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Created December 1, 2020 03:34
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Code from a live-coded performance at GitHub Universe Dec 2020 with @samarthgulati
-- $ dubd
-- $ stb 0.3 (chunk 8 (fast 2))
-- $ slow 8 $ chop 16
-- $ smash 8 [2,8,7,2]
-- $ fast 2
$ s "pads" # n 3 # l 1 -- Peace is the mission
-- $ s "pads" # n 20 # l 1 -- Intense pads
-- $ s "pads" # n 21 # l 1 -- Elevate
-- $ basspad # l 1
-- # o 5
-- # lpf (range 300 500 $ slow 8.7 $ sine)
-- # up "<0 0 7 3 12>/3" -- Elevate prog
-- # up "<0 7>/4"
-- # lpq "[0.3 0.5]*7"
-- |+ o "[1,0]"
-- # hpf 1000 # g 1.7
d2m' 64
-- $ dubd
-- $ oftflip
-- $ binstruct 146
-- $ binstruct "<149 152 1>" -- Stutter hall
-- $ binstruct "144 <144 144 144 152>" -- Dance hall filled
-- $ binstruct "<146 144>" -- Dance hall
$ s "dudak:2" # hpf 20 -- Banger kick
-- $ s "dudak:6" # hpf 60 # g 1 -- Click kick
-- $ binstruct "<125 125 130> 123"
-- $ s "dudak" # n "[200]" -- Thwack kick
-- # silence
d6--' 8
-- $ binstruct "<169 146 146 128> <146 150>"
-- $ binstruct "<146 146> <146 150>"
-- $ binstruct "<169> <146 150 144>"
-- $ binstruct "173 <173 173 174>" -- Stutter roller
-- $ binstruct "169 <170 171 172 174>" -- Roller filled
-- $ binstruct "169 <169 170>" -- Roller line
-- $ oftflip
-- $ fa 8
$ deepbass |- up 2
-- $ grrbass # grain' "0:0.25" |- up 1
-- # lpf 4000 # lpq 0.2
-- # lpf (slow 3.4 $ lowsweep) # hpf 80 # lpq 0.3
-- # shape 0.35
-- # up "<0 3 0>"
-- $ stb 0.3 (|* speed (-1))
-- $ binstruct "144 [144|130|158]" -- Vaccum line
-- $ binstruct "200 <200 200 200 64>"
$ s "junglibass" # n 13 # hpf 500
# grain' "0.08:0.24"
-- # up "[<0 0 0 3>]"
-- # shape 0.45
-- # silence
d7m' 4 $ s "subs*<2 2 <4 4 4 4 8> 2>" # l 1 # lpf 200 # n 4 # crush (shift $ irand 5)
# hpf 60 # up (-3) # g 1
d3m' 16
-- $ every 3 (chunk 8 (fast "6 3"))
-- $ oftflip
$ fa 16
$ stack [
, s "808:1"
-- , s "~ 808:4" # nudge 0.25 # bpf 1200
-- , s "bthat" # n 28 # l 0.2
d3 $ degradeBy 0.9
$ every 12 (fast "1 1 0.5 1") $ crippery
$ stack [
-- ,
-- stb 0.4 (within (0.5, 1) ((# grain (tn' "4*<4 8 [16 8]>") tn)) . (#up (choose [7, 0, 12]))) $
-- struct "t*16" $ grain (scramble 12 $ tnr' 16) (tn * 0.9) # hpf 100
-- , grain (tn' "[2 8]*4") tn # hpf 6000
-- rater $
every 15 (linger 0.125) $ scramble 8 $
slice 16 (r 8) $ g 1
] # s "breaks" # g 1 # o 5
-- # n 50
-- # n 70 -- Jungle music
# 71 -- Amen
# hpf 500 # lpf 8000
-- $ dubd
-- $ bo
-- $ microd
-- $ stb 0.3 (chunk 3 (fast 2))
-- $ sometimes (chunk 8 (# silence))$ binstruct "44 22"
-- $ sometimes (chunk 8 (# silence))
-- $ binstruct "144 144"
-- $ chunk 3 (fast 2) $ sl 2 $ rhumba23
