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Created July 4, 2019 16:17
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`structure_helper` take 3
import data.string data.list.defs
import tactic.core
def {u v w} list.mfilter_map {m : Type u → Type v} [alternative m] [monad m] {α : Type w} {β : Type u} (f : α → m β) : list α → m (list β)
| [] := return []
| (h :: t) := do h' ← (f h >>= λ v, pure $ list.cons v []) <|> pure [],
t' ← list.mfilter_map t,
return (h' ++ t')
namespace tactic
private meta def attempt_instance_build (n : name) (ns : list name) : tactic unit :=
do sorries ← ns.mmap $ λ _, to_pexpr <$> mk_sorry,
let s : structure_instance_info := {
struct := some n,
field_names := ns,
field_values := sorries,
to_expr $ pexpr.mk_structure_instance s,
private meta def capture_failure_message (tac : tactic unit) : tactic (option string) := λ s,
match tac s with
| result.success a s' := result.success none s
| result.exception (some msg) _ s' := result.success (to_string $ msg ()) s
| result.exception none pos s' := result.exception (some $ λ _, format!"no fail msg") pos s
private meta def find_explicit_constructor_args_core (n : name)
: list name → tactic (list name)
| ns :=
do msg ← capture_failure_message $ attempt_instance_build n ns,
do { msg ← msg,
newn ← (msg.split_on '\'').nth 1,
find_explicit_constructor_args_core (newn :: ns)
} <|> return ns
meta def find_explicit_structure_args (n : name) : tactic (list name) :=
do env ← get_env,
match env.structure_fields n with
| none := fail format!"'{n}' not a structure!"
| some _ := list.reverse <$> find_explicit_constructor_args_core n []
meta inductive constructor_arg
| default (n : name)
| implicit
| auto (tac : tactic unit)
| opt (v : expr)
namespace constructor_arg
meta def to_tactic_format : constructor_arg → tactic format
| (default n) := pure format!"(default {n})"
| (implicit) := pure format!"(implicit)"
| (auto tac) := pure format!"(auto)"
| (opt v) := do v ← pp v, pure format!"(opt {v})"
meta instance : has_to_tactic_format constructor_arg := ⟨to_tactic_format⟩
meta def classify (n : name) : binder_info → expr → tactic constructor_arg
| binder_info.default `(opt_param %%t %%v) := return $ constructor_arg.opt v
| binder_info.default `(auto_param %%t %%tac) :=
do tac ← eval_expr name tac,
tac ← resolve_name tac >>= to_expr >>= eval_expr (tactic unit),
return $ tac
| binder_info.default e := return $ constructor_arg.default n
| _ _ := return constructor_arg.implicit
meta def dispatch (ens : list name) : constructor_arg → tactic (name × pexpr)
| (default n) :=
if n ∈ ens then do r ← resolve_name n, return (n, r)
else failed
| _ := failed
end constructor_arg
meta def parse_constructor_args : expr → tactic (list constructor_arg)
| (expr.pi n bi t b) :=
do m ← mk_meta_var t,
h ← constructor_arg.classify n bi t,
list.cons h <$> parse_constructor_args (b.instantiate_var m)
| _ := return []
end tactic
namespace environment
meta def get_constructor_type (e : environment) (n : name) : tactic expr :=
do r ← e.get n,
match r with
| declaration.cnst _ _ t _ := pure t
| _ := "not a constructor"
end environment
namespace tactic
meta def instantiate_with_minimal (n : name) : tactic unit :=
do l ← find_explicit_structure_args n,
let placeholders := $ λ _, pexpr.mk_placeholder,
let s : structure_instance_info := {
struct := n,
field_names := l,
field_values := placeholders,
tactic.refine $ pexpr.mk_structure_instance s
meta def structure_helper : tactic unit :=
do t ← target,
env ← get_env,
match t with
| (expr.const sn _) e :=
match env.structure_fields sn with
| some l :=
do args ← lock_tactic_state $ do {
ty ← env.get_constructor_type (sn ++ `mk),
args ← parse_constructor_args ty,
ens ← find_explicit_structure_args sn,
args.mfilter_map $ constructor_arg.dispatch ens
let s : structure_instance_info := {
struct := sn,
field_names := prod.fst,
field_values := prod.snd,
to_expr (pexpr.mk_structure_instance s) >>= exact
| none := fail "goal not a structure"
| _ := fail "unsupported goal"
run_cmd add_interactive [`structure_helper]
end tactic
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