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Created June 28, 2012 20:23
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setctx lains
global lastGoogleQuery
proc getGoogleJSON {url} {
set data [::http::data [http::geturl $url -timeout 2000]]
set dict [::json::json2dict $data]
return $dict
proc getGoogleDictResults {term results} {
global lastGoogleQuery
set url [::http::formatQuery key x cx y q $term num $results]
set dict [getGoogleJSON "${url}"]
set lastGoogleQuery $dict
return $dict
proc getGoogleResults {term results} {
set dict [getGoogleDictResults $term $results]
set stats [dict get $dict searchInformation]
set resultcount [dict get $stats formattedTotalResults]
if {$resultcount == 0} { return 0 }
set items [dict get $dict items]
set output $resultcount
foreach result $items {
set resultout ""
lappend resultout "[dict get $result title]"
lappend resultout "[dict get $result snippet]"
lappend resultout "[dict get $result link]"
lappend output "$resultout"
return $output
proc googleapi {term results} {
set apiresult [getGoogleResults $term $results]
if {[llength $apiresult] == 1} {
return "No Results Found"
if {$results == 1} {
set output "\00307[lindex $apiresult 0] Results \00304:: "
append output "\00303[lindex $apiresult 1 0]... \00304@ "
append output "\00312[lindex $apiresult 1 2]"
} else {
set output "\00307[lindex $apiresult 0] Results"
foreach result [lrange $apiresult 1 end] {
append output " \00304:: "
append output "\00303[lindex $result 0]... \00304@ "
append output "\00312[lindex $result 2]"
return $output
proc googlelookup {nick chan text} {
set results [googleapi $text 1]
return "\00304The Google:\003 ${results}"
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