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Forked from jarmitage/init-1.0.0.hs
Last active August 30, 2020 17:10
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tidal goodies ported to 1.0.x
module Init where
-- import Sound.Tidal.SpectralTricks
-- import qualified Sound.Tidal.Scales as Scales
-- import qualified Sound.Tidal.Chords as Chords
import Sound.Tidal.Utils
import Sound.Tidal.Params
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Applicative
:def hoogle (\x -> return $ ":!/Users/jarm/Library/Haskell/bin/hoogle --info "++x)
-- FX groups
adsr = grp [mF "attack", mF "decay", mF "sustain", mF "release"]
del = grp [mF "delay", mF "delaytime", mF "delayfeedback"]
scc = grp [mF "shape", mF "coarse", mF "crush"]
lpf = grp [mF "cutoff", mF "resonance"]
bpf = grp [mF "bandf", mF "bandq"]
hpf = grp [mF "hcutoff", mF "hresonance"]
spa = grp [mF "speed", mF "accelerate"]
rvb = grp [mF "room", mF "size"]
gco = grp [mF "gain", mF "cut", mF "orbit"]
go = grp [mF "gain", mF "orbit"]
io = grp [mF "begin", mF "end"]
eq = grp [mF "cutoff", mF "resonance", mF "bandf", mF "bandq", mF "hcutoff", mF "hresonance"]
tremolo = grp [mF "tremolorate", mF "tremolodepth"]
phaser = grp [mF "phaserrate", mF "phaserdepth"]
-- TODO: add SpectralTricks / SC FX groups
-- FX groups' function version
adsr' a d s r = attack a # decay d # sustain s # release r
del' l t f = delay l # delaytime t # delayfeedback f
scc' s c c' = shape s # coarse c # crush c'
lpf' c r = cutoff c # resonance r
bpf' f q = bandf f # bandq q
hpf' c r = hcutoff c # hresonance r
spa' s a = speed s # accelerate a
gco' g c o = gain g # cut c # orbit o
go' g o = gain g # orbit o
rvb' r s = room r # size s
io' i o = begin i # end o
eq h b l q = cutoff l # resonance q # bandf b # bandq q # hcutoff h # hresonance q
tremolo' r d = tremolorate r # tremolodepth d
phaser' r d = phaserrate r # phaserdepth d
-- sequence generators
r = run
ri a = rev (r a) -- run inverted
-- rd a = (0 - (r a)) -- run down e.g. (10 - (r 10))
c = choose
cs i a = (segment i $ choose a)
odd a = (((r a) + 1) * 2) - 1 -- run of odd numbers
even a = ((r a) + 1) * 2 -- run of even numbers
-- codd a = c (patToList (odd a)) -- choose odd
-- ceven a = c (patToList (even a)) -- choose even
oddi a = rev (odd a) -- odd inverted
eveni a = rev (even a) -- even inverted
-- coddi a = rev (codd a) -- choose odd inverted
-- ceveni a = rev (ceven a) -- choose even inverted
-- TODO: primes ..?
-- transitions
j p n = jumpIn' n
j2 p = jumpIn' p 2
j4 p = jumpIn' p 4
j8 p = jumpIn' p 8
j16 p = jumpIn' p 16
xf p n = xfadeIn p n
xf2 p = xfadeIn p 2
xf4 p = xfadeIn p 4
xf8 p = xfadeIn p 8
xf16 p = xfadeIn p 16
cl p n = clutchIn p n
cl2 p = clutchIn p 2
cl4 p = clutchIn p 4
cl8 p = clutchIn p 8
cl16 p = clutchIn p 16
-- swash = superwash
-- continous function shorthands
sin = sine
cos = cosine
sq = square
pulse w = sig $ \t -> if ((snd $ properFraction t) >= w) then 1.0 else 0.0
pulse' w = liftA2 (\a b -> if (a>=b) then 1.0 else 0.0) saw w
pw = pulse
pw' = pulse'
-- range shorthands
range' from to p = (p*to - p*from) + from
rg' = range'
rg = range -- old: scale
rgx = rangex -- old: scalex
-- continuous at freq
sinf f = fast f $ sin -- sine at freq
cosf f = fast f $ cos -- cosine at freq
trif f = fast f $ tri -- triangle at freq
sawf f = fast f $ saw -- saw at freq
sqf f = fast f $ sq -- square at freq
pwf w f = fast f $ pw w -- pulse at freq
pwf' w f = fast f $ pw' w -- pulse' at freq
randf f = fast f $ rand -- rand at freq
-- ranged continuous
rsin i o = rg' i o sin -- ranged' sine
rcos i o = rg' i o cos -- ranged' cosine
rtri i o = rg' i o tri -- ranged' triangle
rsaw i o = rg' i o saw -- ranged' saw
rsq i o = rg' i o sq -- ranged' square
-- rpw i o w = rg i o pw w -- ranged' pulse
-- rpw' i o w = rg' i o pw' w -- ranged' pulse'
rrand i o = rg' i o rand -- ranged' rand
