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Created August 2, 2013 17:05
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A custom script to build local hoogle databases
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Std;
use Cwd;
use File::Spec;
use File::HomeDir;
use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path);
my %opts;
my $cabal_dev = "";
my $ghc_pkg;
my @packages;
getopts("d", \%opts);
if (exists($opts{d}))
$cabal_dev = "cabal-dev";
$ghc_pkg = "$cabal_dev ghc-pkg";
@packages = split " ", `$ghc_pkg list --simple-output --names-only`;
my %htmlroots;
for (@packages)
my ($version, $haddock_html) = split "\n", `$ghc_pkg field $_ version,haddock-html`;
my $hpos = index($haddock_html, ': ');
$version = substr($version, index($version, ': ')+2);
if ($hpos >= 0)
my $html = substr($haddock_html, $hpos+2);
my @path = File::Spec->splitdir($html);
my $last = pop @path;
if (!$last) # remove empty path component
$last = pop @path;
if ($last eq 'html')
$last = pop @path;
# when checking --local directories, hoogle recognizes only package-version names
if ($last eq "$_-$version")
$htmlroots{File::Spec->catdir(@path)} = "";
# non-standard name, need an alias for it
push @path, $last;
$htmlroots{File::Spec->catdir(@path)} = "$_-$version";
print STDERR "No HTML documentation found for $_-$version\n";
my $HOOGLEDIR = '.hoogle';
my $hbase = File::Spec->catdir(File::HomeDir->my_home(), $HOOGLEDIR);
my $dbdir = File::Spec->catdir($hbase, 'db'); # store intermediate databases in user home
# directory to store combined database and links to documents in locations not expected by hoogle
my $hlocal = $hbase;
if ($cabal_dev)
$hlocal = File::Spec->catdir(getcwd(), $HOOGLEDIR);
my $doclinks = File::Spec->catdir($hlocal, 'doclinks');
remove_tree($doclinks, {error => \my $err});
my @docdirs = ($doclinks);
for (keys %htmlroots)
my $pkg = $htmlroots{$_};
if ($pkg)
# create links for non-standard locations
symlink $_, File::Spec->catdir("$doclinks", $pkg);
# TODO use something on Windows
push @docdirs, $_;
map {unlink;} glob(File::Spec->catfile($dbdir, '*.{hoo,txt}'));
my $locals = '--local=' . join(' --local=', @docdirs);
my $allpackages = join ' ', @packages;
system("hoogle data --datadir=$dbdir $locals $allpackages");
my $databases = join(' ', glob(File::Spec->catfile($dbdir, '*.hoo')));
my $defaultdb = File::Spec->catfile($hlocal, 'default.hoo');
system("hoogle combine --outfile=$defaultdb $databases");
# ?add keyword,platform,packages?
# vim: set ts=8 sts=2 sw=2:
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