-- $ s "jstrim:2" # up "7" -- High snr
$ s "~ jstrim" # n "[2,4]" # up "4" # g 0.9 --
-- $ chunk 6 (fast 4)
-- $ stbdub 0.3
$ fa 1
$ s "~ jstrim" # n 6
-- >| n "~ 5 ~ 5" # g 0.9
d7--' 7
$ dubd
$ oftflip
$ s "~ btdubsnr" # n 11 # l 1-- # hpf 800 # lpf 6000
-- /////// Voices
d8m $ crippery
$ chancervb $ chunk 8 (fast 4) $ s "alphaspeak*4" # n (irand 26) # l 0.5
# o "[5]" # b 0.2 # pan (rand)
-- # lpf (slow 4 $ midsweep)
d8 $ silence
--- Sample loading
load "bt"
load "scw"
load "voxs"
load "breaks"
load "synths"
load "maschine"
load "smalldirt"
tosc "/noside"
tosc "/sidechained"
-- Custom functions
let odd a = (((r a) + 1) * 2) - 1 -- run of odd numbers
even a = ((r a) + 1) * 2 -- run of even numbers
oddi a = rev (odd a) -- odd inverted
eveni a = rev (even a) -- even inverted
qn = (1/4)
en = (1/8)
qv = (1/8)
sn = (1/16)
sqv = (1/16) -- Semi quaver
tn = (1/32)
dsqv = (1/32) -- Demi Semi quaver
hdsqv = (1/64) -- Hemi Demi Semi quaver
rsin i o = rg' i o sin -- ranged' sine
rcos i o = rg' i o cos -- ranged' cosine
rtri i o = rg' i o tri -- ranged' triangle
rsaw i o = rg' i o saw -- ranged' saw
risaw i o = rg' i o isaw -- ranged' inverted saw
rsq i o = rg' i o sq -- ranged' square
grain' = grp [mF "begin", mF "end"]
grain s w = begin s # end (s + w)
grain8 s w = begin (en' s) # end ((en' s) + w)
grain16 s w = begin (sn' s) # end ((sn' s) + w)
offed = struct "[~ t]*2"
offed' f p = fast f $ struct "[~ t]" $ p
footwork1 = struct "t(3,8,2)"
footwork2 = struct "t(5,8)"
footwork3 = struct "t(<3 5>,8,2)"
footwork4 = struct "t(3,8,<0 7>)"
footwork = struct "[t ~ ~ t ~ ~ t ~]"
footwork' f p = fast f $ struct "[t ~ ~ t ~ ~ t ~]" $ p
altfoot = struct (cat ["[t ~ ~ t ~ ~ t ~]", "[~ t ~ ~ t ~ ~ t]", "[~ ~ t ~ ~ t ~ ~]"])
dancehall = struct "[1 ~ ~ 1] ~"
dancehall' f p = fast f $ struct "[1 ~ ~ 1] ~" $ p
dancehall1 = struct "[1 ~ ~ 1] ~"
dancehall2 = struct "[1 <~ 1> ~ 1] ~"
dancehall3 = struct "[1 <~ 1 ~> <~ 1> 1] ~"
dancehall4 = struct "[t ~ ~ t] [~ <~ ~ ~ t>]"
stb a p = sometimesBy a p
binstruct p = struct (binary p)
binstruct' s a p = struct (binaryN s a) $ p
chancervb p = (# room (scramble 8 "0!7 0.9")) . (# size (wchoose[(1,0.1), (0.5, 0.25), (0, 0.5)])) $ p
ob = trunc (slow 4 $ "<0.25 0.5 0.75 1>")
ob' d = trunc (slow d $ "<0.25 0.5 0.75 1>")
dubd p = sometimes (stut (choose[4, 8]) 0.0125 (1/8)) $ p
dubd' d p = sometimes (stut (choose[4, 8]) d (1/8)) $ p
dubd'' d t p = sometimes (stut (choose[4, 8]) d t) $ p
stbdub d p = sometimesBy d (stut (choose[4, 8]) en en) $ p
stbdub' d t p = sometimesBy d (stut (choose[4, 8]) en t) $ p
stbdub'' d t f p = sometimesBy d (stut (choose[4, 8]) f t) $ p
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