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Forked from chrisgward/tcl.tcl
Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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proc khtcl {nick host hand chan arg} {
set khtclctx [getctx]
if { [getbncuser $khtclctx tag tclbot] != "1" } { return }
set lines 4
set first [lindex [split $arg " "] 0]
set skipempty 1
if {$first == "-v"} {
set arg [string range $arg 3 end]
set lines -1
} elseif {$first == "-vv"} {
set arg [string range $arg 4 end]
set lines -1
set skipempty 0
set khtclreturn [catch {eval $arg} khtclresult khtclerr]
if {$khtclreturn == 1} {
if {$lines == -1 && [dict exists $khtclerr -errorinfo]} {
set khtclresult [dict get $khtclerr -errorinfo]
set khtclresult "Error: $khtclresult"
setctx $khtclctx
if {[string length $arg] > 50} {
set prefix "[string range $arg 0 50]..."
} else {
set prefix $arg
if {$khtclresult == ""} { set khtclresult "<null>" }
set printed 0
set skipped 0
set skippedLine ""
foreach sline [split $khtclresult \n] {
if {[string trim $sline] != "" || $skipempty == 0} {
if {$lines == -1 || $printed < $lines} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :BNC ( $prefix ) = $sline"
incr printed
} else {
incr skipped
set skippedLine $sline
if {$skipped > 0} {
if {$skipped != 1} {
set skippedLine "...$skipped additional line(s) skipped."
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :BNC ( $prefix ) = $skippedLine"
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