ %5B \\ %5C \] %5D \^ %5E \_ %5F \` %60} $url]
return "This long and contrived google lookup/search script is loaded"
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