rxsin i o = rgx i o sin -- ranged' exponential sine
rxcos i o = rgx i o cos -- ranged' exponential cosine
rxtri i o = rgx i o tri -- ranged' exponential triangle
rxsaw i o = rgx i o saw -- ranged' exponential saw
rxsq i o = rgx i o sq -- ranged' exponential sqaure
rxpw i o w = rgx i o pw w -- ranged' exponential pulse
rxpw' i o w = rgx i o pw' w -- ranged' exponential pulse'
rxrand i o = rgx i o rand -- ranged' exponential rand
-- ranged continuous at freq
rsinf i o f = fast f $ rsin i o -- ranged' sine at freq
rcosf i o f = fast f $ rcos i o -- ranged' cosine at freq
rtrif i o f = fast f $ rtri i o -- ranged' triangle at freq
rsawf i o f = fast f $ rsaw i o -- ranged' saw at freq
rsqf i o f = fast f $ rsq i o -- ranged' square at freq
-- rpwf i o w f = fast f $ rpw i o w -- ranged' pulse at freq
rrandf i o f = fast f $ rrand i o -- ranged' rand at freq
rxsinf i o f = fast f $ rxsin i o -- ranged' exponential sine at freq
rxcosf i o f = fast f $ rxcos i o -- ranged' exponential cosine at freq
rxtrif i o f = fast f $ rxtri i o -- ranged' exponential triangle at freq
rxsawf i o f = fast f $ rxsaw i o -- ranged' exponential saw at freq
rxsqf i o f = fast f $ rxsq i o -- ranged' exponential square at freq
rxpwf i o w f = fast f $ rxpw i o w -- ranged' exponential pulse at freq
rxpwf' i o w f = fast f $ rxpw' i o w -- ranged' exponential pulse' at freq
rxrandf i o f = fast f $ rxrand i o -- ranged' exponential random at freq
-- random shit
screw l c p = loopAt l $ chop c $ p
mute p = (const $ sound "~") p
toggle t f p = if (1 == t) then f $ p else id $ p
tog = toggle
t = tog
-- p2l = patToList
-- l2p = listToPat
-- sound bank protoype
-- bank p = with s_p (liftA2 (++) (p::Pattern String))
-- b = bank
-- extreme mode
str = striate
-- strL = striateL
str' = striate'
-- strL' = striateL'
fE = foldEvery
ev = every
oa = offadd
sp = speed
ac = accelerate
sl = slow
fa = fast
m = mute
i = id
g = gain
o = orbit
u = up
(>) = (#)
deg = degrade
degBy = degradeBy
-- disc = discretise
seg = segment
-- limit values in a Pattern to n equally spaced divisions of 1.
-- quantise' :: (Functor f, RealFrac b) => b -> f b -> f b
quantise' n = fmap ((/n) . (fromIntegral :: RealFrac b => Int -> b) . round . (*n))
-- continuous to x / x' (struct version)
c2f t p = seg t $ p -- continuous to floats
c2f' t p = struct t $ p -- continuous to floats using struct
c2n t p = quantise' 1 $ c2f t p -- continuous to "notes" (rounded floats)
c2n' t p = quantise' 1 $ c2f' t p -- continuous to "notes" (rounded floats) using struct
-- c2m s t p = scale s $ c2n t p -- continuous to "harmonic notes"
-- c2m' s t p = scale s $ c2n' t p -- continuous to "harmonic notes" using struct
-- harmony
chordTable = Chords.chordTable
scaleList = Scales.scaleList
majork = ["major", "minor", "minor", "major", "major", "minor", "dim7"]
minork = ["minor", "minor", "major", "minor", "major", "major", "major"]
doriank = ["minor", "minor", "major", "major", "minor", "dim7", "major"]
phrygiank = ["minor", "major", "major", "minor", "dim7", "major", "minor"]
lydiank = ["major", "major", "minor", "dim7", "major", "minor", "minor"]
mixolydiank = ["major", "minor", "dim7", "major", "minor", "minor", "major"]
locriank = ["dim7", "major", "minor", "minor", "major", "major", "minor"]
keyTable = [("major", majork),("minor", minork),("dorian", doriank),("phrygian", phrygiank),("lydian", lydiank),("mixolydian", mixolydiank),("locrian", locriank),("ionian", majork),("aeolian", minork)]
keyL p = (\name -> fromMaybe [] $ lookup name keyTable) <$> p
-- | @chord p@ turns a pattern of chord names into a pattern of
-- numbers, representing note value offsets for the chords
-- chord :: Num a => Pattern String -> Pattern a
chord p = flatpat $ Chords.chordL p
harmonise ch p = scale ch p + chord (flip (!!!) <$> p <*> keyL ch)
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